Quadtech 1865 User Manual

1865 Megohmmeter/IR Tester
Instruction Manual
Form 150073/D4
QuadTech, Inc., 1992
Maynard, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 01754
September, 2003
Telephone 978-461-2100 Sales 800-253-1230 Facsimile 978-461-4295
Website www.quadtech.com
The material in this manual is for informational purposes only and is subject to change, without notice. QuadTech assumes no responsibility for any error or for consequential damages that may result from the misinterpretation of any procedures in this publication.
Potentially dangerous voltages may be present on front and rear panel terminals. Follow all
warnings in this manual when operating or servicing this instrument. Dangerous energy levels
may be stored in capacitors tested by this unit. Always make sure the high voltage indicator is
not on when connecting or disconnecting the unknown.
Product will be marked with this symbol (ISO#3684) when it is necessary for the user to
refer to the instruction manual in order to prevent injury or equipment damage.
Product marked with this symbol (IEC417) indicates presence of direct current.
Product will be marked with this symbol (ISO#3684) when voltages in excess of 1000V
are present.
Page 2 of 87
Warranty ............................................................................................................7
Specifications ............................................................................................................9
Accessories ............................................................................................................11
Safety Precautions ...................................................................................................13
Condensed Operating Instructions ........................................................................15
Introduction - Section 1
1.1 Unpacking and Inspection..............................................................................21
1.2 Product Overview ..........................................................................................21
1.3 Controls and Indicators..................................................................................22
1.3.1 Front Panel Controls and Indicators ..................................................22
1.3.2 Rear Panel Controls and Connectors ................................................24
1.4 Installation......................................................................................................25
1.4.1 Dimensions ........................................................................................25
1.4.2 Instrument Positioning.......................................................................25
1.4.3 Power Requirements..........................................................................25
1.4.4 Safety Inspection................................................................................27
Operation - Section 2
2.1 Terms and Conventions .................................................................................29
2.2 Startup ............................................................................................................29
2.3 Zeroing...........................................................................................................30
2.4 Connection to Device Under Test..................................................................30
2.5 Measurement Procedure.................................................................................32
2.5.1 General...............................................................................................32
2.5.2 Default Measurement Conditions......................................................33
2.5.3 Automatic Measurement Mode..........................................................34
2.5.4 Manual Measurement Mode ..............................................................36
2.6 Menu Functions .............................................................................................36
2.6.1 General...............................................................................................36
2.6.2 Setup Menu........................................................................................37 Voltage..................................................................................37 Charge Time..........................................................................38 Dwell Time ...........................................................................38 Measure Time .......................................................................38 Discharge Time.....................................................................39 Mode.....................................................................................39 Range ....................................................................................40 Limit......................................................................................43 Stop on Pass..........................................................................44 # to Average........................................................................44
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Contents (Continued)
Operation - Section 2 (Continued)
2.6.3 I/O Menu............................................................................................45 Display Type.........................................................................45 Result Format........................................................................46 RS-232 ..................................................................................47 IEEE-488...............................................................................48 Handler..................................................................................48 Results to Floppy ..................................................................48
