Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 User Manual

9160 G2
Wireless Gateway
User Manual
November 24, 2006 Part No. 8100117.A
ISO 9001 Certified Quality Management System
© Copyright 2006 by Psion Teklogix Inc., Mississauga, Ontario
This document and the informati on i t cont ains is the property of Psion Teklogix Inc., is issued in strict confidence, and is not to be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, except for the sole purpose of promoting the sale of Psion Teklogix manufac­tured goods and services. Furthermore, this document is not to be used as a basis for design, manufacture, or sub-contract, or in any manner detrimental to the intere sts of Psion Teklogix Inc.
All trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Return-To-Factory Warranty
Psion T eklog ix Inc. provi des a return to factory warranty on t his product for a period of twelve (12) months in accordance with the Statement of Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liabili ty prov ided at (If you are not already a member of Teknet and you attempt to view this warranty, you will be asked to register. As a member of Teknet, you will have access to helpful informa­tion about your Psion Teklogix products at no charge to you.) In some regions, this warranty may exceed this period. Plea se c ontact your loc al Psio n Teklogix office for details. For a list of offices, see Appendix A: “Support Services And Worldwide Offices”. The warranty on Psion Teklogix manufactured equipment does not extend to any product that has been tampered with, altered, or repaired by any person other than an employee of an authorized Psion Teklogix service organization. See Psion Teklogix terms and conditions of sale for full details .
Important: Psion Teklogix warranties take effect on the date of shipment.
Psion Teklogix provides a complete range of product support services to its custom­ers. For detailed information, please refer to Appendix A: “Support Services And Worldwide Offices”. This section als o provi des informat ion abou t acce ssing s upport services through the Psion Teklogix web site.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC
This Product, and its accessories, comply with the requirements of the Waste Elec­trical and Electronic Equipment (W EEE) Directive 2002/96/EC. If your end-of-life Psion Teklogix product or accessory carries a label as shown here, please contact your local country represe ntat ive for det ail s on how to arrange recycling. For a list of internati onal subsi diaries, please go to:
Restriction On Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC
What is RoHS?
The European Union has m andated th at high environm ental standards b e met in the design and manufacture of electronic and electrical products sold in Europe, to reduce hazardous substances from entering the environment. The “Restriction on Hazardous Substances D irective (RoHS)” prescribes the maximum trac e levels of
lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and flame retardants PBB and PBDE that may be contained in a product. O nly produ cts meeting the se high env ironmenta l standards may be “placed on the market” in EU member states after July 1, 2006.
RoHS Logo
Although there is no legal requirement to mark RoHS-compliant products, Psion Teklogix Inc. indicates its compliance with the di re ctive as follows:
The RoHS logo located either on the back of the product or under neat h t he battery in the battery compartment (or on a related accessory such as the charger or docking station) signifies that the product is RoHS-compliant as per the EU directive. Other than as noted below, a Psion Teklogix product that does not have an accompanying RoHS logo signifies that i t was pla ced on t he EU market prior to July 1, 2006, and is thereby exempt from the direct ive .
Note: Not all accessories or peripherals will have a RoHS logo due to physical
space limitations or as a result of their exempt status.
Every effort has been made to make this mate rial com plete , accurate , and up-to-da te. In addition, changes are periodically added to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated into n ew edi tions of the publication.
Psion Teklogix Inc. reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this document without notice, and shall not be responsible for any damages, including but not limited to consequential damages, caused by reliance on the material presented, including but not limited to typographical errors.
Approvals and Safety Summary..........................xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About This Manual.......................... ....3
1.2 Online Help Fe atures, Supported Browsers, And Limitat io ns........6
1.3 Text Conventions . . .............................7
1.4 Overview Of The 9 160 G2 Wireless Gateway ................7
1.4.1 Radios...................................8
1.4.2 Access Point Functions . . . .......................9
1.4.3 Base Station Functions................ ...... ....9
1.5 Features and Benefits.............................10
1.5.1 IEEE Standards Support And Wi-Fi Compliance. . . ..........10
1.5.2 Wireless Features.............................10
1.5.3 Security Features.............................11
1.5.4 Out-of-the-Box Guest Interface......................12
1.5.5 Clustering And Auto-Management....................12
1.5.6 Networking................................13
1.5.7 SNMP Support . .............................13
1.5.8 Maintainability..............................14
1.6 What’s Next?....................... ...... ....14
Chapter 2: Installation Requirements
2.1 Choosing The Right Location........................17
2.1.1 Environment................................17 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway ......................17
2.1.2 Maintenance................................18
2.1.3 Radios...................................18
2.1.4 Power And Antenna Cables........................18
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual i
