Psion Teklogix netpad 1000 Series, netpad 3000 Series User Manual

EPOC User Manual
August 26, 2002 Part No. A6122 0005 0001 REV A
ISO 9001 Certified Quality ManagementSystem
© Copyright 2002 by Psion Teklogix Inc., Mississauga, Ontario
This document and the information it contains is the property of Psion Teklogix Inc., is issued in strict confidence, and is not to be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, except for the sole purpose of promoting the sale of Psion Teklogix manufac­tured goods and services. Furthermore, this document is not to be used as a basis for design, manufacture, or sub-contract, or in any manner detrimental to the interests of Psion Teklogix Inc.
All trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Return-To-Factory Warranty
Psion Teklogix warrants a return-to-factory warranty for a period of 90 days from shipment or 120 days from shipment where Psion Teklogix installs the equipment. The warranty on Psion Teklogix manufactured equipment does not extend to any product that has been tampered with, altered, or repaired by any person other than an employee of an authorized Psion Teklogix service organization. See Psion Teklogix terms and conditions of sale for full details.
When requesting service, please provide information concerning the nature of the failure and the manner in which the equipment was used when the failure occurred. Type, model, and serial number should also be provided. Before returning any products to the factory, call the Customer Services Group for a Return Authorization number.
Support Services
Psion Teklogix provides a complete range of product support services to its customers. In North America, these services can be accessed through the Psion Teklogix Helpdesk. The Helpdesk coordinates repairs and training, helps you to troubleshoot problems over the phone and arranges for technicians or engineers to come to your site. For contact information and a listing of worldwide offices, please refer to Appendix A: “Support Services And Worldwide Offices”.
Every effort has been made to make this material complete, accurate, and up-to­date. Psion Teklogix Inc. reserves the right to make changes without notice and shall not be responsible for any damages, including but not limited to consequential damages, caused by reliance on the material presented, including but not limited to typographical errors.
Approvals and Safety Summary .......................... ix
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About This Manual ............................3
1.2 TextConventions.............................4
1.3 ApplicationsInstalledOnThenetpad ..................4
1.4 DisplayingHelp..............................5
1.5 CaringForThenetpad..........................7
1.6 AdditionalProgramsAndThirdPartyApplications........... 8
Chapter 2: Getting Started
2.1 FeaturesOfThenetpad..........................17
2.2 PreparingThenetpadForUse ......................18
2.2.1 Power..............................18 PowerManagement ..................18 FittingTheBattery...................19
2.2.2 FittingTheAntenna.......................20
2.2.3 InstallingTheSIMCard.....................20
2.3 TurningOnAndOff ...........................23
2.4 FindingAndUsingTheStylus......................23
2.5 TheScreen,CommandIconsAndToolbar................24
2.6 HowToResetThenetpad.........................25
2.7 TheScanner................................26
2.8 FirstSteps.................................28
2.8.1 AligningTheTouchScreen...................28
2.8.2 NavigatingBetweenFilesAndFolders.............29
2.8.3 StartingPrograms........................29
2.8.4 ProgramsAndFiles.......................30
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual i
Chapter 3: Docking Station and MMC
Chapter 4: Using Infrared
2.8.5 EnteringInformation...................... 30
2.8.6 UsingMenus..........................32
2.8.7 Using Dialogues ........................32 DialogueButtons...................34 HowToDisplayACalendar.............34
2.8.8 CopyingInformationBetweenPrograms...........34
3.1 UsingTheDockingStationAndAnMMC............... 39
3.1.1 DockingStation........................ 39
3.1.2 MultimediaCards.......................40
3.1.3 CommunicationsSettings...................41
