diSk ManageMentfOr WindOWS 7 hOMe PreMiuMand WindOWS 8 19
diSk ManageMentfOr WindOWS 7 hOMe baSicand WindOWS 7 Starter21
sAfely remove J2 from windows25
J2 Webpam lITe sofTWareIn WIndoWs 25
iMPOrt diSkWith WebPaM Lite 25
uPdate J2 firMWarein WindOWS26
switChingthe J2 from windowsto mAC27
Support Information 29
ContACting teChniCAl support29
LiMited Warranty30
returning PrOduct fOr rePair31
yOur reSPOnSibiLitieS32
J2 Hardware 5
AssemblethepowerAdApter 6
performAnCe led 8
Install J2 on Mac 9
connecTThe J2 Toyour mac 9
J2 sofTWare updaTerIn mac 10
dOWnLOad J2 uPdater10
inStaLL J2 uPdater10
sAfely remove J2 from mAC 11
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
ank you for purchasing the Pegasus J2 drive from PROMISE Technologies. e sleek design of J2
drive enclosure houses a very high performance, versatile, portable and easy to use storage device. For
the best user experience, please make sure you read and understand the user documentation, including
this manual.
is user manual provides a description of the J2 hardware and features, and includes instructions on
how to connect, use and keep the device up to date. Please read the descriptions of the device specications,
hardware features, power adapter assembly, and underbolt cable connection instructions, then follow
the set up instructions for the version you are using. Read the relevant information and set up instructions
for the operating system you are using. Pay special attention to the important notices and instructions in
all documentation regarding safe use of the device.
Mac OS
For Mac users, before installing the device please rst read “Important information for Mac Users”
on page 2 for information regarding your J2 installation. When you are ready to proceed with the
installation, read “Install J2 on Mac” on page 9 and follow the instructions to connect and begin using
the J2.
pACking list
Check the shipping package to make sure you have the following items:
• Pegasus J2 drive
• Universal power adapter
• Product CD
• Protective slip case
power adapter with plugs
Pegasus J2 drive
For Windows users, please rst read “Important information for Windows Users” on page 3 before
installing the device. Make sure you have everything ready, then read “Install J2 on Windows” on page 12
and follow the instructions to set up the J2. Alternatively, the Product CD includes a separate document,
Installation Guide for Windows, containing a step-by-step installation description for Windows.
ThunderbolTTechnologyandThe J2
underbolt™ technology is a high-speed, dual-protocol I/O technology designed for performance,
simplicity, and versatility. It combines PCI Express (PCIe) and DisplayPort (DP) into a serial data interface
carried over an active cable. PCIe is a high-speed expansion bus standard commonly used for internal
and peripheral devices, including storage devices. underbolt creates a motherboard-level interconnect
to the two mSATA ash drives which are congured in a striped RAID (Mac OS Striped RAID) for
maximum performance. e cable used for underbolt is an active cable (i.e. the cable contains circuitry
inside the connector casings). underbolt allows up to six supporting devices to be daisy-chained with
no performance degradation on any segment; and devices in the daisy chain that are not being used
do not have to be powered on, the signals are passed through whether or not the underbolt enabled
device is powered on.
ImporTanTInformaTIonfor mac users
Please read and make sure you understand the entire set up procedure before beginning installation of
the J2.
sysTem requIremenTsfor mac
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
e Pegasus J2 drive for Mac can be used on Mac computers equipped with a underbolt port running
Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8 or later with latest rmware updates. e driver for the underbolt™ connection is
included with OS rmware updates. It is a good idea to check for any Mac OS or soware updates before
using the J2.
PegaSuS J2 SOftWare uPdater
To help keep your Pegasus J2 in the best working condition, install the J2 Soware Updater on the
Product CD, or you can download it from the PROMISE Download Center.
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
ImporTanTInformaTIonfor WIndoWs users
Please read and make sure you understand the entire set up procedure and the system requirements
before beginning installation of the J2.
sysTemrequIremenTsfor WIndoWs
e Pegasus J2 drive for Windows can be used on computers equipped with a underbolt™ port running
editions of Windows 7 or Windows 8 (see table below). WebPAM LITE soware used for managing and
monitoring the J2 is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8, however striped RAID conguration
is not supported on all Windows editions, see the table below for a detailed list of conguration setups
supported on the dierent Windows editions. Note that mirrored RAID (RAID 1) is not supported on
the J2 for Windows regardless of version.
e table below summarizes the type of support on the dierent Windows editions.