Contents Power................................18 Antennas...............................19
2.2 Connecting To External Devices......................21
2.2.1 Ports...................................21
2.2.2 LAN Installation: Overview.......................21
2.2.3 LAN Installation: Ethernet........................22 Ethernet Cabling...........................22
2.2.4 Status Indicators (LEDs).........................22
2.2.5 Connecting A Video Display Terminal.................23
2.3 Changing The Configuration With A Web Browser............23
Chapter 3: PreLaunch Checklist
3.1 The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway . . . ...................27
3.1.1 Default Settings For The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway..........27
3.1.2 What The Access Point Does Not Provi de . . . ............30
3.2 Administrator’s Computer .........................30
3.3 Wireless Client Computers.........................31
3.4 Understandi ng Dynamic And S tat ic IP Address ing On The 9160 G2 Wireless
3.4.1 How Does The Access Point Obtain An IP Addres s At Startup? ....33
3.4.2 Dynamic IP Addressing ...... ...................33
3.4.3 Static IP Addressing...........................34
3.4.4 Recovering An IP Address........................34
Chapter 4: Quick Steps For Setup And Launch
4.1 Unpack The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway ..................37
4.1.1 9160 G2 Wirel ess Gateway Hardware And Ports ............37
4.1.2 What’ s Inside The 9160 G2 W ire less Gateway?. ............38
4.2 Connect The Access Point To Network And Power............38
4.2.1 A Note About Setting Up Connections For A Gue st Ne twork .....40 Hardware Connecti ons For A Guest VLAN. ............40
4.3 Power On The Access Point ........................40
4.4 Log On To The Administration Web Pages.................41
4.4.1 Viewing Basic Settings For Access Points................41
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
4.5 Configure ‘Basic Settings’ And Start The Wireless Network........42
4.5.1 Default Configuration...........................43
4.6 What’s Next?....................... ...... ....43
4.6.1 Make Sure The Access Point Is Connected To The LAN.........43
4.6.2 Test LAN Connectivity With W ir el ess Cl ien ts ..............44
4.6.3 Secure And Fine-tune The Access Poi nt Usi ng Advanced Features . . .44
Chapter 5: Configuring Basic Settings
5.1 Navigating To Basic Settings.........................47
5.2 Review / Descr ibe The Access Point.....................48
5.3 Provide Network Settings ... ....... ...... ..........49
5.4 Update Basic Settings ............................50
5.5 Summary Of Settings.............................50
5.6 Basic Sett ings For A Standalone Access Point................51
5.7 Your Network At A Glance: Understanding Indicator Icons.........51
Chapter 6: Managing Access Points & Clusters
6.1 Overview...................................55
6.2 Navigating To Access Points Management . ................55
6.3 Understanding Clustering ..........................56
6.3.1 What Is A Cluster?............................56
6.3.2 How Many APs Can A Cluster Support? . ................56
6.3.3 What Kinds Of APs Can Cluster Together?................56
6.3.4 Which Settings Are Shared As Part Of The Clu ste r Conf igur ati on And
Which Are Not?.......................... ....57 Settings Shared In The Cluster Configuration............57 Settings Not Shared By The Cluster.................58
6.3.5 Cluster Formation...... ....... ................58
6.3.6 Cluster Size And Membership ......................58
6.3.7 Intra-Cluster Security ...........................59
6.4 Understandi ng Access Point Settings ....................59
6.4.1 Modifying The Location Description...................60
6.4.2 Setting The Cluster Name.........................60
6.5 Starting Clustering..............................61
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual iii
6.6 St opping Clustering .............................61
6.7 Navigating To Configuration Informati on For A Speci fi c AP And Ma nagi ng
Standalone APs...............................62
6.7.1 Navigating To An AP By Using Its IP Address In A URL.......62
Chapter 7: Managing User Accounts
7.1 Overview..................................65
7.2 Navigating To User Management For Clustered Acc ess Points ......66
7.3 Viewing User Accounts...........................66
7.4 Adding A User...............................67
7.5 Editing A User Account...........................68
7.6 Enabling And Di sabl ing Us er Acc ount s ..................68
7.6.1 Enabling A User Account........................69
7.6.2 Disabling A User Account........................69
7.7 Removing A User Account.........................69
7.8 Backing Up And Restoring A User Database................69
7.8.1 Backing Up The User Database.....................69
7.8.2 Restoring A User Database From A Bac kup Fi le ............70
Chapter 8: Channel Management
8.1 Navigating To Channel Management....................73
8.2 Understanding Channel Management....................73
8.2.1 How It Works In A Nutshell.......................74
8.2.2 For The Curious: More About Overlappi ng Channels . . . ...... 74
8.2.3 Example: A Network Before And After Channel Management.....74
8.3 Configuring And Viewing Channel Management Settings.........76
8.3.1 Stopping/Starting Automatic Channel Assignment ...........76
8.3.2 Viewing Current Channel Assignments And Setting Locks.......77 Update Current Channel Settings (Manual).............77
8.3.3 V ie wing Last Proposed Set Of Changes.................78
8.3.4 Configuring Advanced Settings ( Cust omi zi ng And Sche duli ng Chan nel
Plans) ..................................78 Update Advanced Settings......................80
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Chapter 9: Wireless Neighborhood
9.1 Navigat in g To Wireles s Neighborhood....................83
9.2 Underst andi ng Wireless Neighborhood Information. . . ..........83
9.3 Viewing Wireless Neighborhood.......................84
