Porsche WTY 2010 Warranty & Maintenance Manual

Warranty & Maintenance
Garantie et Entretien
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Summary of Warranty Coverage provided by: Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. (PCL)/Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée.
New Car Limited Warranty and Porsche Roadside Assistance - 80,000 Kilometers Garantie véhicule neuf et programme d’assistance routière Porsche - 80,000 kilomètres
Replacement Parts and Accessories Limited Warranty Unlimited Kilometers Garantie pièces de rechange et accessoires Kilométrage illimité
Corrosion Limited Warranty - Unlimited Kilometers Garantie anticorrosion - kilométrage illimité
2 Years
2 ans
4 Years
4 ans
8 Years
8 ans
10 Years*
10 ans*
Emission Design and Defects Warranty - 130,000 Kilometers Garantie conception et défaillance du dispositif antipollution - 130,000 kilomètres
Emission Performance Warranty - 130,000 Kilometers Garantie de performance du système antipollution - 130,000 kilomètres
Except for 911 GT2 and GT3, which are warrantied for 4 years. See page 24.
Sauf pour la 911 GT2 et GT3 qui est couverte par une garantie de 4 ans. Voir page 45.
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English Section / Section en anglais Page(s)
Customer Satisfaction .....................................................................2
Warranty Voucher ............................................................................6
Vehicle Identification.........................................................................6
Limitations and Disclaimers ..............................................................9
New Car Limited Warranty .......................................................10 - 13
Pre-Delivery Inspection ...................................................................13
Porsche 24 hour Roadside Assistance Program ........................13 - 17
Emission Design and Defects Warranty............................................18
Emission Performance Warranty...............................................19 - 22
2/40 Emissions Parts List ..............................................................22
Replacement Parts & Accessories Warranty..............................22 - 24
Corrosion Warranty....................................................................... 24
Maintenance Schedule.............................................................48 - 63
Record of Services Performed .................................................83 - 92
Change of Address Postcards.........................................................93
French Section / Section en français Page(s)
Satisfaction du client .......................................................................4
Bon de garantie...............................................................................6
Identification du véhicule ..................................................................6
Limites et renonciations .................................................................28
Garantie limitée pour les véhicules neufs ..................................28 - 32
L’inspection avant livraison .............................................................32
Programme d’assistance routière 24 heures de Porsche ..........33 - 37
Garantie conception et défaillance du dispositif antipollution.......37 - 39
Garantie de performance du système antipollution. ...................39 - 42
Liste de pièces de rechange du dispositif antipollution 2/40............ 42
Garantie pièces de rechange et accessoires.............................43 - 45
Garantie anticorrosion.............................................................45 - 46
Plan d’entretien.......................................................................65 - 82
Dossier de services ................................................................83 - 92
Avis de changement d’adresse .......................................................93
Contents / Contenu
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Customer Satisfaction
Thank you for your purchase.
This New Car Limited Warranty & Maintenance booklet explains how you can keep your Porsche in top driving condition by having it serviced regularly. It also contains detailed information about the warranties, representations, and conditions covering your Porsche. In order to keep your warranty in effect, you must have the vehicle maintained and serviced as prescribed in this booklet and in the “Car Care Instructions” section of your Owner’s Manual provided to you at the time of sale.
It is very important to us that you are satisfied with your Porsche automobile. Authorized Porsche dealers are trained to help you. Generally, any problems can be solved most effectively by speaking with one of the dealership’s managers, such as the Service Manager or General Manager.
We realize that misunderstandings may occur, questions may be left unanswered, or expectations may not be met completely.
We suggest following this step by step procedure to resolve your concerns:
1. Take your problem to the Dealership’s Service Manager. He/She is the
person in charge of the Service Department. Attempt to resolve your concerns there first. Normally, any misunderstandings can be resolved by involving the appropriate dealership department manager.
If you are still not satisfied, and if you feel further review is required,
2. Arrange to speak with the Dealer Principal or General Manager. These
are the people directly responsible for the entire dealership.
3. In the event that you brought your vehicle in to an authorized Porsche dealer on two or more occasions for the same problem and the problem has not been repaired, contact Porsche Customer Commitment at 1 (800)-PORSCHE.
Porsche Owners Arbitration Information
If you follow the steps set out above and Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. (PCL) and our dealer have not been able to resolve the concerns you have about your vehicle, then you may wish to take advantage of the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP).
CAMVAP is an independent and neutral arbitration program available to you free of charge. For information on the CAMVAP program, visit <www.camvap.ca> or call 1 (800) 207-0685. Please note that in order to be eligible for CAMVAP, your Porsche vehicle must have been originally sold by an authorized Canadian Porsche dealer.
If your vehicle was not purchased from an authorized Canadian Porsche dealer, you may be eligible for Porsche’s Customer Arbitration Program, CAP-MOTORS, a third-party dispute resolution program administered by DeMars & Associates, P.O. Box 1424, Waukesha, WI 53187-1424, 1­(800) 279-5343. This program is available free of charge to eligible Porsche owners.
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Always carry your New Car Limited Warranty & Maintenance booklet with you when you take your Porsche car to an authorized Porsche dealer for service. It provides your Service Adviser with the information he/she needs and enables him/her to record each service, which is vital to proper warranty decision making.
If you sell your Porsche, the Owner’s Manual and the Warranty & Maintenance booklet should be left in the vehicle to make all operating safety and maintenance information available to the next owner.
If you change your address or if you bought this Porsche used,
be sure to send in a “Notice of Address Change” / “Notice of Used Car Purchase” post card. This card can be found in this booklet or obtained from your authorized Porsche dealer.
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Satisfaction du client
Nous vous remercions de votre achat.
Ce livret Garantie et entretien - Véhicule neuf vous explique comment garder votre Porsche en excellent état grâce à un entretien régulier. Il contient également des renseignements détaillés sur les garanties, déclarations et conditions qui s’appliquent à votre Porsche. Pour assurer la validité de votre garantie, vous devez respecter les conditions d’entretien prescrites dans ce livret et dans la section « Conseils d’entretien et de nettoyage » de votre Manuel du propriétaire qui vous sont fournis au moment de la vente.
Il nous est très important que vous soyez satisfait de votre automobile Porsche. Les concessionnaires Porsche autorisé sont formés pour vous aider. En général, tout problème peut être réglé en s’adressant simple­ment à l’un des dirigeants du concessionnaire, tels que le directeur du service à la clientèle ou le directeur général.
