Polaris Breeze SL Owner's Manual

PMS 426C
Read this manual carefully. It contains important safety information.
Operation is prohibited for those under 16 years of age.
Breeze SL
Owner's Manual
for Maintenance and Safety
This is an adult vehicle only.
The text is printed on 100% recycled
with 40% post-consumer waste (PCW).
PMS 426C
Improper vehicle use can result in SEVERE INJURY or DEATH.
Do not start vehicle until all occupants are seated.
Remain seated, holding handles, while the vehicle is in motion.
Operate from driver’s side only.
Always wear your seat belt to prevent ejection from vehicle,
if your vehicle is so equipped,
The roof is not designed or intended to provide rollover protection. Vehicle rollover could cause severe injury or death. Always operate with caution.
Never operate after or while using Alcohol or Drugs.
Never operate on slopes steeper than 15 degrees 15°.
Drive slowly straight up and down slopes.
Keep entire body in the vehicle at all times.
Reduce speed and use extra caution when carrying passengers.
Avoid sharp turns or turns during heavy acceleration.
Operate slowly in reverse and avoid sharp turns or sudden braking.
Make sure passengers read and follow all safety labels.
This vehicle is restricted to a maximum of 4 occupants.
When towing the vehicle, the Master ON-OFF Switch MUST be
in the OFF position or severe motor damage will occur.
Place the Master ON-OFF Switch in the OFF position if storing the vehicle for more than 5 days. Failure to do so may lead to complete battery discharge and battery damage.
Batteries require regular maintenance. Failure to maintain batteries in accordance with the owner’s manual can result in battery damage, vehicle malfunction, fire, and/or severe injury or death.
For your nearest Polaris dealer, call 1-800-POLARIS or visit www.polarisindustries.com Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Hwy 55 Medina, MN 55340 Phone 1-888-704-5290 Part No. 9922984 Rev 01 Printed in USA
*9923119 *
Thank you for purchasing a Polaris vehicle, and welcome to our world­wide family of Polaris owners. We proudly produce an exciting line of utility and recreational products.
• Snowmobiles
• All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
utility vehicles
• Neighborhood vehicles (NVs)
• Victory Motorcycles
We believe Polaris sets a standard of excellence for all utility and recre­ational vehicles manufactured in the world today. Many years of experi­ence have gone into the engineering, design, and development of your Polaris vehicle, making it the finest machine we’ve ever produced.
For safe and enjoyable operation of your vehicle, be sure to follow the instructions and recommendations in this owner’s manual. Your manu al contains instructions for minor maintenance, but information about major repairs is outlined in the Polaris Service Manual and should be performed only by a factory certified Master Service Dealer
technician. Your Polaris dealer knows your vehicle best and is interested in your
total satisfaction. Be sure to return to your dealership for all of your ser­vice needs during, and after, the warranty period.
We also take great pride in our complete line of apparel, parts and acces­sories, available through our online store at www.purepolaris.com.!
POLARIS, THE WAY OUT are registere d trademarks of Polaris Industries Inc. Copyright 2010 Polaris Sales Inc. All information contained within this publication is
based on the latest product information at the time of publication. Due to constant improvements in the design and quality of production components, some minor discrep­ancies may result between the actual vehicle and the information presented in this publi­cation. Depictions and/or procedures in this publication are intended for reference use only. No liability can be accepted for omissions or inaccuracies. Any reprinting or reuse of the depictions and/or procedures contained within, whether whole or in part, is expressly prohibited.
Printed in U.S.A. 2011 BREEZE SL Neighborhood Vehicle Owner’s Manual 2011 BREEZE (2 passenger) Neighborhood Vehicle Owner’s Manual 2011 BREEZE (4 passenger My Choice) P/N 9922984 rev01
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Features and Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Polaris Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Maintenance Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
The following signal words and symbols appear throughout this manual and on your vehicle. Your safety is involved when these words and sym­bols are used. Become familiar with their meanings before reading the manual.
The safety alert symbol indicates a potential personal injury hazard.
A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.
A CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
A NOTICE indicates a situation that may result in property damage.
The Prohibition Safety Sign indicates an action NOT to take in order to avoid a hazard.
The Mandatory Action Sign indicates an action that NEEDS to be taken to avoid a hazard.