4.1 Introduction...............................45
4.2 SelectingDataToTransfer .......................45
4.3 TransferringTheInformation......................46
4.3.1 WhenTheTransferIsComplete................47
4.3.2 CancellingTheTransfer....................47
4.3.3 IfTheTransferFails......................47
Chapter 5: Configuring The netpad
5.1 ThingsToDoFirst............................51
5.1.1 EnteringOwnerInformation..................51
5.1.2 Setting A System Passcode ..................52
5.1.3 SettingTheTime,DateAndHomeCity............ 53
5.2 ThingsToDoNext ...........................54
5.2.1 ConnectingnetpadToThePCAndUsingPsiWin ...... 54
5.2.2 BackingUpToMultimediaCards...............55
5.2.3 ExploringTheControlPanel .................56
5.2.4 PowerandPowerSavingMode................57
5.2.5 SecuringYourInformation...................60
5.3 CustomizingYournetpad........................61
5.3.1 CreatingYourOwnWallpaper.................61
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
5.3.2 RecordingYourOwnAlarms..................62
5.3.3 CustomizingTheSystemScreen................62
Chapter 6: Files, Folders, and Programs
6.1 Introduction................................67
6.2 Moving Around . .............................67
6.3 OpeningFiles,FoldersAndPrograms..................68
6.4 ClosingPrograms/Files..........................69
6.5 CreatingNewFolders...........................69
6.5.1 CreatingNewFiles.......................70
6.6 BrowsingFolders.............................71
6.7 FindingFilesAndFolders ........................72
6.7.1 Using Passwords . .......................73
6.8 ChangingFileAttributes.........................73
6.9 ManagingFolders.............................74
6.10 CheckingMemoryUse..........................75
6.10.1 WhichFilesUseTheMostMemory?..............76
6.10.2 AdditionalMemoryAndPrograms...............77
Chapter 7: Connecting netpad To A PC
7.1 Introduction................................81
7.2 About PsiWin 2 . .............................81
7.3 UsingPsiWin...............................82
7.4 GettingHelp................................82
7.4.1 WhereCanIFindMoreHelp?.................82
7.4.2 TipsOnUsingPsiWinHelp...................83
7.5 WorkingWithYourFiles.........................83
7.5.1 Looking At Files On Your netpad................83
7.5.2 CopyingAFileUsingDragAndDrop.............84
7.5.3 CopyingAFileUsingCopyAndPaste.............87
7.5.4 OpeningnetpadFilesFromYourPC..............89
7.6 BackingUpYournetpadWithPsiWin..................89
7.6.1 PerformingYourFirstBackup.................89
7.6.2 Scheduling Regular Backups . . ................90
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual iii
7.7 SynchronizingYournetpad.......................90
7.7.1 WhatIsSynchronization?...................90
7.7.2 SynchronizingYournetpadWithMicrosoftOutlook.....91 SoftwareCompatibility................91 CreatingNewSynchronizations ...........92 CreatingTheSynchronization............93 MultipleSynchronizations..............100
7.7.3 SynchronizingYournetpadWithMicrosoftSchedule+....101 SoftwareCompatibility................101 CreatingNewSynchronizations ...........101 CreatingTheSynchronization............102 MultipleSynchronizations..............108
7.7.4 SynchronizingYournetpadWithLotusOrganizer......108 SoftwareCompatibility................108 CreatingNewSynchronizations ...........109 CreatingTheSynchronization............111
7.7.5 SynchronizingWithOrganizer97GS.............117 MultipleSynchronizations..............118
7.7.6 UsingAnExistingSynchronization..............120
Chapter 8: Configuring Communications
8.1 Introduction...............................123
8.2 802.11 Radio Configuration .......................123
8.3 SignalStrengthIndicator ........................127
8.4 InternetAndE-MailSettings......................128
8.4.1 Overview............................128 DisplayingOnlineHelp................128 UsingTheInternetOnnetpad ............128 UsingE-mailOnnetpad ...............128 TypesOfE-mailAccount...............129 If You Don’t Have An Internet/E-mail Account . . . 130 GlossaryOfTerms..................131
8.4.2 SettingUpYournetpad....................131
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual HowToUseOpera/Email..............131 GettingHelp.....................132 WhatInformationDoINeed?............132