2.6.4 Utilities Menu ....................................................................................50 Save Setup.............................................................................51 Recall Setup..........................................................................53 Zero.......................................................................................54 Lock Out ...............................................................................55 Calibration.............................................................................55 Set Time/Date .......................................................................56 Elapsed Time ........................................................................57 Calibration Date....................................................................57 Set Contrast...........................................................................58 LCD Backlite......................................................................58
2.7 Input/Output Interface....................................................................................58
2.7.1 I/O Interface.......................................................................................58
2.7.2 IEEE-488 Interface.............................................................................60
2.7.3 Sample Program for National Instruments GPIB Card......................65
2.7.4 Sample Program for IO Tech GPIB Card ..........................................66
2.7.5 RS232 Interface..................................................................................67
2.7.6 Sample Program for RS232...............................................................68
2.7.7 Results to Printer................................................................................69
2.8 Error Messages...............................................................................................70
Applications - Section 3
3.1 Insulation Resistance Testing.........................................................................73
3.2 Test Sample Resistivity Measurements.........................................................74
3.3 Capacitor Insulation Resistance.....................................................................74
3.3.1 General...............................................................................................74
3.3.2 Charge Time Constant .......................................................................75
3.3.3 Discharge Time..................................................................................76
3.4 Resistance Measurements..............................................................................76
3.5 Measurement of Voltage Coefficient.............................................................76
3.6 Guarded, 3 Terminal Measurements..............................................................77
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Contents (Continued)
Theory Section 4
4.1 General...........................................................................................................79
4.2 Instrument Description...................................................................................79
4.2.1 Basic I2000 Instrument Architecture .................................................79
4.2.2 1865 Instrument Modules..................................................................80
4.2.3 I2000 Instrument Options..................................................................81
Maintenance/Calibration - Section 5
5.1 General...........................................................................................................83
5.2 Instrument Return ..........................................................................................83
5.3 Routine Maintenance.....................................................................................83
5.3.1 Battery Replacement..........................................................................84
5.3.2 Resetting of Time and Date ...............................................................85
5.3.3 Loss of Display Contrast....................................................................85
5.3.4 Preventive Maintenance/Cleaning .....................................................86
5.4 Calibration......................................................................................................86
5.4.1 General...............................................................................................86
5.4.2 Calibration Procedure ........................................................................86
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QuadTech warrants that Products are free from defects in material and workmanship and, when properly used, will perform in accordance with QuadTech's applicable published specifications. If within one (1) year after original shipment it is found not to meet this standard, it will be repaired, or at the option of QuadTech, replaced at no charge when returned to a QuadTech service facility.
Changes in the Product not approved by QuadTech shall void this warranty.
QuadTech shall not be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages, even if notice has been given of the possibility of such damages.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
QuadTech’s service policy is to maintain product repair capability for a period of at least
five (5) years after original shipment and to make this capability available at the then
prevailing schedule of charges.
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Resistance Range: 1 x103 to > 1x1014 (dependent on test voltage)
1x106 - >1x10 1x105 - 1x1013 at 100VDC 1x104 - 1x1012 at 10VDC 1x103 - 1x1011 at 1VDC
(7 ranges or auto ranging) Resistance Accuracy:* ±[0.45% +{(Rx/Vx)(0.0005 FS + 2pA) + 30/Rx}100%]
