P0.1/PWM1/PROG2P0.1: open-drain bidirectional port line;
P0.2/PWM2/ASEL3P0.2: open-drain bidirectional port line;
Port 1 (notes 1, 2 and 5)
P1.3/PWM012P1.3: open-drain bidirectional port line; PWM0: output for the 6-bit lower-precision
1P0.0: open-drain bidirectional port line;
TDAC: output for the 14-bit high-precision PWM;
VPP: 12 V programming supply voltage during EPROM programming.
PWM1: output for the 6-bit lower-precision PWM;
PROG: input for EPROM programming pulses.
PWM2: output for the 6-bit lower-precision PWM;
ASEL: input indicating the EPROM address bits that are applied to Port 2.
4to8 P0.3 to P0.7: 5 open-drain bidirectional port lines;
PWM3 to PWM7: 5 outputs for the 6-bit lower-precision PWM.
9to11 P1.0 to P1.2: 3 open-drain bidirectional port lines;
ADI0 to ADI2: inputs for the software analog-to-digital facility.
PWM. PWM0 can be externally pulled up as high as +12 V ±5%
Port 2
P2.7 to P2.013 to 20 Port 2: 8-bit open-drain bidirectional port; P2.3 to P2.0 have high current capability
(10 mA at 0.5 V) for driving LEDs. Port 2 pins that have logic 1s written to them float,
and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Any of the Port 2 pins are
driven LOW if the port register bit is written as a logic 0. The state of the pin can
always be read from the port register by the program.
Port 3 (note 1 and 3)
P3.034P3.0: open-drain bidirectional port line.
P3.1/INT135P3.1: open-drain bidirectional port line; INT1: External interrupt 1.
P3.2/T036P3.2: open-drain bidirectional port line; T0: Timer 0 external input.
P3.3/INT037P3.3: open-drain bidirectional port line; INT0: External interrupt 0.
P3.4 to P3.738 to 41 P3.4 to P3.7: 4 open-drain bidirectional port lines.
VID2 to VID022 to 24 Digital Video bus: Three totem-pole outputs comprising digital RGB (or other colour
VCTRL25Video Control: A totem-pole output indicating whether the OSD facility is currently
21Ground: 0 V reference.
encoding) from the OSD facility. The polarity of these outputs is controlled by a
programmable register bit (register OSCON; bit Po).
presenting active video on the VID2 to VID0 outputs. Signal is used to control an
external multiplexer (mixer) between normal video and the video derived from VID2 to
VID0. The polarity of this output is controlled by a programmable register bit (register
OSCON; bit Pc).
1996 Mar 226
Philips SemiconductorsProduct specification
Microcontrollers for TV and video (MTV)
83C145; 83C845
83C055; 87C055
HSYNC26Horizontal Sync: A dedicated input for a TTL-level version of the horizontal sync
pulse. The polarity of this pulse is programmable; its trailing edge is used by the OSD
facility as the reference for horizontal positioning.
VSYNC27Vertical Sync: A dedicated input for a TTL-level version of the vertical sync pulse. The
polarity of this pulse is programmable, and either edge can serve as the reference for
vertical timing.
VCLK128VCLK1: Video Clock 1; input for the horizontal timing reference for the OSD facility.
BF30Background/Foreground: A totem-pole output which, when VCTRL is active,
XTAL131XTAL1: Input to the inverting (oscillator) amplifier and clock generator circuit that
RST33Reset: If this pin is HIGH for two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) while the
1. Port 0, Port 1 , and Port 3 pins that have logic 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as
high-impedance inputs.
2. The state of the pin can always be read from the port register by the program.
3. P3.0, P3.4, and P3.7 can be externally pulled up as high as +12 V ±5%; while P3.5 and P3.6 have 10 mA drive
4. For each PWM block, a register bit (register PWMn; bit PWnE; n = 0 to 7) controls whether the corresponding pin is
controlled by the block or by Port 0; Port 0 controls the pin immediately after a reset. Regardless of how each pin is
controlled, it can be externally pulled up as high as +12 V ±5%.
5. Any of the Port 1 pins are driven LOW if the corresponding port register bit is written as a logic 0, or for P1.3 only, if
the TDAC module presents a logic 0.
VCLK2: Video Clock 2; output from the on-chip video oscillator. VCLK1 and VCLK2
are intended to be used with an external LC circuit to provide an on-chip oscillator. The
period of the video clock is determined such that the width of a pixel in the OSD is
equal to the inter-line separation of the raster.
indicates whether the current video data represents a Foreground (LOW) or
Background (HIGH) dot in a character. This signal can be used to reduce the intensity
of the background colour and thus emphasize the text.
provides the timing reference for all 83C055 logic other than the OSD facility.
