The P80C652/83C652 Single-Chip 8-Bit
Microcontroller is manufactured in an
advanced CMOS process and is a derivative
of the 80C51 microcontroller family. The
80C652/83C652 has the same instruction set
as the 80C51. Three versions of the
derivative exist:
83C652 — 8k bytes mask programmable
80C652 — ROMless version
87C652 — EPROM version (described in a
This device provides architectural
enhancements that make it applicable in a
variety of applications for general control
systems. The 8XC652 contains a non-volatile
8k × 8 read-only program memory, a volatile
256 × 8 read/write data memory, four 8-bit I/O
ports, two 16-bit timer/event counters
(identical to the timers of the 80C51), a
multi-source, two-priority-level, nested
interrupt structure, an I
and on-chip oscillator and timing circuits. For
systems that require extra capability, the
8XC652 can be expanded using standard
TTL compatible memories and logic.
The device also functions as an arithmetic
processor having facilities for both binary and
BCD arithmetic plus bit-handling capabilities.
The instruction set consists of over 100
instructions: 49 one-byte, 45 two-byte and 17
three-byte. With a 16(24)MHz crystal, 58% of
the instructions are executed in 0.75(0.5)µs
and 40% in 1.5(1)µs. Multiply and divide
instructions require 3(2)µs.
P0.0–0.739–32 43–3637–30I/OPort 0: Port 0 is an open-drain, bidirectional I/O port. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to
P1.6782I/OSCL: I2C-bus serial port clock line.
P1.7893I/OSDA: I2C-bus serial port data line.
P2.0–P2.721–28 24–3118–25I/OPort 2: Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. Port 2 pins that have 1s
RST9104IReset: A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running, resets the
ALE303327I/OAddress Latch Enable: Output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during an
PSEN293226OProgram Store Enable: Read strobe to external program memory via Port 0 and Port 2. It
EA313529IExternal Access: If during a RESET, EA is held at TTL, level HIGH, the CPU executes out
XTAL1192115ICrystal 1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock generator
XTAL2182014OCrystal 2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.
To avoid “latch-up” effect at power-on, the voltage on any pin at any time must not be higher than V
20226, 16,
28, 39
IGround: 0V reference. With the QFP package all VSS pins (V
to V
) must be
404438IPower Supply: This is the power supply voltage for normal, idle, and power-down
them float and can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed
low-order address and data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In
this application, it uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s.
I/OPort 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups, except P1.6 and P1.7
which are open drain. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the
internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 1 pins that are externally pulled
low will source current because of the internal pull-ups. (See DC Electrical Characteristics:
). Alternate functions include:
written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As
inputs, port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current because of the
internal pull-ups. (See DC Electrical Characteristics: I
address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to
). Port 2 emits the high-order
external data memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application, it
uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory
that use 8-bit addresses (MOV @Ri), port 2 emits the contents of the P2 special function
I/OPort 3: Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. Port 3 pins that have 1s
written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As
inputs, port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current because of the
pull-ups. (See DC Electrical Characteristics: I
the 80C51 family , as listed below:
). Port 3 also serves the special features of
10115IRxD (P3.0): Serial input port
11137OTxD (P3.1): Serial output port
12148IINT0 (P3.2): External interrupt
13159IINT1 (P3.3): External interrupt
141610IT0 (P3.4): Timer 0 external input
151711IT1 (P3.5): Timer 1 external input
161812OWR (P3.6): External data memory write strobe
171913ORD (P3.7): External data memory read strobe
device. An internal diffused resistor to V
capacitor to V
permits a power-on reset using only an external
access to external memory. In normal operation, ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6
the oscillator frequency . Note that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external
data memory.
is activated twice each machine cycle during fetches from the external program memory.
When executing out of external program memory two activations of PSEN
during each access to external data memory. PSEN
no fetches from external program memory. PSEN
is not activated (remains HIGH) during
can sink/source 8 LSTTL inputs and can
are skipped
drive CMOS inputs without external pull–ups.
of the internal program memory ROM provided the Program Counter is less than 8192. If
during a RESET, EA
memory. EA
is held a TTL LOW level, the CPU executes out of external program