Penske Racing Shocks 8760 User Manual

Adjustable Shocks Technical Manual
8100, 8660, 8760 Series
Main Office
150 Franklin St. • P.O. Box 1056
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T able of Contents Page
8100 Series Shock
Parts List ............................................................................................... 2
Damper Specifications and Part Lengths.............................................. 3
8760 Series Shock
Parts List ............................................................................................... 4
Damper Specifications and Part Lengths.............................................. 5
8100 Series Compression Adjuster
Parts List ............................................................................................... 6
Operational Guide ................................................................................. 7
8660 Series Compression Adjuster
Parts List ............................................................................................... 8
Operational Guide ................................................................................. 9
8760 Series Compression Adjuster
Parts List ............................................................................................... 10
Operational Guide ................................................................................. 11
Disassembly / Assembly Instructions ..................................................... 13
Suggested Maintenance ........................................................................... 14
Trouble Shooting ....................................................................................... 14
General Valving Characteristics............................................................. 15
A Guide To Damper Tuning................................................................... 16
Basic Start-up Procedure...................................................................... 17
Valve S tacks.......................................................................................... 18
VDP and Digressive V alving Information Options.................................. 19
VDP 55mm Linear Base Shim .............................................................. 19
Preload Shim Spacers........................................................................... 19
Flow Rate Through Multiple Bleed Holes .............................................. 20
Piston Selection .................................................................................... 21
Linear Piston ......................................................................................... 22
Digressive Piston................................................................................... 23
Velocity Dependent Piston (VDP) ......................................................... 24
Damping Adjustments........................................................................... 26
REV: 3/27/01 #5
