Polar CS600, CS400 User Guide


Polar CS400 User manual



1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4
2. CYCLING COMPUTER COMPONENTS ........................................................................................... 5
3. GETTING STARTED................................................................................................................ 6
Measuring Wheel Size........................................................................................................... 6
Basic Settings..................................................................................................................... 6
Menu Structure ................................................................................................................... 8
4. PREPARE FOR TRAINING......................................................................................................... 9
Plan your training ................................................................................................................ 9
Exercise Types ................................................................................................................. 9
Create New Exercises With Your Cycling Computer................................................................... 10
Create New Exercises with Polar ProTrainer 5 ......................................................................... 11
5. TRAINING........................................................................................................................... 12
Wear the Transmitter............................................................................................................. 12
Start Training...................................................................................................................... 12
Information on the Display ...................................................................................................... 13
Graph view ...................................................................................................................... 14
Symbols on the Display.......................................................................................................... 15
Button Functions During Exercise.............................................................................................. 16
Take a Lap ...................................................................................................................... 16
Lock a Zone..................................................................................................................... 16
Zoom the Display ............................................................................................................. 17
Illuminate the Display (Night mode on) ................................................................................. 17
View Settings Menu........................................................................................................... 17
Pause Exercise.................................................................................................................17
Determine Your OwnZone ....................................................................................................... 18
Stop Exercise ..................................................................................................................... 18
6. AFTER TRAINING ................................................................................................................. 19
Analyze Exercise Results........................................................................................................ 19
Exercise Log .................................................................................................................... 19
Weekly Summary ............................................................................................................. 25
Totals............................................................................................................................. 26
Delete Files .................................................................................................................... 26
7. SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................... 27
Exercise types..................................................................................................................... 27
Feature Settings .................................................................................................................. 27
Altitude .......................................................................................................................... 27
Recording Rate ................................................................................................................ 28
Automatic Lap Recording ................................................................................................... 28
Using the HeartTouch Function CS400 ................................................................................ 28
Heart Rate View ............................................................................................................... 29
Sport Zones .................................................................................................................... 29
Bike Settings ...................................................................................................................... 29
Wheel Size ..................................................................................................................... 29
Autostart: On / Off ............................................................................................................ 29
Arrival time ..................................................................................................................... 29
Speed: On / Off ...............................................................................................................30
Cadence*: On / Off............................................................................................................30
User Settings ...................................................................................................................... 30
Heart Rate: HRmax, HRsit.................................................................................................. 31
Maximal Oxygen Intake: VO2max.......................................................................................... 31
General Settings ................................................................................................................. 31
Sound ........................................................................................................................... 31
Volume........................................................................................................................... 31
TZ Alarm (Target Zone Alarm).............................................................................................. 31
Keylock ......................................................................................................................... 31
Language ....................................................................................................................... 32
Sleep ............................................................................................................................ 32
Watch Settings.................................................................................................................... 32
Reminder ....................................................................................................................... 32
Event ............................................................................................................................. 33
Alarm ............................................................................................................................ 33
Time .............................................................................................................................. 33
Time zone ....................................................................................................................... 33
Date .............................................................................................................................. 33
Personalize the Cycling Computer Display ................................................................................... 34
Shortcut Button (Quick Menu) .................................................................................................. 34
8. TRAINING PROGRAM ............................................................................................................. 35
View Program .................................................................................................................... 35
Perform Programmed Exercise ................................................................................................. 36
Start Exercising................................................................................................................ 36
Exercise with Phases ......................................................................................................... 36
Views during the exercise ................................................................................................... 36
Functions During Exercise .................................................................................................. 37
Lap Menu ....................................................................................................................... 37
9. TESTS............................................................................................................................... 38
Polar Fitness Test™.............................................................................................................. 38
Before the Test ................................................................................................................ 38
Performing the Test........................................................................................................... 39
After the Test .................................................................................................................. 39
10.BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 41
Polar Sport Zones ................................................................................................................ 41
OwnZone Training ................................................................................................................ 42
Maximum Heart Rate ............................................................................................................ 42
Heart Rate Value in a Sitting Position ........................................................................................ 43
Heart Rate Reserve .............................................................................................................. 43
Heart Rate Variability............................................................................................................ 43
Polar Article Library.............................................................................................................. 44
11.CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 45
Care and Maintenance........................................................................................................... 45
Caring of Your Product....................................................................................................... 45
Service ........................................................................................................................... 45
Changing Batteries............................................................................................................ 45
Changing Cycling Computer Battery ...................................................................................... 45
Precautions........................................................................................................................ 47
Interference During Exercise .............................................................................................. 47
Minimizing Risks When Exercising........................................................................................ 47
Technical Specifications........................................................................................................ 48
Frequently Asked Questions..................................................................................................... 49
Limited International Polar Guarantee ........................................................................................ 51
Polar Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 51
INDEX ............................................................................................................................... 53


