seeing and hearing like never before

CP-F150 miniCP-F150
CP-ST100 CP-81B -K /MK
2 111
seeing and hearing like
Go b ey ond . Immer se yourself in t ot al experience. In a dimension of sigh t and so und you’ve ne ver befor e
imagined. E nt er a world wher e your eye s bite into a r ed so juicy you can taste it . W here green is so lush you
can smell its fr eshness. Where bl ue is so deep you can feel it s chill . W here y our heart opens wide to tak e
in images too big and too int ense t o be see n an y other way. Wher e you look with your ears and hear with y our
entir e body. A worl d wher e colo urs can be fel t, sounds can be t as te d and it all comes toget her to creat e
somet hing unlike anyt hing that h as ever existed. A nd not hing wil l be the same again.
Speaker Stands
Al uminium design F loor Stand Al uminium design Table Top St and
Al uminium design F loor Stand Fl oor St and for the S-81B
bookshel f speaker s. Available in
high -gloss black or matt black .
never before
KURO fl at screen TVs – P age 8
Blu-r ay Disc /DVD Pl ayers – Pa ge 22
HDD/DVD Recor der s – P age 32
AV Re cei vers – Page 40
Audio C omponents – Pa ge 50
Home Cinema Systems – Page 60
Spe akers – Pag e 70
Technical Da ta – Pag e 80
Product O verview – Pag e 96

The finest picture.
Blacker than ever.
It all begins with bl ack. Only black at i ts dee pest can serve as a backdr op for the pur es t, mos t vibrant col ours. An d for
detail with t he mos t striking sharpness. That’s why w e ha ve dedicat ed our energy and inn ovati ve drive t o achieving bl acks
of unpr ecedented intensity. The de epest shade o f bl ack, the best pict ure has a name : KURO .
Nothing is more powerful and emotionally char ged than fil m. I t’s our inspiration. Our reason to crea te solutions t hat realise
the highes t expr es sion of sight and sound. An ex pr ession that l et s y ou see and hear ex actly as t he filmmak ers intended.
Sound and emot ion so strong, so immersi ve, so engaging that it st ay s with you for ever. KURO has gro wn out of our passion
for the ar t f orm of the moving pictur e. We have created a range of s ys tems f or pre senting moving picture s that go beyond
ex hil arating colo ur, sharpne ss and brightnes s. KUR O br ings fil m to life and l ets y ou enjoy it s e very nuance.
Whether you’re a cinephile looking f or comple te immersion or a discerning v iewer see king a choice of sizes f or y our main
and secondar y television sets, you will find just the right KUR O to meet your ne eds. K URO st ands for sight and sound in
its highes t, pur es t form. Brought to you by t he global spe cialist in the audio and visual worl d. G et in touch with y our sense
of KURO.

The embodiment
of unique harmony.
The most ambitious concept s, the most sophisticated technologies, t he finest design. The LX Series incorpora tes
the best quali ties of Pione er. And ever y function, every compon ent oper at es in precise al ignment w ith its
counterpar ts to achieve a singl e objectiv e: flawl ess interac tion with KURO, a device unm at che d in the world of
flat screen TVs.
Blu-ray disc pl ayers, DVD players, HD D/ DV D r ecorder s, multi- cha nne l AV r eceivers, h ome cine ma systems –
each L X product is a bor n companion to the KURO. Both t echnologically and
aesthet ically. The result is a perfectly synchronised solution that takes home
entert ainment to a higher le vel. To a pl ac e wher e you truly see and hear like
never befor e.

impressions take over
the senses.

The white flash of a lightning bolt agains t a pitch-black sky. Spectacular firewor ks ex ploding in all col ours o f the rainbow
on a cloudless night . T he gol den glow o f a black panther’s eye as it s talk s prey in t he dense undergr ow th of a rainfore st .
The deepe r the black, the stronge r the brightn ess and depth of the col ours. KURO m eans black in Japanese, and black
is a t the very he ar t of the KU RO concept. Blacker t han ev er, K URO flat screen TVs cr eate black t ones of such depth and
pur it y that every de tail, ev er y colour, ever y s hade comes brilliantly alive. And r ev olutionises home viewing.
KURO. Picture this.