XTAL2: Oscillator output terminal for system clock. XTAL1 and XTAL2 can be used
with a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator to provide an on-chip oscillator. Alternatively,
XTAL1 can be connected to an external clock, and XTAL2 left unconnected.
oscillator is running, the MTV is reset. This pin is also used as a serial input to enter a
test or EPROM programming mode, as on the 87C751.
42Power supply: for normal and Power-down operation.
1996 Mar 227
Philips SemiconductorsProduct specification
Microcontrollers for TV and video (MTV)
For a description of the standard functions please refer to
“Data Handbook IC20; Section 2: 80C51 Technical
The I/O structure of the 83C055 is similar to the standard
I/O structure in the 80C51, except for the points described
in Table 5.
9.1General description
Although the 83C055 is specifically referred to throughout
this data sheet, the information applies to all the devices.
The differences to 80C51 features and the derivative
functions are described in the following Sections and
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the 83C055.
Standard functions to the 80C51 that are not implemented
in the 83C055:
• As Data and Program Memory are not externally
expandable on the 83C055, the ALE, EA, and
PSEN signals are not implemented.
• Idle mode.
• Power-down mode.
83C145; 83C845
83C055; 87C055
• The IP register is not used, and the IE register (address
A8H) is similar to that on the 80C51;see Table 36.
• The VSYNC input used by the OSD facility can generate
an interrupt. The active polarity of the pulse is
programmable (see Section 13.7); interrupt occurs at
the leading edge of the pulse.
• Since there is no serial port, there are no interrupts nor
control bits relating to this interrupt. The interrupts and
their vector addresses are shown in Table 3.
• External Interrupt 1 is modified so that an interrupt is
generated when the input switches are in either direction
(on the 80C51, there is a programmable choice between
interrupt on a negative edge or a LOW level on INT1).
This facility allows for software pulse-width
measurement handling of a remote control.
Port 0external memory expansion8-bit open-drain bidirectional port; and includes:
Port 18-bit general purpose quasi-bidirectional4-bit open-drain port, and includes alternative uses
Port 2quasi-bidirectional and can be used for external
Port 3quasi-bidirectional; all eight bits have alternate uses 3 port bits have some of the same alternative uses
1996 Mar 228
memory expansion
Table 4 PCON Register format (address 87H)
alternative use for PWM outputs
for analog inputs and a PWM output
open-drain and general purpose
as on the 80C51 but not necessarily on the same
pins; 5 pins are open-drain and general purpose
Philips SemiconductorsProduct specification
Microcontrollers for TV and video (MTV)
Figure 3 shows the 6-bit PWM DAC logic circuit, consisting
of 8 PWMn modules.
The basic MCU clock is divided by 4 to get a waveform that
clocks a 14-bit counter which is common to all the PWMs
(including the 14-bit PWM). This divided clock is hereafter
called the PWM clock.
As illustrated in Fig.3, the lower-precision (6-bit) PWMs
use the least significant part of the 14-bit counter.
Figure 4 shows the circuit diagram of a 6-bit PWM module.
Each PWM module has a Special Function Register
PWMn; n = 0 to 7. The register format is shown in Table 6.
10.1PWM DAC operation
Value field PVn5 to PVn0 of each PWMn register
(n = 0 to 7) is compared to the 6 LSBs of the common
counter (14-bit counter).
83C145; 83C845
83C055; 87C055
When the value matches, the output flip-flop is cleared, so
that the output pin is driven LOW.
When the value rolls over to zero, the output flip-flop is set,
so that the output pin is released. Thus the output
waveform has a fixed period of 64 PWM clock cycles; its
duty cycle is determined by contents of PWMn.5 to
PWMn.0 (PVn5 to PVn0).
Three of the nine total PWM modules (8 PWMn and the
14-bit PWM DAC) operate as previously described; for
three others, both the rising and falling edges of the output
are delayed by one PWM clock; for the remaining three,
both edges are delayed by two PWM clocks. This feature
reduces the radio-frequency emission that would
otherwise occur when the counter rolled over to zero and
all nine open-drain outputs were released.
10.2Special Function Register PWMn (n = 0 to 7)
Table 6 Special Function Register PWMn (n = 0 to 7; addresses D4H to DFH)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 7 Description of PWMn bits
7PWnEPWM module enable bit. If for a particular PWM block (n) the bit:
PWnE = 1, then the block is active and controls its assigned port pin.
PWnE = 0, the corresponding port pin is controlled by the port.
5 to 0PVn5 to PVn0 Value field for PWMn register.
1996 Mar 229
Philips SemiconductorsProduct specification
Microcontrollers for TV and video (MTV)
handbook, full pagewidth
1st PWM MODULE (n = 0)
2nd PWM MODULE (n = 1)
3rd to 7th PWM MODULE (n = 2 to 6)
8th PWM MODULE (n = 7)
83C145; 83C845
83C055; 87C055
P0.2 to P0.6
LS 6-bitsPWM clock
handbook, full pagewidth
(1) This flip-flop occurs in 5 of the 8 PWMn modules.
