Polaroid 4X5, 4X5 SHEET FILM User Manual

A Guide to Using Polaroid 4 x 5 Sheet Films
For people who work in a variety of ways.
Tips, techniques and inside information designed to help you get consistently good results with Polaroid 4 x 5 sheet films.
4 x 5 Sheet Films
What’s inside
w Processing tips relating to 4x5
films and proper use of 545 family of film holders
w Polaroid 4x5 films: The big
w The inside story abut 4x5
instant film
w The 3 critical keys to quality
w Storing, handling, loading
and processing Polaroid films
w If it’s hotter or colder than
F (24oC)...
w Film processing: How
fast to pull...and how to get it straight!
w Type 55 P/N film:
Positive approaches to good negative results (peeling techniques; sodium sulfite solutions)
w Making sure your prints
and images last a long time
w Picture problems
and problem prevention
w Toll-free help and technical
Polaroid 4x5 films: The big picture
Please keep this booklet within reach of your Polaroid Model 545 film holder
The information in this booklet is designed to help experienced and occasional users of Polaroid 4x5 sheet films get good pictures... avoid some common picture-taking errors...perform a few simple, routine, preven­tive maintenance checks... and get expert assistance when needed.
This booklet covers  in quick reference form  much of the material contained in the instructions originally packed with the Polaroid Model 545 film holder. Please consult those instructions when first learning to use the film holder.
Film Data Sheets covering most Polaroid films used for business, technical, medical and professional applications are available at no charge on the Web at www.polaroid.com.
Polaroid 4x5 sheet films for use with the Model 545, 545i, and 545 Pro film holders
Type 59, Polacolor ER, (ISO 80/20
Type 64, Polacolor Pro T ungsten (ISO 64/19
Type 79, Polacolor Pro 100 (ISO 100/21
Polacolor Pro 100 (International only) (ISO 100/21
Black & White
Type 51, High Contrast Positive/Negative (ISO 640/29 ISO 400/27 ISO 80/20 ISO 50/18
Type 52, Fine Grain (ISO 400/27
Type 53, Medium Contrast Coaterless (ISO 800/30
Type 54, PolaPan 100 Coaterless (ISO 100/21
Type 55, Positive/Negative (ISO 50/18
Type 56, Sepia (ISO 400/27 Type 57, High Speed
(ISO 3000/36 Type 72, PolaPan 400
(ISO 400/27
Polaroid 4x5 sheet films are available in two types: instant and wet-process (E6) films. These 4x5 films are used in the Polaroid Model 545 film holder.
The Model 545 film holder is designed to fit most 4x5 field and view cameras; microscope and oscilloscope cameras; the Polaroid MP-4 camera; and the Polaroid CU-5 4x5 camera. (See note below.)
If you use Polaroid instant pack films
A similar booklet is available to users of Polaroid 3 4x5 and square-format pack films. To obtain a copy, call Polaroid T echnical Assistance at the toll-free number given on page 2.
1/4 x 4
The image area of Polaroid 4x5 instant films used with the Model 545 film hold­er is off-center about 1/8 in. (3 mm) toward the thick end of the holder. For extreme accuracy with 4x5 cameras making test shots is recommended so that the exact image area can be marked on the ground glass. On the Polaroid MP 4 camera this area is marked on the ground glass.
The inside story about 4x5 instant films
Technical Assistance & Film Data Sheets
For further information about Polaroid 4x5 sheet films, or for information about other Polaroid films, products, and applications, call toll-free from within the U.S.A. at 800-225-1618 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern time. Or, write to:
Technical Assistance Polaroid Corporation 201 Burlington Rd. Bedford, MA 01730
For assistance outside the U.S.A., consult your nearest Polaroid Office.
Film Data Sheets covering most Polaroid films used for business, technical, medical and professional applications are available at no charge on the Web at www.polaroid.com.
How the system works
Each Polaroid instant 4x5 sheet film envelope contains all the elements needed to produce an instant picture. Inside, there is a film assembly consisting of a light-sensitive negative, a positive sheet, and a pod containing the developer.
The rollers inside the Polaroid Model 545 film holder are used to break the pod and spread the devel­oper between the exposed negative and positive sheet. Clean rollers are important in achieving a smooth, con­sistent spread; they should be inspected and cleaned reg­ularly to assure high quality results. (See page 12.)
Exposing and processing
The positive sheet is with­drawn during exposure, then re-mated with the negative inside the envelope before processing.