9.4 Viewing Details For A Cluster Member...................86
Chapter 10: Configuring Security
10.1 Understanding Security Issues On Wireless Networks ...........91
10.1.1How Do I Know Which Security Mode To Use?.............91
10.1.2 Comparison Of Security Modes For Key Management, Authe ntication And
Encryption Algorithms.......... ................92 To Use Unencrypted (No Security)..............93 To Use Static WEP.......................93 When To Use IEEE 802.1x ......................94 To Use WPA Personal .....................95 To Use WPA Enterprise ....................96
10.1.3Does Prohibiting The Broadcast SSID Enhance Security?........98
10.1.4How Does Station Isolation Protect The Network?............98
10.2 Configuring Security Settings ........................99
10.2.1Broadcast SSID, Station Isolation, And Security Mode .........99
10.2.2None (Plain-text) ............................100
10.2.3 Guest Network .............................101
10.2.4Static WEP ......... ....... ...... ......... 102 To Remember For Static WEP................104 Of Using Static WEP...................105 Static WEP With Transfer Key Indexes On Client St ations . . . . 106
10.2.5 IEEE 802.1x . . . ............................107
10.2.6WPA Personal ..............................109
10.2.7WPA Enterprise .............................112
10.3 Updating Settings..............................115
Chapter 11: Maintenance And Monitoring
11.1 Interfaces ..................................119
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual v
11.1.1Ethernet (Wired) Settings........................120
11.1.2Wireless Settings.............................120
11.2 Event Logs .............. ....... ...... ......120
11.2.1Log Relay Host For Kernel Messages..................121 Understanding Remote Logging...................121 Up The Log Relay Host...................122 Enabling Or Disabling The Log Relay Host On The Status,
Events Page.............................123
11.2.2Events Log................................124
11.3 Transmit/ Recei ve Statistics .........................124
11.4 Associated Wireless Clients.........................126
11.4.1Link Integrity Monitoring........................126
11.5 Neighboring Access Points .........................126
Chapter 12: The Ethernet (Wired) Interface
12.1 Navigating To Ethernet (Wired) Settings..................133
12.1.1Setting The DNS Name.........................134
12.1.2 Enabling Or Disabling Guest Access ..................134 An Internal LAN And A Guest Network.......134 Or Disabling Guest Access................135 A Virtual Guest Network................135
12.1.3Enabling / Disabling Virtual Wireless Networks On The AP......136
12.1.4 Configuring LAN Or Internal Interface Ethernet Settings. . ......136
12.1.5Configuring Guest Interface Ethernet (Wired) Settings.........138
12.1.6Updating Settings............................138
Chapter 13: Setting the Wireless Interface
13.1 Navigating To Wireless Settings......................141
13.2 Configuring 802.11d Regulatory Domain Support . ............142
13.3 802.11h Regulatory Domain Control....................142
13.4 Configuring The Radio Interface......................143
13.5 Configuring “Internal” Wireless LAN Settings...............145
13.6 Configuring “Guest” Network Wireless Settings..............146
13.7 Updating Settings..............................146
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Chapter 14: Setting up Guest Access
14.1 Understanding The Guest Interface....................149
14.2 Configuring The Guest Interface......................150
14.2.1Configuring A Guest Network On A Virtual LAN...........150
14.2.2Configuring The Welcome Screen (Captive Portal) ..........152
14.3 Using The Guest Network As A Client .................. 152
14.4 Deployment Example............................153
Chapter 15: Configuring VLANs
15.1 Navigating To Virtual Wireless Network Settings .............157
15.2 Configuring VLANs................... ...... ...157
15.3 Updating Settings..............................159
Chapter 16: Configuring 802.11 Radio Settings
16.1 Understanding Radio Settings.......................163
16.2 Navigating To Radio Settings .............. .........164
16.3 Configuring Radio Settings...................... ...165
16.4 Updating Settings..............................169
Chapter 17: MAC Address Filtering
17.1 Navigating To MAC Filtering Settings...................173
17.2 Using MAC Filtering............................174
17.3 Updating Settings..............................174
Chapter 18: Load Balancing
18.1 Understanding Load Balancing.......................177
18.1.1 Identifying Imbalance: Overworked Or Under-util ize d Acces s Poi nts. 177
18.1.2 Specifying Limits For Utilization And Client Associati ons . . . . . . 178
18.1.3Load Balancing And QoS........................178
18.2 Navigating To Load Balancing Settings..................178
18.3 Configuring Load Balancing........................179
18.4 Updating Settings..............................180
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual vii
Chapter 19: Quality of Service (QoS)
19.1 Understanding QoS....................... ......183
19.1.1QoS And Load Balancing........................183
19.1.2 802.11e And WMM St andar ds Su pport .................183
19.1.3QoS Queues And Parameters To Coordinate Traffic Flow.......184 Queues And Type Of Service (ToS) On Packets........184 EDCF Control Of Data Frames And Arbitrati on I nter fr ame Spac es186 Random Backoff And Minimum/Maximum Contention Windows. 187 Bursting For Better Performance ..............188 Transmissi on Oppor tunity (TXOP) Interval For Clien t Stations . .188
19.1.4802.1p And DSCP Tags.........................188 Priority............................190 Priority............................190
19.2 Configuring QoS Queues..........................191
19.2.1Configuring AP EDCA Parameters...................192
19.2.2Enabling/Disabling Wi-Fi Multimedia..................193
19.2.3Configuring Station EDCA Parameters.................194
