![](/html/75/7561/7561873841b991c93f7105f8908f00274a75a8b9302f99f451a2d95e455e311b/bg3.png)
Polk
Audio-A
Passion
for
Sound
Polk
Audio-La
passionduson
Please
takeamoment
you
get
started.
project.Ifyou
anyofthe
yourselfalotofgrief
Polk
installer
autosound
More
and
website
questionorcomment,
us.InNorth
Service
polkcs@polkaudio.com.
We
HereatPolk
mentismore
We're
Sincerely,
installation
Audio
AutoSound
and
readytohelp
dollar.
information-including
online
manuals-is
www.polkaudio.com/car.
America
800-377-7655
lovetohear
Audio,
than
happytoshareitwith
and
Installingacar
have
any
doubts
steps
and
dealer.He(or
availableonour
please
and
(M-F,
Outside
from
you!
building
just
our
read
through
audio
about
foundinthis
contact
your
you
get
the
audio
how-to
Andifyou
feel
freetocallusor
Canada,
call
9-6
EST)orvia
the
loudspeakers
business-it's
you.
this
manual
systemisa
your
abilitytoexecute
manual,
local
authorized
she)isa
professional
most
for
your
articles,
award-winning
ever
Polk
Audio
email
call
410-358-3600.
and
audio
our
passion.
before
serious
save
have
a
email
Customer
equip-
L'installation
estunprojet
de
lirecemanuel
avoir
ne
croyez
tous
agree
Sound
reglesdeI'artetvous
Pour
des
FAQetdes
prime:
oudecommentaires,
a
la
Clientele--en
telephone
a:
polkcs@polkaudio.com.AI'exterieur
Ie
410-358-3600.
Chez
etdecomposants
commercial~'est
delapartager
d'une
chaine
audiophonique
d'envergure.
etudie
les
instructions
pas
avoirlacompetence
les
composantsdela
Polk
AutoSound.
sauront
installer
plus
d'information-incluant
manuelsenligne,
www.polkaudio.com/car.Sivous
au:
800-377-7655
Polk
Audio,lafabricationdehaut-parleurs,
avec
Veuillez
attentivement
permettront
n'Msitez
AmeriqueduNordetau
audio
une
vous.
avantdeproceder.Siapres
contenues
chaine,
Les
professionnelsdePolk
votre
nouvelle
pasacontacter
(L-V,
est
beaucoup
veritable
dansunvehicule
donc
prendreIetemps
danscemanuel
necessaire
contactez
d'en
des
visitez
9-18
passion.IInous
pour
votre
chaine
selon
profiteraumaximum.
conseils
plus
notre
site
avez
des
notre
Canada,
HE)oupar
des
E.U.,
qu'une
pratiques,
d'enceintes
vous
installer
revendeur
Auto
les
web
questions
Service
par
courriel
signalez
entreprise
fait
plaisir
MatthewS.Polk
Co-Founder
Cordialement,
MatthewS.Polk
Cofondateur
![](/html/75/7561/7561873841b991c93f7105f8908f00274a75a8b9302f99f451a2d95e455e311b/bg4.png)
Polk
Audio-Pasion
Lea
todo
este
manual
de
sonidodeautom6vilesun
sobresucapacidaddelIevaracabo
instalaci6n
comunfquese
de
sonidodeautom6viles.
sional
maximosudinero
Hay
guntas
ado
preguntas0comentarios.nodudeenlIamarnos0escribirnos
comunfquese
do
al
Estel0escribiendounmensajedecorreo
polkcs@polkaudio.com.
Ilame
indicadoseneste
consudistribuidor
preparado
mas
frecuentesymanualesenIfnea)ennuestro
sitio
por
800-377-7655
al
410-358-3600.
para
invertidoensonidodeautom6vil.
informaci6n
Web
www.polkaudio.com.Ysi
correo
electr6nico.EnEstados
conelservicioalclientedePolk
(Iunesaviernes.de9a6.hora
porelSonido
antesdecomenzar.
proyecto
manual.
local
Ello
ella)esun
ayudarleaustedaaprovechar
(artfculos
sobre
FueradeEstados
Nos
encantarfa
Instalarunsistema
serio.Sitiene
algunodelos
ah6rrese
autorizado
procedimientos.
problemas
Polk
instalador
alguna
vez
UnidosyCanada.
Audio
electr6nico
UnidosyCanada.
saberdeusted.
dudas
pasos
profeal
galardon-
tiene
lIaman-
del
a
de
Audio
pre-
Polk
Audio-Eine
Lesen
Sie
sich
gen.
Die
Installation
Kinderspiel.
diesem
y
Handbuch
fijhren
ktinnen.
tirtlichen
Er
Ihnen
Weitere
Antworten
HandbUcher
www.polkaudio.com/car.
einen
Telefon
Sie
polkcs@polkaudio.com.