Rx: Measured resistance in ohms Vx: Programmed voltage in volts FS: Full scale current range in amperes
Voltage Range: 1 to 1000, Volts programmable in two ranges
Voltage Accuracy:* 1 - 100V: 1% of setting +1V
25mV resolution 100 - 1000V: 1% of setting +2V 250mV resolution
Output Voltage Impedance: 1 kΩ ± 5%
Current Limited: < 2mA
Current Measure: 1x10
Current Accuracy:* 1nA to 1mA: ±[0.5% + (0.0005FS + 2pA)] 100pA to 1nA: ±[1% + (0.0005FS + 2pA)] 1pA to 100pA: ±[10% + (0.0005FS + 2pA)]
Input Impedance: 5 k ± 5%
Measure Limits: Pass/Fail (1 limit)
Display: LCD graphic display
Voltage warning indicator Pass/Fail indicator
* specified at front panel connectors
to 1x10
at 1000VDC
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Specifications (Continued)
Test Cycle: Manual: Charge, Measure, Discharge

Automatic: Charge time: 0 -300 sec Dwell time: 0 - 300 sec Measure time: 0 - 300 sec (0 – 999 on later units) Discharge time: 0 - 300 sec

I/O Interface: Standard -RS232 I/O Port (w/safety interlock) Optional -1865-01 - IEEE-488, factory installed at unit purchase 1865-02 - Floppy Drive, 3.5", factory installed only 1865-03 - Rear panel input terminals, factory installed at purchase 1865-70 - IEEE-488, field retrofit
Input Terminals: Four sheathed banana plugs, front or rear mount (optional) + unknown (red) - unknown (black) guard (blue) ground (green)
Dimensions: Bench with tilt back bail (133.4mm high x 444.5mm wide x 406.4mm deep) (5 1/4" x 17 1/2" x 16")
Weight: Approximately 8.2 kg (18 lbs) - Net Approximately 11.8 kg (26 lbs) - Shipping
Environmental: MIL-T-28800D, Type 3, Class 5, Style E & F Operating: 0°C to 50°C, stated accuracy <45% RH Storage: -40°C to 71°C Altitude: <2000m, Installation Category 1, Pollution Degree 1
Power: 90 - 250V 47 - 63Hz 40W max
General: Fully programmable via menu
Stored test conditions and results
Selected measurement units (engineering or scientific)
Accessories Instruction Manual AC Power Cable Supplied: Calibration Certificate 1 M and 100 k Capacitor Adapters
Interlock Connector
Accessories 1865-50 Rack Mount Kit 1865-51 Shielded Lead Set Available: 1865-52 Component Test Fixture
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Accessories Included
Item Quantity QuadTech P/N
U.S. AC Power Cable (3-prong) 1 4200-0300 T2.5A 250V 5X20mm Line Fuse 1 520049 1M Capacitor Adaptor 1 800015 100k Capacitor Adaptor 1 800014 Interlock Connector 1 630019 Instruction Manual 1 150073 Calibration Certificate 1 N/A
Accessories/Options Available
Item Quantity QuadTech P/N
IEEE-488 Interface (factory installed) 1 1865-01
3.5” Floppy Drive Option (factory installed) 1 1865-02 Rear Panel Input Option (factory installed) 1 1865-03 Rack Mount Kit 1 1865-50 Shielded Lead Set 1 1865-51 Component Test Fixture 1 1865-52 IEEE-488 Interface (Field Retro-Fit Option) 1 1865-70
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Safety Precautions
The 1865 Megohmmeter/IR Tester can provide an output voltage as high as 1000VDC to the external
device under test (DUT).
Although the 1865 unit is designed with full attention to operator safety, serious hazards could occur
if the instrument is used improperly and these safety instructions are not followed.
1. The 1865 unit is designed to be operated with its chassis connected to earth ground. The 1865 instrument is shipped with a three-prong power cord to provide this connection to ground. The power cord should only be plugged in to a receptacle that provides earth ground. Serious injury can result if the Sentry unit is not connected to earth ground.
2. Tightly connect cable(s) to the (green) GND terminal. If this is not done, the DUT’s casing can be charged to the high voltage test level and serious injury or electrical shock hazards could result if the DUT is touched.
3. Never touch the metal of the High Voltage probe directly. Touch only the insulated parts of the lead(s).
4. Never touch the test leads, test fixture or DUT in any manner (this includes insulation on all wires and clips) when the high voltage is applied and the red
5. Before turning on the 1865 unit, make sure the AC power cord is plugged into the proper voltage source and that there is no device (DUT) or fixture connected to the test leads.
6. After each test, press the [STOP] (red) button for safety. This terminates the high voltage being applied to the output terminals.
7. When the CAUTION HIGH VOLTAGE LED is lit NEVER touch the device under test, the lead wires or the output terminals.
8. Before touching the test lead wires or output terminals make sure:
a) The red [STOP] button has been pressed. b) The CAUTION HIGH VOLTAGE LED is OFF. c) The output voltage display is 0 (zero).
9. In the case of an emergency, turn OFF the [POWER] switch using a“hot stick” and disconnect the AC power cord from the wall. DO NOT TOUCH THE 1865 INSTRUMENT.
10. If the CAUTION HIGH VOLTAGE LED does not go off when the [STOP] button is pressed, immediately stop using the tester. It is possible that the output voltage is still being delivered regardless of the TEST ON/OFF control signal.
11. When the 1865 instrument is used in remote control mode, be extremely careful. The High Voltage Output is being turned on and off with an external signal.
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Condensed Operating Instructions
High voltage is applied to the measurement terminals of the 1865 any time the
CAUTION HIGH VOLTAGE LED is ON. While the current from the instrument is
limited, the energy stored in a capacitive device connected to the terminals may be lethal.
Always make sure the high voltage indicator is OFF when connecting or disconnecting
the unknown. A flashing CAUTION HIGH VOLTAGE light and/or DANGER on the
display indicates a defective unit with dangerously high voltages possible at the input
terminals. Power the unit down and do not use.
