Q: What is the maximum shutter speed of the Pentax LX?
A: It equals one over two-thousand seconds maximum therefore the shutter speed rate is extremely high.
Q: Can the camera operate without batteries?
A: Yes, the camera can still work in the mechanical shutter speed range of 1/2000th second up until ‘X’ (1/75th second) without any batteries inserted.
Q: Which type of flash units can be used with the LX for TTL flash photography?
A: Users can employ Pentax ‘T’ type flash units or any other dedicated flash units as suitable accessories for LX.
Q: Can you tell me if the exposure counter is automatic or manual?
A: This function of the camera is automatic and has an additional reverse functionality when rewinding the film.
Q: What is the minimum and maximum film speed that the Pentax LX can handle?
A: It can handle film speeds varying from ASA/ISO 6 to ASA/ISO 3200.
Q: How do you select the film speed on the camera?
A: To set the film speed, press the ASA/ISO dial lock release and turn the dial until the desired ASA/ISO number is opposite the index mark.
Q: If the batteries get weak, what happens?
A: A low battery will cause the viewfinder shutter speed LED to flash which indicates a need for battery replacement.
Q: Is it possible to use different focusing screens in conjunction with the LX?
A: In order to cater to different photographic needs, lx permits the use of different focusing screens.