Pentax 555 User Manual

Digital Camera
Operating Manual
To ensure the best performance from your camera, please read the Operating Manual before using the camera.
Thank you for buying the Pentax Optio 555 Digital Camera. Please read this manual before using the camera in order to get the most out of all the features and functions. Keep this manual safe, as it can be a valuable tool in helping you to understand all the camera’s capabilities.
Regarding copyrights
Images taken using t he Opt io 5 55 t hat are for anyt hing ot he r than per sonal enjo yment cannot be used without permission according to the rights as specified in the Copyright Act. Pleas e tak e care , as th ere are ev en ca ses where limit ation s a re p laced on taking pictures even for personal enjoyment during demonstrations, industrial enterprise or as items for display. Images taken with the purpose of obtaining copyrights also cann ot b e used out side t he sc ope of us e of th e c opyrig ht a s laid ou t i n the Copyright Act, and care should be taken here also.
Regarding trademarks
• The SD logo is a trademark.
• PENTAX is a trademark of PENTAX Corporation.
• Optio is a trademark of PENTAX Corporat ion.
• All other brands or product names are trademarks of regist ered trademarks of their respective companies.
• This product supports PRINT Image Matching II.When used in combination, PRINT Image Matching II enabled digital still cameras, printers and software help photographers to produce images more faithful to their int entions. Copyright 2001 Seiko Epson Corporation. All Rights Reserved. PRINT Image Matching is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.
• “PictBridge” allows the user to connect the printer and digital camera directly, using the unified standard for the direct printout of images. You can print images directly from the camera through a few simple operations.
This is a Class B product that complies with the standards of the Voluntary Control Council for Interfere nce by I nforma tio n Tech nolo gy Eq uipme nt (V CCI). In a domesti c environment, this prod uct may cause radio and television interference when used near radio and television receiving units, in which case the user may be req uired to take corrective actions. Read the Operating Manual and han dle properly.
• Illustrations and screens hots depicted in the Operating Manual may differ from the actual product and screen s.
Sufficient attention has been paid to the safety of this product but please pay particular attention to the warnings indicated by the following symbols during use.
• Do not attempt to take the camera apart or remodel the camera. High voltages are present within the camera, and there is therefore a danger of electric shocks.
• If the inside of the camera sho uld become exposed as a result of, for example, the camera being dropped , please do no t under a ny circ umstances touch such exp osed portions, as there is a danger of receiving an electric shock.
• Wrapping the strap of the camera around your neck is also dangerous, please take care that small children do not hang the strap around their necks.
• To avoid the risk o f it bein g swall owed by mistak e, k eep the S D Memo ry Card ou t of the reach of small children. Seek medical attention immediately if accidentally swallowed.
• Use an AC adapter that are of the powe r and voltage spec ified for exclusiv e use with this product. The use of an AC adapter other than that specified exclusively for use with this product may cause fire or electric shocks.
• If the camera emits smoke or a strange smell, or in the event of any othe r irregularit y, stop using the camera immediately, remove the battery or disconnect t he AC adapter and contact your nearest Pentax service center. Continue d use of the camera may result in fire or electric shock.
• Discontinue use of the AC adapter during thunderstorms. This can cause a fire or electrical s h ock.
This symbol indicates that it is possible that the user may experience serious difficulties if the warnings are not heeded.
This symbol indicates that it is possible that the user may experience minor or middling difficulties or physical difficulties if the warnings are not heeded.
• Never try to disassemble, short the bat tery. Also, do not dispose o f the batte ry in fire, as it may explode.
• Remove the battery from the camera immediately if it becomes hot or beg ins to smoke. Be careful not to burn yourself during removal.
• Some portions of the camera heat up during use, so please take care, as there is a risk of low temperature burns if such portions are held for long periods of time.
• Do not place your finger on the flash whe n it is d ischargin g as ther e is a risk of burns .
• If any of the battery leakage sho uld come in contact with your ey es, do not rub them. Flush your eyes with clean water and get medical attention immediately.
• If any of the battery leakage s hould come in contact with skin or clothes, wash the affected areas thoroughly with water.
Care to be Taken During Handling
• Do not clean the product with organic solvents such as thinner or alcohol benze ne.
