Quantum DATAMGR 3.6.2 User Manual

Release Notes
Product: DataMgr™ Version 3.6.2 Operating Systems: AIX 4.3, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, and 5.1
IRIX Solaris 8 and 9 (32-bit and 64-bit) (SPARC only) HPUX 11.00 (32-bit and 64-bit) HPUX 11i (11.11) (32-bit and 64-bit) (PA-RISC only)
Date: September 2002
NOTE: The operating system must always be run in US_English. NOTE: DataMgr supports the maintenance (M) version of IRIX 6.5.x as opposed to the feature
(F) version.


Page Topic Page Topic
6.2, 6.5.3m - 6.5.9m, 6.5.15m, 6.5.16m
1 Purpose of T his Release 1 New Features 9 Requirements 3 Fixed Problems 10 DataMgr GUIs 4 Known Problems 11 Contents of Version 3.5.1 5 Documentation 12 Contents of Version 3.6 6 Product Compatibility 15 Previous DataMgr Releases 7 Upgrade Issues
8 Operating Issues

Purpose of This Release

This release contains corrections to problems encountered in previous versions and new features. The books for DataMgr 3.5 have not changed substantially for 3.6.2, only these release notes show any
changes. If documentation for DataMgr 3.6.2 is ordered, books labeled DataMgr 3.5. will be supplied.

New Features

This release contains the following new features:
• Support for Solaris 9
• Support for AIX 5.1
• Support for IRIX 6.5.15M and 6.5.16M
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Other Operating System Information

Support for the following operating system versions have been dropped:
• Solaris 7
• AIX 4.2.1
• HPUX 10.20
DataMgr version 3.6.2 will be the last version to support IRIX 6.2.

Debugging Information

Debugging for DataMgr 3.6.2 has changed. If the problem is reproducible, additional logging information can be collected by stopping DataMgr and
updating the system logging parameters. To do this, edit the
SL_TAC_MASK and update the variable setting to YYYYYYYYY. Restart DataMgr and recreate the sequence of
events that lead up to the problem. By turning on all log levels of the SL_TAC_MASK full trace logging for DataMgr is enables. All messages
will be stored in the DataMgr system log file. This information often aids the support organization in determining the exact nature of the problem. After the data is collected, reset the SL_TAC_MASK setting to the previous value and cycle DataMgr.
/ect/dm/log/log_parms file. Find the
The logging hierarchy has also changed in DataMgr 3.6.2.
(not used)
(cmd history)
SSD log
The environment variables have changed:
(not used)
(system log)
(not used)
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Fixed Problems

The following table lists fixed problems:
Solaris 5.8 Sparc (Solaris 8)
HPUX 11.0 HPUX 11.0 All
All All
IRIX 6.5.3 AIX 4.3.3
12944 09517 installing, dmfsinit fails, "error: expected primitive 0x00, got primitive 0x06" 09812 Error: No more files can be selected to reach PWM. 10061 The /dmdebug does not work in the DataMgr releases that contain the
111 94 Acrobat Reader is no longer included on the CDROM's.
11792 "CANT_BFID_LOG" is using the wrong text string in the description which is
12489 De-migration times out during amassbackup. 12794 Managed filesystem with long name leads to a storm of db_status = -35 “file or
xdmfs: Edit Migration Policy GUI does not accept keyboard input.
“emasslogs” logging style. The “emasslogs_parms” file needs to be edited and “ETAC_LOG” needs to become “YYYYYYYYYY.” Refer to “Debugging Information” on page 2 for more information.
causing dmls and dmfileck to core dump when the BFID can't be found in the database.
path name too long” messages.
NOTE: Maximum allowed migrating file system path name
length is 22 characters.
Problems Fixed in Version 3.6.2
Solaris 5.8 Sparc (Solaris 8)
HPUX 11i HPUX 11i
HPUX 11i
13094 Received errors from dmfileck: “Cannot get file attributes: Value too large for
defined data type”. 13318 Only support HPUX 11i on PA-RISC, but not Intel Itanium 13434 Unmount of a migrating file system can cause an out of sync dmfg database.
Run “dmfsaudit-a” to corrext the problem. 13673 File table overflow error on HPUX 11i.
Increase the nfile by increasing the “maxusers“ kernel parameter. This can
be done by using the System Administration Manager (SAM). Kernel
Configuration > Configural parameters > click on maxusers and
increase it to 64. Close the window and reboot.
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Known Problems

The following table lists unresolved problems:
All 04229 The dmfsaudit utility unnecess ar i ly traver se s the locklist directory. All 04320 The
All 04323 The All 04387 The
Solaris IRIX
All 04640 All 04791 After installing DataMgr, the following inappropriate messages appear:
dmdu command does not report the virtual file size of migrated files, only a
physical size.
killdmfs script does not run if only the DataMgr driver is loaded. dmls -l client command returns incorrect information for vblocks and
04577 If you disable DataMgr at bootup (dm_atboot -d) and then shutdown the
05769 06096
system thus does not gracefully shut down.
The dmout -p
“dmfscntl: Cannot check driver state.”
“Linker features...not supported in future releases.”
Because directories are being incorrectly placed in the candidates list, the
dmfsscan utility panicked the system. This panic is being prevented by CR
(shutdown -g), DataMgr exits before running the killdmfs script
Known Problems in Version 3 .6.2
command returns a successful status, even if the process fails.
IRIX 6.5 Using NFS3
IRIX 6.5 Solaris 9
HPUX 11i
Product Alert #DM73
05799 Unable to migrate nfs created files for 10 minutes. 13726 This versi on of DataMg r do es not sup port t he “ send fil e()” s ys tem call , as a res ult
13727 WIth patches PHKL_27266 and PHKL_27554 installed and under heavy load,
NFS Version 3 is not supported on IRIX 6.5 servers running DataMgr.
some user level applications using the call will fail if the input resides in a DataMgr controlled file system. Customers who wish to use the “rcp” utility to copy files from a DataMgr controlled filesystem can use a public domain rcp program, or contact ATAC.
the machine can hang. It is recommended to not install these patches.
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To make corrections or comments on DataMgr publications, contact Technical Publications at: techdocs@adic.com.

Order Printed Books

To order printed books for release 3.6.2, complete this form and send it to your ADIC Sales Representative:
Version 3.5 Book Quantity Version 3.5 Book Quantity
DataMgr Overview, #600920 Client’s Guide to Using DataMgr,
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr, #600922
System Administrator’s Guide to Using DataMgr, #600923
Please print Name: Company: Address:
Telephone: E-mail:
Quick reference card, #600924
Complete Set Contains all 4 books and one quick
reference card.

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