Nous réalisons que des malentendus peuvent survenir, que vos questions peuvent rester sans réponses ou que vos attentes peuvent ne pas être complètement satisfaites.
Nous vous proposons de suivre cette procédure par étape pour dissiper vos préoccupations :
Faites part de vos problèmes chef de service du concessionnaire. Il s’agit de la personne en charge de la division des services d’entretien et de réparation. Tentez d'abord de résoudre vos problèmes à cet endroit. Généralement, tout malentendu peut être dissipé en communiquant avec le chef de service approprié.
Si vous n’êtes toujours pas satisfait et si vous pensez qu’un examen plus approfondi est nécessaire,
Faites en sorte de parler avec le concessionnaire en titre ou le directeur général. Ce sont les personnes directement responsables de la concession.
3. Dans le cas où vous vous êtes rendu chez un concessionnaire Porsche autorisé à deux reprises ou plus pour le même trouble et que le trouble n’a pas été corrigé, communiquez avec Porsche Customer Commitment (engagement envers la clientèle) au 1 (800)-PORSCHE.
Information sur l’arbitrage pour les propriétaires de Porsche
Si la procédure ci-dessus n'a pas donné le résultat escompté et que Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée. et notre concessionnaire n'ont pas été en mesure de dissiper vos préoccupations, vous pouvez toujours vous prévaloir du programme d'arbitrage pour les véhicules automobiles du Canada (PAVAC).
PAVAC est un programme d'arbitrage indépendant dont vous pouvez bénéficier gratuitement. Pour obtenir des renseignements sur le pro­gramme PAVAC, visitez le site <www.camvap.ca> ou composez le 1 (800) 207-0685. Veuillez noter que l'admissibilité au programme PAVAC exige que la vente d'origine de votre véhicule Porsche ait été conclue chez un concessionnaire Porsche autorisé du Canada.
Si votre véhicule n'a pas été acheté auprès d'un concessionnaire Porsche canadien, vous pourriez être admissible au programme d'arbitrage CAP­MOTORS (Customer Arbitration Program) de Porsche, un programme de résolution des désaccords par un tiers administré par DeMars & Associates, P.O. Box 1424, Waukesha, WI 53187-1424, 1 (800) 279-
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5343. Ce programme est offert gratuitement aux propriétaires de véhicules Porsche admissibles.
N’oubliez pas votre livret Garantie et entretien - Véhicule neuf lorsque vous vous rendez chez un concessionnaire Porsche autorisé pour l’entretien de votre Porsche. Il fournit à votre conseiller de service l’information dont il a besoin et lui permet de noter chaque opération d’entretien, qui est vitale pour toute décision correcte concernant la garantie.
Si vous vendez votre Porsche, le Manuel du propriétaire ainsi que le livret Garantie et entretien - Véhicule neuf doivent rester dans le véhicule pour que le propriétaire suivant ait accès à toutes les informations concernant le fonctionnement, la sécurité et l’entretien.
Si vous changez d’adresse ou si vous avez acheté votre Porsche à un propriétaire antérieur, assurez-vous de nous retourner la carte
« d’Avis de changement d’adresse »/« Avis d’achat de voiture Porsche d’occasion ». La carte se trouve dans ce livret ou vous pouvez l’obtenir auprès de votre concessionnaire Porsche agréé.
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First in-service date of your Porsche: Date de mise en service de votre Porsche:
___________ __________ ____________
Month / Mois Day / Jour Year / Année
At kilometers / au kilomètre _____________________
_____________________________________________________________________ Registered owner / Propriétaire inscrit
_____________________________________________________________________ Recipient’s signature / Signature du destinataire
_____________________________________________________________________ Dealer Representative’s signature / Signature du représentant du concessionnaire
Speedometer Replacement Remplacement de l’indicateur de vitesse
To be filled in by authorized dealer À remplir par le concessionnaire autorisé
___________ __________ ____________
Month / Mois Day / Jour Year / Année
At kilometers / au kilomètre _____________________
Vehicle Identification Codes:
1. Vehicle Identification No.
2. Type / Type description
3. Engine Code / Transmission Code
4. Paint No. / Interior
5. Optional Equipment
Codes d’identification du véhicule:
1. Numéro d’identification du véhicule
2. Type / Description du type
3. Code du moteur / Code de la boîte de vitesse
4. Numéro de peinture / Intérieur
5. Équipement optionnel
Warranty Voucher / Bon de garantie Vehicle Identification / Identification du véhicule
Stamp of Authorized
Porsche Dealer
Cachet du concessionnaire
autorisé Porsche
Stamp of Authorized
Porsche Dealer
Cachet du concessionnaire
autorisé Porsche
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English Language Section
Section en anglais
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Limitations and Disclaimers
PCL’s written warranty and conditions are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties and conditions, whether oral or written, express or implied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the duration of the written warranty.
PCL does not authorize any individual or corporation to create for it any obligation, liability or other warranty in connection with this vehicle. PCL disclaims any responsibility for loss of time or use of your car, as well as any other incidental, special, consequential or other similar expenses or damages.
Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warran­ty or condition lasts, the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequen­tial damages, or the negation or denial of implied representations, war­ranties, conditions or other statutory rights, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. These specific warranties and conditions give you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from province to province.
PCL’s liability, if any, for products furnished under this warranty shall in no event exceed the cost of correcting defects in the product as here
in provided and, upon the expiration of this warranty, any such liabilities shall terminate.
Warranty Outside Canada
If your car is taken to an authorized Porsche dealer outside Canada or the U.S., PCL’s
warranty will not be applicable and defective parts will be repaired or replaced only within the terms and limitations of the New Car Limited Warranty for Porsche vehicles for your model year in effect in the country where such authorized Porsche dealer is located.
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New Car Limited Warranty
This warranty is given to the owner of any Porsche automobile distributed by PCL* and sold by an authorized Porsche dealer in Canada.
Time and Kilometer Period
This warranty begins on the date the car is first delivered to the first retail purchaser, or the date it is first used as a demonstrator, lease or company car, whichever comes first. The car is covered for 48 months, or 80,000 kilometers, whichever comes first.
Warranty Coverage
PCL will repair or replace with a new or remanufactured part, based upon availability, any factory-installed part that is defective in material or work­manship under normal use. (Normal vehicle use is described in this book­let.) Warranty repairs will be made free of charge for parts and labor at an authorized Porsche dealer except for tires, which are prorated based upon tread depth. Any repaired or replaced parts are covered only for the remainder of this warranty. All parts replaced under this warranty become the property of PCL.
