Philips HP4622 User Manual

Airstylist voyage 300
This new Philips beauty Airstylist Voyage 300 has been specially designed to give beautiful styling results in a quick and easy way. In order to get the best results,please read the instructions carefully before use.
Before you connect the appliance,check if the
voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to your local mains voltage.
Keep this appliance away from water! Do not
use this product near or over water contained in baths,washbasins, sinks etc.If you use it in a bathroom,unplug the appliance after use,since the proximity of water presents a risk,even when the hairdryer is switched off.
For additional protection we advise you to
install a residual current device (RCD) with a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30mA in the electrical circuit supplying the bathroom.Ask your installer for advice.
If the appliance overheats,it will switch off
automatically. Unplug the appliance and let it cool down for a few minutes.Before you switch the appliance on again,check the grille to make sure it is not blocked by fluff,hair,etc.
Check the condition of the mains cord
regularly. Do not wind the mains cord around the appliance.
If the mains cord is damaged,the appliance
should be discarded.
Always ensure that the attachments are
completely dry (on the inside as well as at the outside!) before affixing them to the styler.
The barrel will become hot during use.
Prevent contact with the skin.
Never block the air grilles.Keep the appliance away from children.Always unplug the appliance after use.Wait until the appliance is cool before storing
Before using the appliance
Before you start using the Airstylist,comb or
brush the hair so that it is untangled and smooth.
The Airstylist is most effective when the hair
is slightly damp.When your hair is dry,slightly dampen your hair. Never use the appliance on wet hair!
Always insert the mains plug into the wall socket after having connected the accessories.
Using the appliance
Making curls in short and medium hair length
We advise you to perform a curl test to determine how long the brush should be held in
your hair to achieve a good result.Start with 8 to 10 seconds.You may have to hold the brush longer in your hair for tighter curls.Less tight curls will require less than 8 seconds.
1 Align the retractable bristle brush with the
styler. Make sure the arrows on the brush are in line with the arrows on the styler.A
'click' will be heard.
2 Divide the hair into locks. 3 Take a lock of hair and wind it round the
brush.Make sure the end of the lock is
wound in the required direction.
- Do not wind too much hair around the barrel at a time.
- The thinner the lock of hair, the tighter the curl will be.
- Do not wind a lock of hair more than twice round the barrel.
- Make sure the lock of hair is in contact with the barrel.
If you wind the hair at right angles to the
scalp,you will give your hair optimum lift and volume.
4 Switch the appliance on. 5 Keep the brush in your hair until the hair
is warm to touch.
6 Switch the appliance off and remove the
brush from your hair by pushing and turning the bristle retraction knob in the direction of the arrows.
7 Leave the curls to cool down,before
finishing by combing,brushing or fingercombing the hair into its final style.
8 Having finished the curling,switch off the
appliance.Then remove the brush by pressing the release button and pulling the brush in the direction of the arrow.
Making waves in long hair
1 Take the ends of the hair and wind them
around the retractable bristle brush in the
desired direction.
2 Switch the appliance on. 3 As soon as the hair is warm to touch,
switch the appliance off and carefully
remove the brush from the hair.
4 Leave the waves to cool down,before
finishing by combing,brushing or
fingercombing the hair into its final style.
1 Unplug the appliance. 2 Put the appliance in a safe place and let it
cool down.
3 Clean the appliance with a small brush or a
dry cloth.
1 Unplug the appliance. 2 Do not wind the mains cord round the
3 Put the appliance in a safe place and let it
cool down.
4 The appliance can be stored by hanging it
from its hanging loop.
Always return the appliance to an authorised Philips service centre for examination or repair. Repairs by unqualified people could cause an extremely hazardous situation for the user.
Guarantee & service
If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips Web site at
ENGLISH8 or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you will find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet).If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country,turn to your local Philips dealer or contact the Service Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV.
It can be that the plug has no electricity: Make sure the plug you use delivers
electricity. It can be that the appliance was not
switched on: Make sure that the appliance is plugged
in and switch the appliance on. It can be the appliance was overheated
and turned itself off: Unplug the appliance and let it cool
down for a few mintutes.Before you switch the appliance on again,check the grilles to make sure they are not blocked by fluff,hair,etc.
It can be that the appliance is of a wrong voltage:
Make sure that the voltage indicated on the typeplate corresponds to the local mains voltage.
It can be that the mains cord of the appliance is damaged
The mains cord always has to be replaced by a service centre authorised by Philips.
It can be that too much hair was wound around the barrel:
Make sure you don't take a too big tress of hair.The thinner the tress of hair you take,the firmer the curl will be.
It can be that the styler wasn't long enough in your hair:
The appliance does not work at all
Results are not what you expected
The longer you keep the styler in your hair the firmer the curls will become.
It can be that the hair wasn't in contact with the barrel:
Make sure that the tress of hair is in contact with the barrel.
Peralatan ini,Philips beauty Airstylist Voyage 300 direka khas untuk memberikan penggayaan yang cantik dengan cepat dan mudah.Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik,tolong baca arahan-arahan berikut dengan cermat sebelum menggunakannya.
