ervice Manu
For repair information Receiver please refer to Service Manual of FR975/00/01C/17 & MX980D/37
(service code number = 3104 215 50060)
For repair information Powered Subwoofer please refer to Service Manual of SW970/17
(service code number = 3139 785 30046)
MX977/37 is equal to MX980D/37 except the following:
FR994/17 is equal to FR975/17 except the following:
9965 000 11856 FRONT SPK BLACK MX999FS/17
9965 000 11857 CENTER SPK BLACK MX999CS/17
9965 000 11858 REAR SPK BLACK MX999RS/17
3104 219 04460 REMOTE CONTROL
3104 217 06780 MDM 2000 V2 module
Led 6401,6421 are deleted
Led 6407,6408,6409,6410,6412,6413,6415,6416,6417,6418 red colour led
is changed into orange colour led code number : 4822 130 11589
Item 7415 changed into TMP87CS71F - MX970 code number : 3139 110 53180
Item 1301 changed into 1304 code number : 4822 265 11607
Item 2371 changed into 2317 4n7 code number : 5322 126 10223
Item 2372 changed into 2322 100p code number : 5322 122 32531
Item 2373 changed into 2328 4n7 code number : 5322 126 10223
Item 2374 changed into 2331 100p code number : 5322 122 32531
Item 2375 changed into 2335 4n7 code number : 5322 126 10223
Item 2376 changed into 2339 100p code number : 5322 122 32531
Mainstrafo 5001for FR994/17changed into code number : 3104 218 31040
Mains Outlet 1052 added in FR994/17 code number : 4822 265 11605
Mains Outlet 1054 are deleted in FR994/17
Copyright 2003 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips.
Published by MD 0306 Service Audio Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modification
3104 215 50210
Mechanical: the following items are changed into:
Item Code number Description
200 3104 217 53370 FRONT ASSY FR994/17
201 3141 014 24480 CAP END LEFT FR994/17
202 3141 014 24490 CAP END RIGHT FR994/17
203 3141 017 74280 BUTTONS SURR. FR994/17
205 3141 017 74290 BUTTONS TUNER FR994/17
206 3141 017 74300 BUTTONS MENU FR994/17
207 3141 017 74580 BUTTONS BASS FR994/17
208 3141 017 74320 BUTTONS EASY LINK FR994/17
209 3141 014 24660 RING SURR. FR994/17
210 3141 014 24200 LIGHT GUIDE VIRTUAL/HALL
211 3141 014 24210 LIGHT GUIDE SELECTOR
212 3141 014 24650 LENS IR FR994/17
213 3141 014 24630 RING KNOB VOLUME FR994/17
214 3141 014 24640 RING KNOB SOURCE SEL. FR994/17
215 3141 017 74900 WINDOW DISPLAY ASSY FR994/17
222 3141 017 74360 KNOB VOLUME FR994/17
223 3141 017 74370 KNOB SOURCE SEL. FR994/17
224 3141 017 74380 KNOB MENU NAV FR994/17
228 3139 247 50570 LEG SILVER
230 3139 247 50560 LEG BLACK
282 4822 535 10638 POWER ROD
283 3141 017 74390 POWER CAP FR994/17
287 4822 442 01817 COVER PLATE BLACK FR994/17