From time to time, your Porsche dealer may install a component that is an updated version of original factory equipment. These updates of original factory equipment are due to changes in technology only and are not done to correct or remedy normal vehicle operating characteristics (as deter­mined by Porsche) or conditions resulting from individual driving habits.
To Get Warranty Service Under the New Car Limited Warranty
You must take your car, along with proof of purchase date, to an authorized Porsche automobile dealer during normal service hours. If the car is not driveable because of a defect covered by this warranty, call Porsche 24-Hour Roadside Assistance and your Porsche automobile will be transported to the nearest authorized Porsche dealership. You may also contact the nearest authorized Porsche automobile dealer for further assistance.
You are responsible for presenting your Porsche vehicle to a Porsche dealer as soon as a problem exists. Failure to do so could result in conse­quential damage that may not be covered by your limited factory warranty.
Emergency Repairs
Should the car become completely disabled, requiring repair in order to be driven, and there is no authorized Porsche dealer in the vicinity, have repairs performed to the extent required to drive the car and return the replaced parts and paid repair order to your authorized Porsche dealer for reimbursement consideration.
This Warranty Does Not Cover:
• Emission control systems and corrosion. (Refer to the Emission and Corrosion Warranties in this booklet.)
• Batteries damaged from storage, lack of normal vehicle use, or non-Porsche approved electrical or accessory installation.
• Tires damaged by road hazard. (If you need further assistance, contact your authorized Porsche dealer.)
• Tires damaged by premature wear.
* Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. (PCL) is the sole importer and distributor of Porsche
vehicles in Canada and offers these warranties on Canadian model vehicles only.
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Note 0n Tires: Porsche's race-bred heritage demands that tires are an integral part of the vehicle suspension, braking, and active safety systems. As a result, all Porsches are equippedwith tires designed for higher perfor­mance than those found on other passenger vehicles. While tire wear varies with vehicle operation, high performance tires such as these are designed to assist the vehicle's suspension in delivering increased cornering forces and better handling. These tires may exhibit increased wear characteristics when compared to tires on other passenger vehicles. Consult your Owner's Manual for information concerning the proper care and selection of your tires. Refer to the Porsche Tire Information Guide for additional information.
• Parts that fail due to lack of required maintenance or use of non PCL distributed parts.
• Normal wear or deterioration of any part.
• Cleaning and polishing.
• Lubricants, unless part of a warranty repair.
• Contamination of fuels, lubricants, or other fluids.
• Air conditioner refrigerant charge after the first three months of service, unless part of a warranty repair.
• Glass breakage and/or scratches that are not due to a defect in material or workmanship.
Appearance items that are not due to a defect in material or workmanship.
• Any car registered or normally driven outside of Canada or the United States.
The replacement of expendable maintenance items (such as spark plugs, filters, worn wiper blades, worn brakes, worn clutches, or worn tires) when the replacement is not due to a defect in material or workmanship.
The adding of any fluids unless they are needed as part of a warranty repair.
• Any car with an odometer that has been altered, or an odometer on which the actual kilometers cannot be determined.
• Dealer-installed accessories not distributed by PCL (Refer to the Replacement Parts and Accessories Warranty in this booklet.)
• Wheel balancing and wheel alignment beyond the first three months of service unless part of a warranty repair.
• Unauthorized modifications or vehicles with salvage titles.
• Modifications not authorized by PCL.
• Service adjustments (such as timing, idle speed, mixture adjustments, brake, clutch, headlight, drive belts, and cam belt) beyond the first three months of service unless part of a warranty repair.
• Improper repairs by someone other than PCL or its authorized dealers.
• Abuse, accident, acts of God, competition, racing, or track use, or other events.
Note 1: Components and/or parts that fail during racing or driving events (including Porsche sponsored events) may not be covered by the new car Limited Warranty. Note 2: You should also be aware that Porsche Cars Canada Ltd. (PCL) may deny you warranty coverage if your vehicle or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance or unapproved modifications.
Intermediate wind noise and insignificant seepage at the joints
between the top and the body, or door windows in Cabriolet, hardtop, or Targa models cannot be completely avoided under all circumstances. Your Cabriolet should not be washed in a car wash and may experience damage to the top or rear window due to the scratching by the brushes, or may experience leaks due to the high pressure water streams directed in areas which would not
experience water in normal driving conditions. It is extremely
to have the cabriolet and soft top drains (including the
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body cowl drains) cleaned as part of yearly maintenance, or more frequently if they become clogged with debris. Failure to do so may result in subsequent damage. Please see your authorized Porsche dealership for details concerning required maintenance.
• Wind noise and seepage cannot be completely avoided under all circumstances.
• Damage to Cabriolets caused by car washes. Your Cabriolet should
not be washed in a car wash and may experience damage to the top or window due to scratching by the brushes, or may experience leaks due to the high pressure water streams directed in areas which would not experience water in normal driving conditions.
• The outside of the underbody (floor pan) or any other part of the car
except body panels.
• Paint damage caused by abuse or lack of maintenance.
Environmental damage such as that caused by acid rain or other i
ndustrial pollution, insect or bird droppings, tree sap, stones, or other flying missiles, highway maintenance chemicals, flood, storm, and other forms of disaster.
• Paint color matching. (PCL reserves the right to decide whether painting the repaired or replaced panel to match the original finish is practicable. PCL will not, under any circumstances, pay for painting the entire car solely for paint color matching.)
• Paint damage caused by the application of unauthorized paint sealants or polymers. (See your authorized Porsche automobile dealer for details.)
Your vehicle is a mechanical device. All mechanical devices
make some sort of noise and/or vibration, and those noises and vibrations can differ from vehicle to vehicle. PCL recognizes these noises as normal and characteristic of the product. Normal noises or vibrations as determined by PCL can be anything from
brake squeal to road vibration. Therefore, normal noise and/or vibration and/or deterioration, is not covered by our warranty.
Note on Warranty Service
If you cannot get warranty service, or you are dissatisfied with the service or with a warranty decision, refer to the Customer Satisfaction section in this booklet.
Your Responsibility for Using Equivalent Replacement Parts
PCL recommends only the use of parts distributed by PCL or parts that are guaranteed by their manufacturer to be equivalent in design and quali­ty to PCL supplied parts. The use of replacement parts not equivalent in quality or design to parts supplied by PCL may impair the effectiveness of your car’s emission control systems. If a replacement part is defective or not equivalent to the original part, your claim for repair under this warranty may be denied. If, however, the part is not related to the reason for the failure, your claim will not be denied.