19.3 Updating Settings..............................195
Chapter 20: Wireless Distribution System
20.1 Understanding The Wireless Distribution System.............199
20.1.1Using WDS To Bridge Distant Wired LANs..............199
20.1.2 Using WDS To Extend Network Beyond The Wired Coverage Area. . 200
20.1.3Using WDS To Create Backup Links ..................201
20.2 Security Considerations Related To WDS Links ..............201
20.2.1Understanding Static WEP Data Encryption..............202
20.2.2Understanding WPA (PSK) Data Encryption........ ......202
20.3 Configuring WDS Settings.........................203
20.3.1Example Of Configuring A WDS Link.................206
20.4 Updating Settings..............................207
Chapter 21: Configuring SNMP
21.1 Understanding SNMP Settings........... ............211
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
21.2 Navigating To SNMP Settings.......................213
21.3 Configuring SNMP Settings........................ 214
21.3.1Configuring SNMP Traps........................215
21.3.2Updating SNMP Settings........................216
Chapter 22: The 9160 G2 As Base Station
22.1 Overview..................................219
22.2 Radio Protocols...............................220
22.2.1Adaptive Polling/Contention Protocol.................220
22.3 Narrow Band Menus ............................221
22.3.1Narrow Band Radio Configuration Settings..............221 RA1001A Radio Parameters ....................222
22.3.2Connectivity Options..........................223
22.3.3Connectivity Options: Base Station Mode...............223 Protocol Parameters.....................225 Parameters..........................227
22.3.4Connectivity Options: RRM Mode...................229
22.4 Connectivity Menus ............................230
22.4.1Base Station Configuration Settings ..................231
22.4.2 RRM Groups Configuration Settings . . . ...............232 RRM Groups ............................234 Protocol Parameters.....................235 Parameters..........................237 Group Parameters ..........................238 Radio Modules.......................238
22.4.3Radio Link Features Configuration Settings..............239 Link Features.........................240 Radio Address......................241 Terminal Number....................242
22.5 Hosts....................................243
Chapter 23: Network Time Protocol Server
23.1 Navigating To Time Protocol Settings...................249
23.2 Enabling Or Disabling A Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server . . . . . 250
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual ix
23.3 Updating Settings..............................250
Chapter 24: Backing Up & Restoring Configuration
24.1 Navigating To The AP’s Configuration Settings..............253
24.2 Resetting Factory Default Configuration..................253
24.3 Saving The Current Configurati on To A Backup File ...........254
24.4 Restoring The Configuration From A Previously Saved File........254
24.5 Rebooting The Access Point ........................255
24.6 Upgrading The Firmware..........................255
24.6.2Verifying The Firmware Upgrade....................257
Chapter 25: Specifications
25.1 Physical Description ............................261
25.2 Environmental Requirements........................261
25.3 AC Power Requirements..........................261
25.4 Power Over Ethernet Requirements.....................262
25.5 Processor And Memory...........................262
25.6 Network Interfaces .............................262
25.7 Radios....................................262
Appendix A: Support Services And Worldwide Offices
A.1 Technical Support..............................A-1
A.2 Product Repairs ...............................A-1
A.3 Worldwide Offices..............................A-2
Appendix B: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
B.1 Console Port.................................B-1
B.2 Serial Cable Descriptions..........................B-2
B.3 RJ-45 Connector Pinouts (10 BaseT/ 100BaseT Ethernet)..........B-3
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Appendix C: Security Settings On Wireless Clients And RADIUS Server
C.1 Network Infrastructur e And Choosing Between Bui lt-in Or Exte rnal Authenti -
cation Server................................C-4
C.1.1 Using The Built-in Authentication Server (EAP-PEAP)........C-4
C.1.2 Using An External RADIUS Server With
EAP-TLS Certificates Or EAP-PEAP.................C-4
C.2 Make Sure The Wireless Client Software Is Up-to-Date..........C-5
C.3 Accessing The Microsof t Windows Wireless Client Secur it y Sett in gs . . C-5 C.4 Configuring A Client To Access An Unsecure Network
(No Security)................................C-7
C.5 Configuring Static WEP Security On A Client...............C-8
C.6 Configuring IEEE 802.1x Sec uri ty On A Cli ent .............C-11
C.6.1 IEEE 802.1x Client Using EAP/PEAP . . .............. C-11
C.6.2 IEEE 802.1x Client Usin g EAP/TLS Cert if icate . . . ........C-15
C.7 Configuring WPA/WPA2 Enterprise (RADIUS) Security On A Client . C-19
C.7.1 WPA/WPA2 Enterprise (RADIUS) Client Using EAP/PEAP . . . . C-20
C.7.2 WPA/WPA2 Enterprise (RADIUS) Client Using
EAP-TLS Certificate.........................C-24
C.8 Configuring WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) Security
On A Client................................C-28
C.9 Configuring An External RADIUS Ser ver To Recognize The 9160 G2 Wire-
less Gateway............................. ..C-30
C.10Obtaining A TLS-EAP Certificate For A Client.............C-34
C.11Configuring RADIUS Server For VLAN tags..............C-38
C.11.1 Configuring A RADIUS Server ...................C-39
Appendix D: Troubleshooting
D.1 Wireless Distribution System (WDS) Probl ems And Sol utions . . . . . . D-3
D.2 Cluster Recovery..............................D-4
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual xi
D.2.1 Reboot Or Reset Access Point . ....................D-4
Appendix E: Glossary