Dyno Graph Overview ............................................................................... 28
Notes ........................................................................................................... 32
8100 Series Parts List
Aluminum Coil-over
Double Adjustable
1 BD-81__* Body, Aluminum Coil-over (10.0" - 24.0") 2 RH-812__* Ride Height Adjuster, 8100, (2.25" or 2.50") 3 OR-2221-B O-Ring, 2-221, Buna 70 4 HO-87__* Hose (4" - 36" in 1" increments) 5 FT-__* Fitting, (45o or 90o), 1/8" NPT 6 BC-81__* Body Cap, 8100, (0o, 45o, 90o, 135o) 7 MO-8T Mono Ball, .500 ID, Teflon
MO-15T Monoball, 15mm ID, Teflon
8 RR-16 Retaining Ring, 1.025 Spiroloc
JT-76RD Jet, Rebound Complete
9 RR-05 Retaining Ring, .250 Internal 10 JT-76HAT Jet, Top Hat 11 SP-15 Spring, (FF71) 12 JT-76POP Jet, Poppet 13 JT-RDHSNG Jet, Rebound, Straight Thru 14 NE-76 Needle 15 OR-2007-B O-Ring, 2-007, Buna 70 16 MR-8100 Metering Rod 17 NT-02R Ring Nut, .500 x 20
(Includes Items 9-13)
18 VS-__* Valve S tack 19 PB-55 Piston Band, 55mm 20 PI-____* Piston 21 OR-2028-B O-Ring, 2-028, Buna 70 22 VW-99 Top Out Plate, 1.375 x .500
23 BU-10DU10 Bushing, DU .625 x .625 24 OR-2221-B O-Ring, 2-221, Buna 70 25 SB-765 Shaft Bearing, 55mm 26 OR-21 14-V O-Ring, 2-114, Viton 75 27 SL-09 Shaft W iper, .625 Poly (Blue) 28 OR-2312-B O-Ring, 2-312, Buna 70 29 SH-_____* Shaft, Adjustable, (10.0" - 24.0") 30 RS-81 Rebound Screw, Adjustable Shaft 31 OR-2008-B O-Ring, 2-008, Buna 70 32 SR-812__* Spring Retainer, 8100, (2.25" or 2.50") 33 NT-04J Jam Nut, .625 x 18 34 EY - 81 160 Eyelet, 1.60 Sweep, 0
See Pages 6 and 7 for 8100 Series Adjuster. * Incomplete Part Number
AS-76SB Assembly, Shaft Bearing Complete
EY -81 1690 Eyelet, 1.60 Sweep, 90 EY -81200 Eyelet, 2.00 Sweep, 0 EY -81230 Eyelet, 2.30 Sweep, 0
(Includes Items 23-27)
o o o
8100 Damper Specifications
10.0 2.125 6.075
10.5 2.375 6.325
11.0 2.625 6.575
11.5 2.875 6.825
12.0 3.125 7.075
12.5 3.375 7.325
13.0 3.625 7.575
13.5 3.875 7.825
14.0 4.125 8.075
14.5 4.375 8.325
15.0 4.625 8.575
15.5 4.875 8.825
8100 Series Part Lengths
SH-___A BD-81___
Part Shock Shaft Metering Body
Suffix Size Length Rod Length Length
100 10.0” 5.625 1.750 4.275 105 10.5” 5.875 2.000 4.525 110 11.0” 6.125 2.250 4.775 115 11.5” 6.375 2.500 5.025 120 12.0” 6.625 2.750 5.275 125 12.5” 6.875 3.000 5.525 130 13.0” 7.125 3.250 5.775 135 13.5” 7.375 3.500 6.025 140 14.0” 7.625 3.750 6.275 145 14.5” 7.875 4.000 6.525 150 15.0” 8.125 4.250 6.775 155 15.5” 8.375 4.500 7.025 160 16.0” 8.625 4.750 7.275 175 17.5” 9.375 5.500 8.025 180 18.0” 9.625 5.750 8.275 200 20.0” 10.500 6.625 9.400 220 22.0” 11.500 7.625 10.400 240 24.0” 12.500 8.625 11.400
16.0 5.125 9.075
17.5 5.875 9.875
18.0 6.125 10.075
20.0 7.125 11.075
24.0 9.125 13.075
1.6 (0o or 90o) (std.)
2.0 (0o)
2.3 (0o)
8760 Series Parts List
8760 Aluminum Coil-over (Piggyback)
8760 Aluminum Coil-over (Remote Reservoir)
1 SR-762__* Spring Retainer, 8760, (2.00", 2.25" or 2.50")
