5.1-Channel Home Cinema Package
The package comes with a 5.1-channel AV receiver, 5 compact speakers and a subwoofer. Just connect your Blu-ray
Disc player or DVD player and enjoy quality sound for your home entertainment. Featuring 4 HDMI inputs and Ultra
HD (4K/60p/4:4:4) pass-through with HDCP 2.2, the HTP-074 supports the latest video standards HDR. You can also
enjoy audio streaming from compatible devices with the built-in Bluetooth
Wireless Technology.
Channels: 6ch (5 + SW) ›
Amplification Type: Direct Energy ›
100 W/ch (6 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 0.7 %, 1ch Driven) ›
Dolby ›
TrueHD/Dolby Digital Plus/Dolby Pro Logic II
DTS-HD Master Audio/DTS-HD High Resolution Audio/DTS
DTS-Express/DTS 96/24
DSD Disc (SACD) Playback via HDMI (2.8 MHz) ›
Digital Core Engine with Texas Instruments Aureus™ DSP ›
192 kHz/24-bit DAC ›
HDMI Audio Return Channel (ARC) ›
Phase Control ›
Pioneer Sound Enhancements ›
Advanced Sound Retriever (2ch)•
Auto Level Control (2ch)•
Advanced Surround Modes ›
Action, Drama, Advanced Game, Sports, Classical, Rock/Pop•
Front Stage Surround, Extended Stereo•
Phones Surround•
ECO Mode 1, ECO Mode 2•
USB 1 In for USB Drive ›
Phones 1 Out ›
HDMI 4 In/ › 1 Out
AV (Composite) 2 In
Audio 1 In (Assignable) ›
Digital Coaxial 1 In (Assignable) ›
Digital Optical 1 In (Assignable) ›
Monitor Composite 1 Out ›
Speaker 6 ch Out ›
AM Loop Antenna 1 In ›
FM Unbalanced Antenna 1 In ›
Ultra HD Pass-through with HDCP 2.2 (4K/60p/4:4:4) ›
HDR Support ›
3D Ready (Blu-ray Disc™, Broadcast, and Games) ›
Deep Colour (36-bit), “x.v. Colour” ›
Music File Playback via USB (MP3, WMA, AAC) ›
Built-in › Bluetooth® Wireless Technology (Version: 3.0, Profile:
A2DP, Codec: SBC/AAC)
On Screen Display (HDMI only)
Auto Power Down ›
Power Save for HDMI Standby Through ›
AM/FM (RDS) Tuner 30 Presets ›
Sleep Timer ›
Remote Control ›
Front: 7.7 cm Cone, 1-Way, Closed-Box Bookshelf Type (150 W) ›
Centre: 7.7 cm Cone, 1-Way, Closed-Box Bookshelf Type (150 W) ›
Surround: 7.7 cm Cone, 1-Way, Closed-Box Bookshelf Type (150 W) ›
Subwoofer: 16 cm Cone, Bass-Reflex Type (100 W) ›
Power Requ irement s: ›
AC 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Power Cons umption /Standb y:
190 W/0.45 W
Dimensions (W x H x D)/Weight:
AV Receiver: 435 x 168 x 320.5 mm/7.7 kg
Front Speaker: 106 x 116 x 106 mm/0.6 kg
Centre Speaker: 270 x 100 x 106 mm/0.8 kg
Surround Speaker:
106 x 116 x 106 mm/0.6 kg
Subwoofer: 285 x 318.5 x 300 mm/4.0 kg

4K/60p/4:4:4 4K/60p/4:2:0
* For illustration purpose only
HDR Dynamic Range Expansion Image
* For illustration purpose only
Sound density
Sound density
Sound density
Sound pressure
Sound pressure
Sound pressure
Restoration of lost music cadence
Restoration of lost music cadence
CD sound
CD sound
Sound Retriever ON
Sound Retriever ON
Time Time
Advanced Sound Retriever Restoration Image
See More Detail with 4K/60p Pass-through
The feature lets you take advantage of the highestqua lity vi deo sou rce, by pas sing through 4 K/60p
/4: 4:4 sig nals fo r viewi ng on a compatible displ ay.
The HTP-07 4 suppo rts HDC P 2.2, so by connecting
to a compa tible d evice, you can enjoy premium
content such as 4K videos with digital copy protection.
Next Generation Video Standard Ready
The HTP-07 4 is ready for the next gene ration video s tandard HDR
(Hi gh Dyna mic Ran ge), wh ich was adopted by Ultra HD Blu -ray™. HDR
is a techn ology t hat dra sticall y expands the bri ghtness peak, prov iding
a h igher c ontrast betwee n light and dark images, which crea tes eve n
more life-like pictures.
Hear Every Detail with Dolby TrueHD/DTS-HD Master Audio
The HTP-074 supports Dolby TrueHD and DTSHD Master Audio s urro und sou ndtracks, letting
you experi ence th e world of tru e high-definition
ente rtainment from Blu- ray Discs. The lossless codecs
are bit-for-bit identical to the studio master.
Enjoy Quality Sound from Compressed Audio
The Advanc ed Soun d Retri ever restores the output of
com pres sed aud io such as WMA , AAC, and MP3, t o
the level of CD s ound. T he tech nology creates new
sig nals to res tore the mi nor detail s left out dur ing the
compression process.
ECO Mode
TEC O Mode 1 featu res moderat e energy sa ving op eration
whi le main taining high-q uality sound. It is idea l for C D music
and 2ch au dio fil es. The high-e nerg y savin g ECO M ode 2
fea ture s moder ate sou nd qual ity, and is suitabl e for c ontent
wit h dynam ic soun d such as film s (multi-ch/2ch) or live
con certs. The fun ction c an be a ccessed from t he front pa nel or the
remote control.
Built-in Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
With the built-in Bluetooth® Wi rele ss Tech nology
(ver. 3.0), you can easily stream songs from
com patible device s. The HTP-074 features A2DP
profile, with support for SBC and AAC codecs.
Front USB Input
The front panel USB input terminal allows straightforward
con nection to a U SB memo ry stic k. This plug and play
con nectivi ty enab les you to eas ily play WMA/AAC/ MP3
music files.
•PIONEER, Phase Control, Advanced Sound Retri ever, Auto Level Control, and the logos are trademarks of Pioneer Corporation, and are used under license. •The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Denition Multime dia Interface, and
the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries. •Dolby, Pro Logic, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. •For DTS patents,
see http://patents.dt s.com. Manufactured under license from DTS, Inc. DTS, DTS-HD, the Symbol, & DTS or DTS-HD and the Symbol toge ther are registered trademarks of DTS, Inc. & DTS Neo:6 is a trademark of DTS, Inc. in
the United States and/or other countries. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. •The Bluetooth
ray Disc™, Blu-ray™, Ultra HD Blu-ray™ and the logos are trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. •“x.v.Colour” is a trademark of Sony Corporation. •Blu-
© 2016 Onkyo & Pioneer Corporation. All rights reserved.
Note: Specifications and design subject to change without notice.