Pure Tempus-1S User Manual

Owner’s manual
Printed on 100% recycled paper using soya-based inks
Safety instructions
Keep the radio away from heat sources. Do not use the radio near water. Avoid objects or liquids getting into the radio. Do not remove screws from or open the radio casing. Fit the mains adaptor to an easily accessible socket, located near the radio and ONLY use the mains power adapter supplied.
Copyright 2007 by Imagination Technologies Limited. All rig ht s re se r ved. N o par t o f thi s publ ica ti on may b e copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a ret rieval s yste m, or tran slate d into any h uman or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, manual or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of Imagination Technologies Limited.
TEMPUS-1S, the TEMPUS-1S logo, Intellitext, textSCAN, PURE, the PURE logo, PURE Digital, the PURE Digital logo, EcoPl us, th e EcoPl us logo, Im agina tion Tec hnolo gies, and the I ma g in at i o n Tec hn ol o g ie s l og o ar e t r a de m ar k s or registered trademarks of Imagination Technologies Limit ed. All o ther pr oduct n ames ar e trade marks o f their respective companies. Version 2 December 2007.
Halten Sie das Radio fern von Heizquellen. Benutzen Sie das Radio nicht in der Nähe von Wasser. Verhindern Sie, dass Gegenstände oder Flüssigkeiten in das Radio gelangen. Entfernen Sie keine Schrauben vom Gehäuse und öffnen Sie dieses nicht. Schließen Sie das Netzteil an eine leicht erreichbare Steckdose in der Nähe des Radios an, und benutzen Sie AUSSCHLIESSLICH das mitgelieferte Netzteil.
Consignes de sécurité
Tenir la radio éloignée de toute source de chaleur. Ne pas utiliser la radio à proximité d’un point d’eau. Éviter que des objets ou des liquides ne pénètrent à l’intérieur de la radio. Ne pas ouvrir le boîtier de la radio ou en enlever les vis. Branchez l’adaptateur sur une prise de courant facilement accessible, à proximité de la radio et utilisez UNIQUEMENT l’adaptateur fourni.
Istr uzioni di sic urezza
Tenere la radio lontana da fonti di calore. Non utilizzare la radio vicino all’acqua. Evitare che oggetti o liquidi penetrino nella radio. Non rimuovere le viti né aprire l’involucro della radio. Collegare l’adattatore di rete ad una presa della corrente facilmente accessibile, situata vicino alla radio e utilizzare ESCLUSIVAMENTE l’adattatore di rete fornito.
Hold radioen på afstand af varmekilder. Brug ikke radioen i nærheden af vand. Undgå at der kommer genstande eller væske i radioen. Fjern ikke skruer fra og åbn ikke radiokabinettet. De bør tilslutte strømforsyningen til et lettilgængeligt strømudtag tæt på radioen. De bør KUN bruge den medfølgende strømforsyning.
Copyright 2007 by Imagination Technologies Limited. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieser Publikation darf ohne ausdrückliche und schrif tliche Zustimmung von Imagination Technologies Limited in irgendeiner Form (elektronisch, mechanisch, magnetisch, manuell oder auf andere Weise) kopiert, verteilt, übermitt elt, überschrieben, in einem Suchsystem gespeichert, in eine andere natürliche oder Computersprache übersetzt oder Dritt en zugänglich gemacht werden.
Copyright 2007 Imagination Technologies Limited. Tous droits réservés. Aucune partie de la présente publication ne do i t ê t re copiée ou d i ffusée, transmi s e, retranscrite, stoc k é e d a n s u n s ystème de r é cupérat i o n de donné es ou t radu ite, q ue ce so it dan s une lan gue humain e ou dans un lang age info rmatiqu e, sous quelqu e forme e t par quelq ue moyen que c e soit, électronique, mécanique, magnétique, manuel ou autre, ou encore diffusée auprès de tiers sans autorisat ion écrite expresse de Imagination Technologies Limited.
Copyright 2007 by Imagination Technologies Limited. Tutt i i dirit ti ri serv ati. Ne ssuna p art e della pr esen te pubblicaziTEMPUS-1S può essere copiata o distribuita, trasmessa, trascritta, memorizzata in un sistema di archiviaziTEMP US-1S, o tradotta in un formato norma lment e comp rens ibile , in qual siasi f orma o c on qualsias i mezzo, el ettr onico, mec canico, mag netico, manual e o altro, o d ivulga ta a ter ze par ti senz a il perm es s o sc ri t to d i Ima gi nat i on Tec hno lo gi es L im it ed .