• Places of high temperature and humidity should be avoided. Particular care should be taken regarding vehicles, which can become very hot inside.
• Storing the camera where pes ticides and chemicals a re handle d should be avoided. Remove from case and store in a well-vent ilated place to prevent the camera from becoming moldy during storage.
• Do not use the camera where it may come in contact with rain, water or any other liquid, because the camera is no t weather, water, or liquid resist ant. Should the camera get wet from rain , splashing wat er, or any ot her liquid, wipe it off immedia tely with a dry soft cloth.
• Ensure that the camera is not s ubjected to substantial vibr ations, sho cks or pressure . Place the camera on a cushion for protection when the camera is subjec ted to the vibrations of a motorbike, car, or ship, etc.
• The liquid crystal display will become black at temperatures of approximately 60°C (140°F) but will return to normal when normal temperatures are returned to.
• The response speed of the liquid cry stal displa y becomes slow at low temperature s. This is due to the properties of the liquid crystal and is not a fault .
• Remove dust from the lens and v i ewfinder using a blower or clean off dust using a lens brush.
• Periodic checks are recommended every 1 to 2 years in order to maintain high­performance.
• When the camera has not been used fo r a l ong time, confirm that it is still working properly, particularly pr ior to taking important pict ures (such as at a wedding or d uring travelling). Pentax is not responsible for consequential damages (costs incurred as a result of taking pictures , loss of benefits that were to be obtained through taking pictures) arising from failure of this product.
• If the camera is subjected to ra pid tempe rature change s, cond ensation may form on the inside and outside of the camera. Therefore put the camera in a bag or plastic bag, and take the camera out when the difference in temperature has subsided.
• The temperature range in which the camera can be used is 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F).
• Avoid contact with garbage, dirt, sand, dust, water, toxic gases, salt, etc. as this may cause damage to the camera. If rain or drops of water get onto the camera, please wipe dry.
• Refer to “Precautions When Using a SD Memory Card” (p.17) regarding the SD Memory Card.
• Be sure to use the rec hargeable lithiu m-ion batt ery D-LI 7 provide d for th is camera. If you use any other battery the c amera may be damaged or malfunction.
To users of this camera
• There is a possibility that recorded data may be erased or that the camera may not function correctly when used in surroundin gs such a s installat ions gen erating s trong electromagnetic radiation or magnetic fields.
• The liquid crystal panel used i n the LCD display is manufactured using extremely high precision technology. Although the level of functioning pi xels is 99.99% or better, you should be aware that 0.01% or fewer of the pixels may not i lluminate or may illuminate when they should not. However, t his has no effect on the recorded image.
• There is a possibility that the illustrat ions a nd the di splay scre en of t he LCD mon itor in this manual are different form the actual product.
FOR SAFE USE OF YOUR CAMERA .................................................... 1
Care to be Taken During Handling......................... .. ...............................2
Contents .................................................................................................. 4
Contents of the operating manual ........................................................... 7
Checking the Contents of the Package................................................... 8
Names of Parts........................................................................................ 9
Getting Started 11
Quick Start 24
Common Operations 30
Taking Pictures 38
Names of Operating Parts..................................................................... 10
Attaching the Strap.............................................................................11
Powering the Camera.........................................................................12
Charging the Battery ............................................................................. 12
Installing the Battery.............................................................................. 13
Using the AC Adapter (optional)............................................................ 15
Installing the SD Memory Card..........................................................16
Turning the Camera On and Off... ......................... ............................18
Play back Only Mode ............................................................................ 18
Adjusting the Viewfinder....................................................................19
Initial Settings.....................................................................................20
Setting the Display Language............................................. ................. .20
Setting the Home Town......................................................................... 21
Setting the D.S.T. Mode ........................................................................ 21
Setting the Date and Time........................................... ..........................22
Playing Back Images............................................................................. 26
Playing Back Previ o us o r Nex t Im ag e s .......... ... ................. ... .. .............. 27
Changing the Mode.............................................................................30
Using the Button Functions....................... ......................... ...............31
Capture Mode........................... ... .. ................. ... ... ................. .. ... ........... 31
Playback Mode...................................................................................... 33
Using the Menus.................................................................................34
How to Set the Menus........................................................................... 34