Congratulations! You have purchased a complete training system to tailor-fit your training needs. This user manual includes complete instructions, helping you get the most out of your cycling computer.
The latest version of this user manual can be downloaded at www.polar.fi/support. For video tutorials, go to http://www.polar.fi/en/support/video_tutorials.
4 Introduction


1. Polar CS400 Cycling Computer: Cycling and exercise data are recorded and displayed during exercise.
2. The WearLink®+ transmitter transmits the heart rate signal to the training computer. The transmitter
consists of a connector and strap.
3. Polar Bike Mount™: Secure the bike mount to your bike and attach the cycling computer to it.
4. Polar Speed Sensor™: A wireless speed sensor measuring speed and distance during cycling.
5. Optional Cadence Sensor™: A wireless cadence sensor measuring the speed at which you turn the cranks
of your bicycle, expressed in revolutions per minute (rpm).
6. CD-ROM: Including Polar ProTrainer 5™ software and a complete User Manual to help you make the
most out of your cycling computer.
Cycling Computer Components 5


Before activating your cycling computer, measure the wheel size of your bicycle.

Measuring Wheel Size

Wheel size settings are a prerequisite for correct cycling information. There are two ways of determining the wheel size of your bike:
Method 1
Look for the diameter in inches or in ETRTO printed on the wheel. Match it to the wheel size in millimeters in the right column of the chart.
ETRTO Wheel size diameter (inches) Wheel size setting (mm)
25-559 26 x 1.0 1884
23-571 650 x 23C 1909
35-559 26 x 1.50 1947
37-622 700 x 35C 1958
47-559 26 x 1.95 2022
20-622 700 x 20C 2051
52-559 26 x 2.0 2054
23-622 700 x 23C 2070
25-622 700 x 25C 2080
28-622 700 x 28 2101
32-622 700 x 32C 2126
42-622 700 x 40C 2189
47-622 700 x 47C 2220
Wheel sizes on the chart are advisory as wheel size depends on the wheel type and air pressure.
Method 2
Measure the wheel manually for the most accurate result.
Use the valve to mark the point where the wheel touches the ground. Draw a line on the ground to mark that point. Move your bike forward on a flat surface for one complete rotation. The tire should be perpendicular to the ground. Draw another line on the ground at the valve to mark a full rotation. Measure the distance between the two lines.
Subtract 4 mm to account for your weight on the bike to get your wheel circumference. Enter this value in the cycling computer.

Basic Settings

Before using your cycling computer for the first time, customize the basic settings. Enter as accurate data as possible to ensure correct feedback based on your performance.
6 Getting Started
To adjust the data, use UP, DOWN and accept with OK. The values scroll faster if you press and hold UP or DOWN.
1. To activate your cycling computer, press OK twice. Once activated, it cannot be switched off!
2. Welcome to Polar Cycling World! is displayed. Press OK.
3. Language: Select English, Deutsch, Español, Français or Italiano. Press OK
4. Start with bike settings is displayed. Press OK.
5. Number of bikes: Select 1 or 2 depending on how many bicycles you will be using. If you only use one
bicycle, settings for bike 2 can be entered later. For further information, see Bike Settings (page 29).
6. Wheel: Enter the wheel size (mm) for each of your bicycles. For further information, see Measuring Wheel
Size (page 6).
7. Start with basic settings is displayed. Press OK and adjust the following data:
8. Time: Select 12h or 24h. With 12h, select AM or PM. Enter the local time.
9. Date: Enter current date; dd = day, mm = month, yy = year. If you use imperial units, set the date; mm =
month, dd = day, yy = year.
10. Units: Select metric (kg/cm/km) or imperial (lb/ft/mi) units.
11. Weight: Enter your weight. To change units, press and hold the LIGHT.
12. Height: Enter your height. In LB/FT format, first enter feet then inches.
13. Birthday: Enter your date of birth; dd=day, mm=month, yy=year.
14. Sex: Select Male or Female.
15. Settings OK? is displayed. Select Yes or No. Select Yes to accept and save settings. The cycling
computer will display time of day. Select No if settings are incorrect and need to be changed. Press STOP to return to the data you want to change.
Use the Polar ProTrainer 5 software to enter all basic settings.
Getting Started 7

