Quantum StorNext Management Suite User Manual

Release Notes
StorNext Management Suite 2.4.1
SNMS Server Operating Systems:
SGI IRIX 6.5.19f, 22f and 6.5.19m, 22m and 23m Solaris 8 and 9 SPARC (64-bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0 (32-bit) Update 2
SNMS Client and StorNext FS Server Client Operating Systems:
SGI IRIX 6.5.19f, 22f and 6.5.19m, 22m and 23m Solaris 8 and 9 SPARC (64-bit) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server (32- and 64-bit) Update 2 SuSE Linux 8.1 (Enterprise Edition) IBM AIX 5.2 (64-bit) Windows (2000, NT, Server 2003, and XP) Interoperability with Apple Xsan 7N125 or greater
Date: September 2004
© September 2004, ADIC
DIC and StorNext are registered trademarks of Advanced Digital Information Corporation. All other product, company, or service names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
6-00431-11 Rev A


Page Topic
2 Purpose of this Release
3 Special Configuration Requirements
Using StorNext with Xsan
6 System Requirements
7 Operating System Level Requirements
9 Upgrade Instructions
14 Known Issues
17 Resolved Issues
20 Limitations
23 Documentation
Certified System Components
• StorNext Management Suite (SNMS) is composed of the StorNext Storage Manager (StorNext SM) and the StorNext File System (StorNext FS). The StorNext FS component can also operate as a stand-alone product. To obtain details on supported application platforms, contact your ADIC representative.
• For Release 2.4.1, the SNMS Server Operating System and the StorNext FS Server Operating System must always be run in US_English.

Purpose of this Release

This release contains information that should be used by client sites to utilize the latest releases of SNMS
2.4.1 and StorNext FS.
New features and functionality for SNMS 2.4.1 include:
Support for the following platforms:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0
SGI IRIX 6.5.22f, 6.5.22m, and 6.5.23m
Windows Server 2003
100% interoperability with Apple Xsan 7N125 or greater
Supports up to 30M managed files per managed file system
Restore audits work with affinities
Store policies can now run while rebuilds are in progress
Notification e-mail names can be longer than 17 characters
LUN assignment scripting
Dual-aisle configuration with Scalar
SNMS failover for STK ACSLS libraries, including ACSLS 7.0 support
Performance enhancements for the fsmedcopy and fsclean commands
2 September 2004, ADIC
Support for HP MSL tape library
Support for HP EVA 3000 Disk Array with HP SecurePath failover
Support for HP MSA 1000 Disk Array with HP SecurePath failover
Support for EMC Clariion CX Series failover for dual-controller configuration
Support for STK 9840C tape drive

Special Configuration Requirements

The following libraries require special configurations to run SNMS or StorNext FS.
StorNext 2.4.1 does not support the following configurations:
File system metadata on the same network as iSCSI data.
File system metadata on the same network as NFS or CIFS data.

DAS and Scalar DLC Network-Attached Libraries

Prior to launching the StorNext Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW), DAS and Scalar DLC network-attached libraries must have the DAS client already installed on the appropriate host control computer.

DAS Attached Libraries

For AML/2 and AML/J DAS attached libraries, refer to the DAS Installation and Administration Guide, "Installation and Configuration", "DAS Configuration File Description". The client name is either the default SNMS server host name or the name selected by the administrator.

Scalar DLC Attached Libraries

For Scalar 10K and Scalar 1000 DLC attached libraries, refer to the Scalar Distributed Library Controller Reference Manual (part number 6-00658-02), "Installation and Configuration", "Client Component
Installation". The DAS client should be installed during the installation of the Scalar DLC attached libraries. Use this procedure to install the DAS client.
1 Select Clients > Create DAS Client.
The client name is either the default SNMS server host name or the name selected by the administrator.
2 When the DAS client is configured in Scalar DLC, select Aliasing.
3 Select sony_ait as the Media aliasing.
The default value is 8mm.
4 Verify that Element Type has AIT drive selected.
5 Click Change to execute the changes.