Menu List....................... .. ... ................. ... ... ................ ... ... ................. ... .. 36
Displaying Shooting In f o r m a t i on (Capture M o de ) ....................... .. ..38
Setting the Shooting Functions............ ............. ......................... .......40
Selecting the Focus Mode..................................................................... 40
Selecting the Flash Mode......... ................. .. ... ................. ... ... ................ 42
Selecting the Rec ord e d Pixe l s ............... ... ................ ... ... ................. ... .. 43
Selecting the Quality Levels.................................................................. 44
Adjusting the Color Balance according to Lighting (White Balance)
Changing the AF Area (Focusing Ar ea)................................................47
Setting the Light Meteri ng Range to Determine the Exposure
(AE Metering) ........................... ... .. ................. ... ... ................. .. ... ........... 48
Setting the Sensitivity ............................................................................ 49
........... 45
Setting the Instant Review time (Instant Review).................................. 50
Setting the Image Sharpness (Sharpness) ........................................... 50
Setting the Sensitivity ............................................................................ 50
Setting the Color Saturation (Saturation) ..............................................51
Setting the Image Contrast (Contrast)................................................... 51
Adjusting the Flash Output ........................ ................ ... ... ................. ... .. 52
Taking Pictures............... ............. ............ .......................... ............ .....53
Letting the Camera Set the Exposure (Program Mode).................... ....53
Setting the Aperture Value (Aperture-Priority Mode).............................54
Setting the Shutter Speed (Shutter-Priority Mode)................................55
Setting the Exposure Manually (Manual Exposure Mode)....................56
Using Preset Function Settings (User Mode)........................................ 58
Registering Functions in User Mode ..................................................... 59
Selecting the Picture Mode According to the Shooting Scen e (Picture
mode) ....................................................................................................60
Taking Panorama Pictures (Panorama Assist Mode)............................62
Taking Stereo Pictures (3D Image Mode) ............................................. 64
Recording Sound (Voice Recording Mode)........................................... 69
Taking Pictures with Digital Filters (Digital Filter Mode) ........................ 70
Taking Movie Pictures (Movie Picture Mode)........................................ 72
Using the Zoom.....................................................................................74
EV Compensation ................................................................................. 76
Using the Self-timer............................................................................... 77
Using the Remote Control Unit (optional).............................................. 78
Continuous Shooting............................................................................. 79
Taking Pictures at Fixed Intervals (Interval Shooting)........................... 80
Superimposing One Picture on Top of Another
(Multiple Exposu r e M od e ) .. ................. ... ... ................ ... ... ................. ... .. 82
Automatically Ch an g ing th e Sh o ot i ng Con d i tion s ( Au to br a cke t)..........84
Taking Fast Forward Movie Pictures (Fast Fwd Movie) ........................ 86
Saving the Settings (Memor y )...........................................................87
Saving the Menu Ite m s (Me m ory ) ....... ................. ... .. ................. ... ... .....87
Playback / Erasing 89
Playing Back Images and Sound.......................................................89
Playing Back Still Pi ct ur e s................ ... ... ... ................ ... ... ................. ... .. 89
Zoom Display ........................................................................................ 89
Adding a Voice Memo ........................................................................... 90
Playing Back Movie Pictures ................................................................. 91
Playing Back Sound .............................................................................. 92
Playing back Shooting Information (Playback Mode)............................ 93
Nine-image Disp l ay ....... ................ ... ... ................. ... .. ................. ... ... .....94
Slideshow .............................................................................................. 95
Erasing Images... ............ ............. ......................... ............. ............ .....96
Erasing a Single Image or Sound.......................................................... 96
Erasing All Images ........... .................. .. .................................................98
Protecting Ima g es fro m Del et ion (P r ot ec t) ........ ... ... ................ ... ... ........ 99
Viewing Images on a TV...................................................................100
Setting the Printi ng Se r vice (DPOF)............................... ............ .....101
Printing Single Image .......................................................................... 101
Printing All Images....... .. .....................................................................103
Printing Directly from the Camera Connected to a Printer...........104
Connecting the camera to the printer..................................................104
Printing one imag e at a tim e........................ ... ... ................. ... .............. 105
Printing using the printing service settings.......................................... 105
Disconnecting the camera from the printer..........................................106
Editing / Settings 107
Editing Images..................................................................................107