Your Responsibility for Maintenance
You must maintain your Porsche according to the Maintenance Schedule included in this Booklet and the Car Care Instructions in the Owner’s Manual, and you must keep the receipts as proof of maintenance.
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Your Responsibility for Normal Vehicle Use
Your Owner’s Manual (which includes specific recommendations against using your car in certain ways) was written with the assumption that you will use your car only in ways for which it was designed:
• To carry passengers and cargo within specified load limits. (The load limits are specified on labels located in different places depending on your model Porsche. Your Owner’s Manual gives the locations.)
• To be driven on reasonable road surfaces within legal speed limits. Porsche Guidelines specify reasonable mileage to be at least 15 miles / 24 kilometers per day or 6000 miles / 9600 kilometers per rolling 12 months.
• If you drive less than the above-mentioned limits, or in the event of prolonged storage, contact your local authorized Porsche dealer for instructions. (Note: A battery maintainer is available at your local authorized Porsche dealer. It must be used to maintain your vehicle’s battery state of charge if your vehicle will not be used for several days.)
• To be properly maintained according to the Maintenance Schedule in the Maintenance Booklet and Car Care Instructions in your Owner’s Manual. You must keep the receipts as proof of maintenance.
• To be run on unleaded gasoline with the recommended octane rating as specified in the Owner‘s Manual. Note: Some Canadian gasolines contain an octane enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl (MMT). If such fuels are used in your Porsche automobile, your emission control system performance may be negatively affected. The malfunction indica
tor light (“Check Engine”) on your instrument panel may illuminate. If repairs are required due to the use of fuels containing MMT, Porsche reserves the right to deny coverage of those repairs under warranty.
You are responsible for presenting your Porsche automobile to a Porsche dealer as soon as a problem exists. Failure to do so could result in conse­quential damage that may not be covered by yourNew Car Limited Warranty.
Pre-Delivery Inspection
Porsche seeks to provide the highest degree of customer satisfaction possible. Accordingly, repairs and replacements are made at different stages of the delivery process in order to assure high standards of quality for your new car.
Every effort is made to detect and remedy even the slightest flaws or damage at inspection sites at the factory, after transportation from the factory, and at the dealer location. Damage to or flaws in the mechanical systems, body, electrical system, frame, paint, trim, interior, and other components of your car, whether occurring at the factory or during trans­portation, may have been repaired or replaced.
Porsche 24-hour Roadside Assistance Program
PCL is committed to the premise that owning a Porsche will be as satisfying as driving a Porsche. To enhance your ownership experience, PCL provides complimentary coverage in the Porsche Roadside Assistance program for the duration of your New Car limited warranty or Porsche Approved Certified Pre-Owned limited warranty period. Our team of trained and qualified Roadside Assistance professionals are available 365 days a year to assist in determining the best service option for your situation. Roadside Assistance, teamed with its comprehensive nationwide towing network, brings you world­class assistance, anywhere in the United States or Canada.
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We know that you take pride in your Porsche, and the authorized Porsche dealers are committed to the care of your exceptional vehicle. In many situations preventive care could be the key to avoiding a need for emer­gency assistance. Adhering to your vehicle’s regular maintenance schedule, keeping the battery charged when your vehicle is not driven on a regular basis, and checking tire pressure frequently, will help you avoid those times when it may be necessary to call Porsche Roadside Assistance.
In certain metropolitan markets, Roadside Assistance includes mobile dealer Roadside Response teams that can be quickly dispatched and are equipped to assist with certain services. Porsche Roadside Assistance will screen each service request to determine whether the circumstances can be handled by a dealer Roadside Response team or if the vehicle will need to be transported to the nearest dealer.
The Porsche Roadside Assistance -- offers the following services:
• Emergency towing
• Battery jump start
• Flat tire assistance
• Lock-out assistance
• Emergency fuel delivery
• Extrication/winch service
• Trip interruption reimbursement
Roadside Response teams are equipped to assist with:
• Battery jump start and/or on-site battery replacement
• Flat Tire assistance – install puncture repair system, operator’s spare tire, or dealer’s loaner spare tire
• Lock-out assistance
• Emergency fuel delivery
Emergency Towing
If your Porsche becomes disabled due to a warrantable mechanical break­down, your vehicle will be transported to the nearest Porsche dealership. However, you may request that your Porsche be taken to a different Porsche dealership, as long as that dealership is within a 80 kilometer radius of your breakdown location.
For security reasons, towing services cannot be provided to an unattended vehicle. Therefore, a licensed driver must be on the scene to meet the service provider.
If a breakdown occurs after normal business hours, and the servicing Porsche dealership does not have a secure storage lot, your Porsche will be stored in a secure location and transported to the dealership the next business day.
Battery Jump Start
If your Porsche won’t start due to a weak battery, Roadside Assistance will send an authorized service provider to “jump start” your vehicle. If your vehicle is not driven on a daily basis, or has not been started for more than 6 weeks, the battery may need to be replaced. This may not be
Your vehicle must be located on or in an area immediately adjacent to a regularly traveled road that can be accessed with standard servicing equipment.
Roadside Response repairs may involve charges for parts and/or labor.
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Your vehicle must be located on or in an area immediately adjacent to a regularly traveled road that can be accessed with standard servicing equipment.
covered by Porsche’s New Car Limited Warranty. Porsche Roadside Assistance can arrange transportation to the dealer for battery service, at your expense.
If the dealer determines that the battery failed due to a warrantable issue, your tow expenses will be reimbursed by the Porsche dealer. Please remember that proper maintenance of the battery includes operating the vehicle on a regular basis to keep the battery charged and/or utilizing a Porsche Battery Charger/Maintainer.
Flat Tire Assistance
Your Porsche tires have been designed specifically for your vehicle. They are identified by an N-specification (N-0, N-1, etc.) on the sidewall indicating that the tires have been tested and approved for release by Porsche’s engineering department. When an N-spec tire becomes damaged it must be replaced and the tread depth of the undamaged tires should be exam­ined. Should a tire lose air, rendering your Porsche inoperable, there are several options to get you on your way. The Porsche Roadside Assistance professionals will help you determine the best servicing choice for your needs. Only in situations where the damage to the tire is beyond temporary repair will it be necessary to transport the vehicle to the nearest Porsche dealership for tire replacement.