Menu Structure

8 Getting Started


Installation of the sensors
Polar Bike Mount and CS400 Cycling Computer
For instructions on how to install the Polar Bike Mount and the Polar CS400 Cycling Computer, consult Speed Sensor user manual.
Polar Speed and Cadence Sensors
For instructions on how to install the sensors, consult the separate Speed or Cadence user manuals.

Plan your training

Exercise Types

You can utilize the installed ready-made exercises or create new ones on your cycling computer. Plan and create more versatile exercises and transfer them to your cycling computer by using the Polar ProTrainer 5 training software. For more information on how to transfer the exercises, see ???.
Select Settings > Exercise
The Exercises menu shows a list of exercises.
Navigate through the options with UP or DOWN
Free: Free exercise with no settings.
Basic: Training with moderate intensity. Duration around 45 min.
OwnZone: OwnZone-based exercise with moderate intensity. The cycling computer is able to automatically
determine your individual aerobic (cardiovascular) heart rate zone during warm-up. This is called OwnZone. Suggested duration 45 minutes. For further information, see ???. For additional background information, see OwnZone Training (page 42)
Interval: Interval training starts with a 15-minute warm-up, followed by a 5 km interval (work phase) and
a 5-minute recovery period, repeated 3 times. The session ends with a 15-minute cool-down.
Add new: Create and save your own exercise. Store a total of 10 exercises + 1 Free exercise in your cycling
Select the desired exercise (Free, Basic, OwnZone, Interval or Add new), and press OK, the following options are displayed:
Select the exercise as a default exercise.
Prepare for Training 9
The next time you train, your cycling computer will offer this exercise as default.
View the exercise settings. Scroll UP or DOWN to view:
1. Basic exercise with 1-3 exercise zones: target heart rate or cadence* limits for each zone, timer/distance for the zone, or
2. Exercise with phases: name, description, target exercise time. (Press and hold LIGHT to view the exercise phases and chosen sport profile.)
Edit Basic or OwnZone exercise to fit your needs. You can also edit exercise created with the cycling
computer. For further information, see Create New Exercises With Your Cycling Computer (page 10). If you created exercise with the Polar ProTrainer 5 software that includes phases, you cannot edit them with the cycling computer.
Rename Basic, Interval or other exercise created with the cycling computer.
Default Return to default settings of Basic, Interval or OwnZone exercise.
Delete exercise you created using the cycling computer or the Polar ProTrainer 5 software.
* Optional sensor required.

Create New Exercises With Your Cycling Computer

Create a New Exercise with Zones
Create your own exercise with the cycling computer.
Select Settings > Exercise > Add new
1. Set the number of zones for the exercise (0-3) and press OK. Also see Creating a New Exercise Without
2. Choose zone type:
A. Heart rate
B. Cadence*
Press OK.
A. For heart rate, select Sport zone, or Manual to set heart rate zone manually. Press OK.
Sport zone: Select one of the sport zones (e.g. Z1: 50-59%HR
) for your exercise. Press OK to continue
to step 3.
Polar sport zones are heart rate intensity areas expressed in percentages of your maximum heart rate. Five different sport zones are set in the cycling computer as a default: very light (50-59% HR (60-69% HR
), moderate (70-79% HR
), hard (80-89% HR
), and maximum (90-99% HR
), light
). Default HRmax value is age-based, but if you know your exact aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, have had your maximum heart rate (HR
-p) predicted in a Polar Fitness Test™, tested your maximum heart rate
yourself or in a lab, then you can define sport zones will better suit your training needs.
Manual: Set the high and low zone HR limits as beats per minute (bpm) or HR% and press OK to continue
to step 3.
B. If you selected cadence* zones, set the high and low zone limits. Press OK to continue to step 3.
• If you choose cadence as a zone type, the zones will be expressed in rounds per minute (rpm).
3. Set Zone guide to change zones after a specified time or distance. During your workout, the cycling computer will alert you when changing zones.
Timers: Set a timer for the zone (minutes and seconds) and press OK.
10 Prepare for Training
Distances: Set distance for the zone and press OK.
Off: Deactivate timers and distances and press OK.
Once you have defined the first zone, Zone 1 OK is displayed. For more than one exercise zone, repeat steps 2 and 3 until all zones are defined.
When the exercise is ready, New exercise added is displayed. The new exercise (NewExe) is stored in the Exercises menu, where you can select it for your next workout. Rename the exercise by selecting Rename from the list.
Create a New Exercise Without Zones
To create a new exercise without zones, you can use timers or distances to guide your training.
Select Settings > Exercise > Add new
1. Number of zones: Set the number of zones to 0.
2. Guide type: Choose to sound a timer during workout (reminding you to drink, for example), or set a distance (for following lap times without recording them).
Number of timers: Choose the number of timers (1-3) for the session. Press OK.
Timer 1: Define minutes and seconds for the timer and press OK.
Number of distances: Choose the number of distances (1-3) for the session. Press OK.
Distance 1: Enter the distance(s) and press OK.
Repeat step 2 until you have defined timers or distances. When the exercise is ready, New exercise added is displayed. The new exercise (NewExe) is stored in the Exercises menu, where you can select it for your next exercise. Rename the exercise by selecting Rename from the list.
* Optional sensor required.