8.4.3 SettingUpE-mailOnnetpad.................134 Connecting The Modem (Serial). . .........134 SettingUpDialling..................135 SettingUpTheModem ...............136 SettingUpInternetService..............137 SettingUpTheE-mailProgram...........140
Chapter 9: Printing With netpad
9.1 Introduction...............................145
9.2 SettingUpThePrinter .........................145
9.2.1 PrintingUsingInfrared....................146
9.2.2 PrintingToASerialPrinter..................147
9.2.3 UsingPsiWinToPrintViaAPC...............147
9.2.4 PrintingToAFile.......................147
9.3 SelectingThePrinterModel......................148
9.4 PageSetup ...............................149
9.5 PreviewingADocument........................149
9.6 PrintingADocument..........................150
Chapter 10: Powering The netpad
10.1 Overview................................153
10.2 HowDoICheckTheBatteryPower?.................153
10.3 ChangingTheBatteries.........................153
10.4 Lithium-IonBatterySafetyPrecautions................154
10.5 Prolonging Battery Life. . . ......................156
10.6 BatteryMonitoring...........................157
Chapter 11: netpad Accessories
11.1 Introduction...............................161
11.2 AccessoryProductList.........................161
11.3 TheIn-vehicleDockingStation.....................164
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual v
Chapter 12: Troubleshooting netpad/PsiWin
12.1 General Troubleshooting Tips . . . ...................167
12.1.1 IfAnAlarmDoesn’tRing...................167
12.1.2 WorldTimesAren’tCorrectInTheTimeProgram......167
12.1.3 AFileAppearsToHave“Vanished” .............168
12.1.4 If You Forget Your Password .................168
12.1.5 ThenetpadDoesn’tTurnOn/Off...............168
12.1.6 HowToResetThenetpad...................169
12.1.7 Can’tPlaceThenetpadInTheDockingStation........170
12.1.8 TheCommandIconsDon’tWork...............171
12.1.9 TheKeyboardDisappears...................171
12.1.10 Using HyperTerminal To Locate A Connection Problem . . . 171
12.2 PsiWin 2.3 Connection Problems
12.2.1 TipsWhenInstallingPsiWin2.3 ...............174
12.2.2 Basic Troubleshooting For Your netpad ............175
12.2.3 Basic Troubleshooting For Your PC . . ............176
12.2.4 DeviceConflicts........................177
12.2.5 Fax/ModemOnCOM1/2/3/4.................179
12.2.6 TheTempFolder........................180
12.3 Troubleshooting PsiWin 2.3
12.3.1 Basic Troubleshooting For Synchronization Problems ....182
12.3.2 OtherThingsToTry......................183
12.3.3 Exporting And Re-importing A PC PIM With Outlook ....185
12.3.4 Exporting And Re-importing A PC PIM
12.3.5 Exporting And Re-importing A PC PIM With Organizer . . . 190
12.3.6 CreatingANewOutlookProfile ...............192
12.3.7 Outlook: Failed To Open Outlook . . . ............193
12.3.8 Outlook: Failed To Open Custom Form,
12.3.9 Lotus Organizer 2.1: Synchronizer Cannot Access
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
12.3.10 Lotus Organizer: Cannot Find xxxx (Section Name) . . . . . 196
12.3.11 Lotus Organizer: Unable To Open xxxx (Section Name). . . 196
Appendix A: Support Services And Worldwide Offices
A.1 Technical Support ............................A-1
A.2 Product Repairs . ............................A-1
A.3 WorldWideOffices...........................A-3
A.4 WorldwideWeb.............................A-4
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual vii
Product: netpad 1000 Series with Serial Docking Station
Application of Council Directives: EMC Directive: 89/336/EEC
Low Voltage Directive: 73/23/EEC
Conformity Declared to Standards: EN 55022: 1998; Class B;
EN 55024: 1998;
EN 61000-4-2; ±4kV CD; ±8kV AD EN 61000-4-3; 3V/m, 80-1000 MHz, 900 MHz EN 61000-4-4; ±1kV Power lines EN 61000-4-5; ±2kV Common;
±1kV Differential mode EN 61000-4-6; 3V EN 61000-4-11; AC Mains Ports
EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3 EN 60950: 1992 + A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A11
, 150 kHz-80 MHz
2100 Meadowvale Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario; Canada L5N 7J9
Year of Manufacture: 2002
Manufacturer’s Address in the European Community: PSION TEKLOGIX S.A.