ACSLS Attached Libraries

Due to limitations in the STK ACSLS interface, SNMS only supports single ACSLS configurations. SNMS support requires that the ACSLS client be installed on the appropriate host machine.
September 2004, ADIC 3

Using StorNext with Xsan

StorNext is interoperable with the Apple Xsan application. If you are testing a heterogeneous mix of Apple Xsan and ADIC StorNext clients, the Xsan build must be 7N125 or greater. For information on supported hardware environments when running Xsan, refer to the Apple Xsan documentation. To attach an Xsan client to a StorNext FS server, perform these special configuration steps on the Xsan client.
1 Install the Xsan application.
The machine reboots.
2 Open a terminal window. To become root, type:
sudo -s
3 Create the role.plist file in the /Library/Filesystems/Xsan/config/ directory. The
role.plist file must include these contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http:// www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict>
<key>license</key> <string><Xsan_License_String></string>
For Example:
<string>CLIENT</string> </dict> </plist>
4 Stop the Xsan application. Type:
HOST=`hostname -s` /sbin/SystemStarter stop acfs
5 Create the fsnameservers file in the /Library/Filesystems/Xsan/config/ directory. The
fsnameservers file must include the IP address of the StorNext FS server.
6 Verify the system has started. Type:
If the system has not started, repeat Step 3
7 Start the Xsan application. Type:
touch /tmp/start_acfs /sbin/SystemStarter start acfs
8 Make the /Volumes/<fsname> directory, where <fsname> is the name of the file system. Type:
mkdir -p /Volumes/<fsname>
9 Mount the StorNext FS file system to the mount point defined in Step 8
of the file system. Type:
, where <fsname> is the name
mount -t acfs <fsname> /Volumes/<fsname>
4 September 2004, ADIC

Certified System Components

This table lists certified system components that support SNMS 2.4.1.
Component Description
Browsers Netscape 4.7x, 4.8x, 7.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and later
HBA Emulex LP8000, LP850, LP9000, LP90002
QLogic: QLA2200, QLA2310, QLA2340, QLA2342
FC Router ADIC FCR 250, SNC 3000, SNC 5100
FC Switch Brocade 2x00 and Brocade 3x00
McData Cisco MDS 9000
Libraries ADIC Scalar 100, 1000, 10K, i2000, S24
AMU v3.10E2 AML/2, E, J ACSLS version 6.0.1, version 6.1 with patch PUT0203, or version 7.0. To obtain the patch for version 6.1, contact your STK sales representative. Dell PV-136T with v.3.11 or higher firmware. Only IBM LTO-2 drives are supported. HP MSL6000 (only supported with the HP LTO-2 tape drives) IBM ULT3583-TL with v.5.14 firmware or higher. STK ACSLS: 9310, L5500, L700, L180, 9740 STK SCSI: L700, L180, 9740
Tape Drives HP LTO-2; tested with firmware revision F38W
IBM LTO-1; tested with firmware revision 16E0 IBM LTO-2; tested with firmware revision 31mj IBM 3590B1A; tested with firmware revision A5UF IBM 3590E1A; tested with firmware revision E32E Sony AIT-2 and Sony AIT-2 Worm; tested with firmware revision 0401 Sony AIT-3; tested with firmware revision 0102 Sony AIT-3; Worm; tested with firmware revision 0201 STK 9840; tested with firmware revision 130.0 STK 9840B; tested with firmware revision 1.33.309 STK 9840C; tested with firmware revision 1.34.553 STK 9940A; tested with firmware revision 1.30 STK 9940B; tested with firmware revision R1.32.427f
NFS Version 3
Addressable Power Switch
NOTE: The RPS-10m (master) is supported.
The RPS-10s (slave) is not supported.
September 2004, ADIC 5

System Requirements

To successfully install SNMS 2.4.1, the requirements listed in the following tables must be met.