Copyright 2007 tilhører Imagination Technologies Limited. Alle rettigheder forbeholde s. Ingen dele af denne publikation må kopieres eller distribueres, transmitteres, omskrives, gemmes i et system, hvor den kan hentes, eller oversættes til menneskeligt forståeligt sprog eller computersprog, i nogen som helst form eller med nogen som helst midler, det være sig elektroniske, mekaniske, magnetiske, manuelle eller på anden måde, eller fremvises til tredje parter uden udtrykkelig, skriftlig tilladelse fra Imagination Technologies Limited.
TEMPUS- 1 S , d as TEMPU S- 1 S L ogo , I ntel lit ext, t extSCA N, PURE, das PURE Logo, PURE Digital, das PURE Digi tal Log o, EcoP lus, das E coPlu s logo, Im agina tion Techno logies un d das Imagin ation Tech nologie s Logo sind Warenzeichen oder eingetragene Waren zeiche n von Imag inati on Techno logie s Limi ted. Alle anderen Produktnamen sind Warenzeichen ihrer jeweil igen Besi tzer. Ver sion 2. De zember 20 07
Marques commerciales
TEMPUS-1S, le logo T EMPUS-1S, Intellitext, textSCAN, PURE, le logo PURE, PURE Digital, le logo PURE Digital, EcoPlus, le logo EcoPlus, Imagination Technologies et le logo Imagination Technologies sont des marques commerciales ou des marques déposées de Imagination Technologies Limited. Tous les autres noms de produ its so nt des mar ques com mercia les de leu rs déten teu rs r espe ct ifs . Ver sion 2 e r déc embr e 2007.
TEMPUS-1S, il logo TEMPUS-1S, Intellitext, textSCAN, PURE, il logo PURE, PURE Digital, il logo PURE Digital, EcoPl us , il l og o Ec oP lu s, I ma gi na t io n Tec hno lo g ie s e il logo Imagination Technologies sono marchi o marchi registrati di Imagination Technologies Limited. Tutti gli altri nomi di prodotti sono marchi di proprietà delle r ispet tiv e socie tà. Ver sion 2 dic embre 2 007.
TEMPUS-1S, TEMPUS-1S-logoet, Intellitext, tex tSCAN, PURE, PURE-logoet, PURE Digital, PURE Digital­logoet, EcoPlus, EcoPlus-logoet, Imagination Technologies og Imagination Technologies-logoet er varemærker eller registrerede varemærker, der tilhører Imagination Technologies Limited. Alle andre produktnavne er varemærker, der tilhører deres respektive virksomheder. Version 2. December 2007.
Houd de radio uit de buurt van warmtebronnen. Gebruik de radio niet in de buurt van water. Vermijd dat voorwerpen of vloeistoffen in de radio terechtkomen. Verwijder geen schroeven uit de omkasting van de radio en open het niet. Steek de lichtnetadapter in een gemakkelijk toegankelijk stopcontact in de buurt van de radio en gebruik ALLEEN de meegeleverde spanningsadapter voor het lichtnet.
Copyright 2007 door Imagination Technologies Limited. Alle rechten gereserveerd. Geen enkel gedeelte van deze publicatie mag gekopieerd of gedistribueerd, uitgezonden, overgeschreven, opgeslagen in een retrieval system of vertaald in om het even welke menselijke of computertaal, in geen enkele vorm of door geen enkel middel, elektronisch, mechanisch, magnetisch, manueel of anders of bekend gemaakt aan derde partijen zonder de uitdrukkelijke geschreven toestemming van Imagination Technologies Limited.
TEMPUS-1S, het TEMPUS-1S logo, Intellitext, textSCAN, PURE, het PURE logo, PURE Digital, het PURE Digit al logo, E coPlu s, het Ec oPlus lo go, Imag inatio n Techno logies e n het Imag inatio n Technol ogies l ogo zijn handelsmerken of geregistreerde handelsmerken van Imagination Technologies Limited. Alle andere productnamen zijn handelsmerken van hun resp ectiev e firma’s . Versie 2 dec ember 200 8.