Windows Edition Striped RAIDJBOD
PegaSuS J2 driverand WebPaM Lite SOftWare
Before connecting the Pegasus J2 to your Windows computer, it is necessary to rst install a driver.
e driver is located on the Product CD, or can be downloaded from the PROMISE website. If you are
installing from the CD, look for the WebPAM LITE including driver option in the menu that appears
automatically aer inserting the CD into the DVD/CD drive on your computer.
If you prefer to download the installation package, go to the PROMISE Download Center and get the
le “WebPAM LITE including driver” for the Pegasus J2 for Windows. You can follow the step-by-step
instructions in “Download WebPAM LITE including Driver” on page 12.
summaryof WIndoWsseTupprocedure
e setup process for Windows is summarized below. Read “Install J2 on Windows” for step-by-step
installation instructions.
1. Install the the packaged soware and driver WebPAM LITE including driver located on
the Product CD, or download it from PROMISE. See download instructions in “Download
WebPAM LITE including Driver” on page 12.
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Enterprise
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Home Premium*
Windows 7 Home Basic with SP1 x86**Ø
Windows 7 Starter with SP1 x86**Ø
Windows 8 Enterprise
Windows 8 Pro
Windows 8 (basic)*
* Requires manual conguration of Striped RAID. e user is automatically directed to
the Windows Disk Manager to complete the conguration.
** RAID is not supported, must use JBOD conguration (appears as two separate disks)
2. Connect the J2 to your Windows computer with a underbolt cable.
3. Launch WebPAM LITE and complete transition to Windows le system and striped RAID
Windows Mirrored RAID (RAID 1) is NOT supported on the Pegasus J2.
*Striped RAID not supported on Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter editions
J2 speCifiCAtions
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
Power adapter
Power consumption
AC Input: 100-240V
DC Output 12V /1.0A (12W)
13.68 W with power adapter
9.8 W without power adapter (bus mode)
Operating: 5° ~ 35°C (41° ~ 95°F)
Storage: -40° ~ 70°C (-40° ~ 158°F)
Operating: 10% ~ 95% non-condensing
Storage: 5% - 95% non-condensing
110 x 74 x 20.5 mm (4.33 x 2.91 x 0.81 inches)
RAID conguration*
File System
*RAID is not supported on Windows 7 Starter or Windows 7 Home Basic editions. ese versions must
use JBOD conguration (the J2 appears as two separate disks).
J2 without power adapter: 140 grams (4.94 ounces)
J2 for MacJ2 for Windows
Mac Striped RAIDWindows RAID 0
J2 hArdwAre
e Pegasus J2 drive can be used with or without the power adapter. To use the power adapter, rst
read “Assemble the power adapter” on page 6 to assemble it with the type of plug for the socket used
in your electrical system.
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
Pegasus J2 drive
Performance LED
Pegasus J2 universal power adapter with adapter plugs (not assembled)
Power adapter receptacle
(behind protective cover)
underbolt Port
Thunderbolt Port
Use a Thunderbolt cable to connect the J2 to a Thunderbolt ready computer. This
connection completes the physical link to the J2, this is the path through which the SATA
link is established. Make sure the connector is properly oriented to both devices. For the
cable connection to the J2, the connector should be oriented so Thunderbolt logo and the
Pegasus logo on the top of the J2 are both facing the same direction. So if the J2 is placed
top side up on a desk, the Thunderbolt logo on the connector will be facing up. When the
cable is properly connected, the Performance LED will light after a few seconds.
Locate the correct plug adapter for the type of socket used for your electrical power service and slide it into the contact slot on the universal power adapter. It should easily
snap in place.
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
Use the power adapter for faster data transfer. e power adapter is shipped with seven detachable wall plug adapters suitable for most countries.
Please read “Assemble the power adapter” on page 6 of this guide for power adapter assembly instructions.
It is recommended - but not required - to establish the Thunderbolt connection before connecting the power.
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
performAnCe led
If the J2 is left running (read/write) in bus mode for more than an hour, it will feel hot. Allow the J2 to cool off for a few minutes after disconnecting the Thunderbolt™ cable before handling it.
If the J2 is left running (read/write) in bus mode for more than an hour, it will feel hot. Allow the J2 to cool off for a few minutes after disconnecting the Thunderbolt™ cable before handling it.
You can check the LED indicator on the front to verify that the device is functioning properly and to monitor the underbolt connection
performance. When using the power adapter, the LED shines blue indicating a faster transfer speed. Without the power adapter, the LED shines
green indicating a slower connection.
Performance LED at full powerPerformance LED in bus mode (without power adapter)
Promise Technologies Pegasus J2 User Manual
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