Psion Teklogix PX750, NEO PX750, NEO PX750BT, NEO PX750BT8 User Manual

NEO Hand-Held Computer
(Model No. PX750)
February 23, 2009 Part No. 8100157.A
ISO 9001 Certified Quality Management System
This user manual supports Model Numbers:
© Copyright 2009 by Psion Teklogix Inc., Mississauga, Ontario
2100 Meadowvale Boulevard, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 7J9
This document and the information it contains is the property of Psion Teklogix Inc., is issued in strict confidence, and is not to be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, except for the sole purpose of promoting the sale of Psion Teklogix manufactured goods and ser­vices. Furthermore, this document is not to be used as a basis for design, manufacture, or sub-contract, or in any manner detrimental to the interests of Psion Teklogix Inc.
Windows® and the Windows Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such trademarks by Psion Teklogix Inc. is under license.
All trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
- PX750BT
- FCC ID: GM3PX750BT and GM3PX750BT8
Return-To-Factory Warranty
Psion Teklogix Inc. provides a return to factory warranty on this product for a period of twelve (12) months in accordance with the Statement of Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability provided at (If you are not already a member of Teknet and you attempt to view this warranty, you will be asked to register. As a member of Teknet, you will have access to helpful information about your Psion Teklogix products at no charge to you.) In some regions, this warranty may exceed this period. Please contact your local Psion Teklogix office for details. The warranty on Psion Teklogix manufactured equipment does not extend to any product that has been tampered with, altered, or repaired by any person other than an employee of an authorized Psion Teklogix service organization. See Psion Teklogix terms and conditions of sale for full details.
Psion Teklogix warranties take effect on the date of shipment.
Every effort has been made to make this material complete, accurate, and up-to-date. In ad­dition, changes are periodically added to the information herein; these changes will be incor­porated into new editions of the publication.
Psion Teklogix Inc. reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes in the prod­uct(s) and/or the program(s) described in this document without notice, and shall not be re­sponsible for any damages, including but not limited to consequential damages, caused by reliance on the material presented, including but not limited to typographical errors.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About This Manual ......................................................................3
1.2 Text Conventions........................................................................3
1.3 NEO Hand-Held Computer Features.....................................................4
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
2.1 Preparing NEO For Operation ..........................................................11
2.1.1 The Battery.....................................................................11 Charging The Main Battery ..........................................11
2.1.2 Backup Battery Power..........................................................11
2.2 Switching NEO On And Off............................................................11
2.2.1 Installing The Battery And Switching The Unit On.............................11
2.2.2 Switching The Unit Off (Suspend)..............................................12
2.3 Calibrating The Touchscreen............................................................12
2.4 Wireless Networking ...................................................................12
2.4.1 Status Tab......................................................................13
2.4.2 Wi-Fi Config Tab ..............................................................14 Authentication Modes................................................15 EAP .................................................................16 Encryption...........................................................17 Connecting The Wireless Network ...................................18
2.4.3 Configuring TCP/IP............................................................19 IP Address ...........................................................19 Name Server.........................................................21
2.4.4 Advanced Tab..................................................................22
2.5 Checking The Scanner..................................................................23
2.6 Data Transfer Between The PC And The Hand-Held....................................23
2.6.1 Using Microsoft ActiveSync ...................................................23
2.6.2 Using Microsoft Vista..........................................................24
2.7 Resetting NEO..........................................................................24
2.7.1 Performing A Warm Reset .....................................................24
2.7.2 Performing A Cold Reset.......................................................24
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual i
Chapter 3: Getting To Know NEO
3.1 Features Of NEO .......................................................................27
3.2 The Battery.............................................................................28
3.2.1 Battery Safety..................................................................28
3.2.2 Removing The Battery Pack....................................................29 Battery Swap Time...................................................29
3.2.3 Charging The Battery ..........................................................29 Charging Options ....................................................29
3.3 Switching The Hand-Held On And Off .................................................30
3.4 The Keyboard ..........................................................................31
3.4.1 Modifier Keys..................................................................31 Activating Modifier Keys ............................................31 Locking Modifier Keys ..............................................31
3.4.2 The Keys.......................................................................32
3.4.3 Function Keys And Macro Keys................................................33 Function Keys .......................................................33 The Macro Keys .....................................................33
3.4.4 26-Key Keyboard: Accessing Alpha Keys......................................33
3.4.5 The Keyboard Backlight........................................................35
3.5 The Display.............................................................................35
3.5.1 Adjusting The Display Backlight...............................................35