Start .............................................................................2
Quick set up ................................................................................ 2
Controls at a glance ..................................................................... 3
Using your TEMPUS-1S ...................................................4
Volume controls ............................................................................4
Switching the audio source ........................................................... 4
Changing stations .........................................................................4
Changing the selected natural sound .............................................5
Changing the information shown on screen .....................................5
Using textSCAN™ to pause and control scrolling text .......................5
Setting alarms ...............................................................6
Overview of the Alarm menu ..........................................................6
Setting an alarm ..........................................................................6
Waking and snoozing ......................................................8
Cancelling an alarm ......................................................................8
Snoozing an alarm ........................................................................8
Cancelling an alarm that you have snoozed ....................................8
Changing the alarm snooze time .................................................... 8
Other functions of the SnoozeHandle® ........................................... 8
Using presets .................................................................9
Intellitext and Sleep timer ............................................. 10
Intellitext® ..................................................................................10
Setting the sleep timer .................................................................10
Cancelling the sleep timer ...........................................................10
Setup options ...............................................................11
Options available in DAB ..............................................................11
Options available in FM ................................................................ 12
General options ...........................................................................12
Help and Specifications .................................................14
Secondary and inactive DAB stations ............................................14
Hints and Tips .............................................................................14
Technical Specifications ...............................................................14
Star t
Quick set up > Controls at a glance > Rear connectors
Quick set up
Detach the aerial from the clip on the rear of the radio and fully extend it (steps A & B). Insert the jack of the supplied mains adapter into the socket on the rear of the radio (C).
Plug the mains adapter into the mains supply (step D) and press the Standby button.
Stereo Out
Aux InUSB Aux Speaker
Stereo Out Aux InUSB Aux Speaker
When you see the message ‘Enable energy saving’ push the Tune dial. Select ‘On’ to switch on energy saving mode (push the Tune dial).
Tune Tune
Enable energy saving?
Energy saving On
When energy saving mode is switched on, the radio uses less power in standby because it does not collect and store Intellitext messages in standby. It still collects and stores Intellitext messages while the radio is switched on.
With energy saving mode switched on, the power consumption of TEMPUS-1S in standby is less than 1 Watt.
For more information: Intellitext > page 10 Energy saving mode > page 13
Wait for TEMPUS-1S to complete an Autotune for all available DAB stations (this takes about a minute). When the Autotune is complete, a station will be selected.
Now tuning...
BBC Radio 2 Talking to the people wh
Standby Sleep
Controls at a glance
Snooze a sounding alarm > page 8 Tap to view the full screen clock > page 8 Brighten screen in standby or snooze > page 8
Volume dial
Adjust and mute volume > page 4
Switch audio source > page 4
Set 4 different alarms > pages 6−7
Rear connectors
Standard type-B USB connector for upgrades only.
Analogue stereo input for iPod, MiniDisc, etc.
Tune dial
Browse and select radio stations > page 4 Use textSCAN > page 5
Presets 1 - 6+
Store up to 30 DAB or FM preset stations > page 9
Use Intellitext > page 10 Change on-screen info > page 5 Adjust brightness > page 12 Setup options > pages 11-13
Sleep timer
Set the sleep timer > page 10
Aux In Aux Speaker
3.5mm headphone socket.
Light sensor
Auto-adjusts the display brightness > page 12
Stereo Out
Connect to an external amplifi er.
Connect to an optional S-1 speaker for stereo sound.
Connect to supplied mains adapter only.
Controls at a glance
Using your TEMPUS-1S
Adjust volume > Switch audio source > Change stations > Change display info > textSCAN™
Volume controls
Adjusting the volume Muting the volume
Switching the audio source
Press the Source button and then repeat to listen to DAB, FM, Auxiliary input (a separate device such as an MP3 player) or Natural Sounds.
87.50MHz FM
Changing stations
When listening to DAB
Turn the Tune dial left or right to browse through the list of available DAB stations. The current station remains at the top of the screen. Push the Tune dial to change the station.
BBC Radio 2 BBC Radio 6Music
When listening to FM
BBC Radio 6Music Now playing: Race For T
Seek Tuning
Turn the Tune dial right or left to seek to the next or previous FM station that has a strong signal.
87.50MHz FM
96.60MHz FM
Searching... >
Manual Tuning
1. Change the FM tuning mode to ‘Manual’ (page 11).
2. Turn the Tune dial right or left to step up or down 0.05 MHz.
Using your TEMPUS-1S
+ 12 hidden pages