StorNext FS Requirements

For each StorNext FS mount, these requirements must be met.
System/Component Requirement
AIX StorNext FS clients: A minimum of 128 MB of RAM is required.
IRIX StorNext FS clients: A minimum of 128 MB of RAM is required.
Solaris StorNext FS clients: A minimum of 128 MB of RAM is required.
Linux StorNext FS clients: A minimum of 128 MB of RAM is required.
Intel Pentium 2, 3, or 4 processor
Windows 2000 Windows NT Windows Server 2003 Windows XP
Network LAN using TCP/IP (all clients and servers must be interconnected)
SAN StorNext FS clients: An FC-HBA or equivalent SAN communication
Server Memory For the first 2 file systems, a minimum of 512 MB of RAM. For each
Server Hard Disk StorNext FS requires 350 MB of hard disk space for binaries,
Client Hard Disk StorNext FS requires 200 MB of hard disk space for binaries,
StorNext FS clients: A minimum of 256 MB of RAM is required. This requirement can be reduced by using custom cache settings.
Intel Pentium 2, 3, or 4 processor
For the StorNext FS metadata traffic, ADIC requires that a separate, dedicated, switched Ethernet LAN be used.
device where the storage is visible and accessible to multiple SAN clients.
StorNext FS does not support multiple hosts connected through an FC hub device because the resulting propagation of Loop Initialization Protocol resets can cause data corruption.
subsequent file system (up to 8 total), either passive or active, a minimum of 256 MB of RAM.
documentation, configuration, and log files. If internal meta-data is used, approximately 2.5 GB of additional hard disk space is required per 1M files.
documentation, configuration, and log files.
Disk Drives StorNext FS only supports the file system when it is running on FC-3
SCSI drives.
Failover To make sure that data corruption does not occur, an addressable power
switch must be used to forcibly shut down the failed meta-data controller. ADIC has qualified the WTI RPS-10m as an addressable power switch.
6 September 2004, ADIC

StorNext Storage Manager Requirements

System/Component Requirement
Browser settings Reload the StorNext GUI pages. Perform these steps to enable the page
Server Memory A minimum of 512 MB of RAM is required.
Server Hard Disk Depending on file system activity, SNMS binaries, documentation,
Client Hard Disk StorNext FS requires 200 MB of hard disk space for binaries,
StorNext SM only runs on SGI IRIX, Red Hat Linux, and Sun Solaris operating systems.
• In Netscape, click: Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Cache. Select Every Time and click OK.
• In Internet Explorer, click: Tools > Internet Options > General > Settings > General. Under Settings, select Every visit to the page and click OK.
configuration, and log files require up to 30 GB of local hard disk space. An additional 500 MB of hard disk space is required per 1M managed files.
documentation, configuration, and log files.

Operating System Level Requirements

These tables list the required operating system levels required to successfully operate SNMS and StorNext FS 2.4.1.

StorNext Management Suite Requirements

Server Platform Operating System Levels
Solaris Solaris 8, level 108528-09 or later
Solaris 9
IRIX 6.5.19f, 22f and 6.5.19m, 22m and 23m
Red Hat Linux Uniprocessor or Multiprocessor, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced
Server 3.0, Update 2, kernel levels 2.4.21-15.0.x.EL and
To build a loadable kernel module, both the kernel and kernel source RPM packages must be installed. To build and install the StorNext FS modules, install all tools necessary to build a kernel module (including compilers) on all Linux clients and server systems. To install these tools, obtain and install a patch (available from Red Hat).
September 2004, ADIC 7

StorNext FS Requirements

Server Platform Operating System Levels
AIX 5.2 (64-bit)
IRIX 6.5.19, 22f and 6.5.19, 22 and 23m
Solaris Solaris 8 and 9
Red Hat Linux Uniprocessor or Multiprocessor, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced
Server 3.0, Update 2, kernel levels 2.4.21-15.0.x.EL and
To build a loadable kernel module, both the kernel and kernel source RPM packages must be installed. To build and install the StorNext FS modules, install all tools necessary to build a kernel module (including compilers) on all Linux clients and server systems. To install these tools, obtain and install a patch (available from Red Hat).
SuSE Linux For uniprocessor systems, the required kernel (SuSE Linux 8.1 Enterprise
Edition) is K_delft-2.4.19-304.For multiprocessor systems, the required kernel is K_smp-2.4.19-304.
To build a loadable kernel module, both the kernel and kernel source RPM packages must be installed. To build and install the StorNext FS modules, install all tools necessary to build a kernel module (including compilers) on all Linux clients and server systems. To install these tools, install SuSE Service Pack 2a from CD. If the CD version is not available, use this link to download it from the SuSE website; a SuSE account is required:
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Windows NT Service Pack 6a
Windows Server 2003
Windows XP Service Pack 2
8 September 2004, ADIC
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