Should the tire event occur in excess of 160 kilometers from the nearest Porsche dealership, the Porsche Roadside Assistance professionals are equipped to assist you in purchasing the correct replacement tire so that your vehicle could be transported to a Preferred Tire Installer in your area. Costs associated with the tire will be your responsibility, however, Porsche Roadside Assistance will cover expenses related to the tow. In all situations N-spec tires are not repairable nor are they covered under the New Car
limited warranty or Porsche Approved Certified Pre-Owned limited warranty.
Helpful tips / Maintaining the life of your battery:
• Start and drive your Porsche on a regular basis.
• After parking your Porsche, always remove the key from the ignition and lock the vehicle.
• Regularly check tires for accurate pressure and tread wear. If tire pres­sure is low, add air to the correct PSI, or contact Porsche Roadside Assistance for direction.
• Each Porsche model is not equipped the same. It is important for you to know if your vehicle is equipped with a spare tire.
• Have tires checked by your Porsche dealer before embarking on a long trip.
• If possible, plan ahead for new tires. Tire sizes vary and your Porsche dealership may not have your size in stock. Your Porsche dealer should be able to obtain a tire within 2 business days of your order placement.
A tool kit containing the vehicle’s tow eye and tire sealant, if equipped, can be found in the tool storage area in either the front luggage compartment (sports cars) or rear storage area (Cayenne and Panamera).
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Emergency Operation
The doors, luggage compartment lid, fuel filler flap, and sliding roof can be operated manually in the event of technical fault. Please consult your Owner’s Manual or call Porsche Roadside Assistance for directions.
Remote Control Standby/Sleep Mode
In order to extend the life of the battery, your Porsche will automatically go into a remote control standby/sleep function if it is not unlocked or started within 5-7 days. To wake up/reactivate your remote:
• Unlock the driver’s door at the lock using your vehicle’s key.
• Leave the door closed to prevent triggering the alarm system.
• Press the lock/unlock button on the remote control. The remote control is now reactivated.
Vehicle Storage Procedures
• Fill up the fuel tank.
• Increase the tire pressure to 58 psi.
• The vehicle should be moved slightly, approximately every four weeks,
to prevent flat spotting of tires.
• Windows, doors, lids and top must be closed. The air vents should
be opened.
• Change the oil and oil filter, and run the engine for several minutes.
• Check and correct coolant/cleaning solution level as necessary.
• The air conditioning system should be in good working condition
and fully charged.
• Note: It is not recommended to lift the vehicle, due to the possibility
of corrosion on shock absorber piston shafts.
The staff at your authorized Porsche dealer will be glad to advise you on the most suitable and necessary storage methods.
Lock-out Service
Should the key to your vehicle become locked inside, a qualified service provider will be dispatched to gain access to your vehicle.
Lost or Stolen Key
Should your key become lost or stolen, lock-out service can still be provided but every attempt should be made to obtain your spare key to avoid repair costs that are not covered by the Porsche Roadside Assistance. Consult your authorized Porsche dealer for more information.
Emergency Fuel Delivery
If you happen to run out of fuel, Porsche Roadside Assistance will provide enough fuel to get you to the nearest gas station.
Extrication/Winch Service
Service will be provided to extract your Porsche from mud, sand, snow or a ditch.
Trip Interruption
If your Porsche becomes disabled more than 160 kilometers from your residence and causes an unexpected stay overnight, you may be eligible for reimbursement of your expenses of up to $250.00 per day for up to three days. This includes situations where the vehicle cannot be started or driven without causing damage and the local Porsche dealership is not able to repair the problem the same day.
Your vehicle must be located on or in an area immediately adjacent to a regularly traveled road that can be accessed with standard servicing equipment.
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Trip Interruption coverage includes reimbursement for:
• Meals
• Lodging
• Alternate transportation
• Car rental (in cities not serviced by a Porsche dealer within 80 km) Under certain situations, Trip Interruption reimbursement can be applied towards a vehicle reunite (returning your Porsche to your work or resi
dence). Please contact 1-800-PORSCHE for prior authorization.
Please note that Trip Interruption reimbursement covers reasonable expenses incurred due to a warrantable mechanical failure only. Expenses related to tire and battery issues are not eligible for reimbursement. Trip Interruption coverage is limited to reasonable expenses up to a maximum of $750.00 per event, including all taxes and surcharges.
To Make a Claim for Trip Interruption
You must contact Porsche Roadside Assistance for authorization and instructions on claim procedures within 24 hours of disablement. All claims must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the event, and must be accompanied by a brief summary of the incident, and original itemized receipts indicating amount paid, date and name of service provider(s) to:
Porsche Roadside Assistance – Trip Interruption
980 Hammond Drive, Suite 1000 Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing of your reimbursement.
Every effort will be made to ensure the services you receive under the Porsche Roadside Assistance program are of the highest quality. All road­side services will be delivered to you through a comprehensive network of independent service operators. However, since these operators are independent business people, Porsche Roadside Assistance cannot assume any liability for any loss, damage, or consequences resulting from the rendering of such service.
Should your vehicle become disabled on a restricted highway, Porsche Roadside is limited in its ability to transport your vehicle. Once the vehicle has been moved to a non-restricted road, Porsche Roadside is able to complete the vehicle transport to an authorized Porsche dealer.
Program Exclusions
Specifically excluded from this coverage are:
• Vehicle abuse, vandalism, accidents, acts of God, competition racing, or track use, or other events beyond the control of PCL.
• Fines, taxes, or impound fees caused by a violation of federal, provincial or municipal law.
• Expenses related to hazardous weather conditions (removal from snow, ice, etc.)
• Expenses for the removal of snow tires, and mounting or removal of snow chains.
• If your Porsche has aftermarket tires and/or wheels installed or has had the suspension modified, Porsche Roadside Assistance will assist in setting up transport of your vehicle, but this expense will not be covered under the Porsche Roadside Assistance program.
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1-800-PORSCHE (1-800-767-7243)
(Option 2 for Canada, option 1 for the USA)
Emission Design and Defects Warranty
This warranty is in addition to the Porsche New Car Limited Warranty.
Time and Kilometer Period
This warranty begins on the date the car is delivered to the first retail purchaser, or the date it is first used as a demonstrator, lease or company car, whichever comes first. It continues for eight years or 130,000 kilo­meters, whichever comes first, for the catalytic converter, the Emission Control Unit, and the On-Board Diagnostic System, and 2 years or 40,000 kilometers, whichever comes first, for all other parts which could cause your car to fail the applicable standards.