3.5.2 Calibrating The Touchscreen...................................................35
3.6 NEO Hand-Held Indicators .............................................................36
3.6.1 LED Indicator..................................................................36
3.6.2 Audio Indicators ...............................................................37 Adjusting The Receiver Volume......................................38
3.6.3 Onscreen Indicators ............................................................38
3.7 Monitoring The Battery And Maximizing Run Time....................................40
3.7.1 Storing Batteries................................................................41
3.8 Uploading Data In A Docking Station...................................................42
3.9 Bluetooth Radio ........................................................................42
3.9.1 Pairing A Bluetooth Headset Or Other Bluetooth Device........................43
3.10 The microSD Card......................................................................43
3.10.1 Inserting The Card .............................................................43
3.11 General Maintenance ...................................................................45
3.11.1 Caring For The Touchscreen ...................................................45
3.11.2 Cleaning NEO .................................................................45
ii Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
4.1 Navigating In Windows CE 5.0 ........................................................49
4.1.1 Navigating Using A Touchscreen And Stylus...................................49
4.1.2 Navigating Using The Keyboard ...............................................49
4.2 Working With Files, Folders And Programs.............................................50
4.3 The Startup Desktop....................................................................51
4.3.1 The Desktop Icons .............................................................52
4.3.2 The Taskbar....................................................................53 Using The Taskbar...................................................53 Customizing The Taskbar ............................................54
4.4 The Start Menu .........................................................................56
4.4.1 The Desktop....................................................................57
4.4.2 Security Settings ...............................................................57
4.4.3 Programs.......................................................................59
4.4.4 Shortcuts.......................................................................60
4.4.5 Settings ........................................................................62
4.4.6 Run ............................................................................63
4.4.7 Shutdown ......................................................................63
4.5 Using A Dialog Box....................................................................64
Chapter 5: Configuration
5.1 Remote Connect .......................................................................71
5.2 The TekTerm Application...............................................................71
5.3 The Control Panel ......................................................................71
5.4 Control Panel Icons.....................................................................72
5.5 Basic Setup.............................................................................76
5.5.1 Display Properties..............................................................76 Display Backlight....................................................76 Display Appearance..................................................78
5.5.2 Keyboard Properties............................................................78 Key Repeat ..........................................................79 Sequence.............................................................80 Keyboard Backlight..................................................81 Keyboard One Shot Modes...........................................82 Keyboard Macro Keys ...............................................83 Unicode Mapping....................................................85 Scancode Remapping ................................................86 Lock Sequence.......................................................89
5.5.3 Volume And Sound Properties . ................................................90
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual iii
Contents Volume Adjustments.................................................91 Sound Adjustments . . . ...............................................91
5.5.4 Power Properties ...............................................................92 Battery Capacity .....................................................92 Power Saving Suspend...............................................93 Suspend Threshold...................................................94 Advanced............................................................95 Devices ..............................................................95
5.5.5 Stylus Properties ...............................................................96 Double-Tap ..........................................................96 Calibration...........................................................96 Touch................................................................97
5.5.6 Manage Triggers ...............................................................97 Trigger Mappings....................................................98 Add And Edit Trigger Mapping .....................................100
5.5.7 Certificate Assignment ........................................................101
5.6 Bluetooth Setup........................................................................102
5.6.1 The Devices Tab ..............................................................104 Pairing A Device....................................................104
5.6.2 Headset .......................................................................107
5.6.3 The Servers Tab...............................................................108
5.6.4 Outgoing Tab .................................................................109
5.6.5 Active Conn. Tab .............................................................110
5.6.6 Properties Tab.................................................................111
5.6.7 Search For Tab................................................................112
5.6.8 Bluetooth GPRS WAN Connection............................................112
5.7 Total Recall. . . .........................................................................117
5.7.1 Creating A Backup Profile.....................................................118
5.7.2 Restoring A Profile............................................................122