Sur render to your senses.
Profound, thrilling, compel ling. When you cross t he l ine and step into the worl d of KURO, you en ter
a ne w sens or y space. T he highly sophis tic ated v iewing sol ut ions cr eate a to tal experience that will
cha nge your pe rception of h ome entertainment. Forever.
KURO. Fascination
has never been so deep.
13* se e ba ckc ov er
Precision and sensitivity.
KU RO fla t screen TVs inc lude sizes for all e nv ir onment s, from a
32-inch scr een to a stunning 60-inch model . Ev er y KURO
alw ays deliver s flicker-free images in razor-sharp 1080p
re sol ution . For th e ul tim ate cinema exper ien ce, you can
vie w fil ms coming f rom Bl u-ray in t he original 24 frames
per second – precisely the cadence at which th ey wer e
originally filmed and mas tered. Nowadays, the abilit y t o
re ceive digit al- quality TV broadcas ts is becoming an e ver more
widespread s tandard. And with a KURO flat screen T V, y ou’re per fectly
equipped. Ever y unit fea tures not only an integrated analogue tuner, but
al so a DVB-T tuner for digit al t er re strial T V rece ption. Wh at’s more ,
our top-of-the -r ange model s are equipped with a DVB-S tuner, capable
of rec eiv ing sat el lite signals. A nd the y are compliant w ith th e EICTA
“H D T V 1080p” Minimum Requir emen ts and sup port MPEG- 4 high
definit ion decoding*.
One remote, total contr ol.
With K URO LI NK e asy opera tion is guaran te ed. It le ts you acc ess the
main funct ions of all your other compatible Pioneer equipment with t he
remote control unit of yo ur K URO flat s creen TV.

In t une with your senses.
Maximise y our exper ience. At 50 and 60 inches and 93 mm in t hickness , KURO plasma fl at scr een TVs go be yond bringing
images of overw hel ming dimen sions and presence into your home. The y tr ansform your vie wing environmen t into a perfectly
tuned space, where impressions are intense and in tot al harmony with your wishes.
Cl ean and con tempor ary in de sign, t he K UR O pl as ma T V feat ur es 3 HDMI inpu t ports an d a wide sel ection of
cu st omis atio n options. I t is equippe d for easy home ne twor k in tegra tion an d even adjust s many of its functions
autom atically to i ts sur ro undings . Sit back and l et it t ak e you places you’ve never been before.
KURO: your si xth sense.
Wherever you inst al l your KUR O pl as ma T V, wha te ver you pl an to w at ch, you can be sure of unf orgettabl e im age s an d
sounds. Because wit h its enhanced Optimum M ode , it activ ely sen ses th e light con ditions and analyses the vie win g
con te nt , then fine -tune s it se lf accordingly. It s cont en t analy sis function has been perfect ed for even more subtl e
adjust ment and bet ter-t han-eve r harmonis ation of sounds and picture s. Additionally, Auto Volume Control eliminates
ann oying spikes in sound v ol ume – for example, during commercial breaks. With t hese fin e adjust ment s, viewing becomes
so deep, so rich, so mo ving that you don’t just watch tel evision and film s. You fe el with ev er y sense .
A sense o f connection.
You r configuration optio ns go beyond picture and so und qu al ities . T he top-of-t he -l ine KURO is equipped with a Home
Media Gall er y net working fea ture, certified by DLNA (Digita l Li ving Ne twor k Alliance). It all ow s you t o enjoy
compressed audio files, photos and even HD video content fr om one or more connected media ser vers.
Welcome t o a new dime nsion in easy connect ivity.
Intense. Personal. Plasma.

A cl ean solution.
The intelligen tly designed High Definition AV Conver ter PDA-V10 0HD
is t he easy wa y to link all y our home en te rtainmen t equipmen t. It features
four HDMI inpu ts and one HDMI output as well as C omponent , Scar t and
AV-in connections. And it connect s to your K URO TV with just one cable .
60 inch KURO Plasma T V
HD r eady 1080p fl at scr een TV.
Slim pr ofile 93 mm . Ultra Black Panel technology.
SD* digital (DVB -T) / SD analogue ter re st rial tuner.
HDMI In te rface (x 3). K URO LINK .
Hom e Me dia Gallery by U SB 2.0 .
Enhanced Optimum Mode. Direct Col our Fil te r 3+.
Optional speakers and stand.
152 cm
* se e ba ckc ov er