Sebelum alat disambung,periksa apakah voltan
yang ditunjukkan di alat sama dengan voltan wayar tempatan.
Jangan sampai alat kena air! Jangan
menggunakan barang ini dekat atau di atas air yang ada di dalam kolah mandi,sinki cuci tangan,sinki, dll.Kalau menggunakannya di bilik mandi,cabut plag alat setelah menggunakannya,kerana dekatnya air juga merupakan risiko kalaupun pengering rambut dimatikan.
Sebagai perlindungan tambahan lebih baik
untuk melindungi litar elektrik yang membekalkan bilik mandi dengan suis penutup litar elektrik yang menghentikan arus lebih dari 30 mA.Sila tanya nasihat pemasang.
Jika peralatan ini menjadi terlalu panas,ia akan
dimatikan dengan sendiri.Tanggalkan plag peralatan dan biarkannya menyejuk selama beberapa minit.Sebelum anda memasang pelatan semula,periksa peralatan untuk memastikan grilnya tidak dihalangi oleh debu terkumpul,rambut dan sebagainya.
Periksa keadaan pendawaian di punca utama
elektrik dari semasa ke semasa.Jangan lilit wayar mengelilingi peralatan.
Jika wayar punca utama rosak,peralatan tidak
boleh digunakan.
Sentiasa pastikan alatan aksesori adalah benar-
benar kering sebelum disambungkan kepada peralatan ini.
Batang menjadi panas semasa
menggunakannya .Jaga supaya tidak kena kulit.
Jangan sekali-kali halang gril udara.Jaga supaya alat di luar jangkauan anak-anak.Selalu mencabut palam alat setelah
Tunggu sampai alat dingin sebelum
Sebelum menggunakan peralatan ini
Sebelum anda mula menggunakan penggaya
rambut udara ini,sikat atau berus rambut supaya ianya tidak kusut dan licin.
Penggaya rambut udara ini paling berkesan
apabila rambut agak lembap.Apabila rambut anda kering,lembapkan sedikit rambut anda. Jangan gunakan peralatan ini pada rambut yang basah!
Sentiasa masukkan plag punca utama dalam soket dinding setelah menyambungkannya kepada aksesori-aksesori.
Menggunakankan peralatan ini
Membuat kerinting pada rambut pendek dan sederhana panjang
Kami nasihatkan anda untuk melakukan ujian kerinting untuk memastikan berapa jauh berus perlu dipegang dalam rambut untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik.Mulakan dengan 8 hingga 10 saat. Anda mungkin perlu pegang berus lebih lama dalam rambut untuk kerinting yang lebih ketat. Kerinting yang kurang ketat memerlukan kurang dari 8 saat.
1 Aturkan supaya berus bristle mudahmasuk
selari dengan penggaya.Pastikan anak
panah pada berus adalah segaris dengan
anak panah pada penggaya.Bunyi "klik"
boleh didengar.
2 Bahagikan rambut pada gelung-gelung. 3 Ambil satu gelung rambut dan lilitkannya
pada sekeliling berus.Pastikan hujung
gelung rambut dililit mengikut arah yang
- Jangan lilit terlalu banyak rambut keliling batang pada satu masa.
- Semakin nipis gelung rambut, semakin ketat kerinting rambut.
- Jangan lilit gelung rambut lebih dari dua kali mengelilingi batang.
- Pastikan gelung rambut bersentuhan dengan batang.
Jika anda lilitkan rambut bersudut tepat
dengan kulit kepala,anda akan berikan rambut angkatan dan isipadu yang optimum.
4 Pasang suis peralatan ini. 5 Letak berus dalam rambut anda sehinnga
ianya rasa suam pada sentuhan.
6 Padam suis peralatan and alihkan berus
dari rambut anda dengan menolak dan memusing butang pembalikan bristle mengikut arah anak panah.
7 Biarkan rambut yang dililit menyejuk
sebelum menyudahnya dengan menyikat, memberus or menyikatkannnya dengan jari kepada gaya penamat.
8 Setelah selesai memutar rambut,padam
suis peralatan.Kemudian tanggalkan berus dengan menekan butang pelepas dan menarik berus mengikut arah anak panah.
Membuat ombak pada rambut panjang
1 Ambil hujung-hujung rambut dan lilitkannya
sekeliling berus bristle mudah-masuk mengikut arah yang disukai.
2 Pasang suis peralatan.
3 Sebaik sahaja rambut suam pada sentuhan,
padam suis peralatan and alihkan berus dari rambut dengan cermat.
4 Biarkan rambut berombak menyejuk
sebelum menyudah dengan menyikat, memberus atau memberus dengan jari kepada gaya penamat.
1 Cabut palam alat. 2 Tempatkan alat pada tempat yang selamat
dan membiarkan alat menjadi dingin.
3 Cuci peralatan dengan berus kecil atau kain
1 Cabut palam alat. 2 Jangan lilit wayar punca utama mengelilingi
3 Menempatkan alat pada tempat yang
selamat dan membiarkan alat menjadi dingin.
4 Peralatan ini boleh disimpan dengan
menggantungkannya dari tali sangkut yang disediakan.
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