5.8 The Storage Manager..................................................................122
5.8.1 Formatting A Memory Card...................................................122
5.8.2 Creating Partitions.............................................................123
5.8.3 Partition Management.........................................................124
5.9 IPv6 Support. . .........................................................................126
5.10 TweakIT...............................................................................127
5.10.1 Advanced Interface And Network .............................................128
5.10.2 Advanced Services Settings ...................................................128
5.10.3 Internet Explorer Settings .....................................................129
5.10.4 User Display Settings..........................................................130
iv Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
5.10.5 User System Settings..........................................................130
5.10.6 Registry Editor................................................................131
5.11 Error Reporting........................................................................131
5.12 Teklogix Error Handling Service.......................................................132
5.12.1 ErrorLogInfo..................................................................132
5.12.2 NetLog........................................................................133
5.13 Scanner Settings .......................................................................134
5.13.1 Bar Codes.....................................................................134 Scanner .............................................................135 Restoring Default Settings...........................................135
5.13.2 Decoded (Internal) Scanners...................................................136 Options .............................................................136 Decoded (Internal) – Advanced Options.............................137 Decoded (Internal) Data Options....................................139 Code 39.............................................................140 Code 128...........................................................143 EAN 13 ............................................................144 EAN 8..............................................................144 UPC A .............................................................144 UPC E..............................................................145 UPC/EAN Shared Settings .........................................146 Code 93 ............................................................147 Codabar............................................................147 MSI Plessey........................................................148 Interleaved 2 of 5...................................................149 Discrete 2 of 5......................................................150 Composite..........................................................151
5.13.3 Decoded (ISCP)...............................................................152 Decoded (ISCP) – Options ..........................................152 Decoded (ISCP) – Advanced Options ...............................152 Code 39.............................................................153 Code 128. ...........................................................154 EAN 13 Settings ....................................................156 EAN 8 ..............................................................157 UPC A..............................................................157 UPC E..............................................................157 UPC/EAN Shared Settings..........................................158 Code 93 ............................................................159 Codabar............................................................159 MSI Plessey........................................................160 Code 11 ............................................................161
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual v
Contents Interleaved 2 of 5...................................................162 Matrix 2 of 5 .......................................................163 Discrete 2 of 5......................................................163 Telepen.............................................................164 RSS Code (Reduced Space Symbology). . . ..........................164 Composite ..........................................................165 TLC-39.............................................................166 PDF-417............................................................166 Micro PDF-417 .....................................................166 Codablock ..........................................................167
5.13.4 Options Tab...................................................................168 Double Click Parameters............................................168 Display Parameters..................................................169 Data Handling ......................................................170
5.13.5 Translations Tab ..............................................................171 Case Rules..........................................................172
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
6.1 Carrying Accessories ..................................................................177
6.1.1 Attaching The Hand Strap.....................................................178
6.1.2 Belt Clip Installation ..........................................................180
6.1.3 The Expansion Port ...........................................................182
6.1.4 The Pistol Grip With Stylus ...................................................182
6.2 The Battery............................................................................183
6.3 Adaptor/Cable Options ................................................................184
6.3.1 RS232 Adaptor – Model No. PX3050 . . .......................................184
6.3.2 Micro-USB Adaptor – Model No. PX3054 ....................................186
6.4 Charging Options......................................................................187
6.4.1 Installation – Docking Stations ................................................187
6.4.2 Power Consumption Considerations...........................................188
6.4.3 Operator Controls .............................................................188
6.5 Desktop Docking Station – PX3001....................................................188
6.5.1 Desktop Docking Station Setup................................................189
6.5.2 Charging A Battery Installed In NEO..........................................189
6.5.3 Charging A Spare Battery .....................................................190
6.5.4 Battery Charge Duration.......................................................190