Warranty Coverage
PCL warrants to the owner of this car that the automobile was designed, built and equipped to conform at the time of sale with all Canadian emis­sion standards applicable at the time of manufacture, and that it is free from defects in material and workmanship which would cause it not to meet those standards for the period of this warranty. PCL further warrants that, at no cost to you, it will repair or replace with a new or remanufactured part, any defects in material or workmanship that result in a non-conformance with applicable emission standards at the time of manufacture, provided that your car is maintained and used in accor­dance with the Maintenance Schedule
and the Car Care Instructions in the
Owner’s Manual.
• To get warranty service you must take your car, along with the proof of purchase date, to an authorized Porsche automobile dealer during normal service hours.
This Warranty Does Not Cover:
• Failures or malfunctions resulting from abuse, improper repairs, misuse, alteration, accident, acts of God or other events beyond the control of PCL, use of leaded gasoline or lack of proper maintenance as specified
in the Maintenance Schedule. (As proof of proper maintenance, you must have receipts showing that all scheduled maintenance has been done. These receipts should remain with the car if it is sold. Claims for repair or adjustment necessary solely because of defects in material or workmanship will not be denied because the car or engine was not properly maintained or used.)
• Replacement of expendable maintenance items (such as spark plugs, filters, hoses, belts, coolant or lubricants) beyond their first scheduled maintenance.
• Loss of time or use of the car, or to the extent permitted by law or regulation, any other consequential damages.
• Any car with an odometer that has been altered so that the actual distance travelled cannot be determined.
• Any car registered or normally driven outside of Canada or the U.S.
Your Responsibility for Normal Vehicle Use
Your Owner’s Manual (which includes specific recommendations against using your car in certain ways) was written with the assumption that you will use your car only in ways for which it was designed:
• To carry passengers and cargo within specified load limits. (The load
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limits are specified on labels located in different places depending on your model Porsche. Your Owner’s Manual gives the locations.)
• To be driven on reasonable road surfaces within legal speed limits. Porsche Guidelines specify reasonable mileage to be at least 15 miles / 24 kilometers per day or 6000 miles / 9600 kilometers per rolling 12 months.
• If you drive less than the above-mentioned limits, or in the event of prolonged storage, contact your local authorized Porsche dealer for instructions. (Note: A battery maintainer is available at your local authorized Porsche dealer. It must be used to maintain your vehicle’s battery state of charge if your vehicle will not be used for several days.)
• To be properly maintained according to the Maintenance Schedule in the Maintenance Booklet and Car Care Instructions in your Owner’s Manual. You must keep the receipts as proof of maintenance.
• To be run on unleaded gasoline with the recommended octane rating as specified in the Owner‘s Manual. Note: Some Canadian gasolines contain an octane enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl (MMT). If such fuels are used in your Porsche automobile, your emission control system performance may be negatively affected. The malfunction indicator light (“Check Engine”) on your instrument panel may illuminate. If repairs are required due to the use of fuels containing MMT, Porsche reserves the right to deny coverage of those repairs under warranty.
You are responsible for presenting your Porsche automobile to a Porsche dealer as soon as a problem exists. Failure to do so could result in conse­quential damage that may not be covered by yourNew Car Limited Warranty.
Emission Performance Warranty
Time and Kilometer Period
This warranty begins on the date the car is delivered to the first retail purchaser or the date it is first used as a demonstrator, lease or company car, whichever comes first. It continues for eight years or 130,000 kilo­meters, whichever comes first.
Warranty Coverage
PCL warrants to the owner of any Porsche automobile that:
• if your car is maintained and used according to the instructions for its care and use in the Owner’s Manual;
• if it fails an approved Emission Short Test at any time during eight years or 130,000 kilometers, whichever comes first; and
• if such a failure could result in your being penalized or sanctioned (including denial of the right to use your car under local, provincial, or federal law);
then PCL will, at no cost to you:
• during the first two years or 40,000 kilometers, whichever comes first, make all adjustments, repairs and replacements necessary to ensure your car’s compliance with the applicable emission standards, and its continued compliance for the remainder of the NewCar Limited Warranty period (if properly maintained and used);
• during the remainder of the New Car Limited Warranty period, adjust, repair, or replace the catalytic converter, Emission Control Unit, or On­Board Diagnostic System.
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To Get Warranty Service
An approved Emission Short Test may be made on your car as part of a provincial inspection and maintenance program. If your car fails the test, and you are faced with a possible penalty or sanction, take your car to your authorized Porsche automobile dealer. Take along a copy of the emission report, as evidence of the failure, and your maintenance records.
If, after your claim has been correctly processed by an authorized Porsche automobile dealer, you believe you did not receive the warranty coverage described in this warranty, you may contact:
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd.
5925 Airport Road Suite 420 Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1W1
Your Responsibility for Maintenance
This warranty assumes you will maintain your Porsche automobile according to the Maintenance Schedule and Car Care Instructions in the Owner’s Manual. This schedule is designed to keep your emission control systems functioning properly by maintaining your car’s total operating performance. Any lack in total operating performance may affect your engine’s emissions.
Maintenance, replacement, or repair of emission control devices and systems may be done by any automotive repair establishment or individual using parts that are certified to original equipment standards. This includes temporary emergency repairs to correct a problem that could be a safety hazard. However, repairs covered by this warranty (except for those temporary emergency repairs) must be made at an
authorized Porsche automobile dealer, except as otherwise provided by local or provincial law.
If your car fails the Emission Short Test, and you make a claim to have it brought into compliance with the applicable emissions standards, your authorized
Porsche automobile dealer may ask you for evidence that you
have properly
maintained and used the car.
Such evidence may consist of:
• A maintenance log book, dated and signed by a person who regularly services automobiles, that includes the odometer kilometers when the car was serviced.
• Receipts for required maintenance, including the odometer kilometers when the car was serviced, dated and signed by a person who regularly services automobiles.
• A statement that you, the owner, performed the required work properly. The statement must be accompanied by receipts for certified replace­ment parts and include the odometer kilometers when the car was serviced. (You may be asked to demonstrate that you are able to do the work properly.)
Use of the car in other than normal fashion is reason for denial of your claim under this warranty. (For a description of normal vehicle use, refer to the Maintenance Schedule in this Booklet and Car Care Instructions in the Owner’s Manual.)
Except as provided by local and provincial law, any claim you make for adjustment, repair, or replacement necessary to bring your car into com­pliance with the emission standards may be denied if:
• You have not maintained your car according to the Maintenance Schedule in this Booklet and Car Care Instructions in the Owner’s Manual.
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• The maintenance has been done incorrectly.
• A part that the Maintenance Schedule requires to be checked at stated intervals is not checked, and not checking it causes the failure of an emission controls part.