Create New Exercises with Polar ProTrainer 5

Create more diversified exercises by using Polar ProTrainer 5. For further information, consult Polar ProTrainer 5 help.
Prepare for Training 11


Wear the Transmitter

Wear the transmitter to measure heart rate.
1. Wet the electrode areas of the strap under running water.
2. Attach the connector to the strap. Adjust the strap length to fit tightly but comfortably.
3. Tie the strap around your chest, just below the chest muscles, and attach the hook to the other end of the strap.
4. Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin and that the Polar logo of the connector is in a central and upright position.
Detach the connector from the strap after every use, to maximize the transmitter battery lifetime. Sweat and moisture may keep the electrodes wet and the transmitter activated. This will reduce the transmitter battery life.
See detailed washing instructions in Customer Service Information chapter.
The Polar WearLink transmitter can be used with specific apparel that has built-in soft textile electrodes. Wet the electrode areas of the apparel. Clip the connector of the transmitter straight onto the apparel without the strap so that connector’s Polar logo is in an upright position.

Start Training

Wear the transmitter and attach the cycling computer to the bike mount.
1. Start heart rate measurement by pressing the OK button. The cycling computer goes into pause mode.
2. Select the bike you are going to exercise with. Bike 1 is set as a default. Select Settings > Bike > Bike 1 > OK. Select Other if you only want to record heart rate.
Only the bikes that are switched ON are shown on this selection list. For further information see Bike Settings (page 29).
12 Training
The number on the bottom, right hand corner indicates the bike that is going to be used. By pressing and holding the DOWN button, you can switch the bike quickly or switch to heart rate recording only. By pressing and holding the UP button you can switch the exercise quickly.
3. Within 15 seconds, your heart rate appears on the display. The frame around the heart symbol indicates that transmission is coded. The cyclist symbol on the bottom, left hand corner indicates that bike 1 or 2 is in use.
If you want to change or view different exercise settings before you start training select Settings >
Exercise. Select an exercise type or view exercise settings.
Exercise: Select Free, Basic, OwnZone or Interval, and press OK. (If you created new exercises, these will
be listed, as well.)
Select: Set a default exercise to be performed the next time you train.
View: View exercise settings.
Altitude: Calibrate altitude.
Rec.rate: Set the recording rate.
TZ Alarm: Switch target zone alarm sounds on or off.
HR view: Choose to view heart rate in beats per minute (bpm),or as a percentage of maximum heart rate
HeartTouch: Set the HeartTouch function.
Bike: Select bike 1 or 2.
A.Lap (Automatic Lap): Switch the automatic lap function On/Off.
Arr. time: Set the arrival time function On/Off and set the distance of your ride.
Display: Modify the display. For further information, see Personalize the Cycling Computer Display
(page ? ).
Here are some shortcuts you can use, when in Exercise pause menu:
• Press and hold UP to quickly change training session type. The default training session type is Free
• Press and hold DOWN to quickly change the bikes.
• Press BACK to enter to Time mode.
• Press and hold LIGHT to view the Settings menu
If you activate the AutoStart function, the cycling computer will automatically start and stop exercise recording when you start and stop cycling. For further information on AutoStart, see Autostart: On / Off (page 29). The cycling computer automatically chooses the bike you have used during the previous exercise.
4. Start exercising by pressing OK. The exercise type is displayed in the upper left-hand corner.
If the following message is displayed: (Exercise name) requires Speed/ Cadence* sensor. Turn Speed/ Cadence
sensor on, your exercise requires this sensor to display speed/ cadence* data (e.g. you have defined speed or
cadence zones for the exercise). Select Yes to turn the sensor function on. If Exercise displays updated is displayed, speed/ cadence* data will be shown during exercise.
* Optional sensor required.