6.5.5 Docking Station Charger LED Indicators......................................190
6.5.6 Troubleshooting The Charging Operation Of The Dock .......................191 Indicator Solid Red..................................................191
vi Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Contents NEO Power LED Does Not Light Up ...............................191 Indicator Does Not Light When Battery Installed....................191
6.5.7 Linking A NEO To A PC......................................................192
6.5.8 Linking A NEO To An Ethernet Network .....................................192 Network Access.....................................................192
6.5.9 Troubleshooting USB Operations..............................................193
6.6 AC Wall Adaptor– Model No. PX3010 ................................................193
6.7 Cigarette Lighter Adaptor — Model PX3056 . . . .......................................193
6.8 Quad Docking Station – PX3004 PC & PX3004 NPC..................................194
6.8.1 Quad Docking Station Setup...................................................195
6.8.2 Quad Docking Station Indicators ..............................................195
6.8.3 Inserting A NEO In The Quad Docking Station................................195
6.8.4 Network Access...............................................................195 Network Addressing ................................................195
6.8.5 Battery Charging – LED Behaviour ...........................................196
6.8.6 Troubleshooting...............................................................196 Network Link Unsuccessful . . .......................................196 NEO LED Does Not Light When Docked...........................196
6.9 Scanners And Imagers.................................................................196
6.9.1 Basic Scanner Operations .....................................................197
6.9.2 Scanning Techniques..........................................................197
6.9.3 Troubleshooting...............................................................197
6.10 Bluetooth Peripherals ..................................................................198
Chapter 7: Specifications
7.1 NEO Hand-Held Specifications........................................................201
7.1.1 Hardware......................................................................201
7.1.2 Software ......................................................................202
7.1.3 Wireless Communication......................................................203
7.1.4 Bar Code Applications ........................................................203
7.2 NEO Radio Specifications.............................................................204
7.2.1 802.11b/g Radio ..............................................................204
7.2.2 Bluetooth Radio...............................................................204
7.3 Scanner/Imager Specifications.........................................................205
7.3.1 SE 955HP Specifications......................................................205 SE 955HP Decode Zone ............................................206
7.3.2 EV15 Imager Specifications...................................................206 EV15 Imager Decode Zone .........................................207
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual vii
Appendix A: Pinouts
A.1 Docking Connector Pinout. . .......................................................... A-1
A.2 Battery Connector .................................................................... A-2
A.3 Expansion Port Pinout ................................................................ A-2
Appendix B: Wireless Zero Config
B.1 Wireless Information...................................................................B-1
B.2 Assigning An IP Address ..............................................................B-6
viii Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
1.1 About This Manual ....................................3
1.2 Text Conventions .....................................3
1.3 NEO Hand-Held Computer Features...........................4
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 1
1.1 About This Manual
This manual describes how to configure, operate and maintain NEO, a light-weight, versa­tile hand-held computer.
Chapter 1: Introduction
provides a basic overview of NEO.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
describes the steps required to get NEO ready for operation, including setting up the
802.11b/g radio.
Chapter 3: Getting To Know NEO
describes NEO features and outlines how to charge and maintain the battery. This chapter also provides a description of the keyboards, how to navigate in Microsoft Windows CE 5.0, and so on.
Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
Chapter 1: Introduction
About This Manual
describes the Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 desktop and how to use it. This chapter also out­lines the basics of moving around a Windows CE 5.0 window, selecting and opening icons, files, folders and working with a Windows dialog box.
Chapter 5: Configuration
describes the Windows CE 5.0 Control Panel and how to use it to configure NEO.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
describes the peripherals and accessories available for your NEO.
Chapter 7: Specifications
lists hand-held, radio, scanner and battery specifications.
Appendix A: Pinouts
describes NEO pinouts.
Appendix B: Wireless Zero Config
outlines the steps used to configure your radio using Windows Zero Config.
1.2 Text Conventions
Note: Notes highlight additional helpful information.
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 3
Chapter 1: Introduction
NEO Hand-Held Computer Features
Important: These statements provide particularly important instructions or additional
information that is critical to the operation of the equipment.
Warning: These statements provide critical information that may prevent physical
injury, equipment damage or data loss.
1.3 NEO Hand-Held Computer Features
Important: For all safety, regulatory and warranty information, refer to the “NEO
Hand-Held Computer Regulatory & Warranty Guide”, PN 8000175.
NEO is a compact, ruggedized hand-held computer running the Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 operating system. It is intended for use in commercial and light industrial applications. NEO can be ordered with or without a radio. Without a Wi-Fi radio, it operates as a batch or un- connected computer. With a Wi-Fi radio installed, NEO operates as a connected computer, delivering real time wireless data transactions. A number of 1D bar code input methodolo­gies are supported by the scanner and imager available with this hand-held computer. Optimization for specific operational environments is supported with a wide range of pe­ripheral options and carrying accessories.
