System Controller
The SC28 is a 2 input, 8 output digital system controller containing
pre-programmed tunings for QSC loudspeaker systems. In addition to
the preset tunings, the SC28 also offers user-adjustable equalization
and delay.
Audio inputs and outputs are via balanced, line-level, analog XLR
connectors. Four outputs for each of the two inputs are provided for
use with 2 or 3-way systems plus subwoofers. Simple to operate yet
uncompromised in audio quality, the SC28 uses 48 kHz, 24-bit A/D
and D/A conversion with 32-bit, floating point DSP for wide dynamic
range and low distortion. Advanced DSP is capable of implementing
tunings that incorporate IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) as well as FIR
(Finite Impulse Response) filters.
QSC system engineers have employed the power of the SC28’s FIR
(finite impulse response) filters to implement Intrinsic Correction™
of the loudspeaker. The goal of Intrinsic Correction is to provide a
drive signal to the amplifiers and loudspeakers that will result in the
most accurate acoustical magnitude, frequency and phase domain
performance possible. When properly implemented, Intrinsic Correction
can compensate for many causal phenomena such as the effects of
waveguide acoustical impedance and loudspeaker cone resonance.
The result is a loudspeaker system with excellent power response and
extremely natural, uncolored sound across its frequency band and
coverage area. An array of loudspeakers with Intrinsic Correction tunings
will also be very responsive to the use of equalization to compensate
for array configuration, acoustical conditions or user preferences.
Selection of tunings is accomplished by simply scrolling through a list of
QSC loudspeakers and selecting the configuration on the LCD panel. A
similar process is used to select the QSC amplifiers being used and to
configure amplifier input sensitivity for proper dynamic protection gain
structure. Settings for new QSC products may be loaded into the SC28
via a rear-mounted USB port.
Once the processor settings have been matched to the system, the
user or installer can take advantage of an integral, 6 band parametric
equalizer, high and low shelving filters and signal delay to optimize
for acoustic, environmental or aesthetic considerations. Password
protection is included to prevent unauthorized tampering.
The SC28 is easy to use and delivers superb audio performance at a
very affordable price.
• Two (2) XLR line-level inputs
• Eight (8) XLR line-level outputs
• Front panel meters for all inputs and outputs
• Universal AC power input
• Rear-panel USB port for quick and easy loading of new
loudspeaker tunings
Front Panel Control:
• Quickly set up your loudspeaker system to perform and sound as
designed by QSC engineers
QSC Loudspeaker Selection:
• Select the QSC loudspeaker and configuration (2-way, 3-way,
etc.) and the SC28 instantly reconfigures itself for optimal audio
QSC Amplifier Selection:
• Select the QSC amplifier being used to calibrate the processor to
the amplifier for proper balance and loudspeaker protection
User-Adjustable Input EQ:
• Six (6) parametric filters with adjustable frequency, gain and
• High and low shelf filters with adjustable frequency, gain and slope
User-Adjustable Delays:
• Sub delay adjustable from 0.00 to 50.00 ms
• Array delay adjustable from 0.00 to 20.00 ms
Subwoofer Management:
• Select stereo or mono-summed subwoofer
• Adjustable subwoofer gain
• System is optimized for operation with or without subwoofer
Loudspeaker Protection:
• Optimized thermal and excursion protection for each transducer
• User-bypassable for output clip-limiting only
Channel Linking:
• Select linked or independent control of stereo channel settings

30 30
15 10
5 0
dBfs dBu
dBfs dBu
dBfs dBu
AB 11334422
Dynamic Range (AES-17, -60 dB Method, all sensitivities)
A weighted
Input Impedance
Unbalanced (nominal)
Balanced (nominal)
Common Mode Rejection
20 Hz – 20 kHz (min)
20 Hz – 20 kHz (typ)
Input Sensitivities Vrms: 1.5V, 3V, 9V, 18V • dBU: 5.7, 11.8, 21.3, 27.3 • dBV: 3.5, 9.5, 19.1, 25.1
Distortion (AES-17, 20 Hz – 20 kHz, all sensitivities)
+4 dBu
2 dB below clip (max)
Crosstalk (20 Hz – 20 kHz)
Inter-channel (max) > 75 dB
Frequency Response +/- 0.1dB from target response
Audio Converters 24 bit, 48k Hz
Mute Infinite Attenuation
Throughput Delay 1.4125 milliseconds (A/D – DSP - D/A)
Program Inputs
Connector Type
Program Outputs
Connector Type
Controls Rotary encoder knob with push-to-select function
LCD Data Display
Input/Output Meters
USB Port USB type “B”
AC Power Requirements 100 – 240 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz, no user adjustment required
AC Power Connection IEC-type inlet
AC Power Cord 2 meters long, #18AWG
Dimensions (HWD) 1.73" x 18.94" x 6.67" (44 mm x 481 mm x 169 mm) 1 Rack Unit
> 104dB
> 107dB
69k ohms
11k ohms
> 75 dB
> 80 dB
< 0.006 THD+N
< 0.006 THD+N
XLR female, locking
Electronically balanced
All shield terminals connected to chassis
1: (GND) 2: (+), 3: (-)
XLR male
Electronically balanced
All shield terminals connected to chassis
1: (GND) 2: (+), 3: (-)
Blue, front panel
2 line s 16 character, backlit, front panel
Green, Yellow, Red, front panel
1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9
1 - Input meters | 2 - LCD display | 3 - Output meters | 4 - Rotary encoder knob (press-to-select) | 5 - Power LED
6 - Output connectors | 7 - Input connectors | 8 - USB port | 9 - IEC inlet | 10 - Firmware update mode select (recessed)
Specifications subject to change without notice.
QSC and the QSC logo are registered trademarks of QSC Audio Products, LLC in the U.S. Patent and Trademark office and other countries. Intrinsic Correction is a
trademark of QSC Audio Products, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Patents may apply or be pending.
1675 MacArthur Boulevard • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • Ph: 800/854-4079 or 714/957-7100 • Fax: 714/754-6174
SC28 Spec Sheet - 0 6/17/08