Philips TP3267C User Manual

O W N E R ’ S M^ N U A L
Dllll ID^
Wr I I I kl IV
Within I 0 Days. See Why Inside.
Return your Warranty Registration card today to ensure you
receive all the benefits you’re entitled to.
Once your PHILIPS MAGNAVOXpurchase is registered, you’re eligible to receive all the privileges of
owning a PHILIPS MAGNAVOX product So complete and return the Warranty Registration Card
enclosed with your purchase at once. And take advantage of these Important benefits.
.Warranty i Verification
Registering your product within
10 days cx)nliims your right to maximum proteotbn under ihe terms and conditions of your
Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to the “family!”
Dear PHILIPS MAGNAVOX product owner:
Thank you for your confidence in PHILIPS MAGNAVOX. YouVe selected one of the best-built, best-
backed products available today. And we’ll do everything in our power to keep you happy with your purchase for many
years to come. As a member of the PHILIPS MAGNAVOX “family,” you’re entitled to protection by one of the most
comprehensive warranties and outstanding service networks in the industry. What’s more, your purchase guarantees you’ll receive all the information and special offers for which
you qualify, plus easy access to accessories from our convenient home shopping network. And most importantly you can count on our uncompromising commitment to your total satisfaction. All of this is our way of saying welcome-and thanks for investing in a PHILIPS MAGNAVOX product.
. Owner I
Your completed Warranty RegtsMon Card serves as verfflca^on of ownership In the event of product theft or loss.
Returning your Warranty ReglsMon Card right away guar
antees you’ll receive ail the Infor
mation and special offers which
you qualify for as tie ovwier of your
Robert Minkhorst President and Chief Executive Officer
Know these
S 3f 0ty symbols
P.S. Remember, to get the most from your PHILIPS
MAGNAVOX product, you must return your Warranty Registration Card within 10 days. So please mail it to us right now!
A This "bolt of lightning” indicates uninsulated material within your unit may cause an electrical
shock. For the safety of everyone in your household, please do not remove product covering.
The “exclamation poinf calls attention to features for which you should read the enclosed lit
erature closely to prevent operating and maintenance problems. WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD. DO NOT EXPOSE THIS EQUIPMENT
TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, match vride blade of plug to wide slot, and fully insert ATTENTION: Pour éviter les chocs électriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la
borne correspondante de la prise et pousser jusqu’au fond.
Visit our World Wide Web Site at
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - Read before operating equipment
This product was designed and manufactured to meet strict quality and
safety standards. There are, however, some installation and operation precautions which you should be particularly aware of.
1. Read Instructions - All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the appliance is operated.
2. Retain Instructions - The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.
3. Heed Warnings - All warnings on the appliance and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.
4. Follow Instructions - All operating and use instructions should be
5. Water and Moisture - The appliance should not be used near water
- for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool, etc.
6. Carts and Stands - The appliance should be used only with a cart or stand that is recommended by the manufacturer.
6A. An appliance and cart combination should be moved
■Aiip stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the appliance and cart combination to overturn.
7. Wall or Ceiling Mounting * The appliance should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recommended by the manufacturer.
a. Ventilation - The appliance should be situated so that its location or
position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For example, the appliance should not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface that may block the ventilation openings; or, placed in a
built-in installation, such as a bookcase or cabinet that may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.
9. Heat - The appliance should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appliances {including amplifiers) that produce heat.
10. Power Sources - The appliance should be connected to a power supply only of the type described in the operating instructions or as marked on the appliance.
11. Power-Cord Protection - Power supply cords should be routed so
that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed
upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords and plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from
the appliance.
12. Cleaning - The appliance should be cleaned only as recommended by the manufacturer.
13. Power Lines - An outdoor antenna should be located away from power lines.
14. Outdoor Antenna Grounding - If an outside antenna is connected to the receiver, be sure the antenna system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built up static charges.
Section 810 of the National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1984, provides information with respect to proper grounding of the mats and supporting structure grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding connectors, location of antenna-discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes and
requirements for the grounding electrode. See Fig. below.
15. Non-use Periods - The power cord of the appliance should be
unplugged from the outlet when left unused tor a long period of
16. Object and Liquid Entry - Care should be taken so that objects do not fail and liquids are not spilled into the enclosure through openings.
17. Damage Requiring Service - The appliance should be serviced by qualified service personnel when:
A. The power supply cord or the plug has been damaged; or
B. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled into the
appliance: or C. The appliance has been exposed to rain; or D. The appliance does not appear to operate normally or exhibits
a marked change in performance; or E The appliance has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged.
18. Servicing - The user should not attempt to service the appliance beyond that described in the operating instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.
Note to the CATV system installer: This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that provides guidelines tor proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that
the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the
building, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
Table of Contents
Welcome/Registratioti of Yoxir TV.........................2