AS-76EY__* Assembly, 8760 Eyelet Complete (2.1”, 2.3”,2.6”)
2 RR-10 Retaining Ring, .875 Spiroloc 3 MO-8T20 Monoball, .500 ID x .875 OD 4 DO-09 Dowel Pin, 1/8" x 1 1/8" 5 EY-76__* Eyelet, 8760, (2.10", 2.30", or 2.60") 6 OR-2017-B O-Ring, 2-017, Buna 70 7 KN-76RD Knob, Rebound Adjuster 8 CP-76RD Cap, Rebound Adjuster
9 DO-06 Dowel Pin, 1/16" x 3/8" 10 SR-76SRM Spring Retainer, 8760, Mount 11 NT-12J Jam Nut, .562 x 18 12 SH-76___* Shaft, 8760, (10.0" - 24.0") 13 OR-2312-B O-Ring, 2-312, Buna 70
AS-76SB__* Assembly, 8760 Shaft Bearing (45mm, 55mm)
14 SL-09 Shaft W iper, .625 Poly (Blue) 15 OR-21 14-V O-Ring, 2-114, Viton 75 16 SB-76_ Shaft Bearing, 8760, (45mm or 55mm) 17 OR-2221-B O-Ring, 2-221, Buna 70 (55mm)
OR-2219-B O-Ring, 2-219, Buna 70 (45mm) 18 BU-10DU10 Bushing, DU .625 x .625 19 VW-99 Top Out Plate, 1.375 x .500 20 VS-___* Valve Stack 21 OR-2025-B O-Ring, 2-025, Buna 70 (45mm)
OR-2028-B O-Ring, 2-028, Buna 70 (55mm) 22 PI-____* Piston 23 PB-___* Piston Band, (45mm or 55mm) 24 VS-___* Valve Stack 25 NT-02R Ring Nut, .500 x 20 26 MR-8760 Metering Rod
(Includes Items 2-8)
(Includes Items 14-18)
27 OR-2007-B O-Ring, 2-007, Buna 70 28 NE-76 Needle
29 JT-RDHSNG Jet, Rebound, Straight Thru 30 JT-76POP Jet, Poppet 31 SP-15 Spring, (FF71) 32 JT-76HAT Jet, Top Hat 33 RR-05 Retaining Ring, .250 Internal 34 RH-762__* Ride Height Adjuster, 8760, (2.00", 2.25" or 2.50") 35 BD-76___* Body, 8760, (55mm, 10.0" - 24.0")
36 OR-2136-B O-Ring, 2-136, Buna 70 (55mm)
37 HG-76PB___* Housing, Piggyback, (45mm or 55mm)
38 BC-76___* Body Cap,8760, (45mm or 55mm)
39 HO-87__* Hose (4" - 36" in 1" increments) 40 FT-__* Fitting, (45o or 90o), 1/8" NPT 41 OR-2222-B O-Ring, 2-222, Buna 70 42 RB-76_* Reservoir Body, 8760, (4.00", 5.00" or 6.00") 43 PI-76 Piston, Floating, 1.75 Diameter 44 OR-4222-B Quad Ring, 4-222, B-70 45 SL-87 Seal, Dowty 46 SC-18 Screw, SHCS, 4-40 x 1/4" 47 CP-76 Cap, Reservoir Port O-Ring 48 RR-06 Wire Ring, .0625 Wire Diameter x 1.900
49 OR-2010-B O-Ring, 2-010, Buna 70 50 IU-20-A Air Valve, Port O-Ring, Aluminum
See Pages 8-11 for 8660 and 8760 Series Adjuster. * Incomplete Part Number
JT-76RD Jet, Rebound Complete
OR-2133-B O-Rint, 2-133, Buna 70 (45mm)
CO-76____* Collar, Body, (45mm or 55mm)
BC-76E___* Body Cap, 8760, Extended (.250”,.500”,1.00”) 55mm
AS-76RESCAP Assembly, 8760 Reservoir Cap
IU-04 Valve Core, 2000 psi IU-06 Valve Cap, High Temperature
(Includes Items 29-33)
(Includes Items 47, 41, 49, 50)
(45mm, 10.0" - 13.5")
8760 Series Damper Specifications
45mm (1.87 OD) = 2.00” ID
Spring Hardware
55mm (2.06 OD) = 2.25” or 2.50” ID
Spring Hardware
10.0 1.875 5.850
10.5 2.125 6.100 1 1.0 2.375 6.350 1 1.5 2.625 6.600
12.0 2.875 6.850
12.5 3.125 7.100
Eye to Eye
Body Length
13.0 3.375 7.350
13.5* 3.625 7.600
14.0 3.875 7.850
14.5 4.125 8.100
15.0 4.375 8.350
15.5 4.625 8.600
Dim “E”
16.0 4.875 8.850
17.5 5.625 9.600
18.0 5.875 9.850
20.0 6.875 10.850
Reservoir Length
22.0 7.875 11.850
24.0 8.875 12.850
2.277 for 2.100 Eyelet (std.)