(oder
helfen.
Vorschlag
oder
den
Polk
1M-F.
Polk
sie)
Information.
+1410-358-3600
Leidenschaft
bitte
dieses
Handbuch
eines
Audiosystemsinein
Wenn
Sie
Zweifel
haben.obSie
beschriebenen
sollten
Sie
sich
Arger
Audio
AutoSound-Fachhiindler
kennt
sich
mit
der
Installation
Ihre
Audiosound-Investition
darunter
auf
hiiufig
gestellte
finden
Sie
haben.
E-Mail.InNordamerika
Audio-Kundendienst
9-18
Uhr
OstkUstenzeit)
an.
Wir
Audio-Anweisungen.
Fragen
auf
der
preisgekrtinten
Wenn
kontaktieren
Au~erhalb
freuen
fiir
Sound
durch.
bevor
Auto
einen
Installationsschritte
ersparen
Siejeeine
Sie
oder
telefonisch
oder
der
uns
auf
und
kontaktieren.
aus
und
optimalzunutzen.
und
Online-
Website
Frage
oder
uns
bitte
Kanada
unter
per
E-Mail
rufen
Ihren
Anruf!
Sie
anfan-
ist
kein
der
in
aus-
Ihren
kann
per
erreichen
800-377-
unter
Sie
AqufenPolk
es
mas
Nos
Atentamente.
MatthewS.Polk
Cofundador
que
encanta
Audio.
una
compartirla
construir
actividad
altavocesyequiposdesonido
comercial;esnuestra
con
usted.
pasi6n.
Bei
Polk
Audio
Audiogeriiten
Leidenschaft.
Ihnenzutei
Mit
freundlichen
MatthewS.Polk
MitbegrUnder
mehr
Wir
len.
ist
die
Fertigung
als
unser
freuen
GrU~en.
von
Geschiift-es
uns.
diese
Lautsprechern
ist
unsere
Leidenschaft
mit
und
![](/html/75/7561/7561873841b991c93f7105f8908f00274a75a8b9302f99f451a2d95e455e311b/bg5.png)
Polk
Audio-La
Passione
del
Suono
Polk
Audio-Paixao
por
Som
Primadicominciare,
uale.
L'installazionediun
cosa
seria.Incasodidubbi
delle
fasidiinstallazione
invitiamoarivolgervi
AutoSound
sana
per
Ulteriori
audio,
sui
casodidomandeacommenti,viinvitiamoacontattarci
telefonoae-mail.InNord
servizio
377-7655
orientale)avia
Fuori
Apprezziamoivostri
Alia
ture
sione!
Cordialmente,
autorizzatodizona.Inostri
installatori
farvi
ottenereilmassimo
informazioni,
domande
nostra
premiato
Assistenza
(Iunedi-venerdl,
degli
Stati
Polk
Audio,lacreazionedialtoparlantieapparecchia-
audioemalta
Siamo
accertatevidiaver
impianto
sull'esecuzionedialcune
contenuteinquesta
subitoalrappresentante
professionaliavostra
dal
tra
cui
articolisuapparecchiature
frequentiemanuali
sito
web,
www.polkaudio.com/car.ln
AmericaeCanada,
c1ienti
Polk
Audioalnumero
9:00-6:00
e-mail
all.indirizzopolkcs@polkaudio.com.
Uniti,
chiamateilnumera
commenti!
piu
chelanostra
lietidicondividerla
letto
audio
rappresentanti
disposizione
vostro
investimento.
online,
fuso
attivita-e
can
voi.
per
orario
questa
man-
autoeuna
manuale,
Polk
Audio
sana
disponibili
chiamate
verde
della
costa
410-358-3600.
una
pas-
vi
per
il
800-
Reserve
urn
poucodetempo
come~ar.Ainstala~ao
urn
prajeto
complexo.Setiver
capacidadederealizar
la~ao
descritas
cantata
para
este
adores
investimentoemurn
Nosso
website
hadas,
passoapasso,
Para
obter
www.polkaudio.com/car.Ecaso
comentario,
au
e-mail.NaAmericadoNorteeno
a
DepartamentodeAtendimentoaoClientedaPolk
em
+1
800-377-7655
18:00,
horariodeNova
polkcs@polkaudio.com.
para
1-410-358-3600.
