Sub Woofer
CS Assy ( Subwoofer )
The cosmetic baffle assy is attached to the cabinet by its bosses.
To detach it, first remove the stand. Next pry it open by inserting a flat blade screw driver into lower slot. To attach it, press it
to the cabinet.
The stand is attached to the cabinet by 6 external screws. To
detach it, unfasten those screws.
The speaker unit is attached to the cabinet by 4 external screws.
To detach it, first remove the stand. Then unfasten those
screws. When attaching it, face its terminal toward the back
The input terminal is attached to the back board by press-fitting. To detach it, pry it open by inserting a flat blade screwdriver into the lower side. When attaching it, the red terminal is
CS Assy ( Front )
The grille assy is attached to the cabinet by 9 external screws.
To detach it, first remove 3 screws of connection part with the
base assy. Next remove 2 screws of the cosmetic plate assy
lower side. Next remove 7 screws of the cabinet. Then carefully
disconnect the wires of the woofer mounted on the grille assy
and input terminal. To detach the cosmetic plate assy, remove 2
screws of connection part with the grille assy.
The woofer is attached to the grille by 4 internal screws. To
detach it, first unfasten those screws. Next remove the cable.
When attaching it, face its terminal upward.
The tweeter is attached to the baffle by adhesives. To exchange
the tweeter, do it with the grille assy.
The input terminal is attached to the cabinet by internal screw.
To detach it, first remove the base assy and the grille assy. Next
unfasten this screw, and remove the cable.
The cosmetic plate assy is attached to the grille assy by 2 internal screws. To detach it, first remove the grille assy. Next unfasten those screws.
CS Assy ( Surround )
The grille assy is attached to the cabinet by its bosses. To detach it, pry it open by inserting a flat blade screw driver into
lower slot. To attach it, press it to the inner baffle.
The speaker unit is attached to the inner baffle by 4 external
screws. To detach it, first remove the grille assy. Next unfasten
those screws, and remove the cable. When attaching it, face its
terminal downward.
The input terminal is attached to the cabinet by internal screw.
To detach it, first remove the grille assy and the inner baffle.
Next unfasten this screw, and remove the cable.
CS Assy ( Center )
The grille assy is attached to the cabinet by 8 external screws.
To detach it ,unfasten those screws.
The speaker unit, together with the grille assy, is attached to the
cabinet by 4 external screws. To detach it, first remove the
grille assy. Next remove the cabinet. Then remove the cable.
When attaching it, face its terminal toward the input terminal.
The input terminal is attached to the cabinet by internal screw.
To detach it, first remove the grille assy. Next unfasten this
screw, and remove the cable.
PIONEER CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan
PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.O. Box 1760, Long Beach, CA 90801-1760, U.S.A.
PIONEER EUROPE NV Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium
PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD. 253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936
T – ZZK MAY 2005 Printed in Japan

For Packing
Mark No. Description Part No.
NSP CS Assy (Front) SMW1865
NSP CS Assy (Surround) SMW1861
NSP CS Assy (Center) SMW1862
NSP CS Assy (Subwoofer) SMW6156
for XJC/E type
NSP Model Label (FL) SAN3597
NSP Model Label (FR) SAN3598
NSP Model Label (SL) SAN3573
NSP Model Label (SR) SAN3574
NSP Model Label (C) SAN3575
NSP Model Label (SW) SAN3576
for XJC/NC type
NSP Model Label (FL) SAN3656
NSP Model Label (FR) SAN3657
NSP Model Label (SL) SAN3646
NSP Model Label (SR) SAN3647
NSP Model Label (C) SAN3648
NSP Model Label (SW) SAN3649
NSP Accessory Set SEA1697
NSP Screw Set SEA1674
NSP Bracket Set SEA1681
NSP Bracket Set (L) SEA1695
NSP Bracket (L) SNK2895
NSP Packing SEC1922
Parts marked by "NSP" are generally unavailable because they are not in our Master Spare Parts List.
The mark found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part.
Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation.