The unique tilted screen design on this hand-held computer makes the display content readily visible. This means that the operator can scan a bar code and view the results on the display in one movement – no need to manually tilt the unit to view the results after each scan. In addition, the tilted screen in conjunction with the protective rib at the base of the keyboard allows the unit to be placed facedown safely with no danger of an accidental key press.
Note: For complete NEO hand-held computer specifications, refer to “Specifications” on
page 199.
4 Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
NEO Hand-Held Computer Features
Figure 1.1 NEO Hand-Held Computer - Numeric & Alpha-Numeric
Chapter 1: Introduction
Model Variants
Connected NEO Standard Features:
2.7 inch Colour Touchscreen
Windows® CE 5.0 Professional
128 MB Flash/128 MB RAM
•microSD slot
3000 mAh Battery
Discrete VoIP (Push-To-Talk)
WiFi and Bluetooth Radios
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 5
Chapter 1: Introduction
NEO Hand-Held Computer Features
Additional Connected Options:
•1D Imager
1D Laser Scanner
Keyboard Variants: 48-Key Alpha-Numeric or 26-Key Numeric
Batch NEO Standard Features:
2.7 inch Colour Touchscreen
Numeric Keyboard
Windows® CE 5.0 Core
128/128 MB Memory
microSD Slot
3000 mAh Battery
Additional Batch Options:
Bluetooth Radio
Bluetooth Radio and 1D Imager
Bluetooth Radio and 1D Laser Scanner
Processor: PXA270 Processor @ 312 Mhz
- On-board RAM: 128 MB SDRAM
- On-board ROM: 128 MB Flash
Operating System
Windows® CE 5.0
Programming Environment
Mobile Devices SDK
- Java™
- Visual Studio
- Standard protocol APIs – Windows
6 Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
sockets (WinCE)
Wireless Communications
On-board IEEE 802.11b/g (CCX Certified)
On-board Bluetooth radio (10 metre range)
Application Software
Internet Explorer
6 for CE
Open TekTerm
TESS terminal emulations
IBM 3270, IBM 5250, HP 2392
Chapter 1: Introduction
NEO Hand-Held Computer Features
PTX Connect
Bar Code Applications
1D Standard Laser Scanner Option – SE955
1D Standard Imager Option – EV15
Internal Expansion Slots
One microSD slot
Expansion Port
Battery Output Power
USB Signalling
Scanner Trigger Input
Docking Port
•DC Input
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 7
Chapter 1: Introduction
NEO Hand-Held Computer Features
Power Management
3.7 V @ 3000 mAh Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
8 hour battery operation
Smart battery system
Built-in gas gauge and performance monitor
System backup (up to 10 minutes) during battery swap
3 day real time clock backup
Adjustable battery allocation between system backup and runtime
Desktop charger
Quad charger
Pistol grip
•Hand Strap
Shoulder Strap
Additional miscellaneous adaptors and cables (a complete list of accessories is available
8 Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
2.1 Preparing NEO For Operation.............................11
2.1.1 The Battery..................................11 Charging The Main Battery.....................11
2.1.2 Backup Battery Power............................11
2.2 Switching NEO On And Off..............................11
2.2.1 Installing The Battery And Switching The Unit On.............11
2.2.2 Switching The Unit Off (Suspend)......................12
2.3 Calibrating The Touchscreen..............................12
2.4 Wireless Networking..................................12
2.4.1 Status Tab...................................13
2.4.2 Wi-Fi Config Tab...............................14 Authentication Modes........................15 EAP.................................16 Encryption..............................17 Connecting The Wireless Network .................18
2.4.3 Configuring TCP/IP.............................19 IP Address..............................19 Name Server.............................21
2.4.4 Advanced Tab ................................22
2.5 Checking The Scanner.................................23
2.6 Data Transfer Between The PC And The Hand-Held.................23
2.6.1 Using Microsoft ActiveSync.........................23
2.6.2 Using Microsoft Vista............................24
2.7 Resetting NEO.....................................24
2.7.1 Performing A Warm Reset..........................24
2.7.2 Performing A Cold Reset...........................24
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 9
2.1 Preparing NEO For Operation
2.1.1 The Battery
NEO is powered with a 3000 mAh Lithium-ion Battery, Model No. WA3020, and is com­patible with battery Model No. WA3006.