2.477 for 2.300 Eyelet
2.777 for 2.600 Eyelet
* 13.5 (DIM “A”) max for 45mm
8760 Series Part Lengths
SH-76___ BD-76___
Part Overall Shaft Metering Body
Suffix Length Length Rod Length Length
100 10.0” 5.250 2.525 3.915 105 10.5” 5.550 2.775 4.165 110 11.0” 5.750 3.025 4.415 115 11.5” 6.000 3.275 4.665 120 12.0” 6.250 3.525 4.915 125 12.5” 6.500 3.775 5.165 130 13.0” 6.750 4.025 5.415 135 13.5” 7.000 4.275 5.665 140 14.0” 7.250 4.525 5.915 145 14.5” 7.500 4.775 6.165 150 15.0” 7.750 5.025 6.415 155 15.5” 8.000 5.275 6.665 160 16.0” 8.250 5.525 6.915 175 17.5” 9.000 6.275 7.665 180 18.0” 9.250 6.525 7.915 200 20.0” 10.250 7.525 8.915 220 22.0” 11.250 8.525 9.915 240 24.0” 12.250 9.525 10.915
8100 Series Compression Adjuster Parts List
8100 Series CD Adjuster Option
Available in 5.5" and 7" Body Lengths
1 IU-22-S Air Valve, Port O-Ring, Steel
IU-04 Valve Core, 2000 psi
IU-06 Valve Cap, High Temperature
OR-2010 O-Ring, 2-010, Buna 70
2 RR-06 Wire Ring, .0625 Wire Diameter x 1.900 3 CP-81R Cap, 8100 Reservoir 4 OR-2221-B O-Ring, 2-221, Buna 70 5 PB-55 Piston Band, 55mm 6 PI-81R Piston, Reservoir 1.72 Diameter 7 OR-2323-M O-Ring, 2-323, Moly 70 8 RB-81__* Reservoir Body, 8100, (5.50" or 7.00") 9 SC-24 Screw, SHCS, 10-24 x 3/8"
10 VW-03 Washer, V alve, .635 x .015 x .191
11 DO-04 Dowel Pin, 3/32" x 3/4"
12 BA-250-ST Ball, Steel - 1/4" 13 SP-10 Spring, (TA2086) 14 HO-87__* Hose (4" - 36" in 1" increments)
15 SC-02 Screw, Socket Set, 8/32" x 3/8" 16 KN-81 Knob, CD 8100 17 RR-02 Retaining Ring, .250 External 18 SC-08 Screw, Socket Set, 8-32 x 1/8" 19 SP-14 Spring, (A109) 20 BA-125-ST Ball, Steel - 1/8" 21 HG-81D Housing, CD 8100 Dished 22 OR-2006-B O-Ring, 2-006, Buna 70 23 DR-81 Drum, CD 8100 24 OR-2013-B O-Ring, 2-013, Buna 70
* Incomplete Part Number
AS-81UD Assembly, Update 8100 CD Adj with Knob
(Includes Items 4, 9-13, 15-24)
8100 Series Compression Adjuster
Figure 1
Figure 2
The 8100 compression adjuster is located in the remote reservoir assembly. The remote reservoir serves as an extension of the shock absorbers vital elements: oil and nitrogen. The remote reservoir theory allows for the use of increased volumes of oil and nitrogen while allowing for smaller shock packaging. Increased nitrogen volume is essential for consistent damping forces throughout a long race and extreme conditions.
In the compression mode of the shock absorber, fluid is forced into the remote reservoir in direct proportion to the area of the shaft entering the shock body. As fluid enters the reservoir, it must pass through the compression adjuster. Inside the compression adjuster is the CD drum. The CD drum has (6) settings, numbered (1-6), with number one setting (the largest hole) being full soft and number six (the smallest hole) being full firm. As fluid is forced through the CD drum (Figure 1), it is metered through one of the preassigned orifices in the drum; it then enters the reservoir body,moving the floating piston. The floating piston is designed to separate the fluid and nitrogen, eliminating any chance of aeration.
In the event of high speed shaft velocities, fluid passing through the hole in the CD drum could pack-up, causing an increase in damping forces, due to the fact that fluid can no longer pass through the hole. In this event, the fluid forces open the blow-off valve (Figure 2). The blow-off valve makes a more linear damping curve.
