Philips DigitalDiagnost C90 Specification

DigitalDiagnost C90
Digital radiography
Release 1.1
Secondary content
Accelerate exam performance
Key advantages
• Fast workow
• Diagnostic condence
• High exibility
Philips DigitalDiagnost C901 premium DR room is designed to meet the diagnostic imaging needs of the most demanding institutions. It allows you to comfortably see more patients per day and shorten patient wait times by decreasing the time to diagnosis with innovative tools that help drive workow eciency. DigitalDiagnost C90’s live tube head camera, versatile room congurations, and exam automation technologies all help provide outstanding patient throughput.
Philips DigitalDiagnost C90 ist not available in Greater China.
Save time and provide exceptional patient care
with the versatile DigitalDiagnost C90
Faster workow and easier collimation
DigitalDiagnost C90 integrates a touchscreen and an optional live camera into the Eleva Tube Head for extended Eleva control, right in the exam room. The live camera helps with patient positioning by providing a clear view of the collimation area which can help alleviate potential imprecise collimation such as with bariatric patients. Better positioning can also help eliminate time consuming retakes that add unnecessary X-ray dose.
Utilizing the DigitalDiagnost C90 allows you to see 15 more patients per day.
If you prefer a grid-less workow, the optional SkyFlow Plus assists by producing images with grid-like contrast for all anatomies. There’s no need to attach and detach a grid, so detector/patient positioning is fast and easy. Without a grid, retakes due to grid misalignment are a thing of the past. SkyFlow Plus helps you work more eciently by rapidly acquiring high-quality images, while eectively managing scatter radiation.
Utilizing the DigitalDiagnost C90 allows you to avoid around 28 retakes per week.
Since 67,5 %4 of retakes in radiography result from wrong patient positioning, this problem is addressed by the optional Eleva Tube Head Live Camera. The Live Camera allows the user to check on correct positioning prior to image acquisition also at the working console by means of live camera images.
94 % of the users think that the live camera images at the work station helps to avoid retakes.
Faster setup time
• Live images of the collimated anatomy assist sta in initial patient positioning (optional)
• Detect patient movement and incorrect collimation early with a view of the collimated area at the Eleva Tube Head and Eleva workspot (optional)
• Double check all relevant system parameters, images, and order of views at the tube head as well as at the Eleva workspot
75 % of the users consider the Eleva Tube Head as helpful spending more time with the patient.
Diagnostic condence
DigitalDiagnost C90 now oers two features to improve your ability to provide a condent diagnosis.
Philips UNIQUE 2 image processing uses next generation
image processing software to provide superb images of all anatomical areas. UNIQUE 2 improves clinical image quality by providing selective enhancement of tiny details, increased contrast, and reduced background clutter.
UNIQUE 2 beats the Philips’ benchmark, with 80.1 % of the reader votes showing preference or equivalence.
Philips Bone Suppression6 software helps remove bone
structures from adult erect chest images for an unobstructed view of soft tissue. This clear view allows you to have a more accurate image interpretation. Philips Bone Suppression can
improve actionable nodule detection by 16.8 %7 without the
need to expose the patient to additional X-ray dose. As part of Philips’ Eleva platform, Bone Suppression is integrated into the regular system workow. Depending on the protocol it provides automatically processed images without the need to send them separately to PACS.
Ph ilips Di gitalDiagnost C90 is not available in Grea ter China .
Compared to the pre vious r elease of Digit alDia gnost a nd based on 100 patient s per day. Actual results in other case s may vary.
Validate d by clinic ians in a Ph ilips’ developme nt environment.
Li ttle, K .J., et al. (2016) Unie d Database for Rejected Image An alysis Ac ross Mult iple Vend ors in Rad iography, Journal o f the Ame rican Co llege of Ra diolog y, 14(2),
Result s of a blind ed image compar ison s tudy of UNI QUE 2 vers us UNIQUE.
Riverain Technologies’ ClearRead Bone Suppression
Fre edman M et al. Improved detec tion o f lung nod ules with novel software that sup presses the ri b and clav icle shadows on chest radi ographs. Radiology. 2011.
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