Product: 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway Application of
Council Directives: EMC Directive:89/336/EEC
Low Voltage Directive:73/23/EEC R&TTE Directive: 1999/5/EEC
Conformity Declared to Standards: EN 55022: 2003 Class B
EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3 EN 55024:2003 ETSI EN 300 328:2003 ETSI EN 301 489-17:2002 EN 60950-1: 2001
2100 Meadowvale Blvd.
Mississauga, Ontario; Canada L5N 7J9 Year of Manufacture: 2005 Manufacturer’s Address in the
European Community: PSION TEKLOGIX S.A.
La Duranne
135 Rue Rene Descartes; BP 421000
13591 Aix-En-Provence
Cedex 3; France Type of Equipment: Information Technology Equipment Equipment Class: Commercial and Light Industrial
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual xiii
Approvals And Safety Summary

FCC Statement

Applicant’s Name & Address: PSION TEKLOGIX
2100 Meadowvale Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 7J9 Telephone No.: (905) 813-9900
US Representative’s Name & Address: Psion Teklogix Corp.
1810 Airport Exchange Blvd., Suite 500 Erlanger, Kentucky, 41018, USA Telephone No.: (859) 372-4329
Equipment Type/ Environment Use: Computing Devices Trade Name / Model No.: 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway Year of Manufacture: 2005
Standard(s) to which Conformity is Declared: The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway, supplied by Psion Teklogix, has been tested and found
Applicant: Psion Teklogix Inc.
Legal Representative in US: Psion Teklogix Corp.
The 9160 G2 Wireles s Ga teway has been t est ed and fo und to compl y wi th t he spec ­ifications for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera­tion is subject to the fol lowi ng t wo condi ti ons:
1. This device may not cause harmful inte rf erence, and
2. This device must accept any int erf ere nce r ece ived, including interfer­ence that may cause undesired ope ration.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Erlanger, Kentucky, USA
Approvals And Safety Summary
ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equip­ment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or mor e of the f oll owing measures:
Reorient or relocate t he r eceiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment or devices.
Connect the equipment t o an out le t other than the receiver's.
Consult a dealer or an experi enced radio/TV technician for assistance.
FCC Caution: Any change or modification to the product not expressly
approved by Psion Teklogix could void the user's authority to operate the device.
RF Radiation Exposure Statement
To comply with the FCC and ANSI C95.1 RF exposure limits, the ante nna(s) for this device must comply wi th the f oll owing:
All Access Point antennas must operate with a separation distance of at least 25 cm (9.8 in.) from all persons using the cable provided, and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
The Gabriel dish antenna (P/N 9002006) requires a minimum separation distance of 63.2 cm (24.9 in.).
Note: Dual antennas used f or diversity operation are not considered co-located.