Changing the Image Size....................................................................107
Trimming Images........ ... .. ................. ... ... ................. .. ... ................. ... ... 109
Using Digital Filters to Edit Images...................................................... 110
Camera Settings...... ............ ...................................... ........................112
Formatting a SD Memory Card............................................................ 112
Changing the Sound Settings................................... ................ ...........113
Setting the Date Style.......................................................................... 115
Changing the Date / Time........................................ ................. ..........116
Setting the World Time........................................................................ 116
Changing the Start-up Screen............... ................................. .............118
Changing the Display Language...................... .. ................................ .119
Changing the Video Output Format.................. ................ ...................119
LCD Power Saving (Sleep Timeout)....................................................120
Setting Auto Power Off........................................................................ 120
Setting the Quick Delete Function....................................................... 121
Setting the Quick Zoom Function........................................................ 121
Registering Functions.......................................................................... 122
Adjusting the Focus Limit .................................................................... 124
Resetting to Default Settings (Reset) .................................................. 125
Setting the Alarm..............................................................................126
Checking the Alarm.............................................................................126
Setting the Alarm................................................................................. 126
Turning the Alarm Off .......................................................................... 127
Appendix 128
List of City Names......... ............. .................................................. .....128
List of Menu Default Settings ........... ............. ......................... .........129
Adjustable [Rec.Mode] Menu Items by Capture Mode ..................131
Main Specifications ..........................................................................136
Optional Accessories .......................................................................138
WARRANTY POLICY......................................... ................................139
Contents of the operating manual
This Operating manual contains the following chapters.
1 Getting Started ––– ––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––
This chapter explains what you need to do after purchasing the camera before you start taking pictures. Be sure to read it and follow the instructions
2 Quick Start–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This chapter explains the simplest way to take pictures and play back images. Use it if you want to start tak ing pictures s traightaway. It als o tells you how to u se the SD Memory Card.
3 Common Operations ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This chapter expl ain s co mmon oper at ions s uch a s the fun cti ons of th e mo de di al a nd buttons, and how t o use the menus. For more details, refer to the respective [Ta king Pictures] , [Playback/ E r asing] and [Ed i t i ng/Setting s ] chapters
4 Taking Pictures–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This chapter explains the various ways of capturing images and how to set the relevant functions.
5 Playback / Erasing ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This chapter explains how to play back images on the camera or on a TV and how to delete images.
6 Editing / Settings –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This chapter explains how to edit images and set the camera-related functions.
7 Appendix ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
This tells you about the messages displayed on t he LCD monitor and what to do in the event of trouble.
The meanings of the symbols used in this Operating manual are explained below.
E a b c
A d F G
indicates the reference page number for an explanation of the related operation.
indicates information that is useful to know. indicates precautions to be taken when operating the camera.
The icons above the title show the Capture modes, that can activate the function.
Checking the Contents of the Package
Optio 555
USB cable I-USB7 (∗)
3D Image Viewer
Digital Camera
Operating Manual
To ensure the best performance from your camera, please read the Operating Manual before using the camera.
Operating Manual
(this Manual)
About items marked with (∗) ∗ items marked with () are also available as optional accessories. For oth er optional
accessories, refer to the list on page 138.
Type of AC plug cord
D-CO2A Australia / D-CO2B United Kingdom / D-CO2E Europe / D-CO2H Hong Kong / D-CO2J Japan / D-CO2K Korea / D-CO2U North America, Canada
Lithium-ion battery D-LI7
Rechargeable (∗)
AV cable
I-AVC7 (∗)
Software (CD-ROM)
(PC Connection Manual)
Viewing Your Digital
Camera Images
On Your PC
Operating Manual
(PC Connection Manual)
Battery charger
D-BC7 (∗)
AC plug cord
D-CO2 (∗)
O-ST5 (∗)
Names of Parts
Shutter release button Shutter release button
Self-timer lamp Power switch Autofocus window
Speaker Viewfinder
Built-in flash Microphone
Viewfinder LCD monitor
Strap lug
Terminal cover
USB / AV output terminal
DC input terminal
Battery lock lever
Battery / card cover Tripod socket
Names of Operating Parts
Diopter adjustment lever
b/Z button
(/DPOF button
Power switch Shutter release button
Mode dial
f/y button
)/i button
Playback button
OK button
Four-way controller ( Display button Focus status lamp (green) Flash status lamp (red) Menu/Fn button
Guide indications
A guide to available button operation is displayed on the LCD monitor during operation. The buttons are indicated as shown below.