Pulling the envelope drags the film assembly  negative, pod, and positive sheet  between the rollers. The pod bursts open and the developer is spread between the positive and negative. It is important to pull the film straight and at a steady, moderate speed to cause the developer to spread evenly. (See page 3.)
Development begins immediately, outside the film holder. After the proper processing time, the finished picture is peeled away from the negative. (See page 5 for important tips about handling developing pictures.)
The 3 critical keys to quality instant images
1 Keep the processing rollers in the film holder clean
Make it a habit to inspect and clean the roller surfaces regularly, and especially before each picture-taking session.
Cleaning the rollers is easy. Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth, moistened with water if necessary. Dry the rollers thoroughly before use. Do not use alcohol or other cleaning fluids, and never scrape the rollers
with a hard object or with your fingernails.
The Model 545 film holder instruction book contains details on locating and clean­ing the rollers. If you need further information, please call us at the toll-free number on page 2.
2 Note the temperature... and time development accurately
You can take Polaroid pictures at any temperature. But, processing time and the temperature of the film at the time of processing affect picture quality. Ideally, Polaroid films should be processed at about 75
C). If the temperature
(24 is much higher or lower, you may need to adjust pro­cessing times and/or exposure settings for best results. Make it a habit
to check the Film Data Sheets located on the Web at www.polaroid.com for more information.
3 Pull the film straight
Always pull the film envelope straight out of the film holder. The film should be pulled parallel to the film holder. If the camera is positioned so that it is difficult to pull straight, remove the film holder, if possible, for film pulling.
Pull at a steady, moderate speed. Saying the word Polaroid is a good way to time the speed of the pull.
Storing, handling, loading and processing Polaroid films
Note the film expiration date
Always use Polaroid film before the expiration date stamped on the package. Outdated film may not produce satisfactory results, and is not covered by the Polaroid film warranty.
Storage recommendations & cautions
w Store Polaroid film in a cool,
dry place. Unopened film may be refrigerated in its sealed wrapper. Do not freeze film.
w Before opening film that
has been refrigerated, allow it to reach room temperature. This will take about 2 hours.
w Avoid leaving film or a
loaded film holder in direct sunlight, or in a hot, humid place, such as the trunk or glove compartment of a car. High temperatures and humidity can affect picture quality.
w Store unused Polaroid
4x5 sheet film flat in a dry, cool place.
When loading film
w Keep the film sealed in its
tray until you are ready to use. Tear open the tray along the printed arrow.
w Lift the film envelopes
out of the film tray carefully so the metal end caps dont catch on other envelopes. If you accidentally pull off an end cap, discard that film sheet. (See page 12.)
w Always hold film envelopes
by their edges to avoid damaging film surfaces or the pod of developer inside.
w Set the control arm on
the film holder to L before attempting to insert the film envelope.
w Avoid loading the film back-
wards (note the printing on the film envelope). Be sure the envelope side marked This side toward lens faces the lens. If the film is loaded backwards, the envelope will come all the way out of the film holder when withdrawn to make an exposure. (If this happens, turn to page 13 for instructions.)
w Insert the film envelope
straight into the film holder, being careful not to buckle the envelope. Then, slowly withdraw the envelope until it stops.
Storing, handling, loading and processing Polaroid films
Before making an exposure
w Make it a habit to test to be
sure the film has engaged properly in the film holder.
After inserting the film enve­lope, and withdrawing it prior to making the exposure, gently run your finger and thumb over the area marked Do Not Press Here, as shown. It should be flat.
If you can feel the pod of dev elope r, the film i s not engaged properly. Reinsert the envelope and test again.
If the film does not engage in the holder properly, an all­black picture (no exposure) may result.
If you have repeated trouble engaging film envelopes, your film holder may need adjustment. If your holder is several years old or has been subjected to heavy use, you may want to consider replac­ing it with an updated model. Call us for further informa­tion, toll-free: 800-225-1618, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern time.
When processing film
Instant films
w After making the exposure,
push the envelope all the way in until the tabs are aligned with the edge of the film holder. Use moderate pres­sure, but dont force it. If the envelope does not slide all the way in, withdraw it a little, and try again.
w Move the film holder control
arm to P before pulling the envelope out to start instant film processing.
w Remember that you
can remove an exposed sheet of film without processing it, if temperature or other conditions make it desirable to process the film later. (See page 8.)
w Handle developing pictures
with care. Hold them only at the tab end or lay them flat on a table. Never wave or bend the film while it is devel­oping, and never touch the image area, otherwise image quality may be affected.
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