Table of Contents

On-Screen (MENU) Features
■O'Adding Channels in Memory (Automatically)...6
❖ Setting the TV for Cable TV Operation .5
Adding Channels in Memory (Manually)
■O'How to Set the TV for Closed Captioning ❖ Setting the Bass, Treble and Balance ❖ Setting the TV for Stereo/SAP Programs ❖ Using the Incredible Stereo Feature ❖ Using the TV Volume Bar Control ❖ Setting the Surf/Smart Surf Control ❖ Adjusting the TV Picture ❖ Setting the TV Sleep Timer Control
❖ Adjusting the Set Clock Control......................15
❖ Adjusting the Set Timer...................................16
❖ Setting the Timer ON/OFF ❖ Using the TV Channel Reminder ❖ Using the On-Screen Language Option
❖ Using the Audio Out Jacks (with TV Speaker
On/Off Control)...............................................19
❖ Using the TV's AudioATdeo Input Jacks ....20-21
10 11 11
12 13 14
17 18
® Remote Control Operation
Using the Smart Picture Control
Using the Smart Sound Control Setting the TV Remote to Work VCRs Setting the TV Remote to Work
Cable TV Converters Setting the TV Remote to Work VCRs or Cable
Converters - Search Method...................................28
Using the Remote's VCR Buttons
22 23
pi J Picture-in-Picture (PIPJ
^ Using the PIP Feature (Connections)....30-31
Using PIP with the TV Remote Selecting the PIP Picture Source
More PIP Connections (Cable Converter)..............34
General Information
Tips if Something Isn’t Working
Glossary of TV Terms............................................36
Factory Service Locations.................................38-39
NOTE: This owner's manual is used with sev
eral different television models. Not all fea
tures (and drawings) discussed in this manual will necessarily match those found with your television set. This is normal and does not require you contacting your dealer or request ing service.
Set-up AND Quick Use Guide

Use the simple Set-Up Guide (supplied with your TV information packet) for details on:

• Antenna Hook-ups ♦ First Time Set-Up
(Automatic Settings)
• Basic TV and Remote
7 8
Control Operation

* On-Screen Menu Use


In&ared Remote Control works your TV set and a variety of wireless remote control VCRs and Cable Converters.
Standard broadcast (VHF/ÜHF) or Cable TV (CATV) channel capability.
Stereo Ready TV with built-in audio amplifier and twin speaker system for receiving TV programs broadcast in stereo sound.
Closed Captioning allows the viewer to read TV program dialogue or voice conversations as on
screen text.
Automatic Programming of Channels for quick and easy selection of favorite stations available in your area.
On-Screen Features (in either English, French, or Spanish) show helpful messages for setting of TV controls.
AudioA^ideo Jackpanel for direct connections with VCRs (or other video accessories) providing quality TV picture and sound playback.
Smart Button for the control of TV Sound and Picture levels. Use the Smart Button on the remote to quickly adjust Smart Sound (to keep volume levels consistent during program changes or commercial breaks); Smart Picture (for automatic picture adjust ments on a variety of program sources); and Smart Surf (for quick one button channel selection of up to
10 of your favorite channels).
Sleep-Timer automatically turns the TV OFF at pre set times.
Clock Timer feature can turn ON the TV at any pre
set time - just like an alarm clock. Picture-in-Picture (PEP) feature allows the user to
watch two channels at one time. It also allows the user to swap the main viewed channel with the PIP picture. Please note that an external tuner (such as a VCR) is necessary for the proper operation of PIP.
Copyright © 1997 Philips Consumer Electronics Company, All rights reserved.