La Duranne; 135 Rue Rene Descartes BP 421000 13591 Aix-En-Provence Cedex 3; France
Type of Equipment: Information Technology Equipment
Equipment Class: Commercial and Light Industrial
Manufacturer: Psion Teklogix Inc. Ontario
Legal Representative in Europe: Psion Teklogix S.A. France
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual ix
Approvals And Safety Summary
Product: netpad 3000 Series with Serial Docking Station
Application of Council Directives: EMC Directive: 89/336/EEC
Conformity Declared to Standards: EN 55022: 1998; Class B;
Low Voltage Directive: 73/23/EEC
EN 55024: 1998;
EN 61000-4-2; ±4kV CD; ±8kV AD EN 61000-4-3; 3V/m, 80-1000 MHz, 900 MHz EN 61000-4-4; ±1kV Power lines EN 61000-4-5; ±2kV Common;
EN 61000-4-6; 3V
EN 61000-4-11; AC Mains Ports EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3 EN 60950: 1992 + A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A11 EN 60825-1, AM.2: 2001; Laser Safety
±1kV Differential mode
, 150 kHz-80 MHz
2100 Meadowvale Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario; Canada L5N 7J9
Year of Manufacture: 2002
Manufacturer’s Address in the European Community: PSION TEKLOGIX S.A.
La Duranne; 135 Rue Rene Descartes BP 421000 13591 Aix-En-Provence Cedex 3; France
Type of Equipment: Information Technology Equipment
Equipment Class: Commercial and Light Industrial
Manufacturer: Psion Teklogix Inc. Ontario
Legal Representative in Europe: Psion Teklogix S.A. France
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
Approvals And Safety Summary
Applicant’s Name & Address: PSION TEKLOGIX
US Representative’s Name & Address: Psion Teklogix Corp.
2100 Meadowvale Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 7J9 Telephone No.: (905) 813-9900
1810 Airport Exchange Blvd., Suite 500 Erlanger, Kentucky, 41018, USA Telephone No.: (859) 371-6006
Equipment Type/ Environment Use: Computing Devices for Home and Office Use Trade Name / Model No.: netpad
Year of Manufacture: 2002
Standard(s) to which Conformity is Declared: The netpad and Serial Docking Station, supplied by Psion Teklogix, has been tested and
Applicant: Psion Teklogix Inc.
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Legal Representative in US: Psion Teklogix Corp.
Erlanger, Kentucky, USA
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual xi
Approvals And Safety Summary
When used in a residential, commercial or light industrial environment the prod­uct and its approved UK and European peripherals fulfill all requirements for CE marking.
