With this document it should be possible to determine which part of kV units of an Optimus generator is still
operational and which part is defective and has to be replaced.
1.1. Scope of delivery
- 2 current transformers
(ratio 1:1000, 20Ω resistors at the secondary coil give a ratio of 50A primary / 1V secondary)
- Test cable with resistor
- Test cable with diode
- Unit Manual Converter R/F
- This documentation
1.2. Tools
- Standard tools
- Extension boards C (96-pin)
- Dual trace oscilloscope with:
- 2 probes for signals
- 1 probe for external triggering
- Multimeter with diode test option
- 1 battery 1.5V D cell (R20) preferred
C cell (R14) or AA cell (R6) possible
ENF3 tripped, possibly in combination with ENF2 and? ENF1 and? mains fuses:
Problem most likely caused by rotor control unit EY (high speed) or EYA (low speed).
Solutions for rotor control problems are not part of this document.
2.2. All other cases
The generator has to be kept in this condition to discover the cause of the problem.
A non-qualified person (e.g. hospital technician not familiar with Optimus) should not be asked to just turn the
fuses back on to prevent further damage.
A qualified person like a Philips field engineer (trained on Optimus) must visit the site.
2.3. Prerequisites before checking the generator
Do not remove PCB kV-power from the IGBT transistors.
Electrostatic discharge and mobile phone waves can damage and destroy
IGBTs when gate connections are open.
The generator must be switched OFF and must be completely cut
from mains (e.g. room mains switch or earth leakage current
All following checks must be made without mains power.
• Measure DC voltage at auxiliary contacts 41-42 of ENK2.
(Converter DC discharging contact, max voltage can be 750VDC.)
If 0V is measured:
the contact is closed (and the converter DC is discharged within 1 minute)
- the contact is open and the converter DC is discharged and safe.
In case one of the ENK2 main contacts is welded the converter
DC discharge time is much longer as the discharging auxiliary
contact ENK2 41-42 cannot be closed.
600VDC discharge time to < 60VDC normally
With open contact
> 11 minutes
to be < 60VDC.
40 seconds.
• Check if any main contact of contactor ENK2 is welded:
Mechanical check: If snap-on auxiliary contacts or auxiliary contact block cannot be removed from the main
Springs might be open if all breakers are ON when the service comes to the site.
In this case the generator must have been switched ON after all fuses and breakers were reactivated. Shortcircuit in the converter or its mains rectifier/filter could have happened.
Springs can be resoldered. If the springs have to be resoldered, use as little solder as possible.
• Check that the ceramic resistor bodies do not have cracks. In case of cracks the springs must be
3.3. Check for contacts that are welded at breakers and contactors
• Switch OFF breakers ENF1 and ENF2.
ENF1 L1 – T1 automatic circuit-breaker ENF1 Optimus 50 2422 129 15514
L2 – T2 or successor 2422 129 16291
L3 – T3
Optimus 65/80 2422 129 15513
or successor 2422 129 16292
ENF2 L1 – T1 automatic circuit-breaker ENF2 Optimus 50/65/80 2412 129 00341
L2 – T2 or successor 2422 129 16288
L3 – T3
Optimus 65/80 2422 132 06624
or successor 2422 132 07383
+ R/C circuit 2422 135 04662
• Record the conditions of the breakers in the appendix.
• Check for contacts that are welded at breakers and contactors.
If contacts have been found to be welded replace breaker(s) and/or contactor(s).
• Remove the converter mains lines (frontal and rear converter) from contactor ENK1 :1 :3 :5.
Measure with an ohmmeter each line against the others (of each converter).
There should be no short-circuit, the meter should display 2MΩ ±5% after at least 20 seconds
(filter resistors).
• Check the converter visually.
The entire converter chassis must be replaced if cracks are visible at the white IGBT body
(looking through the converter cage grid) or if the kV-power PCB Q100 is bent towards the cover plate.
4.2. Measuring of converter parts
Use an ohmmeter which has a diode test feature.
• Check the polarity of the meter (for ohm and diode testing):
Anode of diode symbol on meter = positive voltage >>
Cathode of diode symbol on meter = negative voltage >>
= Normal ohm measurements
= Diode test option of meter
4.2.1. Rectifier check
• Open the right side of the converter(s) to get access to the mains rectifier.
If at least one test fails the converter must be exchanged.
Proceed with chapter 5.