General Information
The 1865 Megohmmeter/IR Tester is a computer controlled measuring instrument for direct readout of resistance and current. The voltage applied to the device under test (DUT) is programmable from 1 to 1000 volts. A pass/fail indicator provides a visual display of test results based on a preset limit. A set of power-up default test conditions are stored in the unit and are as set by the factory (1V, test times zero) until reprogrammed by the user.
The 1865 can be operated from a power source between 90V and 250V AC at a power line frequency of 47 to 63 Hz. The standard 1865 is shipped from the factory with a 2.5A fuse in place for 115V or 220V operation. To change the fuse refer to paragraph 1.4.3.
Connect the instrument power cord to the source of proper voltage.
The interlock connector (included with the unit) needs to be installed on the rear
panel I/O Port connector if the interlock function is not being used. When the
3.5" Floppy Drive Option is present ALWAYS MAKE SURE NO DISKS ARE
INSTALLED WHEN THE UNIT IS POWERED UP, otherwise information stored
on the disks could be lost.
Press the [POWER] button on the front panel to apply power. To switch power off press the [POWER] but ton again or if measurements are to be made proceed with Zeroing the instrument, discussed in the next paragraph.
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Condensed Operating Instructions
Before measuring, zero out test lead or fixture measurement errors as follows.
1. If test leads are to be used connect them to the 1865 input terminals, red to +
unknown, black to - unknown, with probes open and spaced some distance apart (or fixture open).
2. Press [MENU] key to select menu display.
3. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select Utilities menu.
4. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Zero in the sub menu.
5. Press [ENTER] key to activate the Zero routine and follow instructions on the
instrument display.
Auto Measurement Mode
In automatic mode, once the [START] button is depressed the instrument sequences automatically through the test cycle phases, charge, dwell, measure and discharge and a pre-stored set of test conditions are executed. These test conditions can be DEFAULT (those at power up), set using menus or the operator can recall a previously stored setup.
1. Connect the device under test to the 1865 test leads or other fixture being used.
2. If the desired setup conditions are anything other than DEFAULT, set using menus
or proceed to Recalling Setups below before continuing with step 3.
3. Initiate the auto measurement mode by pressing [START]. The High Voltage
Indicator will remain on as the unit sequences automatically through all four phases (charge, dwell, measure, discharge) of the test cycle.
4. The measurement can be aborted at any time during the test cycle by pressing
5. Once the High Voltage Indicator goes off the measurement is complete, the final
result remains displayed and the device can be removed.
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Condensed Operating Instructions
Manual Measurement Mode
In manual measurement mode each phase of a test cycle, charge, measure and discharge is initiated manually at the users discretion. These test conditions can be DEFAULT (those at power up), set using menus or the operator can recall a previously stored setup.
1. Connect the device under test to the 1865 test leads or other fixture being used.
2. Press [MENU] key to select menu display.
3. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select Setup menu.
4. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Mode in the sub menu.
5. Press [ENTER] to activate the selection field.
6. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select Manual and press [ENTER].
7. If the desired setup conditions are anything other than DEFAULT, set using menus
or proceed to Recalling Setups below before continuing with step 8. (Setup measurement times are ignored in manual mode).
8. Initiate the charge phase by pressing [START] to apply high voltage to the
device. The High Voltage Indicator will remain on as long as a voltage is applied. The measurement can be aborted at any time during the test cycle by pressing [STOP].
9. Initiate a single measurement by pressing [START] again, The measured result
will be displayed on the LCD and will be updated each time [START] is pressed.
10. To discharge the device press [STOP].
11. Before removing the device press [STOP] again to end the discharge phase and turn
the High Voltage Indicator off.
Recalling Setups
1. To recall a set of test conditions previously stored:
Press [MENU] key to select menu display. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select Utilities menu. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Recall Setup. Press [ENTER] key to activate the recall entry field. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select the desired setup. choices are:
- DEFAULT, if conditions are power up which can be changed by the
- FLOPPY, if setup is to be recalled from the optional floppy drive.
- Setup Name stored in the instrument internal memory or floppy.
Once the desired setup is located press [ENTER] key to finalize recall of the setup conditions.
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Condensed Operating Instructions
Saving Setups
1. To save the current set of test conditions as entered (conditions include, voltage, test
times, measurement range, limit, and display modes):
Press [MENU] key to select menu display. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select Utilities menu. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Save Setup. Press [ENTER] key to activate setup entry field. Press UP or Down Arrow key to select the desired setup, choices are:
- NEW, if a setup is to be saved in instruments internal memory.