How TO Set the TV for Cable TV Operation

TkJOTE: If you went through
X T Setup (in your Quick Use
Guide), this task has already been
completed for you.
You need to make sure that the TV is set to pick up either Cable TV stations or Antenna signals. In other words, the TV needs to know whether you have connected a Cable TV signal or a normal antenna to its ANTENNA plug.
Press the MENU (M) button on the remote, then press the MENU A or T buttons to select the word CABLE with the TV’s on-screen arrow.
Press the (+) button (on the
TV or the remote) to select either: YES- If you DO have Cable TV
connected to the TV. Channels 1-125 can be selected.
NO- If you have an Antenna
connected to the TV. Channels 2-69 can be selected.
<|> Press STATUS to clear the
\ ' / Smart Help
Try it out. Press
and scan the channels. Remember, the TV has been set at
the factory to select certain chan
nel numbers. See the following page on how to set the TV to select the channels in your area.
Adding Channels in Memory (Auto Programming),
'A TOTE: If you went through
L T Setup (in your Quick Use
Guide), this task has already been completed for you.
Your TV can automatically set itself for local area (or Cable TV) channels. This makes it easy for
you to select only the TV stations
in your area when the CH(annel)
AT buttons are pressed.
Press the MENU (M) button on the remote, then press the MENU A or T buttons to select
the word PROGRAM with the
TV’s on-screen arrow.
Press the (+) button (on the
TV or the remote) to PROGRAM,
Press the (■+■) button again to
start the TV search for area chan
Flashing channel numbers will count upward on the screen as the TV looks for channels to "ADD".
Press any button (on the TV or remote) to stop the channel search at any time. When the channel search is completed the TV will
return to the last viewed channel.
Press STATUS button to clear
the screen.
\ ‘ / Smart Help
“RED” channel numbers have been added to the TV’s memoiy.
“WHITE” channel numbCTS are not
present in the TV’s program memory.
I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7
Tiy it out. Press CHAN-
buttons and see
which channels have been added. Remember, if you want to drop any
unwanted channels from the TV’s memory, see the next page on how to "Manually" add and delete chan nels.
Note: As the TV searches for chan
nels to "ADD" into memory the on screen display may move (or jitter slightly). This is normal operation and does not indicate a need for ser vice.
The TV screen will be blocked off until the search for channels is done.
Adding Channels in Memory (Manually)
uto Programming (seepre^ijous page) adds all the channels it
can find (on your Antenna or Cable TV system) into the TV's memory,
Add/Delete Channels makes it easy
for you to add other channels, or
drop unwanted channels, from the
list of channels in the TV's memory.
<l> Press the MENU (M) button
on the remote, then press the
MENU A or T buttons to select
the word CHANNEL with the TV’s on-screen arrow.
Press the CHANNEL A or
buttons (or Channel Number but tons on the remote) to select the channel you want to SAVE (or DELETE.)
^ Press the (+) button to SAVE
the selected channel number into
memory. Press the (-) button to DELETE
a channel from memory.
Press the STATUS button to
clear the screen after adding all
the channels you want.
X I / Smart Help
V Try it out. Press the
iCHANNELAT buttons.
The channels you SAVED should
appear. The channels you
DELETED should not appear.
Remember, you can also add the
VCR/AUX mode (see page 20) into the TV’s channel memory. Then by pressing the CH
buttons you can quickly select the AudioA^ideo Input jacks on the
rear of the TV. Just “SAVE” the VCR/AUX mode (located between
the lowest and highest channel
numbers) into the TV’s memory.
losed Captioning allows you to read the voice content of televi
sion programs on the TV screen. Designed to help the hearing impaired this feature uses on-screen
''text boxes" to show dialogue and
conversations while the TV pro
gram is in progress.
<r> Press the MENU (M) button
on the remote, then press the MENU A or T to select the word CAPTION with the TV’s on-screen arrow.
Press the (+) button to select
the desired Closed Caption (CC)
mode - For Example: CAPTION 1. CAPTION 1,2,3, or 4 mode:
dialogue (and descriptions) for the action on the captioned TV program shows on-screen. (See important note on this page.)
TEXT 1,2, 3, or 4 mode:
often used for channel guide, schedules, or bulletin board information for CC programs.
Note: Usually “CAPTION” 1 is the most used mode to view captioned material.
How TO Select the Closed Caption Feature
NOTE: Not all TV programs and product commercials are made for broadcast with Closed Caption (CC) information included. Neither are all Closed Caption modes (CAPTION 1-4, or TEXT 1-4)) necessarily being used by a broadcast sta tion during the transmission of a closed caption program. Refer to your area’s TV program listings for the stations and times of Closed Caption shows.
NOTE: TTie "CCl W/MOTE” sating automati cally switches the TV to the Closed Caption 1 mode whenever the MUTE bunon (on the remoie control) is pressed. The Closed Caption 1 mode will turn OFF when the TV sound is returned or unmuted.
Press the STATUS button after making your Caption mode selec tion.
The TV display will clear and Captioning material (if available
on the currently selected TV pro gram) will appear on the TV screen.
To cancel, set the CAPTION fea
ture to OFF when finished viewing.
/ Smart Help
S tions will often use spelling
abbreviations, symbols, dropouts and other grammatical shortcuts in order to keep pace with the on-screen action. These type
factors vary upon the source of the
captioned text material and do not indicate a need for service on the part of the TV.
TEXT mode Example Display
TV screen will be blocked from viewing
Tills symbol vail appear vath channels that contain Closed Captioning material.
Using Bass, Treble, and Balance Sound Controls
iryesides the normal volume level
JL} controls, your TV also has
individual sound adjustment con trols. The BASS (low frequency), TREBLE (high frequency), and Speaker BALANCE may all be used to adjust the sound playback of TV programs.
<X> Press the MENU (M) button
on the remote, then press the MENU A or T buttons to select the word BASS, TREBLE or BALANCE with the TV’s on screen arrow.
Press the (+) or (-) buttons to
adjust the selected sound control
to levels you prefer.
Press the STATUS button to
clear the screen when finished.
Smart Help
Remember, when the
^ bar scale is centered, Speaker BALANCE is centered between the TV’s Left and Right side speakers.
TV can receive broadcast
stereo TV programs. The TV has both an amplifier and twin speakers through which the stereo sound can be heard.
Press the MENU (M) button
on the remote, then press the MENU A or T buttons to select the word STEREO with the TV’s
on-screen arrow.
Press the (+) button to turn the
Press STATUS to clear the