The table below shows results of IGBT emitter - collector measurement.
Converter working OK and completely assembled.
Q100 kV-power PCB 4512 108 0862x / 0934x
21.5 - 22kΩ
16.5kΩ ±10%
300mV ±10%
Ex Cx
0 Ω
< 200mV
Ex Cx
The table below shows values of IGBT gate - emitter resistances.
Converter working OK and completely assembled.
Q100 kV-power PCB 4512 108 0862x / 0934x
• Check internal converter power cable connections at resonance capacitors C3:2 and C13:2.
If the connectors look like (2) no additional action is necessary.
If one of the connectors looks like (1) and if signs of overheating are visible replace the converter.
(1) (2)
• Record the conditions in the appendix.
4.2.6. Resonance capacitor check
• Remove primary lines from resonance capacitors C3:1 and C13:1 of frontal (and rear) converter.
• Check both capacitors for:
- short-circuit
- open connection
As it is not possible to measure the capacitance with an ohmmeter it is sufficient to see a variable resistance
value for a certain time and finally a high resistance or open connection.
Once a high resistance or open connection is displayed reverse the measuring lines. If it comes again to an
unstable resistance display with a high resistance or open connection display at the end, the capacitor should
be OK.
If a capacitance measuring device is available it should display 8µF ±5% (apart from the meter tolerance).
If a capacitor is defective (short or open) and no other part of the converter is defective which requires a
converter unit exchange, replace the capacitor (2019 321 00016).
• Record the conditions in the appendix.
Leave the primary lines disconnected from the capacitors for further tests.
In case the tube was rotating during tripping of mains breakers the CPU remembers that the brake process has
not been carried out (high speed rotor control only).
About 40 seconds after switch-ON the tube brakes.
If the anode disk is not rotating before switch-ON it sounds like an acceleration
• Switch ON the generator and perform an audible check at the tube housing during the generator start-up
(for further explanations see chapter 10.)
As the mains lines are not connected to the converters, error messages 02HI and 02HJ come up
(converter DC is 0V, therefore out of range).
9. kV-driver test
• Perform the kV-driver test according to chapter 5.3 of the Converter R/F manual attached.
If the kV-driver test is successful prepare the generator for a next test:
• Lead the primary power cable(s) of QC13:1 (front and rear) through the current transformer(s) at each
converter and reestablish the connection to the capacitor.
Optimus 65/80 with 2 converters:
Both current transformers must be inserted the same way.
(Polarity, secondary transformer pins are marked with 1 and 2).
• Reestablish primary cable(s) at QC3:1 too.
• Reestablish all connections (mains cables of converter(s) at ENK1 :1 :3 :5.
Switch the generator OFF.
Cut the generator completely from mains.
11. Tube and high-voltage cable test with high voltage
Even if
the battery test to check a short at the high voltage cables (chapter 5),
the visual tube check (chapter 6) and
the audible tube check (chapters 8 + 10)
did not lead to defective parts at first sight, these might be discovered once high voltage is up again.
Therefore the following test procedure was created to switch exposures just for 1ms before any part of the
generator might be overloaded from a defective tube or HV cable.
• Switch the generator OFF.
• Establish the test cable with diode at the backpanel service measuring points:
EZX74 (CTRL_X_C/ = cathode of diode) > open plug
EZX77 (X_ACT_S/ = anode of diode) > green plug cover
• Establish just one side first (with the 4mm plug) of the test cable with resistor
at the mAs short-circuit plug (either side, short-circuit plug remains in) of the measuring circuit EG100
(if access is not possible loosen screening cap of primary lines.)
trigger = signal CTRL_X_C/ at EZX74 must be used , negative slope, trigger level 2.5V
(if a third probe is not available use one channel for triggering with CTRL_X_C/ and check anode and
cathode side individually)
time base = 200µs/div, trigger delay -1div
With these hardware modifications and exposure settings the exposure time is only 1ms.
The additional resistor simulates an emission current of 500mA which lets the mAs counter of mA-control
terminate the exposure at 1ms (= 0.5mAs).
Under normal conditions the mAs counter is triggered by the signal X_ACT_S/. As this might be missing due to
a problem in the system the additional diode drives, the kV start command CTRL_X_C/ also at X_ACT_S/ to
trigger the mAs counter and ensures the short exposure. The oscilloscope must be triggered with CRTL_X_C/
for the same reason to get a display.