- DEFAULT, if conditions at power up are to be changed and restored.
- FLOPPY, if a new setup is to be stored or existing one changed on the
- Setup Name if an existing set of conditions are to be changed in the
instrument internal memory or floppy. Press [ENTER] key to activate the Save entry field selected above. If NEW is selected (internal memory or floppy) enter the desired identifying name, up to 8 characters, under which these set of test conditions will be stored. Press [ENTER] key to finalize storage of the setup conditions or if DEFAULT
is selected one must answer Y or N to overwrite.
Changing Test Voltage
1. Set the desired test voltage:
Press [MENU] key to select menu display. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select Setup menu. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Voltage. Press [ENTER] key to activate the voltage entry field. Enter desired test voltage (up to 5 digits with decimal) between 1 and 1000V.
Press [ENTER] key to finalize the voltage entry. Changing Measurement Times
1. To set the desired measurement cycle times, charge, dwell, measure and discharge:
Press [MENU] key to select menu display. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select Setup Menu. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select desired time: charge, dwell, measure or discharge. Press [ENTER] key to activate the corresponding time entry field. Enter the desired time between 0 and 300 seconds(measure, 0 – 999 on later units) Press [ENTER] key to finalize the time entry.
2. Continue to set the other times as desired by repeating step 1.
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Condensed Operating Instructions
Setting Pass/Fail Limit
1. To enter a single measurement limit for resistance or current (depending on results
display selected):
Press [MENU] key to select menu display. Press Right or Left Arrow to select Setup menu. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Limit in sub menu. Press [ENTER] key to activate the limit entry field. Enter the numerical value (up to 4 digits plus decimal point) of the limit desired, then enter the exponential value after first pressing the e select key (use minus exponential value for current). Press [ENTER] key to finalize the limit entry.
Changing Display Type and Units
1. To change displayed measurement results between Resistance, Current or Pass/Fail:
Press [MENU] key to select menu display. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select I/O Menu. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Display. Press [ENTER] key to activate the selection field. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select desired measurement results, Resistance, Current or Pass/Fail if a limit is to be used. Press [ENTER] key to finalize the entry.
2. To change the measurement results format between Scientific or Engineering units:
Press [MENU] key to select menu display. Press Right or Left Arrow key to select I/O Menu. Press Up or Down Arrow key to select Result Format. Press [ENTER] key to activate the selection field. Press Right or Left Arrow to select desired results format, Sci for Scientific or Eng for Engineering. Press [ENTER] key to finalize the entry.
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Section 1: Introduction
High voltage is applied to the measurement terminals of the 1865 anytime the CAUTION HIGH
VOLTAGE LED is ON. While the current from the instrument is limited to a value that is not dangerous
under most conditions, the energy stored in a capacitor connected to the terminals may be lethal. Always
make sure the CAUTION HIGH VOLTAGE LED is OFF when connect i ng or disconnecting the
1.1 Unpacking and Inspection
Inspect the shipping carton before opening. If the carton is damaged, contact the carrier agent immediately. Inspect the 1865 instrument for any damage. If the instrument appears damaged or fails to meet specifications notify QuadTech (refer to instruction manual front cover) or its local representative. Retain the shipping carton and packing materials for future use such as returning for recalibration or service.
1.2 Product Overview
The 1865 Megohmmeter/IR Tester is a general purpose high voltage instrument for resistance measurements on insulating materials and components. It is designed for easy, accurate and direct readings of high resistance typically found in synthetic resins, porcelains, insulating oils, plastics and other similar materials. It is also used for measurements on capacitors, transformers, switches, cables and connectors. The 1865 provides a direct readout of resistance from 1000 to 1000T with fully automatic ranging. The voltage applied to the unknown is programmable from 1V to 1000V.
The 1865 includes a high resolution graphics display and keypad for ease of use. The test cycle is fully automatic with programmable charge, dwell, measure and discharge times. These times, along with other test conditions can be stored in instrument memory and recalled for later use. A pass/fail indicator provides the operator with a visual indication based on a preset resistance limit. The unit also contains automatic zeroing at the test leads as well as built-in self-test routines. Safety features include current limiting to less than 2mA and a front panel indication when voltage is applied to the test terminals, thus permitting connections to be made safely.
