Title: Companion 1000 / T Date: February 2008
By: Puritan Bennett division of
File = Companion-T.doc
1. General
Applies to Puritan Bennett Companion, models T and 1000. See
Appendix for differences.
2. Reference Documents
Companion 1000 / Companion T Technical Manual (English)
P/N: B-701964-00 -orhttp://rcsoxygen.com/Pub%20Docs/puritan1.pdf
3. Tools / Fixtures
Oxygen Source Tank (The picture shows the Companion Stationary
Unit – which is charged only with gaseous Oxygen for this testing.)
RT-200 Flow/Pressure Analyzer
Setup for the RT200:
a) At E_ _ _, enter 37, <Enter> (sets 20LPM oxygen flow)
b) At 00000, enter 0 0, <Enter> which brings up STP settings; hit “0” sequentially to rotate
thru choices.
c) At StP, hit F2 (brings up P760 -- 760 is sea-level atomospheric pressure)
d) Hit 6, 2, 0 <Enter> 620 mmHg is ATM at 5280 feet.
e) Hit the zero-the- meter button.
f) Assuming use of 100% O2, hit <F1>, enter C100, <Enter>.
4. Basic PM Procedure .
4.1. Physical Inspection.
Replace strap and either or both case halves if necessary.
Note: Be sure to include/order labels if required.
4.2. Safety / Overpressure Valve Check. Connect unit to 22-25 lbs of compressed oxygen (or
air). See photo for typical charging stand. As the unit’s internal pressure approaches
20-22 lbs, this relief valve will be audible. Some other valve designs will actually allow
pressure to overshoot to the charging pressure, but in about 10 – 20 seconds will bleed
down to the 20 –22 lbs target.
4.3. Leak Check (Short Version) -- Connect unit to 22-25 lbs
of compressed oxygen (or air). See photo for typical
charging stand. With flow control = 0, connect output
of unit to the pressure gage (0 - 20lb) input on the
analyzer. Turn output to 0.5 (lowest selection). The
pressure should not drop by more than 0.1 lb per minute.
4.4. Leak Check (Long Version). Charge unit to 20-22 lbs. After four hours, the pressure
should still be above 10 lbs *. If fail, use the “bubble fluid” for a leak check of fittings.
Caution: If opening the tube/fitting to the flow selector, be careful not to lose the very
small screen.
* This value the result of filling with gaseous, not liquid oxygen.
4.5. Flow Check
Note: Easier to check all flows before reassembling, not after. At higher flows (> 5 LPM) it is
usually necessary to place the D.U.T charging on the large oxygen source tank in order to
maintain enough pressure to get acceptable flow readings on the RT200.
Connect unit to the flow input of the analyzer. Slowly and sequentially select flows
starting at 0.5 LPM. The corresponding flow reading limits are in the PB tech manual.
4.6. Complete the work order form.
5. Extended PM/Repair Procedure
5.1. Be sure to include rubber
feet and warning labels if a
new case(s) is installed.
Use a “transparent
protector” over the
inspection sticker. Normal
PM schedule for this
device is one year.
5.2. Internal Leak
Troubleshooting. Spray a
light soapy liquid onto all
pneumatic fittings to check
for bubbles and therefore
leak identification.
The Companion 1000 provides continuous oxygen flow at any one of 11 preset flow rates
up to 6 L/min. The Companion T provides continuous oxygen flow at any one of 11 preset
flow rates up to 15 L/min.