Warning: Before charging the battery, it is critical that you review the safety guidelines
in the ‘NEO Hand-Held Computer (Model No. PX750) Regulatory & Warranty Guide’, PN 8000175. Charging The Main Battery
Battery packs shipped from the factory are charged to approximately 40% and must be fully charged prior to use. Batteries can be charged using a variety of docking stations along with a NEO internal charger. When using the internal charger, a suitable power source is required. All docking stations are described in Chapter 6: “Peripheral Devices & Accessories” begin­ning on page 187.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Preparing NEO For Operation
Note: In order to maintain the NEO real time clock for three days, a battery must be
charged for at least two hours while installed in the hand-held; however, if you are charging a spare battery (not installed in the hand-held), the real time clock three day backup cannot be maintained until a charged battery is installed in the hand­held computer for at least two hours.
2.1.2 Backup Battery Power
A super capacitor provides a minimum of 10 minutes of suspend mode backup power to NEO to protect data while you swap in a new battery; all unnecessary draws on power such as the display and CPU are shut down to preserve power.
Important: When you initially power up the hand-held, leave the battery in the unit for a
minimum of 2 minutes to allow the super capacitor to reach full capacity.
2.2 Switching NEO On And Off
2.2.1 Installing The Battery And Switching The Unit On
Push the release latch at the base of the battery cover to unlatch it. Remove the battery cover.
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 11
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Switching The Unit Off (Suspend)
•Insert a charged battery into the unit, making certain that the connectors on the battery
are aligned with those in the NEO battery compartment.
Replace the battery cover, and snap it into place.
Note: If you are using a docking station or an external power supply, you can insert an
uncharged battery and switch NEO on.
To switch NEO on:
Press and hold down the [ENTER] key for at least one second.
When the LED flashes green, release the [ENTER] button.
The desktop screen is displayed.
Note: If the unit was already in use—the unit may be off (suspend state) – pressing
[ENTER] ‘wakes’ the unit from this state. The screen in which you were working prior to the suspend state is displayed.
2.2.2 Switching The Unit Off (Suspend)
Press the [FN/BLUE] key, and then press [ENTER].
2.3 Calibrating The Touchscreen
Note: Keep in mind that the touchscreen function can be turned off (see “Touch” on
page 97).
The touchscreen is factory-calibrated and ready-to-go; however, over time the touchscreen operating parameters may change, and may need to be recalibrated for correct operation. Refer to “Calibrating The Touchscreen” on page 35 for details.
2.4 Wireless Networking
NEO contains an integrated 802.11b/g radio module. The Wi-Fi Config application is used to configure NEO for one or more wireless network profiles. A network profile contains set­tings for SSID (Service Set Identifier) and security options.
Note: In most situations, the configuration of your 802.11 radio will require parameter set-
ting and access keys from a network administrator.
12 Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
To launch the Wi-Fi Config application:
Tap on Start>Programs>Wi-Fi Config.
The Wi-Fi Config screen is displayed.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Status Tab
2.4.1 Status Tab
The Status tab displays information about the wireless network to which NEO is configured to connect. When there are no network profiles configured, this tab is not populated.
Disable/Enable Radio: This button toggles between Disable Radio and Enable Radio de- pending on whether the radio is turned off or on.
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 13
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Wi-Fi Config Tab
2.4.2 Wi-Fi Config Tab
To configure the radio for a wireless network, tap on the Configure tab.
Connect: Used to connect to an already existing wireless network configuration.
Add New: Used to create a new wireless network configuration.
Edit: Used to change values in an already existing wireless network configuration.
Remove: Used to delete a wireless network configuration.
Scan: Used to detect and list available wireless networks. You can highlight a network
in the list, and tap on Add New to activate the network.
There are two methods available when configuring a radio network – you can either scan for an existing network or manually create a network. If you tap on the Scan button, a list of networks detected by the radio are displayed. Highlighting one of the listed networks and tapping on the Add New button creates a new profile that is completed based on the security capabilities detected by the radio. You may need to add additional information, depending on your network requirements.