However, claims for repair or adjustment necessary solely because of defects in material or workmanship will not be denied because the car or engine was not properly maintained or used.
Note: Receipts for maintenance should remain with the car if it is sold.
Your Responsibility for Normal Vehicle Use
Your Owner’s Manual (which includes specific recommendations against using your car in certain ways) was written with the assumption that you will use your car only in ways for which it was designed:
• To carry passengers and cargo within specified load limits. (The load limits are specified on labels located in different places depending on your model Porsche. Your Owner’s Manual gives the locations.)
• To be driven on reasonable road surfaces within legal speed limits. Porsche Guidelines specify reasonable mileage to be at least 15 miles / 24 kilometers per day or 6000 miles / 9600 kilometers per rolling 12 months.
• If you drive less than the above-mentioned limits, or in the event of prolonged storage, contact your local authorized Porsche dealer for instructions. (Note: A battery maintainer is available at your local authorized Porsche dealer. It must be used to maintain your vehicle’s battery state of charge if your vehicle will not be used for several days.)
• To be properly maintained according to the Maintenance Schedule
in the Maintenance Booklet and Car Care Instructions in your Owner’s Manual. You must keep the receipts as proof of maintenance.
• To be run on unleaded gasoline with the recommended octane rating as specified in the Owner‘s Manual. Note: Some Canadian gasolines contain an octane enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl (MMT). If such fuels are used in your Porsche automobile, your emission control system performance may be negatively affected. The malfunction indicator light (“Check Engine”) on your instrument panel may illuminate. If repairs are required due to the use of fuels containing MMT, Porsche reserves the right to deny coverage of those repairs under warranty.
You are responsible for presenting your Porsche automobile to a Porsche dealer as soon as a problem exists. Failure to do so could result in conse­quential damage that may not be covered by your limited factory warranty.
Your Responsibility for Using Appropriate Replacement Parts
PCL recommends only the use of parts supplied by PCL or equivalent parts which are certified by the manufacturer to meet original equipment standards. The use of uncertified replacement parts not equivalent in quality or design to parts supplied by PCL may impair the effectiveness of your car’s emission system. If an uncertified replacement part is used in the maintenance or repair of your car, and it is defective or not equivalent to the original part from an emissions standpoint, your claim may be denied. If, however, the uncertified part is not related to the reason your car fails to meet the standards, your claim will not be denied.
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2/40 Emissions Parts List
1. Fuel Metering System
a. Fuel injection system b. Air/fuel ratio feedback and control system c. Cold start enrichment system d. Oxygen sensor e. Electronic control module f. Air mass meter
2. Air Induction System
a. Intake manifold
3. Ignition System
a. Distributor and internal parts b. Spark advance/retard system c. Spark plugs d. Ignition coil and/or control module e. Ignition wires
4. Evaporative Control System
a. Vapor storage canister b. Vapor liquid separator c. Fuel tank and filler cap d. Purge valve/solenoid
5. Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) System
a. Oil filler cap
6. Air Injection System
a. Air pump b. Valves affecting distribution of flow c. Distribution manifold
7. Catalyst System
a. Catalytic converter b. Restricted fuel filler neck c. Exhaust manifold d. Exhaust pipe from exhaust manifold to catalytic converter
8. On-Board Diagnostic System
9. Miscellaneous Items Used in Above Systems
a. Hoses, clamps, fittings, tubing, gaskets and seals b. Pulleys, belts and idlers c. Electronic controls d. Vacuum, temperature and time sensitive valves and switches
Replacement Parts and Accessories Limited Warranty
This warranty is given to the owner of any Porsche automobile replace­ment part or accessory distributed by PCL and sold by any authorized Porsche dealer in Canada or the United States.
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Time and Kilometer Period
This warranty begins on the same date as the New Car Limited Warranty, and continues for 10 years with no kilometer limit (except for 911 GT2 and GT3, which are warrantied for 4 years). Any parts repaired or replaced under this warranty are covered only for the remainder of this warranty.
Warranty Coverage
PCL will repair or replace using new or remanufactured parts distributed by PCL, based upon availability, any part covered under this warranty that is defective in material or workmanship under normal use. Parts that were sold and installed by an authorized Porsche dealer will be repaired or replaced without charge for parts or labour. If installed by anyone else, the parts or accessories will be repaired or replaced without charge, even in the case of an emergency repair, for the parts, but labor charges will be your responsibility. All parts supplied under this warranty will be supplied by PCL, and all parts replaced become the property of PCL.
Your Responsibility for Normal Vehicle Use
Your Owner’s Manual (which includes specific recommendations against using your car in certain ways) was written with the assumption that you will use your car only in ways for which it was designed:
• To carry passengers and cargo within specified load limits. (The load limits are specified on labels located in different places depending on your model Porsche. Your Owner’s Manual gives the locations.)
• To be driven on reasonable road surfaces within legal speed limits. Porsche Guidelines specify reasonable mileage to be at least 15 miles / 24 kilometers per day or 6000 miles / 9600 kilometers per rolling 12 months.
• If you drive less than the above-mentioned limits, or in the event of prolonged storage, contact your local authorized Porsche dealer for instructions. (Note: A battery maintainer is available at your local authorized Porsche dealer. It must be used to maintain your vehicle’s battery state of charge if your vehicle will not be used for several days.)
• To be properly maintained according to the Maintenance Schedule in the Maintenance Booklet and Car Care Instructions in your Owner’s Manual. You must keep the receipts as proof of maintenance.
• To be run on unleaded gasoline with the recommended octane rating as specified in the Owner‘s Manual. Note: Some Canadian gasolines contain an octane enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl (MMT). If such fuels are used in your Porsche automobile, your emission control system performance may be negatively affected. The malfunction indicator light (“Check Engine”) on your instrument panel may illuminate. If repairs are required due to the use of fuels containing MMT, Porsche reserves the right to deny coverage of those repairs under warranty.
You are responsible for presenting your Porsche automobile to a Porsche dealer as soon as a problem exists. Failure to do so could result in conse­quential damage that may not be covered by your New Car Limited Warranty.
This Warranty Does Not Cover:
• Parts installed in vehicles used for racing, competition, or track use.
• Batteries damaged from storage, lack of normal vehicle use, or non-Porsche approved electrical or accessory installation.
• Parts for which proof of purchase date, installation date and vehicle kilometers at the time of installation are not presented.
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• Parts considered normal maintenance items, unless they are defective in material or workmanship.
• Parts replaced under the New Car Limited Warranty, or parts covered under other warranties.