Industry Canada (IC) Department Of Communications Notice

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-21 0. “To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equip­ment (or its transmit anten na) t h at is inst al led outdoors is subject to licensing.”
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est confor me à la norme NMB-003 et CNR­210 du Canada. “Pour empêcher que cet appareil cause du brouillage au service fai­sant l'objet d'une licence, il doit être utilisé à l'intérieur et devrait être placé loin des fenêtres afin de fourn ir un écran de bl indage maxima l. Si le matéri el (ou son ante nne d'émission) est insta ll é à l 'extérieur, il doit faire l'objet d'une licence.”
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual xv
Approvals And Safety Summary
CSA, NRTL/ C and CB.
When used in a residential, commercial or light industrial environment, the product and its approved UK and European peripherals fulfill all requirements for CE marking.
This equipment complies with the e sse ntial requirements of EU Directi ve 1999/5/EC (Declaration avail abl e:
Cet équipement est conforme aux pr inci pal es c ara ctéristiques définies dans la Directive européenne RTTE 1999/5/CE. (Déclaration disponible sur le site:
Die Geräte erfüllen die grundlegenden Anforderungen der R TTE- Rich tli ni e (1999/5/EG). (Den Wortlaut der Richtlinie finden Sie unte r:
Questa apparecchiatura è con for me ai requisiti essenziali della Direttiva Europea R&TTE 1999/5/CE. (Dichiarazione disponi bil e su l si to:
Este equipo cumple los requisi tos principales de la Directiva 1995/5/CE de la UE, “Equipos de Terminales de Radio y Telecomunicaciones”. (Declaración disponible en:
Este equipamento cumpre os requisitos essenciais da Directiva 1999/5/CE do Parla­mento Europeu e do Conselho (Directi va RTT). (Declaração disponível no endereço:
Ο εξοπλισμός αυτός πληροί τις βασικές απαιτήσεις της κοινοτικής οδηγίας EU R&TTE 1999/5/EΚ. (Η δήλωση συμμόρφωσης διατίθεται στη διεύθυνση:
Deze apparatuur voldoet aan de n oodzakelijke vereisten van EU-richtlijn betref­fende radioapparatuur en t ele communica tie-eindapparatuur 199/5/EG. (verklaring beschikbaar:
Dette udstyr opfylder de Væsent li ge kr av i EU' s di rekt iv 1999/5/EC om Radio- og teleterminaludstyr. (Erklæring findes på:
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Approvals And Safety Summary
Dette utstyret er i overe nsst emmelse med hovedkravene i R&TTE-direkt ive t (1999/5/EC) fra EU. (Erklæri ng fi nnes på:
Utrustningen uppfyller kra ven f ör EU-direktivet 1999/5/EC om ansluten teleutrust­ning och ömsesidigt erkännande a v utr ust ningens överensstämmelse (R&TTE). (Förklaringen finns att l äsa på:
Tämä laite vastaa EU:n radio- j a t ele päät ela it edi rekt ii vin (EU R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC) vaatimuksia. (Julkilausuma nähtävillä oso it tee ssa:
Psion T eklogix tímto prohlašuje, že 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1995/5/ES (NV č. 426/2000 Sb.) a Prohlášení o shodě je k dispozici na www T oto zaríze ní lze provozov at v Čes ké republic e na základě generální licence č. GL-12/R/2000.
Psion T eklogix týmto vyhlasuje, že 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1995/5/ES (NV č. 443/2001 Z.z.) a V yhlásenie o zhode je k dispozícii na T oto zariadenie j e možné prevádzkovat’ v Slovenskej r epublike na základe Všeobecného povolenia č. VPR-01/2001.


This safety informati on is f or the p rot ection of both op eratin g and servic e person nel.
The 9160 G2 must be installed by a quali fied Psio n Teklogix installer—fail­ure to have the 9160 G2 properly i nst all ed wil l vo id t he Manuf act urer’s warranty.
The mains power cord (if sold separatel y) shall comply with Nationa l safety regulations of the country where the equipment i s to be used.
Use of an attachment not recommende d or sold by manufa cturer may resul t in fire, electric shock, o r per sona l i njur y.
T o redu ce risk of damage to the elect ric plug and co rd when unplugg ing the 9160 G2, pull the plug rather tha n the cord.
Make sure the cord is positi oned so tha t it is not st epped on, trip ped over , or otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
Do not operate t he 91 60 G2 wi th a damage d cor d or plug . Repla ce i mmedi ­ately.
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual xvii
Approvals And Safety Summary
Do not operate the 9160 G2 if it has received a sharp blow , been dropped, or otherwise damaged in any way; it should be inspected by qualified service per­sonnel.
Do not disassemble the 9160 G2; it s houl d be r epai red by qualified service personnel. Incorrect reassembly may result in electric shock or fire .
To reduce risk of electric shock, unplug the 9160 G2 fr om the outlet before attempting any maintenance or c lea ning.
An extension cord should not be us ed unl ess absol utely necessary. Use of an improper extension cord co uld result i n fire or ele ctric shock. If an exte n­sion cord must be used, make sure:
The plug pins on the extension cord are the same number, size, and
shape as those on the adaptor.
The extensi on cor d i s pro perl y wir ed, i n good electrical condition, a nd
that the wire size is larger than 16 AWG.
The 9160 G2 is designed for indoor use only; do not expose the 9160 G2 to rain or snow .
Operating Psion Teklogix equipment where explosive gas is present may result in an explosion.
To avoid injury, the equipment covers and enclosures should only be removed by qualified service personnel. Do not operate the equipment without the covers and enclosu res prope rly installed.
To avoid discomfort due to the local heating effect of radio frequency energy, do not touch the antenna when a 9160 G2 is transmitting .
The outdoor antenna shall only b e installed by Psion Teklogix service professional s.
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual


1.1 About This Manual..............................3
1.2 Online Help Features, Supported Browser s, And Li mitat io ns ........6
1.3 Text Conventions . . .............................7
1.4 Overview Of The 9160 G2 W i rel ess Gatewa y ................7
1.4.1 Radios.................................8
1.4.2 Access Point Functions........................9
1.4.3 Base Station Functions........................9
1.5 Features and Benefits.............................10
1.5.1 IEEE Standards Support And Wi-Fi Compliance. . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5.2 Wireless Features..........................10
1.5.3 Security Features..........................11
1.5.4 Out-of-the-Box Guest Interface...................12
1.5.5 Clustering And Auto-Management.................12
1.5.6 Networking.............................13
1.5.7 SNMP Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5.8 Maintainability...........................14
1.6 What’s Next?..................................14
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
About This Manual

1.1 About This Manual

This manual describes the set up, conf iguration, administration, and maintenance of one or more 9160 G2 W ir ele ss Gat eways on a wireless network.
Chapter 1: Introduction
provides an overview of this manu al and 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway features.
Chapter 2: Installation Requirements
explains the physical install ation of t he 9160 G2 W i reles s Gateway, and how to connect to the 9160 G2 for di agnos tics.
Chapter 3: PreLaunch Checklist
provides a quick check of requi re d har dware components, software, client con­figurations, and compatibility issues.
Chapter 4: Quick Steps For Setup And Launch
is a step-by-step guide to set ti ng up you r 9160 G2 Wirele ss Gat eways and the resulting wireless networ k.
Chapter 5: Configuring Basic Settings
provides instructions on c onfiguring administrator access settings and new access point setting s.
Chapter 6: Managing Access Points & Clusters
describes access point cl uste rs and how to navigate to specific access points within clusters.
Chapter 7: Managing User Accounts
illustrates the user mana gement capabilities for controlling client access to access points.
Chapter 8: Channel Management
describes how the 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway automatically assigns r adio cha n­nels used by clustered access points to reduce mutual interference or interfer­ence with other access po int s out sid e of i ts cluster.
Chapter 9: Wireless Neighborhood
provides a detailed view of ne ighborhood access points, including identifying information, cluster status, and statistical information.
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 3
Chapter 1: Introduction
About This Manual
Chapter 10: Configuring Security
provides a number of authenticatio n and encryption schemes to ensure that your wireless infrastructur e i s accessed only by the intended users. The details of each security mode are descri bed.
Chapter 11: Maintenance And Monitoring
describes the maintenan ce and monitoring tasks fo r i ndi vidua l access points (not for cluster conf igur at ions ).
Chapter 12: The Ethernet (Wired) Inte rface
describes how to configure the wired interface settings on the 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway.
Chapter 13: Setting the Wireless Interface
describes how to configur e th e wireless address and related settings on the 9160 G2 Wirel ess Ga teway.
Chapter 14: Setting up Guest Access
allows you to configure the 9160 G2 Wir ele ss Gat eway f or c ontr o ll ed gu est access to an isolated networ k.
Chapter 15: Configuring VLANs
describes how to configure multiple wireless networks on Virtual LANs (VLANs).
Chapter 16: Configuring 802.11 Radio Settings
describes how to configure Radi o Set ti ngs on t he 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway
Chapter 17: MAC Address Filtering
instructs how you can use MAC address filter ing to control client access to your wireless network.
Chapter 18: Load Balancing
describes how to configure Load Ba lan cing on your wire less network, to allow you to balance the distr ibu tio n of wi rel ess client connections across multiple access points.
Chapter 19: Quality of Service (QoS)
provides instructions on c onfi guri ng t he par amet ers on multiple queues to improve the throughput and pe rf ormance of differentiated wireless traff ic.
Chapter 20: Wireless Distribution System
describes how to configure the Wireless Distribution System (WDS) on the 9160 G2 Wirel ess Ga teway, enabling you to connect multip le a cces s points which can then communicate with one another wireles sly in a standardized way .
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
About This Manual
Chapter 21: Configuring SNMP
describes how to configure SNMP and rel ated setti ngs on the 9160 G2 W irele ss Gateway Enterprise-Manager API.
Chapter 22: The 9160 G2 As Base Stat ion
describes how to configure th e 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway as either a wired or wireless Base Stati on, or a s a Remot e Radi o Mo dule (RRM). This chapt er als o describes narrow band radio configuration settings.
Chapter 23: Network Time Protocol Server
describes how to configure th e 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway to use a specified Network Time Prot oco l (NTP) ser ver to synchronize computer clock times on your network.
Chapter 24: Backing Up & Restoring Configuration
shows how to backup a configuratio n fi le that can be used at a later date to restore the access point t o t he previously saved configuration.
Chapter 25: Specifications
details the physic al, environmental, and various operating specifications for the 9160 G2 Wirel ess Ga teway a nd i ts r adi os.
Appendix A: Support Services And Worldwide Offices
presents information for t echnical support, contacts, and the Psion Teklogix worldwide web address.
Appendix B: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
includes pinouts and diagrams o f t he por ts and cables for the 9160 G2.
Appendix C: Security Settings On Wireless Clients And RADIUS Server Setup
details how to configure sec uri ty s ett ings on t h e cl ien t t o match the security mode being used by each network (AP) connection.
Appendix D: Troubleshooting
describes how to solve common pr oblems pos sibly en countere d while upd ating network configurations on net works served b y multiple, clust ered access point s.
Appendix E: Glossary
provides definitions and further details on terms featured in bold it alics throug h­out the manual.
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 5
Chapter 1: Introduction
Online Help Features, Supported Browsers, And Limitations

