Prastel MRMAGINOX User Manual

MT10000-4, TTD3000 e a tutte le centrali che accettano questo protocollo. Può essere installato in esterno, se adeguatamente protetto contro la pioggia.
Standard badge ISO 7811 traccia 2 Metodo di lettura F2F (FM) Alimentazione 5÷12 VDC ± 5% (senza convertitore MW30) / 12 VDC ± 5% (con convertitore MW30) Distanza massima di collegamento 100 m Consumo < 10 mA Velocità di inserimento carta 125 - 1250 mm/s Vita media > 1.000.000 letture Dimensioni e peso 49 x 82 x 35 (WxHxD) - 336g
Il lettore MRMAGINOX può essere collegato direttamente alle centrali M3000, M50 00, MT4000-2, M T10000-4 e T TD3000 configurate con protocollo di lettura di tipo Dataclock. Per il collegamento alla centrale M2000PE, o nel caso in cui la configurazione dell’impianto richieda di utilizzare il protocollo di lettura di tipo Wiegand, è necessario interporre il convertitore MW30, collegandolo alla minima distanza dal lettore
Per il collegamento del lettore all’MRMAGINOX è consigliabile utilizzare cavo STP classe 5 o FTP classe 5 o superiore.
3.1 COLLEGAMENTO DIRETTO ALLE CENTRALI M3000, M5000, MT4000-2, MT10000-4 e TTD3000
LETTORE MRMAGINOX M3000 – Porta 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M3000 – Porta 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porta 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M5000 – Porta 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porta 3 +12 GND D0.3 D1.3 M5000 – Porta 4 +12 GND D0.4 D1.4 MT4000-2 – Porta 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT4000-2 – Porta 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porta 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT10000-4 – Porta 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porta 3 +9 GND D0.3 D1.3 MT10000-4 – Porta 4 +9 GND D0.4 D1.4 TTD3000 – Porta 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 TTD3000 – Porta 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2
La centrale deve essere programmata assegnando alla porta il lettore di tipo Dataclock. Consultare il manuale d’uso della centrale.
3.2 COL LE G AMENTO ALLE CENTRALI M2000PE, M3000, M5000, MT4000-2, MT10000-4 E TTD3000 CON CONVERTITORE MW30 Collegare il lettore al convertitore MW30 come in Figura. Collegare il convertitore alla centrale secondo la tabella seguente. La prima riga è riferita alle uscite del convertitore riportate in Figura.
MW30 1 (+ VDC) 2 (GROUND) 3 (DATA 0) 4 (DATA 1) M2000PE – Porta 1 18 15 17 16 M2000PE – Porta 2 9 6 8 7 M3000 – Porta 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M3000 – Porta 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porta 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M5000 – Porta 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porta 3 +12 GND D0.3 D1.3 M5000 – Porta 4 +12 GND D0.4 D1.4 MT4000-2 – Porta 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT4000-2 – Porta 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porta 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT10000-4 – Porta 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porta 3 +9 GND D0.3 D1.3 MT10000-4 – Porta 4 +9 GND D0.4 D1.4 TTD30000 – Porta 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 TTD30000 – Porta 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2
La centrale M2000PE è già predisposta per il riconoscimento del protocollo di tipo Wiegand 30 bit. Le centrali M3000, M5000, MT4000-2, MT10000-4 o TTD3000 devono essere programmate assegnando alla porta il protocollo di tipo Wiegand 30 bit. Consultare il manuale d’uso della centrale.
Il lettore è dotato di LED ROSSO e VERDE e di un buzzer per le segnalazioni. I LED devono essere pilotati dall’esterno applicando una tensione positiva (5-12VDC) alle rispettive linee di comando (fili GIALLO e GRIGIO, v. figura). Il buzzer deve essere pilotato portando a GROUND la linea di comando (filo AZZURRO, v. figura).
ATTENZIONE: per non danneggiare il lettore è necessario collegare in serie alle linee di pilotaggio dei LED u na resistenza da 1 KOhm, come indicato in figura.
The MRMAGINOX magnetic card reader has been designed to read information coded on magnetic bands in track 2 in accordance with ISO Standards and to translate said information into CLOCK and DATA signals according to a protocol largely employed in access control systems. The MRMAGINOX reader can be interfaced with the access control units M2000PE, M3000, M5000, MT4000-2,
MT10000-4, TTD3000 and with all other compatible systems. Can be installed outdoors if suitably protected against the rain.