Failure to heed the warnings and safety precautions contained in this manual can result in severe injury or death. Your Polaris vehicle is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently than cars, trucks or other off-road vehicles. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers like turning, or driving on hills or over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions.
• Read this owner’s manual. Understand all safety warnings, precau tions and operating procedures before operating the vehicle. Keep this manual w ith the vehicle.
• This vehicle is an ADULT VEHICLE ONLY. NEVER operate this vehicle if you are under age 16 and NEVER operate this vehicle without a va lid driver’s license. Never operate with a passenger under the age of 5.
Vehicle Identification Numbers
Record your vehicle's identification numbers and key number in the spaces provided. Remove the spare key and store it in a safe place. An ignition key can be duplicated only by ordering a Polaris key blank (using your key number) and mating it with one of your existing keys. The ignition switch must be replaced if all keys are lost.
Vehicle Model Number: ___________________________________________________
Frame VIN/Serial Number: ________________________________________________
Key Number: ___________________________________________________________
Motor Serial Number
Key Number
Breeze SL VIN Label 7176799
Breeze SL Stamped VIN
Breeze Manufacturer Label 7176293
Breeze Stamped Serial Number
Equipment Modifications
Your Polaris vehicle is designed to provide safe operation when used as directed. Do not modify this vehicle in a way that will alter the weight distribution of the vehicle. This type of modification ma y negatively impact vehicle stability.
Failure of critical machine components may result from operation with any modifications, especially those that increase speed or power. This vehicle may become less stable at speeds higher than those for which it is designed. Loss of control may occur at higher speeds.
Do not install on a Polaris vehicle any equipment that may increase the speed or power of the vehicle, or make any other modifications to the vehicle for these purposes. Any modifications to the original equipment of the vehicle create a substantial safety hazard and increase the risk of bodily injury.
The warranty on your Polaris vehicle is terminated if any equipment has been added to the vehicle, or if any modifications have been made to the vehicle, that increase its speed or power or alter the weight distribution of the vehicle.
Use only Polaris-approved accessories, and familiarize yourself with their function and effect on the vehicle before operating.
Operator Safety
Failure to operate this vehicle properly can result in a collision, loss of control, accident or overturn, which may result in serious injury or death. Heed all safety warnings outlined in this section of the owner’s manual. See the OPERATION section of the owner’s manual for proper operating procedures.
Operating Without Instruction
Operating this vehicle without proper instruction increases the risk of an accident. The operator must understand how to operate the vehicle properly in different situations and on different types of terrain. Complete th e N ew Op era t or Driving Procedures outlined on pages 49-50.
All operators must read and understand the owner's manual and all warning and instruction labels before operating the vehicle. Never allow a guest to operate this vehicle until the guest has completed the New Operator Driving Procedures outlined on pages 49-50.
Age Restrictions
This vehicle is an ADULT VEHICLE ONLY. NEVER operate this vehicle if you are under
age 16 and NEVER operate this vehicle without a valid driver ’s license. Never operate with a passenger under the age of 5.
Operator Safety
Ventilation When Charging Batteries
Failure to provide adequate ventilation while charging batteries can result in an explosion. Volatile hydrogen gas is emitted during charging and may accumulate in pockets at the ceiling. Always ensure a minimum of 5 air changes per hour in the charging area.
Failure to Inspect Before Operating
Failure to inspect and verify that the vehicle is in safe operating condition before operating increases the risk of an accident.
Always inspect the vehicle before each use to make sure it's in safe operating condition.
Always follow the inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules described in the owner's manual.
Using Alcohol or Drugs
Riding in this vehicle after consuming alcohol or drugs could adversely affect operator judgment, reaction time, balance and perception.
Never consume alcohol or drugs before or while operating or riding in this vehicle.
Operator Safety
Seat Belts
(if your vehicle is so equipped)
Seat belts reduce the severity of injury in the event of a sudden stop or accident. Always make sure the seat belts are secured for both the operator and passenger before riding.
Poor Visibility
Operating the vehicle i n darkness or inclemen t weather could resul t in a collision or accident, especially if operating on a road or street. This vehicle is not equipped with highway-approved lights. Use caution and drive at reduced speeds in conditions of reduced visibility such as fog, rain and darkness. Clean headlights frequently and replace burned out headlamps promptly.
