Plantronics Calisto 400, Calisto 420 Specification

Calisto® 420
The portable USB speakerphone for anytime, anywhere PC communications
Wherever the need arises to conduct hands-free, PC-based calls and Web conferencing, the Calisto 420 USB speakerphone caters to spontaneous collaboration. Advanced wideband audio and a powerful 360-degree omni-directional microphone transforms any workspace into a conference room, increasing productivity for everyone on the call. The convenient headphone jack accommodates private calls.
Key features
Designed for portability
· Compact and portable for in-office or on-the-road conferencing
· Simple plug-and-play USB connection
· No AC power supply required
Uncompromising audio quality
· Omni-directional microphone provides for improved clarity
· 360-degree mic and speaker coverage ideal for small to medium-sized rooms
· Wideband for best PC audio telephony
Backed by Plantronics global service and support
Headphone jack for privacy option
Mute and volume +/- controls
Omni-directional microphone
Carr ying case included
360-degree room coverage
For more information about the Calisto 420 or other Plantronics
products, please visit our Web site
TEL: 800-544-4660 (U.S. AND CANADA) 831-45 8-7700 (OUTSIDE U.S.
© 2010 Plantronics, Inc. All righ ts reser ved. Pla ntronics, the log o design, Calisto a nd Sound I nnovatio n are trademarks o r registe red trademark s of Plantronics, In c. Microsoft is a tr adema rk or registered tra demark of Micros oft Cor porati on in the U.S. a nd other c ountri es. Avaya is a tr ademar k of Avaya Inc., Ci sco is a registere d tradem ark of Cis co Syste ms, Inc. an d/or i ts affili ates in the U.S. and ce rtai n other countries. IBM is a tra demark of International B usines s Machin es Corp oration in the Unite d States , other co untries or both. Pub lished A pril 2010
Additional information
Connects to
Ideal for
Audio per formance
Limited warrant y
UC Standard Version
PC via USB
Users desiring an alternative hands-free solution for use with conference calls, one-to -one calls, group collaboration and Web conferencing
Wideband — up to 6,800Hz; full duplex audio, echo cancellation and noise reduction
3.75" w x 1.5" h x 4.5" d
2 years
Unified Communications standard version built for UC applications and softphones from Avaya, Cisco, IBM and more Model number: P420
Optimize d for Microsoft Model number: P420- M
Office Communicator 2007