Note: The remote compression adjuster is a fine tuning device for the main valving located inside the shock absorber.
8660 Series Compression Adjuster Parts List
10 VW-01-C Crush Washer, .25 ID, Copper 11 PI-76CD Piston, Compression Adjuster 12 OR-2013-B O-Ring, 2-013, Buna 70 13 DO-06 Dowel Pin, 1/16" x 3/8" 14 BA-187-ST Ball, Steel - 3/16"
Available in 4", 5", and 6" Body Lengths
1 RR-12 Retaining Ring, .343 External 2 CA-92 Cage, CD Clasp .343 Diameter 3 RR-12 Retaining Ring, .343 External 4 CA-90 Cage, CD Top Hat .343 Diameter 5 VW-91 Washer , Valve, 1.475 x .010
VW-88 Washer, V alve, 1.350 x .008
VW-66 Washer, V alve, 1.200 x .006
VW-44 Washer, V alve, 1.050 x .004
VW-28 Washer, V alve, .900 x .008
VW-30 Washer, V alve, .900 x .010
VW-38 Washer, V alve, .900 x .020
6 CA-76CD Cage, Compression Adjuster 7 SC-76INS Screw, Piston Insert 8 VW-70 Washer , Valve, 1.200 x .010 9 SC-06 Screw, SHCS, 1/4" -20 x 3/4"
8660 Series Adjuster Option
15 SP-16 Spring, (1460) 16 OR-2222-B O-Ring, 2-222, Buna 70 17 OR-2028-B O-Ring, 2-028, Buna 70 18 HG-76____* Housing, 8760, (Side Entry or Top Entry) 19 SP-14 Spring, (A109) 20 BA-125-ST Ball, Steel - 1/8" 21 OR-2013-B O-Ring, 2-013, Buna 70 22 SC-08 Screw, Socket Set, 8/32" x 1/8" 23 OR-2010-B O-Ring, 2-010, Buna 70 24 SH-86CD Shaft, CD High Speed 25 HO-87___* Hose (4" - 36" in 1" increments) 26 RB-76___* Reservoir Body, 8760, (4.00", 5.00" or 6.00") 27 PI-76 Piston, Floating 1.75 Diameter 28 OR-4222-B Quad Ring, 4-222, Buna 70 29 SL-87 Seal, Dowty 30 SC-18 Screw, SHCS, 4 - 40 x 1/4" 31 CP-76 Cap, Reservoir Port O-Ring 32 RR-06 Wire Ring, .0625 Wire Diameter x 1.900 33 OR-2010-B O-Ring, 2-010, Buna 70 34 IU-20-A Air Valve, Port O-Ring, Aluminum
* Incomplete Part Number
IU-04 Valve Core, 2000 psi IU-06 Valve Cap, High Temperature
8660 Series Compression Adjuster
Fixed Low Speed Bleed Circuit
High Speed Flow Circuit
Compression Adjuster
In the state of low shaft velocities (i.e. corner entry, exit, and power down), oil is displaced within the damper in direct proportion to the volume of the shaft entering the body. The displaced fluid passes through the compres­sion adjuster where it is metered through a fixed, low speed bleed orifice. Due to the small diameter of this orifice and the viscosity of the damper fluid, a pressure loss occurs across the orifice. This loss of pressure is a loss of energy in the fluid due to friction and the subsequent opposing damping force is generated.