This equipment complies with the essential requirements of EU Directive 1999/5/EC (Declaration available:
Cet équipement est conforme aux principales caractéristiques définies dans la Directive européenne RTTE 1999/5/CE. (Déclaration disponible sur le site:
Die Geräte erfüllen die grundlegenden Anforderungen der RTTE-Richtlinie (1999/5/EG). (Den Wortlaut der Richtlinie finden Sie unter:
Questa apparecchiatura è conforme ai requisiti essenziali della Direttiva Europea R&TTE 1999/5/CE. (Dichiarazione disponibile sul sito:
Este equipo cumple los requisitos principales de la Directiva 1995/5/CE de la UE, “Equipos de Terminales de Radio y Telecomunicaciones”. (Declaración disponible en:
Este equipamento cumpre os requisitos essenciais da Directiva 1999/5/CE do Parla­mento Europeu e do Conselho (Directiva RTT). (Declaração disponível no endereço:
Οεξοπλισµός αυτός πληροί τις βασικές απαιτήσεις της κοινοτικής οδηγίας EU R&TTE 1999/5/EΚ.(Ηδήλωσησυµµόρφωσης διατίθεται στη διεύθυνση:
Deze apparatuur voldoet aan de noodzakelijke vereisten van EU-richtlijn betref­fende radioapparatuur en telecommunicatie-eindapparatuur 199/5/EG. (verklaring beschikbaar:
Dette udstyr opfylder de Væsentlige krav i EU's direktiv 1999/5/EC om Radio- og teleterminaludstyr. Erklæring findes på:
Dette utstyret er i overensstemmelse med hovedkravene i R&TTE-direktivet (1999/5/EC) fra EU. (Erklæring finnes på:
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
Approvals And Safety Summary
Utrustningen uppfyller kraven för EU-direktivet 1999/5/EC om ansluten teleutrust­ning och ömsesidigt erkännande av utrustningens överensstämmelse (R&TTE). (Förklaringen finns att läsa på:
Tämä laite vastaa EU:n radio- ja telepäätelaitedirektiivin (EU R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC) vaatimuksia. (Julkilausuma nähtävillä osoitteessa:
Use of the 802.11 netpad in France:
Owing to French Government restrictions, the French 802.11 netpad is limited to indoor use. They may be used outdoors, on private property, only with prior authorisation from the French Ministry of Defense.
This equipment radiates radio frequency energy and if not used properly - that is, in strict accordance with the instructions in this manual – may cause interference to radio communications and television reception.
It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason­able protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encour­aged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation distance between the equipment and the receiver.
If you are using the equipment with a mains adaptor, plug it into an outlet which is on a different circuit from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
For customers in the USA, the following booklet prepared by the Federal Commu­nications Commission may be of help: “How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems”. This booklet is available from the US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 - Stock No 004-000-00345-4.
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual xiii
Approvals And Safety Summary
Do not use in aircraft or hospitals. Some equipment in hospitals and aircraft are not shielded from radio frequency energy. Do not use the netpad onboard aircraft, or in hospitals, without first obtaining permission.
Do not use near pacemakers. The product may affect the operation of some medi­cally implanted devices such as pacemakers, causing them to malfunction. Avoid placing your product next to such devices. Keep a minimum distance of 15 cm between the device and the product to reduce the risk of interference. If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, turn off the netpad and con­tact your cardiologist for assistance.
Note: In August 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the
US adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio fre­quency energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. The design of this product complies with the FCC guidelines and those standards.
To maintain compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines, if you wear the netpad on your body, use the supplied or approved carrying case, holster, or other body-worn accessory. If you do not use a body­worn accessory, ensure the antenna is at least 1.5 cm from your body when transmitting. Use of non-approved accessories may violate FCC RF exposure guidelines.
This equipment was tested for FCC compliance under conditions that included the use of shielded cables and connectors between it and the peripherals. It is important that you use shielded cable and connectors to reduce the possibility of causing radio and television interference. Shielded cables, suitable for the netpad, can be obtained from an authorised Psion Teklogix dealer.
If the user modifies the equipment or its peripherals in any way, and these modifica­tions are not approved by Psion Teklogix, the FCC may withdraw the user’s right to operate the equipment.
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
Approvals And Safety Summary
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference­Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
This product includes an Infrared device for transmitting and receiving files from devices supporting the IrDA format. Although this invisible beam is not considered harmful, and complies with EN60825-1 (IEC825-1), we recommend the following precautions when the Infrared device is transmitting:
Do not stare into the Infrared beam.
Do not view directly with optical instruments.
No parts in the device may be serviced by the user.
For your own safety, it is critical that you comply with the warnings described in “The Scanner” on page 26.