Information on the Display

Your cycling computer offers you a simultaneous view of three different lines of exercise information. By pressing UP or DOWN, you can view different displays. The name of the display appears for a few seconds.
Training 13
The name indicates the lower row information. The display varies depending on the sensors you have installed, which features are set ON and what kind of exercise you are performing.
Customize the cycling computer display easily with Polar ProTrainer 5 software.
Default Views on Your Display When Using Speed Sensor
Heart rate Trip distance Speed in km/h
Heart Rate
Burned calories/ hour Trip distance Current heart rate
Average heart rate Average speed Stopwatch
Time of day Incline Altitude in meters
Heart rate graph Altitude in graph Stopwatch (Total duration of the exercise so far)
Countdown timer Zone pointer Current heart rate
Customize the cycling computer display to show information you want to see. See Personalize the Cycling Computer Display (page 34).
If a cadence sensor is installed, you have a variety of ways to display data.

Graph view

The graph view enables comparison in graphs of two values during exercise. For example, choose a graphical overview of your heart rate and speed.
14 Training
The graph view can be customized. For the upper and middle rows, you can choose to view Speed, Altitude or Heart rate in graphs.

Symbols on the Display

Text on the display Symbol Explanation
Time of day
Cycling symbol Recording mode: indicates that bike 1
Time of day
or 2 on and bike date is recorded.
Bike number The number on right, bottom corner
indicates which bike is in use during
this exercise.
Key lock on
Rec -symbol Displayed in the exercise mode when
Indicates that the key lock is on.
stopwatch time is running and the
recordings are on. The symbol is
blinking when memory is low.
Interval icon Indicates that Interval exercise is
Countd. Timer
Lap number and time
Lap distance* This will show the distance of the
Countdown timer
Lap number and lap time
current lap.
If you record a lap time by pressing OK, it will also reset the Trip distance. This will be
done automatically if the
Autolap function is ON.
Heart rate
Heart rate
Trip Distance between points A and B. This
Total duration of the exercise so far
Current heart rate
Average heart rate
Expended calories in kcal or Cal
Distance cycled
distance is reset every time OK button is
Pressing OK will also reset the
Lap distance. This will be done
automatically if the Autolap
function is ON.
Training 15
Text on the display Symbol Explanation
Arrival time
Inclinometer Uphill/downhill steepness in
Estimated time of arrival
Ascended meters/ feet
percentages and grades. Estimates in
numerical form how steep uphill or
downhill you are cycling and helps you
to adjust cycling effort accordingly.
Cadence* Measures the speed at which you turn
Current altitude
the cranks of your bicycle (i.e. cadence),
in revolutions per minute (rpm).
Max speed
Avg speed
Zone pointer (heart rate) If the heart symbol is not visible and/or
Speed you are currently cycling on
The maximum speed during you training
The average speed you are cycling on
an alarm sounds, your heart rate is
outside the target zone.
Zone pointer*(cadence) If the cadence symbol is not visible
and/or an alarm sounds, you are outside
the target cadence zone limits.
Time in zone
Time spent on the zone

Button Functions During Exercise

Take a Lap

Press OK to record a lap. The display will show:
Lap number Average heart rate of the lap Lap time
Lap number Lap distance Average speed

Lock a Zone

When training without preset target zones (FREE exercise), you can lock your heart rate into a sport zone. For more information see Polar Sport Zones (page 41). This way, if you haven’t had time to define preset target zones prior to exercise, you can set a target zone on the go during a session.
Press and hold LAP (OK) to Lock /Unlock zone.
16 Training
+ 37 hidden pages