Zoom/f/y button
Four-way controller (2) 2
Four-way controller ( Four-way controller ( Four-way controller ( Menu/Fn button Shutter release button OK button
3) 3 DISPLA Y bu tton
(Only for digital zoom and magnified playback)
DPOF button
Z button
Getting Started
Attaching the Strap
Pass the narrow end of the strap through the strap lug and pass the other end through the loop.
Getting Started
Powering the Camera
Charging indicator
Getting Started
Battery charger
To power outlet
AC plug cord
Charging the Battery
When using the camera for the first time or when the [Battery depleted.] message is displayed, charge the battery.
1 Connect the AC plug cord to the battery charger. 2 Plug the AC plug cord into the power outlet. 3
Place the battery in the charger with the label facing up.
The charging indicator lights red while the battery is charging and changes to green when charging is completed.
4 When charging is completed, remove the battery from the
battery charger.
• The time required for full charge is about 180 minutes maximum. The appropriate ambient temperature range for charging the battery is 0°C-40°C (32°F to 104°F).
• The charging time may vary depending on the ambient temperature and charging conditions.
• When the battery reaches the end of its service life, the time that the camera can be operated becomes shor ter even when the battery is fully charged. In this event, replac e the battery.
• Always charge the battery after purchasing or when it has not been used for a long time.
• Use the Battery charger D-BC7 to charge the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery D-LI7 only as the charger may overheat or be damaged.
• If the battery is inserted correctly but the charging indicator fails to light, the battery may be faulty. Replace with a new battery.
Battery / card cover
Battery lock lever
Installing the Battery
Install the battery provided. When using the camera for the first time, charge the battery before installing.
1 Slide the battery / card cover i n the directio n indicate d by the
arrow to open the battery / card cover.
2 Insert the battery with the label faci ng to wa rds the l ens while
using the side of the ba ttery to p r ess the ba ttery loc k l eve r in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Check that it is firmly secured by the battery lock lever when you have inserted the battery.
3 Close the battery cover.
To remove the battery, release the battery by using your finger to press the battery lock lever in the same direction as when you inserted the battery, and pull the battery out.
Use of the AC adapter D-AC7 (op tional) is recommen ded when you inten d to use the camera continuously for a long period. (1 p.15)
• The rechargeable lithium-ion battery D-LI7 is exclusively for powering this camera. If you use any other ba ttery the camera may be damaged or malfunction.
• Do not remove the battery when the camera is turned on.
• If you do not intend to use the camera for a long time, remove the battery.
• If the camera is left without the battery for a long time, the date setting will be reset.
• Insert the battery correctly. If the battery is incorrectly oriented, it may cause malfunction.
Getting Started
!Approximate Operati ng Ti m e (w hen t h e D- LI 7 battery is fully
Number of recordable images : Approx. 400 (when 50% shooting uses flash,
LCD monitor ON)
Playback time : Approx. 210 min.
Getting Started
The description above is based on Pentax measuring conditions and may vary depending on capture mode and shooting conditions.
• Generally, battery perf ormanc e is t emp orarily deteri orat ed as temper at ure decreases. When the camera is used in a cold environment, keep this product warm by holding it in some protection against cold or inside the clothes.
• Battery performance once deteriorated due to low temperature will be recovered when the batteries ar e returned to room temperature.
!Battery Level Indicator
You can check the battery level by the symbol displayed on the LCD monitor.
(lit green) : Adequate power remains.
(lit green) : Battery is running low.
(lit yellow) : Battery is running very low.
(lit red) : Battery is exhausted.
[Battery depleted.] : After the message is displayed, the camera will turn off.
Terminal cover
AC adapter
AC plug cord
To power outlet
Using the AC Adapter (optional)
Use of the AC adapter D-AC7 (optional) is recommended if you intend to use the LCD monitor for a long time or connect the camera to a PC or printer.
