Polaroid 636 restyle Repair Manual

Repair Manual Addendum
Americas Business Center
Technical Services
201 Burlington Road
Bedford MA 01730
TEL: 1.781.386.5309
FAX: 1.781.386.5988
April 1997
Repair Manual Addendum Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. General Information .............................................................................................. 3
Background ............................................................................................................. 3
636 Restyle Functional/Aesthetic Changes .............................................................. 3
2. Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures ............................................................... 5
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 5
636 Restyle Camera Disassembly........................................................................... 5
636 Restyle Camera Reassembly............................................................................ 16
Repair Manual Addendum General Information
1. General Information
This repair manual addendum covers the 636 restyle cameras. The restyle of the 636 camera refreshes it appearance and makes it look more contemporary.
Note: This repair manual addendum describes the disassembly/reassembly procedures
that are different from those of the earlier 636 cameras. Information common to the earlier 636 cameras are not included in this repair manual addendum. Refer to the 636 camera repair manual dated December 1995 for this common information.
To use this repair manual addendum effectively, one should be familiar with the operation and disassembly/reassembly information in the 636 camera repair manual.
636 Restyle Functional/Aesthetic Changes
The 636 restyle cameras (Figure 1-1) are now being manufactured with functional/aesthetic changes to the following camera parts:
Lower Housing
Upper/Lower Apron
Close-up Lens Button/Close-up Lens
Trim Actuator/Button Assembly
Front Plate
Hinge Support (Gear/Non-Gear Side)
Pivot Pin (Gear/Non-Gear Side)
Logo Label/Strip
Strobe Cover
Counter Window/Retainer
Hand Strap, Front/Rear
Eye Cup/Retainer
Strap Strip
Door Release Button
S1/S10 Button
S1/S10 Interlock
Flash Tube Assembly (FTA)
Meniscus Lens Bezel
Repair Manual Addendum General Information
Front View
Hinge Support
(Gear Side)
Meniscus Lens
Lens Button
Trim Actuator
Trim Button
Lower Housing
Lower Apron
Flash Tube
Pivot Pin
(Non-Gear Side)
Hinge Support
(Non-Gear Side)
Upper Apron
(Behind Front Plate)
Hand Strap
Front Plate
Hand Strap
Rear View
Hand Strap
Eye Cup
Eye Cup
Logo Label/Strip
Strobe Cover
Pivot Pin
(Gear Side)
Hinge Support
(Gear Side)
Counter Window
Counter Window
S10 Button
S1 Button
Door Release
Strap Strip
Figure 1. 636 Restyle features
Repair Manual Addendum Disassembly/Reassembly
2. Disassembly/Reassembly
Tools Needed
Needlenose pliers
Dental pick
Dump probe
Soldering aid (greenstick)
Finger cots or lintless cotton gloves
Exacto knife with no. 11 blade
Strobe cover removal tool (P/N 13702)
636 Restyle Camera Disassembly
Notes: No screws or threaded fasteners are used in the 636 restyle camera: most
housings and piece parts of subassemblies are held in position by detents, spring catches or tangs which engage bosses or cutouts in corresponding mating parts. Careful spring apart techniques will free most parts of the 636 restyle camera.
Flex connecting tabs are held in their solderless contacts by internal spring contact pressure. Safe, easy removal of the flex is done by inserting the appropriate size leg of the Universal Flex Removal Tool into the connector. This releases the grip of the internal contacts and allows the flex to be pulled out together with the removal tool.
1. Using a small flat screwdriver, remove the strobe cover pivot pins (gear /non-gear side) as follows:
Note: Each pivot pin is stamped with an identification mark (GS - gear side or
OGS - non-gear side).
Insert the tip of the small flat screwdriver into the bottom of the gear side pivot pin
(Figure 2-1).
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