Danger of explosion if a netpad battery is incorrectly handled, charged, disposed of or replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions described in “Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Precautions” on page 154. Carefully review all battery safety issues listed in that section.
Explosiongefahr bei unsachgemäßem Austausch der Batterie Ersatz nur durch denselben oder einen vom Hersteller empfohlenen gleichwertigen Typ. Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers.
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual xv
1.1AboutThisManual ............................3
1.2 Text Conventions. .............................4
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
About This Manual
1.1 About This Manual
This manual provides information on the operation and features of the Psion Teklogix netpad. For additional information, refer to the netpad online help for the application you are running, and to PsiWin online help, available on your PC when PsiWin is installed. The manual references other user documents where applicable.
Chapter 1: Introduction
includes an overview of the manual, netpad applications, and instructions for accessing the Help files.
Chapter 2: Getting Started
describes the netpad features, using the software, and directions on how to get the netpad ready for use, including installation of battery, antenna and SIM card.
Chapter 3: Docking Station and MMC
details the docking station and multimedia card (MMC) slot (netpad-specific hardware that supplies power, communications and removable storage).
Chapter 4: Using Infrared
describes data transfer and printing using netpad’s Infrared feature.
Chapter 5: Configuring The netpad
provides instructions on configuring the netpad’s security and Control Panel features, and includes ways to customize your netpad.
Chapter 6: Files, Folders, and Programs
describes the netpad’s file manager and how to move around and manage the information on your netpad.
explains how to use PsiWin to copy files between a PC and netpad, and how to synchronize files such as Agenda, Data and Contact files.
Chapter 8: Configuring Communications
instructs on the use of 802.11 radios, and the programs Opera (the Internet browser), and Email (the e-mail, fax and SMS application.
Chapter 9: Printing With netpad
details the print capabilities of the netpad, which include printing via Infrared, PC, and serial printers.
Chapter 10: Powering The netpad
provides important battery use and safety information.
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual 3
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 11: netpad Accessories
describes the accessories that are available for the netpad, including the Charging solutions and In-vehicle Docking station.
Chapter 12: Troubleshooting netpad/PsiWin
assists in the recognition and correction of problems that you may encounter when operating the netpad and PsiWin.
Appendix A: Support Services And Worldwide Offices
presents information for technical support, contacts and the Psion Teklogix worldwide web address.
1.2 Text Conventions
Note: Notes highlight additional helpful information.
Important: These statements provide particularly important instructions or
additional information that is critical to the operation of the computer and other equipment.
Warning: These statements provide important information that may prevent
injury, damage to the equipment, or loss of data.
1.3 Applications Installed On The netpad
The netpad is capable of running a wide variety of applications but the ones available on your particular netpad depend on the purpose for which the netpad is provided. A number of standard applications exist and custom programs can be installed easily.
The following standard programs are available:
Word, a word processor for writing letters and other documents.
Sheet, for spreadsheets, tables, and graphs.
Contacts, an address book.
Agenda, a diary program for appointments and lists of things to do.
Email, for sending and receiving e-mail, SMS and fax messages.
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
Displaying Help
Opera, for browsing the World Wide Web.
Calc, a calculator with general and scientific features.
Jotter, a notebook for jotting down ideas quickly.
Time, for alarms and a world map with international times and dialling codes.
Data, a customisable database program.
Sketch, for drawing pictures.
Record, for recording and editing voice memos and sounds.
Program, the editor in which you can create programs using the built-in programming language.
Spell, for checking spelling, thesaurus, solving anagrams and crossword clues.
Comms, for terminal emulation and file transfer.
1.4 Displaying Help
You can display Help at any time from the standard netpad programs including the System screen. Help information is contained on a series of “Help cards”. Help is specific to the program that you are using; wherever you are, you can just type a “clue” to search for the information you need.
Note: The online help contains more detailed information than is included in
this manual.
To display Help:
Select the Help command from the Tools menu. In the System screen, general help on the netpad is also available.