How TO Set the TV for Stereo Programs

\ ' / Smart Help
Remember, if stereo is
g not present on a selected
show and the TV is placed in the STEREO mode, the sound coming from the set will remain monaural (mono.)
Second AvDio Program (SAP).
SAP is an additional part of the stereo broadcast system. Sent as a third audio channel SAP can be heard apart from the current TV program sound. TV stations are free to use SAP for any number of purposes, but many experts believe it will be used for foreign language translations of TV shows (or for weather and news bulletins.)
If a SAP signal is not present with a selected program, the SAP option cannot be selected. Also, if SAP is selected on a channel
(with SAP) and you select anoth er channel, when you return to the original channel SAP will be
OFF (and you will have to rese lect the SAP feature.)
Using the Incredible Stereo Feature
^he Incredible Stereo feature can be turned ON by using the
Sound Image control. Sound Image adds greater depth and dimension to both monaural (MONO) and stereo TV sound. With the control turned ON the TV's speakers can add even wider sound separation to normal broadcasts.
Press the MENU (M) button on the remote, then press the MENU the word SOUND IMAGE with the TV’s on-screen arrow.
or T buttons to select
<4^^ Press STATUS button to clear
Press the (+) button to turn the
the screen.

Using the TV Volume Bar Control

jr Tse the Volume Bar control to see
Cy the TV’s volume level settings
on the TV screen. Once set the
Volume Bar will be seen each time
the VOLUME buttons (on the TV or
remote) are pressed.
<1> Press the MENU (M) button on
the remote, then press the MENU A or ▼ buttons to select the words VOL. BAR with the TV’s on-screen Arrow.
Try it out. Press the VOL buttons. The VOL UME BAR should appear at the bottom of the screen.
Press the (+) button to turn the
BAR control ON.
Press STATUS button to clear
the screen.
Setting the Surf and Smart Surf Control
"list” or seríes of previously
viewed channels can be selected
with the SURF button on your remote control. With this feature you can easily switch between different
TV programs that currently interest you. The Smart Suff control allows you to set up to 10 channels in its quick viewing “list".
Press the MENU (M) button on
the remote, then press the MENU or T buttons to select the word SURF with the TV’s on-screen arrow (or press the SMART button on the
Press the (+) button to select
either 2-Channel Surf or Smart Surf.
See explanation of Surf options with the illustration on this page.
<f> Press STATUS button to clear
the screen.

How To Use Smart Surf

With the Smart Surf control
ON (see above), select a desired channel for viewing. You can use the number buttons on the remote (or the Channel A or T buttons).
\ ?CH I
2 CHANNELSURF­Cunenc and one previ ous channel.
SMARTSURF­Cunent and up to nine additional channels available. Note: the Channel Surf can be used with fewer than
Below is the on-screen menu that will appear when the SMART but ton on the remote is pressed. Then, by using the MENU A. or the + or - buttons, adjustments can be made to the SURF control.
ten channels. In this way the number of Surf channels can match or fit yourpre­sent viewing interests.
To Use 2- 1 Channel Surf:
With the 2-ChanneI Surf control ON, select the two desired channels for viewing with the number buttons on the remote control.
Press the SURF button on the remote to “toggle” between the two selected channels.
When using Smart Surf:
A “SURF MENU TABLE FULL” message will appear on-screen when the maximum of 10 channels has been added to the Smart Surf list.
Press the SURF button on the
remote. (Some channel numbers may
already appear within the Surf chan nel list.)
Press the Menu button to
“ADD” the selected channel to the
Surf list.
Select the next desired channel and repeat steps 2 and 3. Continue until all desired channels are on the Surf list.
Press the SURF button on the
remote to quickly review current
action on channels contained within the Surf list.
Noie: To Delete a channel from the Surf list just press the SURF button to select the desired channel. Then press the MENU button and the channel will be immediately dropped firom the on screen Surf list.
+ 28 hidden pages