Non-approved accessories may seriously affect vehicle stability. Using accesso­ries not approved by Polaris for use on this vehicle could cause loss of control or an accident. Never operate with accessories not approved by Polaris for use on this vehicle.
Operator Safety
Carrying a Passenger
Never carry a passenger until you have operated this vehicle for at least two hours and have completed the New Operator Driving Proced ures outlined on pages 49-50. Passengers must always be seated in a passenger seat and if your vehicle is equipped with seat belts make sure the seat belt is secured. Never drive the vehicle until all occupants are properly seated.
Carrying Multiple Passengers
Carrying more than one passenger can affect the operator’s ability to steer and operate the controls, which increases the risk of loss of control, accident or overturn.
Never allow more than two passengers to occupy the rear seat, if so equipped.
Operating on Public Roads
Operating this vehicle on public streets, roads or highways could result in a collision with another vehicle.
Never operate this vehicle on any public street, road or highway, including dirt and gravel roads, unless permitted by local regulations. In many areas it's unlawful to operate vehicles of this type on public streets, roads and highways.
Operating at Excessive Speeds
Operating this vehicle at excessive speeds increases th e operator's risk of losing control.
Never exceed the maximum recommended speed for this vehicle. Always operate at a speed that's appropriate for the terrain, the visibility and operating conditions, your skills and your passenger’s skills.
Operator Safety
Turning Improperly
Turning improperly could cause loss of traction, loss of control, accident or overturn. Always follow proper procedures for turning as described in the owner's manual.
Avoid sharp turns. Never turn at a fast speed. Never make abrupt steering maneuvers. Practice turning at slow speeds before attempting to turn at faster speeds.
Physical Control of the Vehicle
Removing hands from the steering wheel or hand holds or removing feet from the floor while riding increases the risk of loss of control and accident or overturn. The operator should always keep both hands on the steering wheel during operation. Passenger should always be seated in the passenger seat with both feet on the floor and with both hands securely grasping the hand holds.
Always keep head, hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.
Jumps and Stunts
Exhibition driving increases the risk of an accident or overturn. DO NOT do power slides, “donuts”, jumps or other driving stunts. Avoid exhibition driving.
Descending Hills Improperly
Improperly descending a hill could cause loss of control or overturn. Always follow proper procedures for traveling down hills as described in the owner's manual.
• Use the brake pedal to control speed when descending a hill. Never travel down a hill at high speed.
• Always descend a hill with the direction selector on FORWARD. Never descend a hill in neutral.
• Always check the terrain carefully before descending a hill.
• Avoid traveling down a hill at an angle, which would cause the vehicle to lean sharply to one side. Travel straight downhill.
Operator Safety
Improper Hill Climbing
Improper hill climbing could cause loss of control or overturn. Use extreme caution when operating on hills. Always follow proper procedures for hill climbing as described in the owner's manual. See page 54.
Crossing Slopes
Crossing a slope is not recommended. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or overturn. Avoid crossing a slope unless absolutely necessary.
If crossing a slope is unavoidable, always follow proper procedures as described in the owner's manual. See page 57.
Stalling While Climbing a Hill
Stalling or rolling backwards while climbing a hill could cause an overturn. Maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill.
If you lose all forward speed:
Apply the brakes gradually until the vehicle is fully stopped. Place the Forward/ Reverse Switch in reverse and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill while applying light brake pressure to control speed.
Operating in Unfamiliar Terrain
Failure to use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain could result in an accident or overturn.
Unfamiliar terrain may contain hidden rocks, bumps, or holes that could cause loss of control or overturn.
Travel slowly and use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Always be alert to changing terrain conditions.
Operator Safety
Operating on Slippery Terrain
Operating on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain could cause loss of traction, loss of control, accident or overturn.
Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain. Always use extra caution on rough, slippery or loose terrain.
Operating Improperly in Reverse
Improperly operating in reverse could result in a collision with an obstacle or person. Always follow proper operating procedures as outlined in this manual. See page 56.
Before backing, always check for obstacles or people behind the vehicle. When it's safe to proceed, back slowly.
Improper Tire Maintenance
Operating this vehicle with improper tires or with improper or uneven tire pressure could cause loss of control, accident or overturn.
Always use the size and type of tires specified for your vehicle. Always maintain proper tire pressure as described in the owner's manual and on safety labels.