To search for help about something:
type your clue into the Find: box, and press Enter.IftheQuick find button is selected from the Toolbar, the display will show a list of Help cards with the clue in the title or initial description. Alternatively, if the Find in all button is selected, the display will list all cards with the clue in the text. To move between cards, tap on the Prev or Next buttons, press Enter, or use the left and right arrow keys.
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual 5
Chapter 1: Introduction
Displaying Help
To look through the help text:
drag the scroll bar on the side of the Help card, or tap the up and down arrow keys.
To print the current Help card:
tap the Print button on the Toolbar or select Print from the File menu.
To type in another search word:pressEsc, and then type in the word to search for
as before. To use one of the last five search words again, tap on the button next to the Find: box, or press Tab and select the word you want to use.
To return to the program you were using:
tap the Go back button on the Toolbar, or tap the program’s icon.
Note: You can highlight text in a Help card using the stylus or keyboard, and
copy it to use in a file of your own. Copy the text by selecting the Copy command from the Edit menu. Then go to your own file, and paste it in.
Text Found By Search
Search Clue
Help On Topic Card
Help Topics In Card Browser
Go Back Without Closing Help
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
Caring For The netpad
1.5 Caring For The netpad
When used according to the instructions in this manual, the netpad should remain in good working order for many years. However, there are certain precautions you should take to ensure continued trouble-free use:
Do operate the netpad within temperature limits of -20°C to +60°C (-20°C to +55°C for scanner variants), and store when not being used within tem­perature limits of -25°C to +70°C (-25°C to +60°C for scanner variants). To maximize long term battery life, where possible operate and store the product within temperature limits of +10°C to +35°C. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, exposure to direct sunlight and heat sources (elec­tric heaters, etc.)
Do keep the netpad away from strong magnetic fields (e.g. loudspeakers) and sources of static electricity.
Use only the Psion Teklogix-approved docking station.
Do back up regularly. You can use PsiWin to back up your netpad to your PC, or you can make backups to a multimedia card. See “Things To Do Next” on page 54 for more information.
To clean the screen: switch the netpad off and use a soft, clean, dry cloth to gently wipe the keyboard and screen. (If the netpad is set to turn on auto-
matically when you open the case or tap the screen, you should turn this preference off before cleaning the screen.)
Important: Under no circumstances use chemical solvents that may have a
corrosive effect.
Do not tap the screen with any object that has a sharp tip or you may damage the screen. Don't use any type of ink pen, as the ink may be impos­sible to remove. When not in use, keep the stylus supplied with the netpad in its storage compartment.
Do not throw,ortrytobendthenetpad.(Thenetpadisdesignedtowith­stand a 5ft drop onto any surface.)
Do not keep the netpad next to credit cards or transport tickets; the speaker magnet could corrupt the information on the magnetic strip.
Do not attempt to dismantle the netpad. There are no user-serviceable parts inside and any attempt to do so will render the warranty void.
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual 7
Chapter 1: Introduction
Additional Programs And Third Party Applications
Do not remove the main battery for longer than necessary. The backup
battery maintains the netpad’s memory for some hours; however, prolonged reliance on the backup battery does reduce its life.
Important: If both the batteries run out of power you will lose all your infor-
mation on the internal disk.
1.6 Additional Programs And Third Party Applications
Psion Teklogix has partnered with a number of companies to provide a suite of con­nectivity and database tools for the netpad. Below is a list of the partners and their applications. More details are available on the Psion Teklogix Partner Program web site at:
Afaria (from XcelleNet) helps you exploit your existing IT resources by providing a cost-effective and reliable way to manage your mobile devices.
Easy to install and integrate into your current infrastructure, Afaria lets you quickly implement systems management for mobile devices to reap the benefits of greater efficiency, increased productivity, and improved user satisfaction. In addition, your users enjoy improved service levels, hands-free maintenance and shorter connection times required to access important corporate information from their mobile devices.
AirZip Accelerator provides plug-and-play performance enhancement for deliver­ing images—diagrams, CAD drawings, photos, scanned documents—quickly and easily to mobile devices.