Standard cards ISO 7811 track 2 Reading mode F2F (FM) Power supply 5÷12 VDC ± 5% (without M/W30 converter) / 12 VDC ± 5% (with M/W30 converter) Maximum wiring distance 100 m Consumption < 10 mA Card insertion speed 125 - 1250 mm/s Average working life > 1,000,000 readings Dimensions and weight 49 x 82 x 35 (WxHxD) - 336g
The MRMAGINOX reader can be directly connected to M3000, M5000, MT4000-2, MT10000-4 and TTD3000 control units configured with Dataclock type reading protocol. For the connection to the M2000PE control unit, or in cases where the configuration of the system requires the use of Wiegand type reading protocol, the MW30 converter must be inserted, connecting it at the minimum distance from the reader.
The cable recommended for the connection of the MRMAGINOX reader is STP class 5 or FTP class 5 or better.
3.1 DIRECT WIRING TO THE CENTRAL UNITS M3000, M5000, MT4000-2, MT10000-4 and TTD300 0
READER MRMAGINOX GREEN (5÷12 VDC) BROWN (GROUND) WHITE (CLOCK) PINK (DATA) M3000 – Gate 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M3000 – Gate 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Gate 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M5000 – Gate 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Gate 3 +12 GND D0.3 D1.3 M5000 – Gate 4 +12 GND D0.4 D1.4 MT4000-2 – Gate 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT4000-2 – Gate 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Gate 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT10000-4 – Gate 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Gate 3 +9 GND D0.3 D1.3 MT10000-4 – Gate 4 +9 GND D0.4 D1.4 TTD3000 – Gate 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 TTD3000 – Gate 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2
The central unit must be programmed assigning the Dataclock reader type to the Door. See the M3000 or M5000 central unit manual.
3.2 WIRING THE CENTRAL UNITS M2000PE, M3000, M5000, MT4000-2 , MT10000-4 AND TTD3000 WITH AN MW30 CONVERTER
Connect the reader to the MW30 converter as shown in Figure. Wire up the converter to the M3000 or M5000 central unit according to the table below. The first column refers to the converter outputs as shown in Figure.
MW30 1 (+ VDC) 2 (GROUND) 3 (DATA 0) 4 (DATA 1) M2000PE – Gate 1 18 15 17 16 M2000PE – Gate 2 9 6 8 7 M3000 – Gate 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M3000 – Gate 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Gate 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M5000 – Gate 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Gate 3 +12 GND D0.3 D1.3 M5000 – Gate 4 +12 GND D0.4 D1.4 MT4000-2 – Gate 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT4000-2 – Gate 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Gate 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT10000-4 – Gate 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Gate 3 +9 GND D0.3 D1.3 MT10000-4 – Gate 4 +9 GND D0.4 D1.4 TTD30000 – Gate 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 TTD30000 – Gate 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2
The M2000PE control unit is already set up for the acknowledgement of the Wiegand type 30 bit protocol. The M3000, M5000, MT4000-2 or TTD3000 control units must be programmed assigning the Wiegand type 30 bit protocol to the gate. Please refer to the control unit user manual.
The reader is fitted with RED and GREEN LEDs plus a buzzer for the signals. The LEDs must be controlLED from the outside by applying positive voltage (5-12VDC) to the respective control lines (YELLOW and GRAY wires, see figure). The buzzer must be controlLED by connecting the control line to GROUND (CYAN wire, see figure).
WARNING: in order not to damage the reader, connect a 1 KOhm resistance in series to the control lines of the LEDs, as shown in figure.
Le lecteur de cartes magnétiques MRMAGINOX est en mesure de lire les informations codées sur bande magnétique in trace 2, conformément aux normes ISO, et de les traduire en signaux CLOCK et DATA, selon un protocole très utilisé dans les systèmes de contrôle d'accès. Le lecteur MRMAGINOX peut être relié aux centrales de contrôle d'accès M2000PE, M3000, M5000, MT4000-2, MT10000-4, TTD3000 et ainsi qu'à tous les systèmes compatibles. Il peut être installé en extérieur, s'il est protégé de façon appropriée contre la pluie.
