Bark Control Collar
Operating Guide
Please read this entire guide before beginning

Important Safety Information
Explanation of Attention Words and Symbols used in this guide
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.
Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in death or serious injury.
CAUTION, used with the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
CAUTION, used without the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in harm to your pet.
Not for use with aggressive dogs. Do not use this Product if your dog is
can cause severe injury and even death to their owner and others. If you are unsure whether this
product is appropriate for your dog, please consult your veterinarian or certified trainer.
the pet’s neck may cause skin damage. Ranging from redness to pressure ulcers; this condition
is commonly known as bed sores.
Avoid leaving the collar on the dog for more than 12 hours per day.
When possible reposition the collar on the pet’s neck every 1 to 2 hours.
Check the fit to prevent excessive pressure; follow the instructions in this manual.
Never connect a lead to the electronic collar; it will cause excessive pressure on the contacts.
When using a separate collar for a lead, don’t put pressure on the electronic collar.
Note: Be sure the extra collar does not interfere with the contact points or sensor probe.
Wash the dog’s neck area and the contacts of the collar weekly with a damp cloth.
Examine the contact area daily for signs of a rash or a sore.
If a rash or sore is found, discontinue use of the collar until the skin has healed.
If the condition persists beyond 48 hours, see your veterinarian.
For additional information on bed sores and pressure necrosis, please visit our website.
These steps will help keep your pet safe and comfortable. Millions of pets are comfortable while
they wear stainless steel contacts. Some pets are sensitive to contact pressure. You may find
after some time that your pet is very tolerant of the collar. If so, you may relax some of these
precautions. It is important to continue daily checks of the contact area. If redness or sores are
found, discontinue use until the skin has fully healed.
Before playing with your dog, remove the Bark Control Collar. The activity may cause your dog to
bark, which could lead to him associating the play with static correction.
2 1-800-732-2677
aggressive, or if your dog is prone to aggressive behavior. Aggressive dogs
Risk of skin damage. Please read and follow the instructions in this manual.
Proper fit of the collar is important. A collar worn for too long or made too tight on

Thank you for choosing PetSafe®, the best selling brand of electronic training
solutions in the world. Our mission is to be the most trusted brand in the pet
ownership experience. We want to ensure your pet’s safety by providing you
with the tools and techniques to successfully train your pet. If you have any
questions, please contact the Customer Care Center at 1-800-732-2677 or
visit our website at www.petsafe.net.
To get the most protection out of your warranty, please register your product
within 30 days at www.petsafe.net. By registering and keeping your receipt,
you will enjoy the product’s full warranty and, should you ever need to call the
Customer Care Center, we will be able to help you faster. Most importantly,
PetSafe® will never give or sell your valuable information to anyone. Complete
warranty information is available online at www.petsafe.net.
Table of Contents
Components .............................................................................................. 4
Features ..................................................................................................... 4
How the PetSafe® Deluxe Bark Control Collar™ Works ................................. 5
Key Definitions .......................................................................................... 5
Fit the Bark Control Collar ......................................................................... 5
To Insert and Remove the Battery ............................................................... 7
Modes of Operation ................................................................................... 8
What to Expect During Use of the Bark Control Collar ............................... 9
Regular Maintenance ................................................................................. 9
To Test the Bark Control Collar .................................................................10
Accessories ...............................................................................................10
Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................11
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................11
Terms of Use and Limitation of Liability ....................................................12
Compliance ..............................................................................................12
Perchlorate Battery ....................................................................................13
Important Recycling Advice .......................................................................13
Customer Care International .....................................................................13
“In a Tuskegee University study of adult shelter dogs wearing the PetSafe® Bark Control Collar™
for six 30-minute sessions over two weeks, we detected no long-term adverse effects, and all dogs
dramatically reduced their barking by the second day.”
Dr. Janet Steiss and Dr. Caroline B. Schaffer
Tuskegee University
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Operating Guide
(PetSafe® RFA-67)
Bark Control Collar
Low, Medium and High Modes, each containing 6 levels of progressive •
Static Correction
Patented Perfect Bark technology for the most reliable bark detection•
Low Battery Indicator Light•
One Year Warranty•
4 1-800-732-2677

How the PetSafe® Deluxe Bark
Contact Points
Sensor Probe
Control Collar™ Works
The Deluxe Bark Control Collar™ has a unique patented sensor technique that provides the most
reliable bark detection available. The Bark Control Collar uses both vibration and sound sensors
to discriminate each bark from other external noises. A Static Correction is administered through
the Contact Points only if both the vibration from the vocal cords and the sound from the bark
match the bark sampling criteria. The Bark Control Collar starts with the lowest level of Static
Correction in each Mode and then increases through 6 levels each time your dog barks within 30
seconds of the previous bark. If your dog does not bark again within 30 seconds, the Bark Control
Collar will reset itself to the lowest level of Static Correction in the current Mode. Along with each
Static Correction, the LED Indicator Light will flash. As a built-in safety feature, if your dog barks
15 times or more within a 50-second period, the Bark Control Collar will automatically shut off for
3 minutes.
Key Definitions
Mode Push-button: Adjusts the levels of Static
Correction your dog receives when barking. This
push-button is also used to turn the Bark Control
Collar off, and to test it.
Indicator Light: Indicates that the Bark Control
Collar is functioning properly in the Test Mode.
This light also serves as a low battery indicator.
Sound Activated Sensor: Detects the sound of
your dog’s bark.
Sensor Probe: Detects the vibrations of your
dog’s bark.
Note: The Sensor Probe is not adjustable.
Contact Points: Deliver the safe Static
Fit the Bark Control Collar
Important: The proper fit and placement of your Bark Control Collar is important for
effective operation. The Contact Points must have direct contact with your dog’s skin on
the underside of his neck.
To assure a proper fit, please follow these steps:
Make sure that the battery is not installed in the Bark Control Collar. 1.
Start with your dog standing comfortably.2.
Place the Bark Control Collar on your dog’s neck close to the ears. Center 3.
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the Contact Points underneath your dog’s neck, touching the skin.
Note: It is sometimes necessar y to trim the hair around the Contact Points to
make sure that contact is consistent.