Speaker Wire (FL: White) SDS1174
Speaker Wire (FR: Red) SDS1175
Speaker Wire (SL: Blue) SDS1176
Speaker Wire (SR: Gray) SDS1177
Speaker Wire (C: Green) SDS1178
Speaker Wire (SW: Purple) SDS1179
Screw BMZ50P120FNC
Screw CMZ50P200FTB
Polyethylene Bag S0 SHL1314
Screw Set SEA1682
Screw BMZ50P120FNC
Polyethylene Bag S0 SHL1314
Mounting Bracket SNN1047
Polyethylene Bag S1 SHL1429
Non Skid Pads SEP1332
Non Skid Pad SEP6002
Polyethylene Bag S1 SHL1251
Bracket (L) Assy SXG1083
Mark No. Description Part No.
Top Protector (ST) SHA2485
Top Protector (SW) SHA2502
Bottom Protector (ST) SHA2486
Bottom Protector (SW) SHA2506
Polyethylene Bag S1 SHL1419
Polyethylene Bag S2 SHL1420
Polyethylene Bag S2 SHL1426
Polyethylene Bag S3 SHL1427
Spacer SHD1066
Protection Sheet S6 SHC1825
for XJC/E type
Paking Case SHG2643
for XJC/NC type
Paking Case SHG2648
CS ASSY (Front)
Mark No. Description Part No.
NSP Cabinet SNK2855
NSP Base Assy SXB1477
Screw BPZ30P060FNC
Non Skid Pad SEB1283
NSP Base SNH1082
NSP Base Top SNN1046
Grille Assy SXB1479
NSP Grille SMG1845
NSP Grille Cloth SAS1595
NSP Baffle SNK2857
Packing SEC1923
NSP Network Assy SWN1748
Input Terminal SKX1096
NSP Acoustic Absorbent SMT1294
NSP Acoustic Absorbent SMT1295
NSP Acoustic Absorbent SMV2194
NSP Acoustic Absorbent SMV2198
NSP Acoustic Absorbent SMV2199
NSP Acoustic Absorbent SMV2217
NSP Acoustic Absorbent SMV2218
Polyethylene Bag S1 SHL1312
NSP Bracket Set (R) SEA1696
NSP Bracket (R) SNK2896
NSP Packing SEC1922
Bracket (R) Assy SXG1084
Polyethylene Bag S1 SHL1312
NSP Badge 28 SAM1506
NSP Cosmetic Plate SNK2856
Cosmetic Plate Assy SXB1476
Speaker (Woofer) K77DU55-53D
Screw (for Woofer) BPZ35P080FNI
Screw (for Cosmetic Plate) BPZ35P080FNI
Screw (for Input Terminal) BPZ35P080FNI
Screw (for Cabinet) BPZ35P120FNI

CS ASSY (Center)
Mark No. Description Part No.
NSP Cabinet SNK2851
Grille SMG1840
NSP Badge 28 SAM1506
NSP Grille Cloth SAS1591
NSP Baffle SNK2852
Connecting Cord SDD1345
Packing SEC1913
Input Terminal SKX1096
NSP Acoustic Absorbent (White) SMT1293
NSP Acoustic Absorbent (Black) SMV2198
Speaker (Full-range) K77DU55-51D
Screw (for Input Terminal) BPZ35P080FNI
Screw (for Cabinet) BPZ35P120FNI
CS ASSY (Surround)
Mark No. Description Part No.
NSP Inner Baffle SNK2848
NSP Cabinet (L) SNK2849
NSP Cabinet (R) SNK2871
CS ASSY (Subwoofer)
Mark No. Description Part No.
Speaker (Woofer) A14LU75-54D
Screw (for Woofer) BYC40P160FNI
Screw (for Stand) BYC40P160FNI
Cable SDD6008
Gasket SEC6058
Input Terminal SKX1060
Cosmetic BF Assy SXB6003
NSP Badge 37 SAM1507
NSP Cosmetic Baffle SNK6109
NSP Badge 28 SAM1506
Grille SMG1839
NSP Grille Cloth SAS1590
NSP Grille Frame SMH1102
Connecting Cord SDD1345
Gasket SEC1910
Packing (size: 4 x 101 mm) SEC1927
Packing (size: 4 x 111 mm) SEC1928
Packing (size: 4 x 84 mm) SEC1929
Input Terminal SKX1096
Speaker (Full-range) K77DU55-51D
Screw (for Input Terminal) BPZ35P080FNI
Screw (for Full-range) BPZ35P080FNI
Screw (for Inner Baffle) BPZ35P120FNI