1 Make sure that the camera is turned off and opening the
terminal cover.
2 Connect the DC terminal on the AC adapter to the DC input
terminal on the camera.
3 Connect the AC plug cord to the AC adapter. 4 Plug the AC plug cord into the power outlet.
• Make sure that the c amera is t urned o ff whe n c onnec ti ng o r di scon nect ing the AC adapter.
• Make sure that the AC plug cord an d connecting cord are inserted securely. If the cord becomes disconnected while you are taking pictures, the data may be lost.
• Be sure to read the ope rating manua l accompa nying th e AC adap ter when using the AC adapter D-AC7.
Getting Started
Installing the SD Memory Card
SD Memory Card
Battery / card cover
Getting Started
SD Memory Card can be used with this camera. Captured images or recorded voice are recorded on the SD Memory Card. Make sure that the camera is turned off before inserting or removing the SD Memory Card.
1 Open the battery / card cover.
Follow the steps described on p.15 to open the cover.
2 Rotate the card with the surface of the card having the 2
symbol facing towards the lens and with the pin-connector edge of the card towards the slot and insert fully until it clicks.
If the card is not inserted correctly, images and voice memos may not be recorded properly.
3 Close the battery / card cover.
To remove the card, eject the card by pressing it in the direction indicated by the arrow, and pull it out.
!Approximate Nu mber of Recordabl e Images and Reco rd ed pixels /
Quality levels
Quality levels
Recorded pixel
2592 × 1944 0 Approx. 4 Approx. 8 Approx. 14 2048 × 1536 Approx. 7 Approx. 12 Approx. 18 1600 × 1200 Approx. 11 Approx. 20 Approx. 27
1024 × 768 Approx. 25 Approx. 45 Approx. 56
640 × 480 Approx. 53 Approx. 82 Approx. 100
• The table indicates the number of images when using a 16MB SD Memory Card.
• The table is based on standard shooting conditions specified by PENTAX and may vary depending on the subject, shooting conditions, Capture mode, SD Memory Card, etc.
• As TIFF data is uncompressed, it cannot be stored on a 16MB SD Memory Card. Use a Card with a capacity of 32MB or more.
Movie images
(320 × 240)
voice recording
!Precautions When U s in g a SD M em or y C ar d
• Make sure that the camera is turne d off before opening the battery / c ard cover.
• The SD Memory Card is equipped with a write-protect switch. Setting the switch to [LOCK] protects the existing data by prohibiting recording of new data, deletion of existing data or formatting of the card.
• The SD Memory Card formatted by the other equipment than this camera cannot be used for PC, etc. Formatting must be done by this camera.
• Care should be taken if you remove the SD Memory Card immediately after using the camera, as the card may be hot.
• Do not remove the SD Memory Card or turn the camera off while data is being rec orded on t he card or trans ferred t o PC using USB cable as this may cause th e data to be los t or the card to be damaged.
• Do not bend the SD Memory Card or subj ect it to violent impact.
• Keep it away from water and store away from high temperature.
• Be sure to format unused SD Memory Card or SD Memory Card that have been used on another camera. Refer to “Formatting a SD Memory Card” (p.112) for instructions on formatting.
• Never remove the SD Memory Card during formatting as this may cause the card to be damaged and become unusable.
• The data on the SD Memory Card may be erased in the following circumstance s. Pentax does not accept any liability for data th at is erased.
• when the SD Memory Card is mishandled by the user.
• when the SD Memory Card is exposed to static electricity or electrical
• when the card has not been use d for a long time.
• when the card is ejected, the AC adapter is disconnected or the battery is
removed whi l e th e da ta on the card is bei n g accessed.
• The SD Memory Card has a limited se rvice life. If it is not used for a long time, the data on the card may become unreadable. Be sure to make a backup of important data on a PC.
• Avoid using or storing the card where it may be exposed to static electricity or electrical interferenc e.
• Avoid using or storing the card in direct sunlight or where it may be exposed to rapid changes in temperature or to condensation.
Write-protect switch
Getting Started
Turning the Camera On and Off
Power switch
Getting Started
Playback button
1 Press the power switch.
The camera will turn on. When the camera is turned on, the lens cover opens and the lens extends. Press the power switch again to turn the camera off.