The 1865 comes standard with I/O Port (handler) and RS232 interface. An IEEE-488 interface is optional for communication with other instrumentation and remote control operation. A 3 1/2" floppy drive option is also available for storing test conditions and results. There is a direct reading current measurement mode from 1mA to 1pA.
The unit is available with front or rear panel input connections with guard and ground terminals to permit measurements of grounded or ungrounded devices.
Introduction Page 21 of 87
1.3 Controls and Indicators
1.3.1 Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Figure 1-1 shows the controls and indicators on the front of the 1865 unit. Table 1-1 identifies them with description and function.
13 12 11 10
Megohmmeter IR Tester
Voltage = 100
Mode = AUTO
Range = 1uA <A>
Figure 1-1: Front Panel Controls & Indicators
Table 1-1: Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Reference Number Figure 1-1
1 Input Panel Connection for device under t est (DUT) 1a GROUND Green Sheathed
1b + Red Sheathed
1c - Black Sheathed
1d GUARD Blue Sheathed
2 Display LCD Graphic Displays measurement results, instrument
3 SELECT 4 Gray Push Buttons Function as indicated on adjacent display
4 Keypad White Push Buttons 12 keys for making numerical entries: 0-9,
Name Type Function
Ground Terminal for jumper of (+) Input
Banana Plug
Terminal or Guard Input to Chassis GND High Voltage Terminal for connection to
Banana Plug
DUT Low Voltage Terminal for connection to
Banana Plug
DUT Guard Terminal for 3-Lead Guarded
Banana Plug
status and user interface menus.
From top to bottom: functions as: Up (↑↑↑), Down (↓↓↓), Right (→→→→) or Left (←←←←) during Menu Selection. Other functions include: measurement units, exponent, Yes or No and del (delete).
decimal point and minus sign.
Page 22 of 87 Introduction
Table 1-1: Front Panel Controls and Indicators (Continued)
5 MENU Green Push Button Press to enter menu display mode or press
to exit sub menu & return to main menu.
6 CNCL Gray Push Button To exit menu mode with no parameter
changes made or to exit current field
7 ENTER Gray Push Button To switch user to entry mode or to accept
menu entry as entered. 8 START Green Push Button To initiate the measurement 9 POWER Black Toggle Switch To apply power to the instrument:
1 = ON, 0 = OFF 10 OPTION 3 ½ “ Floppy Drive To store test setup conditions and
measurement results. High Density (HD:
1.44M) or Low Density (LD: 720k)
compatible floppy drive. Floppies should be
double sided and formatted for DOS
compatibility. 11 STOP Red Push Button To stop the measurement (terminate high
voltage at the output terminals) 12 TEST Indicate P/F Measurement Result based on
preset limit 12a FAIL Red LED
12b PASS Green LED
13 Caution High Voltage Red LED When lit, indicates presence of High
When lit in Resistance Mode, the measured
value is below the set minimum value
(resistance limit).
When lit in Current Mode, the measured
value is above the set maximum value
(current limit).
When lit, in Resistance Mode, the
measured value is above the set minimum
value (resistance limit).
When lit in Current Mode, the measured
value is below the set maximum value
(current limit).
Voltage at the output terminals.
Introduction Page 23 of 87
1.3.2 Rear Panel Controls and Connectors
Figure 1-2 illustrates the controls and connectors on the rear panel of the 1865 Megohmmeter/IR Tester. Table 1-2 identifies them with description and function.
FUSE 250V 90-250V T2.5A 5x20mm
90-250V 47-63Hz 40 WATTS MAX
Figure 1-2: Rear Panel Controls and Connectors
Table 1-2: Rear Panel Connectors and Controls
Reference Number Figure 1-2
1 AC Inlet Module Black 3-Prong
2 Vent Rear Panel Portion Instrument ventilation 3 I/O Port 36-pin Male
4 Parallel Port Not Available Not Available 5 Option 1865-03 Rear Panel Input Terminals: Ground, (+), (-
6 Battery 3, AA Size Batteries DC source for System Memory back-up.
7 RS232 Interface 9-pin DB9 Male 9-pin connector for RS232 I/O transfers 8 IEEE-488 Interface 24-pin Male 24-pin connector for IEEE-488 I/O
Name Type Function
3-wire connection for AC power source.