If you tap on the Add New button rather than the Scan button, you can create a network manually.
Important: The steps below describe how to manually create a network. Keep in mind
that this is intended only as an example
and may vary from your own network requirements. If, for example, you are using a different type of secu­rity for your network, the fields you complete may not match those described here.
14 Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Enter the SSID (Service Set Identifier) for your network. Authentication Modes
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Wi-Fi Config Tab
NEO supports four classes of authentication – Open, WEP, WPA PSK and 802.1x with EAP. Tapping on the Auth. Mode menu displays your authentication options.
Note: Each Auth. Mode has a unique Configure Profile screen attached to it with fields
appropriate to the authorization mode you’ve chosen.
Open Authentication
Open authentication does not provide security. When this option is chosen, NEO will connect to wireless networks which do not use authentication or encryption.
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 15
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Wi-Fi Config Tab
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
WEP provides static security to prevent others from accidentally accessing your network. If you choose this option, you can specify the type of WEP authentication – Open or Shared, the WEP security key length – 64 bit or 128 bit and the key type – ASCII or Hex. WEP Key fields are also provided where you can specify a 5 or 13 ASCII character sequence or an equivalent 10 or 26 Hexadecimal digit sequence that matches the active WEP key on the access point.
WPA & WPA2 Personal PSK (Pre-Shared Key)
When PSK is selected, either WPA Personal PSK or WPA2 Personal PSK – a shared key must be configured on both the access point and the hand-held computer. One of the follow­ing can be chosen from the Encryption dropdown menu: TKIP, AES or TKIP+AES.
802.1X, WAP & WAP2 Enterprise And CCKM
These authentication modes use 802.1X and with EAP authentication. When 802.1X is se­lected, NEO uses WEP encryption with automatic (as opposed to static) keying. For the others, the user may choose TKIP, AES or TKIP+AES encryption. EAP
This menu allows you to choose the EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) type used for
802.1x authentication to an access point.
The following EAP types are supported by Wi-Fi Config:
TLS: Provides strong security via the use of client certificates for user authentication.
16 Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Wi-Fi Config Tab
PEAPv0-MSCHAPv2: Provides secure user authentication by using a TLS tunnel to
encrypt EAP traffic. MSCHAPv2 is used as the inner authentication method. This is appropriate for use against Windows Active Directory and domains.
PEAP-GTC: PEAP authentication using GTC as the inner method which utilizes one time passwords (OTPs) for authentication against OTP data bases such as SecureID.
LEAP: Is an authentication method for use with Cisco WLAN access points. LEAP does not require the use of server or client certificates. LEAP supports Windows Active Directory and domains but requires the use of strong passwords to avoid vulnerability to off-line dictionary attacks.
FAST-MSCHAPv2: Is a successor to LEAP and does not require strong passwords to protect against off-line dictionary attacks. Like LEAP, EAP-FAST does not require the use of server or client certificates and supports Windows Active Directory and domains.
Server Certificate Verification
When the Verify Server Certificate box is checked, NEO will verify the certificate provided by the authentication server during the authentication process. This requires that an appro­priate certificate be manually installed on NEO for the verification. Encryption
The Encryption menu allows you to choose the type of encryption that will be used to protect transmitted data. Choose an Encryption method valid for your network from the dropdown menu. Only the Encryption options that are compatible with the type of Auth. Mode you’ve chosen will be listed. In fact, in some cases, this menu will not be available at all.
Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual 17
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Wi-Fi Config Tab
Complete the fields in the Configure Profile screen. If you’re uncertain about some of the options, your system administrative will be able to provide the correct information for your wireless network.
Once you’ve completed the necessary fields, tap on OK. Connecting The Wireless Network
Your configured network is listed in the Configure tab. An [X] next to a network indicates that this is the network to which NEO will connect.
Tap on the Connect button to activate your network.
The Status tab is displayed. The Status field displays ASSOCIATING while the 802.11b/g radio attempts to connect to the network. Once the association is complete, the Status tab is populated with the appropriate information about your network.
18 Psion Teklogix NEO Hand-Held Computer User Manual
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