Card Check
It automatically performs a card check when the camera is turned on. Memory Card has been inserted. And when the write-protect switch is set to LOCK, be displayed instead of cannot be recorded.
Play back Only Mode
Press the power switch while pressing the playback button, the playback only mode will be activated.
• If the camera is turned on by the pla yback only mode, the len s cannot be popped up.
• Turn off the camera and then turn it again to change from the playback only mode to shooting mode.
h appears on the LCD monitor if no SD
Y will
h, and the images or sound
Playing Back Sti l l Pictures 1 p.2 6.
Adjusting the Viewfinder
Diopter adjustment lever
You can adjust the diopter in the range of –3 m–1 to +1 m–1 (per meter) if the subject through the viewfinder are hard to see.
1 Aim the camera at the bright subject. While looking through
the viewfinder move the diopter adjustment lever to the left or right until the subject appears in the sharpest focus.
For easy adjustment, point the camera at a subject with clearly defined outlines.
Getting Started
Initial Settings
Power switch
Getting Started
Four-way controller OK button Display button
Menu button
If the initial settings screen appears when you turn the camera on, follow the procedure below to set the display language, Home Town, DST, and current date and time. If the date and time that appear at the bottom right of the LCD monitor when you turn the camera on for the first time is not the current time, follow the instructions for “Setting the Date and Time” (p.22) to set the correct date and time.
Setting the Display Language
You can choose the language in which the menus, error messages, etc. are displayed from the following: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Russian.
1 Turn the camera on. 2 Use the four-way controller (45) to
select the display language.
The default setting is English.
3 Press the four-way controller (3).
The screen for setting the city will be displayed.
Initial settings
City DST
You can change the setting after it has been made. Refer to “ Ch anging the Display Language” (p.119).
Setting the Home Town
You can choose the city (Home Town) in which you will use the camera.
1 Press the four-way controller (45) to
select the desired city (Home Town).
2 Press the four-way controller (3).
The screen for setting the D.S.T will be displayed.
Initial settings
City DST
• See p.128 for the list of cities and corresponding code names.
• You can change the setting after it has been made. Refer to “Setting the World Time” (p.116).
Setting the D.S.T. Mode
You can choose whether or not to display the
1 Use the four-way controller (45) to
Y or Z.
The default setting is Z (Off).
2 Press the OK button.
The screen for setting the Data and Time will be displayed.
You can change the setting after it has been made. Refer to “Setting the World Time” (p.116).
Y (Daylight Saving Time) mode.
Initial settings
City DST
Getting Started
Setting the Date and Time
Set the current date and time.
1 Use the four-way controller (23) to
Getting Started
change the month.
Date Adjust
10 / 01 / 2003
0 :
2 Press the four-way controller (5).
2 and 3 will be displayed above and below the
3 Use the four-way controller (23) to
change the day and press the four-way controller (
2 and 3 will be displayed above and below the
4 Repeat Step 3 to change the [year ]
[hour] and [minutes].
5 Use the Display button to select the 12-
hour or 24-hour display format.
Date Adjust
10 / 01 / 2003
0 :
Date Adjust
10 / 01 / 2003
0 :
Date Adjust
10 / 01 / 2003
0 : 00
Date Adjust
10 / 01 / 2003
11 :
19 PM
6 When you have finished the settings, press the OK button
when the clock reaches 00 seconds.
The camera is ready to take a picture. Press the OK button again after pressing the OK button when the clock reaches 00 seconds to return to Capture mode when you set date and time except the initial settings.
• For an accurate time setting, when you have finished the settings , press the OK button when the clock reaches 00 seconds.
• You can cancel the settings operation and switch to Capture mode by pressing the MENU / Fn button when the initial settings screen is displayed. If this is done, the initial settings screen will be displayed next time you turn the camera on.
• You can change the settings aft er they have been made. Refer to “Changing the Date / Time” (p.116).
Getting Started
Quick Start
Taking Still Pictures
Quick Start
Zoom /
LCD monitor
For the simplest procedure to take still pictures. The flash fires automatically depending on the light conditions.
f/y button
1 Press the power switch.
The camera will turn on.