Receptacle & Fuse
90-250V AC: T2.5A 250V 5x20mm Fuse
36-Pin Connector for Component Handler. Amp 552302-1 compatible
Use with Amp 552302-1 plug & 552073-5
strain relief cover or ribbon cable clamp
connector 553600-1 or equivalent(s).
) and Guard for connection to DUT with
High Voltage I ndicator
3 AA batteries need to be replaced yearly.
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1.4 Installation
1.4.1 Dimensions
The instrument is supplied in a bench configuration, i.e., in a cabinet with resilient feet for placement on a table. A bail is provided under the front edge so that the instrument can be tilted back for convenient operator viewing.
133.4mm 5 1/4"
Figure 1-3: 1865 Instrument Dimensions
1.4.2 Instrument Positioning
The 1865 instrument contains a high resolution back lit LCD for convenient viewing. The optimum angle for viewing is slightly down and about 30° either side of center. This means that for bench operation the front bail should always be used to angle the instrument up and for rack installation it should be mounted at eye level or higher.
1.4.3 Power Requirements
The 1865 Megohmmeter/IR Tester can be operated from a power source between 90 and 250Vac at a power line frequency of 47 to 63Hz. Power connection to the rear panel is through an AC inlet module comprised of an AC connector and fuse drawer. Before connecting the 3-wire power cord between the unit and AC power the fuse should be in accordance with the power source, T2.5A, 250V, 5x20mm (QuadTech PN 520049) for 115V or 220V source. Always use an outlet which has a properly connected protection ground. The standard 1865 is factory shipped with the 2.5A fuse in place. The instrument can be damaged if the wrong fuse is installed. To change the fuse proceed as follows:
Introduction Page 25 of 87
Make sure the unit has been disconnected from its AC power source for at least five
minutes before proceeding.
Fuse drawer with release tab
90 - 250 V 47 - 63 Hz 40 WATTS MAX
Figure 1-4: 1865 Instrument Fuse Drawer
Remove the fuse drawer by inserting a small flat head screwdriver behind the small
tab to force the draw outward.
Once the fuse draw has been completely removed from the instrument now remove
the clear fuse tray from the drawer by lifting upward slightly on the long narrow locking tab. This will allow the fuse tray to be removed from the fuse draw. This tray contains the active fuse (secured by holder).
Remove the fuse from the holder by prying upward using a small flat head
screwdriver. Insert the replacement fuse into the fuse holder.
Once the fuse has been installed in the holder and spare fuse (if desired) installed in
the right side of the tray insert the tray back into the fuse drawer, push in and lock. The two silver contacts on the fuse tray should be positioned towards the outside.
Once the fuse tray has be installed in the draw, reinstall the fuse draw back into the
instrument ac inlet module, push in and lock.
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1.4.4 Safety Inspection
Before operating the instrument inspect the AC power inlet module on the rear of
the 1865 instrument to ensure that the properly rated fuse is in place, otherwise damage to unit is possible. Refer to paragraph 1.4.3.
The 1865 instrument is shipped with a standard U.S. power cord, QuadTech PN 4200­0300 (with Belden SPH-386 socket or equivalent, and 3 wire plug conforming to IEC
320) and CE units with an approved international cord set. Make sure the instrument is only used with these cables (or other approved international cord set) which ensures the instrument is provided with connection to protective earth ground.
When the 1865 instrument is used in a rack installation (using the QuadTech 1865-50 Rack Mount Kit) make sure the unit is secured using the cabinet mounting rai ls and not securely solely by the front panel angle brackets.
In bench or rack mount applications the instrument should be positioned with consideration for ample air flow to the rear panel fan ventilation holes. An open space of at least 3 inches (75mm) is recommend behind the rear panel. The surrounding environment should be free from excessive dust to prevent contaminati on of electronic circuits.
If this instrument is used in a manner not specified in this manual protection to the
operator and equipment may be impaired.
Read this instruction manual in full before operating this instrument.
Introduction Page 27 of 87
+ 60 hidden pages