1.2 Online Help Features, Supported Browsers, And Limitations

Online Help for the 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway provides information about all fields and features avai labl e on the user interface. The information in the Online Help is a subset of the infor mati on available in the full User Manual.
Online Help informatio n corre sponds t o each t ab on t he 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway Administration user inter face . Cli ck th e Help button on a tab or the “More. . .” link at the bottom of the online he lp panel on the UI for help i nform ation fo r the set tings on the current tab.
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
Text Conventions

1.3 Text Conventions

Note: Notes highlight additional helpful information.
Important: These statements provide particularly important instructions or
additional information that is critical to the operatio n of the computer and other equipment.
Warning: These statements pro vide important information that may prevent
injury, damage to t he equi pment , or l oss of data.
An arrow next to field desc ri pti on information (usually in tables) indicates a r ecom­mended or suggested configurat ion s ett ing for an option on the Access Point (AP).
Bold Italic
When you see a term writte n in bold italics, there is an entry for it in Appendix E: Glossary, providing a definition and further details. Not a ll ter m s ar e hi ghl ight ed i n the manual, but the Glossary is e xtensive, therefore please check there for any unfa­miliar words or expressions.

1.4 Overview Of The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway

The 9160 G2 Wirel es s Gate way provides continuous, high-speed access between your wireless and Ethernet de vice s. It is an advanced, standards-based solution for wireless networking in small and medi um-si zed businesses. The 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway enables zero-administ ration wireless local area network (WLAN) deploy­ment while providing state-o f-t he- art wir eless networking features.
The 9160 G2 Wi reless Gateway pr ovides best-of -breed securi ty, ease-of-administra­tion and industry standards —pr ovidi ng a standalone and fully-secured wireless network without the need for additional management and security server soft ware.
The 9160 G2 Wire less Gateway is des igned to sup port a wide varie ty of system co n­figurations. Using the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standar ds, t he 9160 G2 is capable of operating as a tr ans parent bridge (access point) between wireless and wired networks. This allows wirel ess cl ient s t o acc ess t he network and also move seamlessly between the 9 160 G2s in t he network. The 9160 G2 can also operate a s a base station, a remote radio modu le ( RRM), and bec ome par t of a mapRF system.
The following sections list features and benefits of the 9160 G2 Wirele ss Gat eway, and tell you what’s next for when you’re ready to get started using the AP .
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual 7
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.4.1 Radios

The 9160 G2 is capable of supporting single or dua l radio operation. Available radio modules are the 802.1 1a/g radi o, the 802.1 1g radio, and the RA1001A Narrow Band radio. For detailed specif ica ti ons on t hes e ra dios please see “Radios” on page 262.
Depending on the installed ra dio( s) , the access point is capable of operating in the following modes:
IEEE 802.11b mode.
IEEE 802.11g mode.
IEEE 802.11a mode.
Atheros Tur bo 5 GHz.
Atheros Dynamic T urbo 5 GHz .
Atheros Tur bo 2.4 GHz.
Atheros Dynamic T urbo 2.4 GHz.
Extended Range.
Psion Teklogix Narrow Band Polling Protocol.
Important: Psion Teklogix terminals do not support Atheros Turbo modes
and to prevent unneces sary rad io overhea d the use of Turbo mode is not recommended.
The 9160 G2 Wirel es s Gate wa y supp ort s fo ur di fferent radio configurations:
802.11g, 802.11g + 802.11ag, NB (narrow band), and NB + 802.11ag.
These different var ia nts a re iden tif ied by the “Model” value, which is shown on the Maintenance > Upgrade web page ( see Figure 1.1 on page 9). The models are defined as follows:
9160 W i reless Gateway = 802.11g.
9160 W i reless Gateway (Dual Radio) = 802.11g + 8 02.11ag.
9160 W i reless Gateway NB = NB.
9160 W i reless Gateway NB (Dual Radio) = NB + 802.11ag.
Psion Teklogix 9160 G2 Wireless Gateway User Manual
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