2 Set the mode dial to A. 3 Confirm the subject and shooting
information on the LCD monitor.
The focus area in the middle of the LCD monitor indicates the zone of automatic focusing. You can change the size of the subject by pressing the Zoom button.
Shutter release button
Mode dial
Power switch
Focus Area
x : makes the subject bigger. w : makes the subject smaller.
You can check the size of the subject by looking through the viewfinder.
As there is no focus area in the viewfinder, be sure to check the focusing area on the LCD monitor.
4 Press the shutter release button.
The image will be displayed on the LCD monitor for 2 seconds (Instant Review) and recorded on the SD Memory Card. (The green and red lamps on the right of the viewfinder blink alternately while the image is being recorded on the SD Memory Card.)
Using the Shutter Release Button
The shutter release button works in a two-step action.
!Press halfway
The focus and exposure are locked when the shutter release button is pressed lightly (halfway). They remain locked while the button is pressed halfway, and the shutter speed and aperture are displayed on the LCD monitor. You can find the following information on the LCD monitor, the status lamp and the flash lamp.
1 Autofocus area
If the subject is in focus, the frame will light green. If the subject is out of focus, the frame will not appear.
2 Focus status lamp & Flash status lamp
status Focus status lamp (green) Flash status lamp (red) lit Subject is in focus Flash is charged blink Subject is out of focus Flash is charging
You cannot take a picture while the flash is charging. Use manual focus to take the picture when the image is not focused.
Focus manually. 1 p.41
!Pressed down fully
The picture is taken.
Instant Review
The Instant Review default setting is 2 seconds. During this time you can delete the image by pressing the selecting [Delete], and then pressing the OK button. To start recording a voice memo, press the OK button during Instant Review. Press the OK button again to stop recording.
i button (The [Delete] menu will be displayed.), and
Setting the Instant Review T i me 1 p. 50
Quick Start
Quick Start
Playing Back Still Pictures
Quick Start
LCD monitor
Playback button
Four-way controller
Playing Back Images
You can display the still picture.
1 Press the Playback button after taking a picture.
The image taken will be displayed on the LCD monitor.
To rotate the displayed image
The image will be rotated 90° clockwise each time your press the four-way controller (
• You cannot rotate movie pictu r es.
• You cannot rotate images while playing back a voice memo.
Playing Back Previous or Next Images
All images & sounds
Still images can be played back one at a time, proceeding either forward or backward.
1 Press the Playback button after taking a picture.
An image will be displayed on the LCD monitor.
2 Press the four-way controller (45).
displays the previous image.
displays the next image.
Erasing the image displayed on the LCD monitor
While the image is displayed, you can erase it by pressing the displayed.), press the four-way controller (
i button (The Delete screen will be
2) to select
[Delete], and then pressing the OK button. Press the Playback button or press the shutter release button halfway to return to shooting status.
• The camera turns on in Playbac k Only mode wh en you turn the came ra on while pressing the Playbac k button. As the lens does not extend in
Playback Only mode, this feature is useful when you want to pass the camera to someone and show them the picture you have just taken. Turn the camera off and then turn it on again to switch to the Capture mode.
• You can enlarge the image displ ayed on the LCD monitor by pressing th e Zoom /f/y button.
• When the screen is changed to the playback screen, the image with the largest file number will be displayed first.
• In the case of movie pictures, the first frame will be displayed.
• If there are no images stored , the [No image & sound] message will be displayed.
File No.
Delete Cancel
All images & sounds
All images & sounds
Quick Start
Zoom Displa y 1 p.89 Adding a Voice Memo 1 p.90
Quick Start
How to View the Recorded Images
Images taken with the Optio 555 camera are recorded on the SD Memory Card. You can view the images recorded on the card on the camera itself, transfer them to your PC and print them out.
Quick Start
Viewing images on the camera
One of the advantages of a digital camera is that it enables you to view your pictures immediately after you have taken them. You can check the composition and focus and take the picture again if you are not satisfied.
Playing Back Sti l l Pictures 1 p.8 9
Viewing images on a TV
If you want to show your pictures to friends, you can display them on your TV monitor. Connect the camera to the TV with the AV cable to view images on your TV.
Viewing Images on a TV 1 p.100
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