50 inch KUR O Plasma T V
HD r eady 1080p fl at scr een TV.
Slim pr ofile 93 mm . Ultra Black Panel technology.
SD* digital (DVB -T) / SD analogue ter re st rial tuner.
HDMI In te rface (x 3). K URO LINK .
Hom e Me dia Gallery by U SB 2.0 .
Enhanced Optimum Mode. Direct Col our Fil te r 3+.
Optional speakers and stand.
127 cm
Plasma T Vs
HD r eady DVB-T DVB-S/ DVB-S2
PDP-LX6090H* * 1080p SD & HD SD & HD 3
PDP-LX6090* *** 1080p SD
PDP-LX5090H** 1080p SD & HD SD & HD 3
PDP-LX5090 1080p SD
Plasma Monitors* **
HD r eady HDMI In put s Opt imum Mode RS232C / IP control KURO L INK
KR P- 600M 1080p 2
KR P-500M 1080p 2
* se e ba ckc ov er *** *
** T his pr odu ct is not ava ila ble in t he UK
*** See pag e 98 f or f ur the r de tai ls .
(enhanced )
(enhanced )
Inp uts
• / • •
– / • •
• / • •
– / • •
Opt imum
(enhanced )
(enhanced )
• •
• •

Enter a new dimension.
With intriguing cont rast and colours that go straight to the heart , KURO has eleva ted LCD technol ogy to an entirely ne w level.
The LCD range wil l carry on the l egacy of our awar d- winning KURO plasma TVs that have been described as t he best in the
worl d. By taking full advantage of our ext en sive plasma k now-how, thes e t hr ee LCD m odel s deliver industr y- leading bl ack
le vels and 1080p perfor man ce.
The minimal ist KURO L CD fla t scre en T Vs run at 100 Hz f or s moo th flo win g mo tion. Equipped with a special high-contrast
filter, the y provide cap tivat ing enter tainment under virtually all ligh t conditions and from almost any angl e – the exceptionally
wide viewing scope spans 176 degr ees. Wi th 5-step colo ur adjus tment selection, you can adapt your uni t to your personal
ta ste. A ll KURO L CD TVs ar e l abell ed “HD ready 1080p” and are equippe d with three HDMI po rts f or optimum data t ransf er.
And wi th Auto Brightnes s Cont rol, the int ensit y of the image is always optimal – ev en during particularly bright fil m sc enes
or in changing ambient l igh t.
You’ll see LCD
with entirely new eyes.

46 inch KURO LCD T V
KR L-46V
HD r eady 1080p fl at scr een TV.
100 Hz driv ing.
Digital te rr es trial (DV B-T ) and anal ogue tuner.
HDMI in terface (x3). K URO LINK.
PC inpu t. High -cont ra st filt er.
Integrated speakers. D et achable s tand incl ude d.
117 cm
KURO L CD TVs HD r eady
KR L-46V 1080p
KR L-37V 1080p
KR L-32V 1080p
100 Hz
• •
• •
• •
DVB-T tuner
Inp uts
• •
• •
• •
filt er

37 inch K URO LCD T V
KR L-37V
HD r eady 1080p fl at scr een TV.
100 Hz driv ing.
Digital te rr es trial (DV B-T ) and
analogue tun er.
HDMI in terface (x3). K URO LINK.
PC inpu t. High -cont ra st filt er.
Integrated speakers.
De tachable swive l stand included.
94 cm
32 inch KURO LCD T V
KR L-32V
HD r eady 1080p fl at scr een TV.
100 Hz driv ing.
Digital te rr es trial (DV B-T ) and
analogue tun er.
HDMI in terface (x3). K URO LINK.
PC inpu t. High -cont ra st filt er.
Integrated speakers.
De tachable swive l stand included.
80 cm
Get all the facts:

each second becomes

The reality of films,
closer than ever.
Ope n your self t o gr ea tness . Become a wit ness. To visions never seen before . To gripping action, great beaut y and
int ense e motions. To col ours so rich, details so fine, tha t all y our senses come aliv e. You are witness to the dawn
of a new age of images tha t lift you out of your reality, and sounds that plunge you into w orlds you ha ve nev er
imagined. B ecause Pionee r Bl u-ra y disc player s have bee n de signed wit h just one objective: to give you pure mov ing
pictures and living sound precise ly as the director in tended. Immerse yoursel f, and nothing will ev er be the s ame .

