Pioneer Coherent Source Transducer
Architectural Loudspeakers
For home theater or multi-room audio applications that demand an increasing
level of performance beyond that offered by pivoting driver designs, Pioneer’s
Coherent Source Transducer (CST) line offers demonstrable sound performance
benefits previously only found in our professional and EX products. This series
provides a dynamic entertainment experience for those who seek affordable high-
end performance.
S- I W 651 -L R
6.5 In-Wa ll C ST Speaker
S- W 301
8 Powered Subwoofer
150 W Po we r Ou tpu t*
(Spe ake r gri ll e inc lud ed) (Spe ake r gri ll e inc lud ed)
S- I W 8 51- L R
8 In-Wal l CS T Speak er
Coherent Source Transducer (CST) Technology››
1.5” Aluminum Tweeter››
Mica-Filled IMPP Woofer››
Treble and Bass Contour Controls››
Phase Control Design››
Thermal Resetting Protection Circuit››
8 Ohm Impedance››
120 Watt Power Handling››
Specifications and design subject to change without notice. All in-wall and
in-ceiling speakers sold in pairs. PIONEER, ELITE, and the Pioneer and Elite
logos are registered trademarks of Pioneer Corporation.
*RMS measured @ 100 Hz.
S- I C6 51- L R
6.5 In-Ceiling
CST Spe aker
S- W 501
1 0 Powered Subwoofer
170W P ow er Ou tp ut*
›› newly designed CST driver technology inspired›by›our›
Mica-lled IMPP woofer cone and›a›1.5” aluminum tweeter which›allow›the›speaker›
›› allow›installation›professionals›to›customize›the›
Treble and bass contour controls
With›internal››› Thermal Resetting Protection Circuitry these›models›offer›greater›
A›dependable››› 8-Ohm impedance rating›helps›ensure›stable›loads›are›placed›on›
S- W6 01
1 2 Powered Subwoofer
180 W Po we r Outpu t*
(Spe ake r gri ll e inc lud ed)
S- I C 851- L R
8 In-Ceiling
CST Spe aker