AirZip Accelerator transparently boosts download speeds by 300-500%, and reduces device memory storage requirements by up to 80%.
AirZip Accelerator makes it possible to include mission-critical images and graphics as part of Psion Teklogix solutions, dramatically improving end user productivity, and overall solution ROI.
AirZip Accelerator works with any web application or content, and all Psion Teklogix EPOC or WinCE devices.
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
Additional Programs And Third Party Applications
Broadbeam Corporation is a proven wireless platform provider that offers the industry-leading Axio™ platform, SystemsGO!™ wireless managed services, and Professional Services that allow customers to rapidly create, deploy and manage wireless applications.
Headquartered in Princeton, NJ, Broadbeam has multiple offices throughout the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom, and serves over 500 customers on six continents.
InkTools™ is a high performance software developers kit for implementing systems using electronic ink or handwritten signatures. The toolkit enables applica­tion developers to create eSign compliant software. InkTools™ provides electronic ink capture and display, signature verification, encryption and ink compression as well as other algorithms that can add competitive and performance value to a wide variety of vertical applications as well as document and transaction based applica­tions. Developers use InkTools™ to add electronic handwritten signature and secu­rity features to enterprise applications deployed on mobile platforms.
Psion Teklogix and Citrix are pleased to be able to announce the availability of the Citrix ICA client running on Psion Teklogix devices supporting the EPOC platform. This gives Psion Teklogix and Citrix solution providers the opportunity to provide solutions that can deploy a wide range of traditional back office solutions onto most of the devices in the Psion Teklogix range.
Eliad Technologies, Inc. provides Java™ small footprint display technology for advanced interfaces on multiple platforms. Eliad works with market leaders to define tomorrow’s architecture for mobile computing. Eliad offers include two fam­ilies of products:
XML-Run™ : XML/Java GUI technology for mobile applications.
JSmartGrid™: Advanced Lightweight and powerful Java™ Swing component.
Psion Teklogix netpad EPOC User Manual 9
Chapter 1: Introduction
Additional Programs And Third Party Applications
PowerTerm WebConnect is a comprehensive platform-independent, Java-based web-to-host connectivity solution for Psion Teklogix mobile computers, desktop PCs and many thin client and PDA devices. PowerTerm WebConnect provides a robust connection to a wide variety of hosts including IBM Mainframe, IBM AS/400, Unix, Tandem, VAX/VMS, Alpha/OpenVMS, Hewlett Packard, SCO, Data General and others.
Extended Systems
XTNDConnect Server is server-based synchronization and device management software from Extended Systems that allows information to be transferred directly between corporate applications and mobile devices without understanding IT con­cerns associated with corporate standards, security, data encryption or support costs.
FieldWorker is a Rapid Mobile Application Development Utility written in Java that has allowed FieldWorker, our resellers and our customers, to create over a hundred mobile applications for a wide variety of different vertical applications. FieldWorker is designed to be handheld PC independent, operating system indepen­dent, communications infrastructure independent and even language independent. FieldWorker is designed to capture and exchange data with almost any ODBC SQL compliant databases using docking cradles, wired and wireless LANs and WANs, and even browsers on the Internet.
IBM DB2 Everyplace
IBM’s DB2 Everyplace is a small footprint relational database and synchronization server designed to extend enterprise computing to mobile devices. DB2 Everyplace is being used by application developers, systems integrators and enterprises around the world to enable enterprise applications to be used on mobile devices. The DB2 Everyplace solution has the following key components:
The DB2 Everyplace database on the mobile device is a small footprint, robust, relational database.
The SQL statements supported by DB2 Everyplace allow you to create or drop a table or index, and delete, insert, or update rows of a table. The DB2 Everyplace database supports the following mobile platforms: EPOC, Palm, WinCE/Pocket PC, embedded Linux and the desktop platforms of Win32 and Linux.
Psion Teklogixnetpad EPOC User Manual
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