Na
Polk
de
audioemaisdoque
Ficamos
neste
comarevendedor
tipo
de
instala~ao.
profissionais
premiado
incluindo
Audio,
artigos
perguntas
essaseoutras
basta
entraremcantata
fabricar
felizesemcompartilha-Ia
para
ler
este
de
urn
sistemadeaudiodeveiculo
alguma
qualquer
manual.
prantos
sistema
(de
York)aupar
Adorarfamos
caixas
nosso
uma
das
evite
a
local
autorizado
revendedor
para
ajuda-Ioamaxi
sonora
para
contem
informa~6es
informativos
freqUentesemanuais
informa~6es
segundaasexta-feira,
Caso
com
tenha
conosco
Canada,
e-mail
estejaemoutra
ouvirassuas
acusticaseequipamentos
neg6cio-e
com
manual
duvida
quantaasua
eta
pasdeinsta-
frustra~ao
pela
conta
veiculo.
pracedimentos
sabre
audio,
alguma
par
pelo
nossa
voce.
antes
de
e
e
entre
em
Polk
Audio
com
instal-
mizar
seu
mais
detal-
eletr6nicos.
visite
duvida
au
telefone
ligue
para
Audio
das
9:00
as
endere~o
pais,
ligue
opini6es!
paixao.
MatthewS.Polk
Co-Fondatore
Atenciosamente,
MatthewS.Polk
Co-fundador
![](/html/75/7561/7561873841b991c93f7105f8908f00274a75a8b9302f99f451a2d95e455e311b/bg6.png)
High-powered
pressure
hearing
They
may
soundsoremergency
and
practice
or
adjusting
car
levels
loss
may
also
impairadriver's
safe
your
audio
that
result.
listening
audio
•
Super-efficient
much
cooler
•
High-speed
•
High-current
outputs
•
Thermal,DCoffset,
circuit
protection
•
Master/slave
bridgedtoone
•
Continuously
low-pass
•
Switchable
•
Switchable8dB
•
Switchable
•
Remote
than
complementary
stable
into
function
load.
variable
crossover.
subsonic
1800phase
subwoofer
systems
may
exceed
the
thresholdatwhich
abilitytohear
vehicles.
conventional
with
bassEOfunction.
Use
habits
system.
design
switching
one
ohm
loads.
reverse
polarity
status
supports
(PA600.1/PA
12dB/octave
filter
24dB/octave.
inversion.
level
control
common
when
amps.
power
two
produce
listening
runs
supply.
and
amps
1200.1)
function.
sound
traffic
sense
short
7.
Fuse
Replacements
8.
4mm
Allen
Wrench
9.
Wire
Harness
10.
Owner's
11.
Online
to
12.
13.
Remote
Phone
Important
your
immediately.Werecommend
and
the
future.
In
the
stolen,
serial
in
the
foundonthe
amplifier
Serial
Polk
(M-F,
polkcs@polkaudio.com.
Canada,
Polk
Polk
Manual
Registration
Volume
Line
Cord
Note:
Polk
Audio
amplifier
packing
materialsincase
event
that
you
will
needtohavearecordofthe
number.
space
Number:
Audio
9-6
Audio
Audio,
Please
provided
bottom
packaging.
Customer
US&Canada
call
410-358-3600.Tolearn
12V
amplifiersgoto
Inc.
Card
Module
If
anythingismissingordamaged,orif
your
amplifier
take
below.
panelofthe
Metro
failstooperate,
keeping
you
requires
the
timetoenter
The
Service
800-317-7655
only)orvia
Outside
www.polkaudio.com
Drive
notify
your
your
original
needtoship
serial
amplifier
the
more
Baltimore,MD21215
the
serviceoris
product's
that
number
can
andonthe
email
&
about
dealer
carton
unit
ever
number
be
_
in
•
Variable
with
•
Chrome-plated
ensure
•
Rugged
•
Unity
Take
Checktoensure
Polk
your
1.
Polk
(either
2.
Hex
3.
Screws
4.
Mounting
5.
Locking
6.
Rubber
different
maximum
heat
gain
Inventory
Audio
amplifier
system.
Audio
PA400.1,
Key
(4)
Washers
Washers
input
Inside,
Washers
sensitivity
signal
sources.
wire
terminals
signal
sink
and
cover.
pass-through
you
have
everythinginyour
cartontostart
you
should
Amplifier
PA600.1orPA
(4)
(4)
(4)
optimizes
and
transfer.
jacks.
find:
match
enjoying
1200.1)
connectors
Installingacar
any
tion
and
isagood
tion
useofhand
tion
•
•
•
•
•
audio
doubts
about
steps
foundinthis
contactaprofessional
placetofind
yourselfweassume
and
experience
Read
Plan
Allow
without
Take
from
Wear
you
this
manual
your
installation
enough
rushing.
stepstoprotect
unwanted
proper
systemisa
your
abilitytoexecute
manual,
one.Ifyou
power
tools.Nomatter
have,werecommend
thoroughly
timetocomplete
scratches
protective
save
installer.
you
possess
carefully.
your
car
and
safety
serious
before
project.Ifyou
anyofthe
yourselfalotofgrief
Your
Polk
Audio
intendtodo
the
and
punctures.
gear.
the
some
skillinthe
how
much
that
you
begin.
installation
upholstery
you
have
installa-
dealer
installa-
proper
installa-
...
12V