In this chapter you will learn how to prepare the Device
for work and will read about its main control features.
To extend battery lifetime, it’s recommended to charge the
Device for the rst time from 8 to 12 hours in the off state.
You can charge the battery from PC using USB-cable or
from the power line using a charger (optional).
To charge the battery for the rst time, do the following:
1. Connect the Device to a computer or charger with
USB-cable. Indicator will glow red as soon, as the charg-
ing starts
2. When the battery is fully charged, indicator will
glow green. Now you can disconnect the Device and turn
it on for the rst use.
Getting Started 14
NOTE Indication can be disabled in Settings > Saving Battery >
LED indication.
If the Device is on when you connect the cable to PC, a
dialog window asking to select action – PC link or Charge–
will appear.
To turn on the Device, press and hold On/Off button.
When the Device is ready to operate, an image is changed
to Main menu or last opened book, depending on settings
(Settings > Personalize > Open at startup).
To turn off the Device, press On/Off button continu-
ously until the Device goes off. In addition, you can set
automatic key lock or power off: go to Settings > Saving
Battery> Power off after or Settings > Advanced Settings >
Getting Started 15
System > Lock keyboard after respectively, and set the idle
time before locking keyboard or power off.
Connect the Device to the PC using microUSB cable.
NOTE The Device should be kept on while transferring les.
You will be prompted to select USB mode: PC Link or
Charge either. Select PC Link. Computer’s operating sys-
tem will detect Device’s storage as a removable disk (if SD
card installed – as two ones). Now you can copy les to
the Device or SD card using Explorer or other le manager.
ATTENTION After copying les safely remove the Device before
disconnecting the cable!
Getting Started 16
CAUTION! Touch screen of the Device is sensitive enough and
is a fragile detail. To avoid its damage, please, touch it carefully
while controlling the Device with gestures.
Opens an element (book, le, folder application or
menu item).
Touch & hold
Opens context menu of an element (if available).
Turns pages of a book or a list; moves an image:
slide your nger across the screen.
Getting Started 17
Scrolls lists: move your nger across the screen
Changes the image scale: place two ngers
on a screen and pinch them together to
zoom out or spread them apart to zoom in.
On-screen keyboard is used when it’s necessary to enter
text information, for example, for search or network con-
nection credentials.
To type a symbol, press a key. To switch to another in-
put language, press the current language button. To add
the language to the on-screen keyboard layout go to Set-
tings> Languages > Keyboard Layouts.
Getting Started 18
1. Change case
2. Enter the typed text
3. Close the on-screen keyboard
4. Erase last typed symbol
5. Change input language.
As you type a password (e.g. Wi-Fi credentials) icon
will appear on a text eld. Touch it to see typed symbols.
Getting Started 19
To swith on/off the frontlight, press and hold the Menu
button for one second. Swipe your nger on the frontlight
control strip on the top panel to set the frontlight bright-
ness that is convenient for you. You can also adjust the
frontlight brightness in Settings > Frontlight section.
The Device can be connected to the Internet using Wi-
Fi networks. If you open an application, which requires
Internet access (e.g. Browser, PocketNews), the Device displays a list of available Wi-Fi connections. If the network
you select is protected, you will be suggested to enter
network key using the on-screen keyboard.
You can pre-congure a connection and set an automatic
connection. To proceed, follow these steps:
Getting Started 20
1. Go to Settings > Network > Network Access
2. Select On for the Network access checkbox and then
further settings appear: Automatic connection, Connection
to a hidden network, and a list of available Wi-Fi networks.
NOTE If there are no available networks or the signal strength is
week, Available networks aren’t displayed and instead replaced by
Scanning — searching for available networks
3. To set up connection with a hidden network, open
Connection to a hidden network and enter its SSID from
the on-screen keyboard in the Network name (SSID) eld.
4. Select the security type in the corresponding list:
• None – for an open network
• Simple (WEP) – after you select this option, you
will need to specify WEPAuthentication type – Open
System or Shared Key. The Device cannot recognize
the type of authentication automatically
Getting Started 21
• WPA/WPA2 Enterprise – you will need to specify
username, password and domain (if necessary)
• WPA/WPA2 PSK – you will need to enter a net-
work key (up to 64 symbols)
5. Open Advanced settings. Select the idle time be-
fore disconnection in the corresponding section
6. If it is needed to congure network settings
manually, go to Advanced settings, and change IP address
• DHCP — get IP address automatically (if DHCP
server is congured)
• Manual (for skilled users) — enter networks pa-
rameters manually from the on-screen keyboard
7. If the network you need to connect to has a proxy
server, you can specify its parameters in the Proxy congu-
ration section
8. To check network conguration and connect to
network, return to the Connection to hidden network sec-
tion and press Connect.
Getting Started 22
NOTE Wi-Fi connection can be used for connecting to an Inter-
net network. Transferring data via Wi-Fi connection is unavailable.
The Device can be connected to a Wi-Fi access point with MAC
address ltration applied.
The Device already has 4 GB of internal storage, but you
can extend it by using micro SD card. Insert it to the slot,
like it is shown on a gure, and slightly push until card
will be xed.
To eject the card, slightly press on its edge until it will be
unxed, and pull it to get.
Main Menu
In this chapter you will learn about basic elements of user
interface of the Device.
After turning on the Device Main menu will be displayed
on the screen (if Settings > Personalize > Open at start-
up corresponding option was set). To return to the Main
menu from any application, press Home.
NOTE Return to Main menu by pressing Home button doesn’t
close application or book, it is still running in background. You
can switch back to an application by opening task list on status
bar icon touch.
Main menu consists of Recent Events section and applica-
tion panel.
Main Menu 24
Main menu overview
Recent Events is a list of recently
opened and downloaded books
of events
Last read book
Events of friends
on ReadRate
Last downloaded
Applications panel
quick access button
Main Menu 25
This section displays last actions on the Device, name-
ly last opened, recently loaded books and your friends
events on ReadRate and recommendations (see details in
Social networks & ReadRate). You can congure ltration
by pressing on a sign in the tor right corner of the screen:
Set marks opposite news,
you would like to receive
After you touch recently opened book title, it will be
opened on a page you’ve nished reading before. After
touching a message about recently added books, Library
will be opened displaying added books. Books will be
grouped by creation date.
Library Overview
Turn Library pages
+ 62 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.