(2) This flip-flop occurs in 3 of the 8 PWMn modules.
PWM module (n)
LS 6-bits
6-bits (PVn0 to PVn5)
internal bus
PWM clock
Fig.3 6-bit PWM DAC logic circuit.
MBE771 - 1
internal bus
I/O port
I/O pin
1996 Mar 2210
Fig.4 A 6-bit PWM module.
Philips SemiconductorsProduct specification
Microcontrollers for TV and video (MTV)
11.114-bit counter
The 14-bit counter was already mentioned in Section 10.
The nature of the counter is such that it can achieve a
stable output value through its MSB, and the value can
propagate through logic like that shown in Fig.5. The logic
output can be stable within:
• one period of the PWM clock (e.g. 250 ns) if
edge-triggered logic is used to capture the logic output,
• one phase of the PWM clock (e.g. 125 ns) if a phase of
the PWM clock is used to capture the logic output.
The 14-bit (TDAC) counter is a ripple counter (cost and
die-size reasons).
The 14-bit PWM DAC is controlled by two special function
registers TDACL and TDACH.
11.214-bit DAC operation
When software wishes to change the 14-bit value
(TD0 to TD13), it should first write to TDACL and then
write to TDACH. Alternatively, if the required precision of
the duty cycle is satisfied by 6 bits or less, software can
simply write to TDACH (TD8 to TD13).
Figure 5 shows that this block includes an ‘extra’ 14-bit
latch between TDACL - TDACH and the comparator and
other logic. The programmed value is clocked into the
operative latch when the 7 low-order bits of the counter roll
over to zero, provided that the software is not in the midst
of loading a new 14-bit value, i.e. it is not between writing
TDACL and writing TDACH.
In a similar fashion to the lower-precision PWMs, this
facility has an output flip-flop that is set when the lower
7 bits of the counter overflow/wrap. The more significant
7 bits of the operative latch’s programmed value are
compared for equality against the less significant 7 bits of
the counter, and the output FF is cleared when they match.
Thus this output has a fixed period of 128 PWM clock
cycles, and the duty cycle is determined by the
programmed value.
83C145; 83C845
83C055; 87C055
For the higher-precision aspect of this feature, the 7 MSBs
of the counter are used in a logic block with the 7 LSBs of
the programmed value.
The 7th LSB (binary value 64) of the programmed value is
ANDed with the 7th MSB (128) of the counter, the 6th LSB
of the value is ANDed with the counter’s 6th and 7th MSBs
being 10, and so on through the LSB of the programmed
value being ANDed with the counter’s 7 MSBs being
100000. Then these 7 ANDed terms are ORed. If the
result is true (logic 1) at the time the 7 LSBs of the counter
match the MSBs of the programmed value, the output is
forced high for 1 (additional) PWM clock cycle.
The result is that, if the value-64 bit of the 14-bit value is
programmed to a logic 1, every other cycle of 128 PWM
counter clocks has its duty cycle stretched by one counter
clock; if the value-32 bit is programmed to logic 1, every
cycle is stretched, and so on through, if the value-1 bit
is programmed to logic 1, one cycle out of each 128 is
11.2.314Assuming the external integrator can handle all this, the
net effect is a PWM DAC that has the period of a 7-bit
design (which makes the integrator easier and more
feasible to design) with the accuracy of a 14-bit one.
An obvious prerequisite for such precision is that the load
on the voltage must be very light, like a single op-amp or
The TDAC feature differs from the corresponding features
of predecessor parts in several ways:
1. The 14-bit value is functionally composed of major and
2. The 14-bit value is programmed as a contiguous
3. As discussed for the 6-bit DACs, both of the preceding
minor portions of 7 bits each.
multi-register value that can be manipulated
straight-forwardly via arithmetic instructions.
parts had a feature whereby the PWM output could be
inverted, redundantly with complementing the 14-bit
value. This feature has been eliminated.
1996 Mar 2211
Philips SemiconductorsProduct specification
Microcontrollers for TV and video (MTV)
83C145; 83C845
83C055; 87C055
11.3Special Function Register TDACL
Table 8 Special Function Register TDACL format (address D2H)
Table 9 Description of TDACL bits
7 to 0TD7, TD0 to TD6 8 LSBs of the 14-bit value.
11.4Special Function Register TDACH
Table 10 Special Function Register TDACH format (address D3H)
Table 11 Description of TDACH bits
7TDEEnable bit.
5 to 0TD13to TD8 6 MSBs of the 14-bit value.
1996 Mar 2212
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