Standard cartes ISO 7811 trace 2 Méthode de lecture F2F (FM) Alimentation 5÷12 VDC ± 5% (sans convertisseur M/W30) / 12 VDC ± 5% (avec convertisseur M/W30) Distance maximum de branchement 100 m Consommation < 10 mA Vitesse d'introduction carte 125 - 1250 mm/s Vie moyenne > 1 000 000 lectures Dimensions et poids 49 x 82 x 35 (WxHxD) - 336g
Le lecteur MRMAGINOX peut être branché directement aux centrales M3000, M5000, MT4000-2, MT10000-4 et TTD 3000 configurées selon le protocole de lecture de type Dataclock. Pour le branchement à la centrale M2000PE, ou si la configuration de l'installation nécessité l'utilisation d'un protocole de lecture de type Wiegand, il est nécessaire d'interposer le convertisseur MW30, en le branchant à une distance minimale du lecteur.
Pour le raccordement du lecteur à l’MRMAGINOX, il est conseillé d'utiliser un câble STP, classe 5, ou bien un câble FTP, classe 5 ou supérieure.
3.1 BRANCHEMENT DIRECT A LA CENTRALE M3000 / M5000 / MT4000-2, MT10000-4 et TTD3000 LECTEUR
M3000 – Porte 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M3000 – Porte 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porte 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M5000 – Porte 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porte 3 +12 GND D0.3 D1.3 M5000 – Porte 4 +12 GND D0.4 D1.4 MT4000-2 – Porte 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT4000-2 – Porte 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porte 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT10000-4 – Porte 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porte 3 +9 GND D0.3 D1.3 MT10000-4 – Porte 4 +9 GND D0.4 D1.4 TTD3000 – Porte 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 TTD3000 – Porte 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2
La centrale doit être programmée en assignant à la porte le lecteur de type Dataclock. Se reporter au manuel d'utilisation de la centrale
M3000 ou M5000.
3.2 BRANCHEMENT A LA CENTRALE M2000PE/ M3000 / M5000 / MT4000-2 / MT10000-4 et TTD3000 AVEC CONVERTISSEUR
Brancher le lecteur au convertisseur MW30 de la façon indiquée à la figure. Brancher le convertisseur à la centrale M3000 ou M5000 d'après le tableau ci-dessous. La première colonne se rapporte aux sorties du convertisseur indiquées à la figure.
MW30 1 (+ VDC) 2 (GROUND) 3 (DATA 0) 4 (DATA 1) M2000PE – Porte 1 18 15 17 16 M2000PE – Porte 2 9 6 8 7 M3000 – Porte 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M3000 – Porte 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porte 1 +12 GND D0.1 D1.1 M5000 – Porte 2 +12 GND D0.2 D1.2 M5000 – Porte 3 +12 GND D0.3 D1.3 M5000 – Porte 4 +12 GND D0.4 D1.4 MT4000-2 – Porte 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT4000-2 – Porte 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porte 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 MT10000-4 – Porte 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2 MT10000-4 – Porte 3 +9 GND D0.3 D1.3 MT10000-4 – Porte 4 +9 GND D0.4 D1.4 TTD30000 – Porte 1 +9 GND D0.1 D1.1 TTD30000 – Porte 2 +9 GND D0.2 D1.2
La centrale M2000PE est déjà pré-équipée pour la reconnaissance du protocole de type Wiegand 30 bits. Les centrales M3000, M5000, MT4000-2 ou TTD3000 doivent être programmées en attribuant au port le protocole de type Wiegand 30 bits. Consulter le manuel d'utilisation de la centrale.
Le lecteur est doté d'une LED ROUGE, d'une LED VERTE et d'un buzzer pour les signalisations. Les LEDs doivent être commandés de l'extérieur appliquant une tension positive (5-12 V D.C.) aux lignes de commandes correspondantes (cables JAUNE et GRIS, voir figure). Le buzzer doit être commandé en mettant la ligne de commande à GROUND (câble BLEU, voir figure).
ATTENTION : afin de ne pas endommager le lecteur, rel ier en série une résistance de 1 K Ohm aux lignes de commande de s LEDs, tel que cela est indiqué dans la figure.
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