Operator Safety
Operating Over Obstacles
Improperly operating over obstacles could cause loss of control or overturn. Never operate over obstacles.
Skidding or Sliding
Skidding or sliding can cause loss of control or overturn. Always follow proper procedures for operating on slippery surfaces as described in the owner's manual.
When operating on slippery surfaces such as ice or loose gravel, red uce speed and use extra caution to reduce the chance of skidding or sliding.
Do not operate on excessively slippery surfaces.
Operating a Damaged Vehicle
Operating a damaged vehicle can result in an accident with serious injury or death. After any overturn or accident, have a qualified service dealer inspect the entire vehicle for possible damage, including (but not limited to) brakes and steering systems.
Unauthorized Use of the Vehicle
Leaving the keys in the ignition can lead to unauthorized use of the vehicle, which could result in an accident or overturn. Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use.
Operator Safety
Precautions During Maintenance
Always follow all safety instructions in the maintenance portion of this owner’s manual, as well as the following:
• Make sure the vehicle is properly immobilized before beginning any mainte­nance.
• Always block the chassis securely before working under the vehicle.
• Always disable the vehicle’s electrical system before performing maintenance on the vehicle. Remove the key. Turn the Master On-Off switch located in the battery component to the OFF position.
• Insulate any tools used within the battery area to prevent sparks or battery explosion caused by shorting the battery terminals or wiring. Remove the bat­teries, or cover the exposed terminals with an insulating material.
call Polaris at 1-800-342-3764.
Safety Labels and Locations
Warning labels have been placed on the vehicle for your protection. Read and follow the instructions of the labels on the vehicle carefully. If any of the labels depicted in this manual differ from the labels on your vehicle, always read and follow the instructions of the labels on the vehicle.
If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or comes off, con­tact your Polaris dealer to purchase a replacement. Replacement safety labels are provided by Polaris at no charge. The part number is printed on the label.
Discretionary WarningAge WarningGeneral Warning
Safety Labels and Locations
For Models: Breeze SL and Breeze 4 Passenger My Choice
General Warning
1. Turn Key to ON position
2. Place Forward/Reverse Switch in desired position.
3. Park Brake will release and vehicle will move when accelerator pedal is
4. To stop, release accelerator and gradually depress brake pedal.
5. Come to a complete stop before reversing direction.
6. Beeper will sound when vehicle is in Reverse.
7. Set parking brake, place the Vehicle Control Switch to Neutral, and turn Key
Switch to OFF before leaving the vehicle.
8. Remove key if vehicle is unattended.
• Electric Motor Braking provides braking when the accelerator pedal is
• For parked vehicles, beeping alarm indicates vehicle roll away.
• When towing the vehicle, the Master ON-OFF Switch, located in the battery
compartment, MUST be in the OFF position or severe motor damage will occur.
Safety Labels and Locations
For Model: Breeze 2 Passenger
General Warning
1. Turn Key to ON position
2. Place Forward/Reverse Switch in desired position.
3. Park Brake will release and vehicle will move when accelerator pedal is pressed.
4. To stop, release accelerator and gradually depress brake pedal.
5. Come to a complete stop before reversing direction.
6. Set parking brake, place the Vehicle Control Switch to Neutral, and turn Key Switch to OFF before leaving the vehicle.
7. Remove key if vehicle is unattended.
• Electric Motor Braking provides braking when the accelerator pedal is released.
• When towing the vehicle, the Master ON-OFF Switch, located in the battery compartment, MUST be in the OFF position or severe motor damage will occur.
Safety Labels and Locations
Age Warning
Operating this vehicle if you are under the age of 16 increases your chance of severe injury or death.
NEVER operate this vehicle if you are under age 16 and NEVER operate this vehicle without a valid driver’s license.
Age Warning
Safety Labels and Locations
For Models: Breeze SL and Breeze 4 Passenger My Choice
Discretionary Warning
• Do not start vehicle until all occupants are seated.
• Remain seated, holding handles while the vehicle is in motion.
• Operate from Driver’s side only.
• Always wear your seatbelt to prevent ejection from vehicle.
• The roof is not designed or intended to provide rollover protection. Vehicle roll­over could cause severe injury or death. Always operate with caution.
• Never operate after or while using Alcohol or Drugs.
• Never operate on slopes steeper than 15 degrees (15°).
• Drive slowly straight up and down slopes.