To stay true
to the original.
The ar t of film in its purest form.
Ad venture, action, comedy, romance. There is one t hing al l ge nres have in common: the films
are fil med and mastere d to pl ay at a spe ed of 24 fr ames per second. Bring origin al
cinema-quali ty pict ures to yo ur hom e. Bl u- ra y t ec hnology l et s you view yo ur
fav our ite film exactly as the filmmak ers envisioned their work: in brea thtaking 1080p resol ut ion,
at 2 4 fr ame s per second .

Fl awless fidelity.
Our new Blu-ray disc pl ayer s h ave been further enh anced, wit h a rede signed chipset. Th ey
suppo rt HDMI De ep Colour f or an unp re ce dent ed range of tone s and exceptionally s moot h
tr an sitions. With a compatib le Pione er re ceiver, t he ne w m odel s als o deliver tr uly ou tst anding
music CD pl ayback via HD MI, using t he specially developed Pr ecision Quartz Lock System (PQLS).
Let the sound transport you.
Sound t ha t’s tr ue t o t he original . From the audio sensations of gripping act ion scenes to the
sub tl ety of in tense dial ogue. With cutt ing-edg e t echnologies, film s t ak e o n a depth
th at will transpo rt you. Pr ofessiona l-grade Wolfson Digit al Au dio Conver te rs
(D ACs) guarantee excelle nt audio performance . Dol by Digital Plus, Dolb y TrueHD,
DT S- HD High Resolution and DTS -HD Master A udio ensur e that you enjoy s tu dio-
class sound as scint illating, rich and genuine as mo ving pic tures in Blu -ray qual it y.
Pristine qual ity at your finger tips.
Mul tim edia ex cellence has ne ver be en so easy. Our Blu-ray disc players feature an optimised
graphical user interface f or e xception ally straigh tforwar d operation and are equipped with
HDMI, the gol d standard f or multimedia dat a t ransfer in flawless quality. In addition, t hey
sup por t t he connectivit y feat ur e KURO LIN K, so the remot e cont rol of your KURO fl at screen T V
is all you nee d t o a ccess t he main func tions of your Bl u- ra y disc pl ay er.

Premium BONUSVIEW Bl u-ray Dis c Player.
1080p/24. HDMI wit h 10 80p ups cal ing . 36 -bit Deep Col our.
297 MHz /12-bit ( HD) / 216 MHz /12-bit (SD) Vide o D/A Co nverter.
PQLS with HDMI. HD A udio output. KURO LINK.
Touch sensor bu tt ons.
BONUSVIEW - al so cal le d BD Profil e 1.1 - lets you vie w and hear
tw o videos at once with a Picture -in-Pict ure fe at ure.
BONUSVIEW can also make sub titles e asier t o read.

Design orient ed BONUSVIE W Blu -ray Disc Playe r.
1080p/24. HDMI wit h 10 80p ups cal ing . 36 -bit Deep Col our.
297 MHz /12-bit ( HD) / 216 MHz /12-bit (SD) Vide o D/A Co nverter.
PQLS with HDMI. HD A udio output. KURO LINK.
BONUSVIEW Blu-r ay Disc Pl ayer.
1080p/24. HDMI wit h 10 80p ups cal ing . 36 -bit Deep Col our.
148.5 MHz /12-bit (HD) / 108 MHz/ 12-bit (SD) Video D/A Converter.
PQLS with HDMI. HD A udio output. KURO LINK.
Blu-r ay Disc Players Deep Col our 1080p/24 HD A udio Profil e
BDP-L X71 36-bit
BDP-L X08 36-bit
BDP-51FD 36-bit
• •
• •
• •