As the shaft velocities increase, the same amount of fluid must pass through the low speed bleed orifice, but at a much higher rate. The viscosity of the fluid causes a greater resistance to flow at the orifice entrance which in turn produces a large internal force on the CD housing. The other major internal components, namely the piston and shim cage, are designed to handle this extra force by allowing the shims to “blow off” proportionally to the extra force generated, much like a coil spring compresses proportionally to the axial load applied. With this arrangement, the low speed bleed orifice still meters fluid during high speed shaft movements, but the extra forces generated are handled with the shims which have less resistance to flow at higher velocities. They are designed to virtually bypass the low speed orifice and form a new fluid circuit. The force at which this occurs can be varied by turning the compression adjuster in or out, which preloads the shims. Therefore, as the preload on the shims increases, the static force required for them to activate is increased as well. The name designation for the parts also clue one in to their purpose, with the low speed bleed orifice handling low velocity bleed flows and the piston/shim arrangement handling high velocity flows. This principle originated in the main shaft piston/ shim arrangement and follows similar behavior.
NOTE: When making adjustments, use the full soft setting (adjuster wound all the way in against the reservoir body) as a starting point when counting the number of “clicks” to the desired setting. The full soft setting should correspond to a clicker number designation of 0. This starting datum has been proven to be most reliable and repeatable when making compression adjustments. There are 22 +/- clicks of adjustment.
8760 Series Compression Adjuster Parts List
10 VW-01-C Crush Washer, .25 ID, Copper 11 PI-76CD Piston, Compression Adjuster 12 OR-2013-B O-Ring, 2-013, Buna 70 13 DO-06 Dowel Pin, 1/16" x 3/8" 14 BA-187-ST Ball, Steel - 3/16" 15 SP-16 Spring, (1460) 16 OR-2222-B O-Ring, 2-222, Buna 70 17 OR-2028-B O-Ring, 2-028, Buna 70
Available in 4", 5", and 6" Body Lengths
1 J T -76CDSH Jet, High Speed Shaft 2 RR-12 Retaining Ring, .343 External 3 CA-92 Cage, CD Clasp .343 Diameter 4 CA-90 Cage, CD Top Hat .343 Diameter 5 VW-91 Washer , Valve, 1.475 x .010
VW-88 Washer, V alve, 1.350 x .008
VW-66 Washer, V alve, 1.200 x .006
VW-44 Washer, V alve, 1.050 x .004
VW-28 Washer, V alve, .900 x .008
VW-30 Washer, V alve, .900 x .010
VW-38 Washer, V alve, .900 x .020
6 CA-76CD Cage, Compression Adjuster 7 SC-76INS Screw, Piston Insert 8 VW-70 Washer , Valve, 1.200 x .010 9 SC-06 Screw, SHCS, 1/4" -20 x 3/4"
8760 Series Adjuster Option
18 HG-76____* Housing, 8760, (Side Entry or Top Entry) 19 SP-14 Spring, (A109) 20 BA-125-ST Ball, Steel - 1/8" 21 OR-2013-B O-Ring, 2-013, Buna 70 22 SC-08 Screw, Socket Set, 8/32" x 1/8" 23 OR-2010-B O-Ring, 2-010, Buna 70 24 SH-76CD12 Shaft, CD High Speed 12pt 25 DO-18 Roll Pin, 1/16" x 1/2" 26 OR-2004-B O-Ring, 2-004, Buna 70 27 SC-76CDLS Screw, CD Low Speed 28 BA-093-ST Ball, Steel - 3/32" 29 SP-12 Spring, (3648) 30 HO-87__* Hose (4" - 36", in 1" increments) 31 RB-76__* Reservoir Body, 8760, (4.00", 5.00", or 6.00") 32 PI-76 Piston, Floating 1.75 Diameter 33 OR-4222-B Quad Ring, 4-222, Buna 70 34 SL-87 Seal, Dowty 35 SC-18 Screw, SHCS, 4 - 40 x 1/4" 36 CP-76 Cap, Reservoir Port O-Ring 37 RR-06 Wire Ring, .0625 Wire Diameter x 1.900 38 OR-2010-B O-Ring, 2-010, Buna 70 39 IU-20-A Air Valve, Port O-Ring, Aluminum
* Incomplete Part Number
IU-04 Valve Core, 2000 psi IU-06 Valve Cap, High Temperature
+ 22 hidden pages