• Keep entire body in the vehicle at all times.
• Reduce speed and use extra caution when carrying passengers.
• Avoid sharp turns or turns during heavy acceleration.
• Operate slowly in reverse and avoid sharp turns or sudden braking.
• Make sure passengers read and follow all safety labels.
• This vehicle is restricted to a maximum of 2 occupants in the front seats and 2 occupants in the rear seat if so equipped.
• When towing the vehicle, the Master ON-OFF Switch MUST be in the OFF position or severe motor damage will occur.
• Place the Master ON-OFF Switch in the OFF position if storing the vehicle for more than 5 days. Failure to do so may lead to complete battery discharge and battery damage.
• Batteries require regular maintenance. Failure to maintain batteries in accor­dance with the owner’s manual can result in battery damage, vehicle malfunc­tion, fire, and/or severe injury or death.
Discretionary Warning
Safety Labels and Locations
For Model: Breeze 2 Passenger
Discretionary Warning
• Do not start vehicle until all occupants are seated.
• Remain seated, holding handles while the vehicle is in motion.
• Operate from Driver’s side only.
• The roof is not designed or intended to provide rollover protection. Vehicle roll­over could cause severe injury or death. Always operate with caution.
• Never operate after or while using Alcohol or Drugs.
• Never operate on slopes steeper than 15 degrees (15°).
• Drive slowly straight up and down slopes.
• Keep entire body in the vehicle at all times.
• Reduce speed and use extra caution when carrying passengers.
• Avoid sharp turns or turns during heavy acceleration.
• Operate slowly in reverse and avoid sharp turns or sudden braking.
• Make sure passengers read and follow all safety labels.
• This vehicle is restricted to a maximum of 2 occupants in the front seats and 2 occupants in the rear seat if so equipped.
• When towing the vehicle, the Master ON-OFF Switch MUST be in the OFF position or severe motor damage will occur.
• Place the Master ON-OFF Switch in the OFF position if storing the vehicle for more than 5 days. Failure to do so may lead to complete battery discharge and battery damage.
• Batteries require regular maintenance. Failure to maintain batteries in accor­dance with the owner’s manual can result in battery damage, vehicle malfunc­tion, fire, and/or severe injury or death.
Discretionary Warning
Safety Labels and Locations
• When towing the vehicle, the Master ON­OFF Switch MUST be in the OFF position or severe motor damage will occur.
• Place the Master ON-OFF Switch in the OFF position before disconnecting batteries or servicing the vehicle.
• Place the Master ON-OFF Switch in the OFF position if storing the vehicle for greater than 5 days. Failure to due so may lead to complete battery discharge and battery damage.
• Exposure to water may damage electronic components.
Caution, Master Switch
Safety Labels and Locations
Rear Passenger Safety Warning
(if your vehicle is so equipped) WARNING
• DO NOT get on or off vehicle while it is in
• Remain seated, holding handles while the
vehicle is in motion.
• Always wear your seatbelt to prevent
ejection from vehicle.
• The roof is not designed or intended to
provide rollover protection. Vehicle rollover could cause severe injury or death. Always operate with caution.
• Keep entire body in the vehicle at all times.
• Operator should reduce speed and use
extra caution when carrying passengers.
Read and follow all safety labels.
Passenger Safety Warning
Safety Labels and Locations
Warning Battery
• Battery Explosion could result in severe injury or death.
• Wear eye protection when working near batteries.
• Do not store items in the battery compartment.
• Explosive gases are released when charging batteries. Keep well ventilated.
• No smoking. Keep sparks and flames away.
• Electrical shorts can result in burns. Do not make connection between positive and negative battery terminals.
• Sulfuric acid in batteries will burn eyes, skin and clothing. Do not tip batteries. Keep vent caps tight and level. In event of injury , flush with water and seek medical attention immediately.
• Always ensure batteries are properly fastened.
Battery Connection
Battery Connection Decal
Component Locations - Breeze 4 Passenger
Steering Wheel
Turn Signal Lever/ Hazard Lights
Adjustable Front Shocks
Adjustable Headlights
Turn Signal Lights
Grab Handles
Component Locations - Breeze 4 Passenger
Tail Light/Brake Light/Running Light
Passenger Seat
Passenger Seat T-Bar
Passenger Seat Grab Handle
Hand Hold
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