1080p Slim DVD-Audio/Vide o/S AC D Player wit h HDMI.
108 MHz /12-bit V ideo D/A Converter.
CD ➞ USB recording.
DivX Ultra/JPEG/ MP 3/ WMA /MPEG-4 A AC/W MV pl ayback.
DSD output t hrough HDMI. High Res olution JPEG output.
Front USB terminal . Virt ual Surround Sound.
Al so available in silve r.
1080p Slim DVD Pl ay er with HDMI.
108 MHz /12-bit V ideo D/A Converter.
DivX/JPE G/MP3/WMA /MPEG-4 A AC/ WMV playback .
High Resol ution JPEG ou tput. Front USB te rminal .
Vir tual Sur round Sound.
Al so available in silve r.
Slim DVD P la yer.
108 MHz /12-bit V ideo D/A Converter.
DivX/JPE G/MP3/WMA /MPEG-4 A AC pl ayback.
Front USB terminal .
Vir tual Sur round Sound.
Al so available in silve r.

Premium DVD-Audio / Video /SA CD Player wi th HDMI.
HDMI with 1080p upscaling.
216 MHz /12-bit Video D/A Conve rter.
WM V/DivX Ultra/JPEG/ MP3/ W MA/MPEG-4 AAC playb ack .
DSD output t hrough HDMI.
Ad vanced double-layered chassis wi th seamless construction.
Pure A udio mode.
DVD Pl ayers SA CD/DVD -Audio Front USB HDMI
• •
1080p upsc aling
1080p upsc aling
1080p upsc aling
— —
Get all the facts:
CD ➞ USB Recording

an unimagined world
opens up.

Fee l the magic. Be part of ever y precious moment . Your most cherished memories, y our favourit e films and music – the
whole spectrum is yours at the touch of a button. Pioneer HDD /DVD recorders make it all possible. Because these highly
advanced mul timedia syst ems have been conceived and built to enhance the richness and depth of your experience.
Freedom of movement
in multimedia.

Films, photos and music
without limits.
Easy integration.
With Connect PC, copying DivX films, JPEG photos or music files fr om t he PC t o the r ecorder is child’s pl ay.
Al l recorders come equipped wit h a U SB connection, and t he D VR -L X61D and DVR -L X61 al so feature an Ethe rnet
socke t – which means you can simply click and drag the r equired files to the hard disk . It’s tha t easy to brin g
ever ything yo u want to e njoy on your KU RO together in one spot . A nd thanks to KURO L INK you can use th e remo te
of your KURO pla sma TV to con tr ol the ke y functions of your HDD/DVD recorder.
Just 3 keys do it al l.
The Home Media Gallery 3keys function makes operation a snap: at a single touch, you can view or listen t o content
recor ded on the de vice.
A gr ace ful solution.
Our HDD/DVD recorders not only record music CDs at the push of a button and at up t o 16 times playing speed,
they als o automatically add re le vant information on each music track . The s ecret: the Gra cenot e®
da taba se of title s a nd ar tists is pr einstall ed in the sy st em. When connecte d t o the Int er ne t , t he
devices can e ven re trieve information from the online Gracenote® database.
Bridge the gap.
Turn your images into instan t, photo-qual it y pr ints. With a PictBridge- compatibl e printer, you can con venien tly
print JPEGs st ored on the har d disk or photos directly fr om a compatible digit al camera. For easy edit ing of titles
or navigation through menus, you can connect a USB k ey board.
Your TV guide.
Th e GuidePl us + Electronic Programm e Guide makes it easy t o s el ec t cont en t t o r ecord fr om TV
progr amme s chedules well in adv ance. Brow se throu gh the TV schedul e, sort by pro grammes, time o r
categor y – at your l eisur e. It also lets you stor e p er sonal favourites and de cide what you want to
watch or re cord nex t.
Pay TV prepared.
Sele ct ed Pione er HDD/ DVD re corder s als o f ea tu re a C I Slo t f or a Conditional Access Mod ul e/TV Sm ar tCard.

Life’s too exciting t o miss a thing.
Who sa ys you can’t have it all? And in
tr uly outstanding quality? With a Pioneer
HD D/D VD r ecord er, you can m an age
mult imedia cont en t as well a s CDs.
Equipped with vast s torage capacity and
an H DMI outpu t port, i t guarant ees th at not
a single de tail is lost w hil e tran sferring
the signal to your TV screen. It eve n
has the capacity to upscal e v ide os to
1080p resol ution.