• Normal wear or deterioration of any part
• Parts installed in a car with an odometer that has been altered, or an odometer on which the actual kilometers cannot be determined.
• Improper repairs causing damage to the vehicle, its engine or parts.
• Abuse, accident, acts of God or other events beyond the control of PCL, competition, racing, or track use.
To Get Warranty Service
The defective part, or the car in which it is installed, must be returned by the purchaser to an authorized Porsche dealer during normal service hours. You must provide a receipt that shows proof of purchase for the part as well as the installation date and the kilometers at the time of
instal­lation, if the installation was done by an authorized Porsche dealer. If the car is not drivable because of defect in the workmanship or materials covered by this warranty, call the nearest authorized Porsche dealer for assistance.
If you cannot get warranty service, or you are dissatisfied with the service or with a warranty decision, refer to the Customer Satisfaction section in this booklet.
Corrosion Warranty
This warranty is given to the owner of any Porsche automobile distributed by PCL and sold by an authorized Porsche dealer in Canada. Only the owner of the car is entitled to coverage and reimbursement under this warranty; this warranty cannot be transferred to anyone else (such as an insurance company).
Time and Kilometer Period
This warranty begins on the same date as the New Car Limited Warranty, and continues for 10 years with no kilometer limit (except for 911 GT2 & GT3, which are warrantied for 4 years). Any parts repaired or replaced under this warranty are covered only for the remainder of this warranty.
Warranty Coverage
PCL will repair or replace, with new parts distributed by PCL, at its option, any original body panels, including those repaired or replaced under this warranty, that are rusted completely through from the inside out (perforated by corrosion). The owner will not be charged for material and labour. All parts replaced under this warranty become the property of PCL.
This Warranty Does Not Cover:
• Rusting of the outside of the underbody (floor pan) or any other part of the car except body panels.
• Rusting of body panels that were replaced, repaired, or refurbished after the car was first sold at retail, other than Genuine Porsche Parts supplied by an authorized Porsche dealer.
• Body panel rust caused by abuse or lack of maintenance.
Environmental damage such as that caused by acid rain or other industrial
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pollution, insect or bird droppings, tree sap, stones, or other flying objects, highway maintenance chemicals, flood, storm, and other forms of disaster
• Accidents, acts of God, or other events beyond the control of PCL, collision damage, abuse, or repairs.
• Rust caused by a body panel being submerged in water, sand, or mud, or exposed to corrosive gas or industrial fallout.
• Paint matching. (PCL reserves the sole right to decide whether painting the repaired or replaced panel to match the original finish is practicable. PCL will not, under any circumstances, pay for painting the entire car solely for paint color matching.)
• Unauthorized modifications or vehicle with salvage titles.
To Get Warranty Service
You must take your car to an authorized Porsche automobile dealer during normal service hours and provide proof of purchase date.
If you cannot get warranty service, or you are dissatisfied with the service or with a warranty decision, refer to the Customer Satisfaction section in this Booklet.
Your Responsibility for Maintenance
You must maintain your Porsche automobile according to the Appearance Care and the Car Care Instructions in the Owner’s Manual.
You are responsible for presenting your Porsche automobile to a Porsche dealer as soon as a problem exists. Failure to do so could result in conse­quential damage that may not be covered by your warranty.
Your Responsibility for Normal Vehicle Use
Your Owner’s Manual (which includes specific recommendations against using your car in certain ways) was written with the assumption that you will use your car only in ways for which it was designed:
• To be properly maintained according to the Maintenance Schedule in the Maintenance Booklet and Car Care Instructions in the Owner’s Manual.
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French Language Section
Section en français
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Limites et renonciations
La garantie et les conditions écrites des Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée. sont exclusives et se substituent à toutes les garanties et condi­tions, écrites ou orales, expresses ou implicites. Nonobstant ce qui précède, toute garantie implicite, y compris les garanties de qualité marchande et d'aptitude à l’utilisation, sont limitées à la durée de la garantie écrite.
Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée. n’autorise aucune personne ni société à créer d’obligation, de responsabilité ou une autre garantie relativement à ce véhicule. Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée. décline toute respons­abilité quant à la perte de temps ou d’utilisation de votre voiture ainsi que pour les dommages accessoires, spéciaux, indirects et pour les dépenses encourues ou dommages semblables.
Certains territoires n’autorisent pas : de limites sur la durée d’une garantie ou d'une condition implicites; l’exclusion ou la restriction des dommages accessoires ou indirects; la dénégation ou le rejet des déclarations, garanties ou conditions implicites ou d'autres droits prévus par la loi. Par conséquent, les limites ou exclusions précédentes peuvent ne pas s’appliquer à vous. Ces garanties et conditions particulières vous octroient des droits reconnus par la loi et vous pouvez avoir d'autres droits, lesquels varient d’une province à l'autre.
La responsabilité de Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée., le cas échéant, pour les produits fournis en vertu de cette garantie, ne doit excéder en aucun cas le coût de réparation des défectuosités du pro­duit, comme il est indiqué dans la présente, et la responsabilité prend fin à l'échéance de la garantie.
Garantie à l’étranger
Si votre véhicule est pris en charge par un concessionnaire Porsche autorisé à l'extérieur du Canada ou des É.-U., la garantie des Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée. ne s'appliquera pas et les pièces défectueuses seront réparées ou remplacées uniquement selon les conditions et les lim­ites de la garantie limitée pour les véhicules neufs de Porsche en vigueur pour l'année modèle de votre véhicule dans le pays où est situé un tel con­cessionnaire Porsche autorisé.
Garantie limitée pour les véhicules neufs
Cette garantie est offerte à chaque propriétaire d’une automobile Porsche distribuée par Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée. et vendue par un con­cessionnaire Porsche agréé au Canada.
Durée et kilométrage
Cette garantie entre en vigueur à la date de première livraison du véhicule à son premier propriétaire, ou à la date de première utilisation comme véhicule de démonstration, de location ou de fonction selon la première éventualité. Le véhicule est garanti pour 48 mois ou 80 000 kilomètres, selon la première éventualité.
Étendue de la garantie
Automobiles Porsche Canada, Ltée. assurera la réparation ou le remplace­ment par une pièce Porsche d’origine neuve ou par une pièce réusinée autorisée Porsche, selon la disponibilité, de toute pièce montée en usine qui présente un vice de fabrication ou de matériau selon des conditions normales d’utilisation. (Les conditions normales d’utilisation du véhicule
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+ 68 hidden pages