Peavey PV 115 Specifications

The PV 115 is a two-way speaker system based on a 15" heavy duty woofer and an RX14
titanium diaphragm dynamic compression driver mounted on a 60˚ x 40˚ coverage constant-directivity horn. The lightweight-yet-rugged, carpet-covered trapezoidal enclosure with stand­mount cup facilitates portable use for live music or speech sound reinforcement, as well as music playback. A full-length, black powder­coated steel grille provides driver protection and a professional appearance.
The PV 115 speaker system is rated at 400 Watts program power handling, and the full crossover network includes tweeter protection for clear, punchy sound and excellent long-term reliability. Two 1/4" phone jack input connectors make hook-up a breeze.
• Two-way sound reinforcement enclosure
• Peavey exclusive, heavy duty woofers with 2.375" voice coil
• RX14 titanium diaphragm compression driver with a 1.4" titanium diaphragm
• Tweeter protection
• 400 Watts program/800 Watts peak power handling
• Heavy duty crossover network for driver protection and EQ
• Lightweight trapezoidal enclosure
• 60˚ x 40˚ coverage constant­directivity horn for better off-axis tonality
• High quality, heavy duty carpet covering
• Steel handles
• Steel corners
• Rugged dado and rabbet construction for lightweight-but­strong joinery
• T-Nut speaker mounting
• Heavy duty, full-length steel grille
• Pole mount
FFrreeqquueennccyy rraannggee ((--1100 ddBB,, hhaallff ssppaaccee))::
46 Hz to 21 kHz
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee ((±± 33 ddBB,, hhaallff ssppaaccee))::
66 Hz to 17 kHz
SSeennssiittiivviittyy ((11ww//11mm))::
95 dB
PPoowweerr rraattiinngg ((pprrooggrraamm))::
400 Watts
PPeeaakk ppoowweerr ccaappaacciittyy ((ppeeaakk))::
800 Watts
MMaaxxiimmuumm SSPPLL::
118 dB
TTrraannssdduucceerr ccoommpplleemmeenntt::
Peavey heavy duty 15" premium woofer, RX14 1.4" titanium diaphragm dynamic compression driver on a 60˚ x 40˚ coverage constant directivity horn
DDrriivveerr pprrootteeccttiioonn::
Positive temperature coefficient resistor
NNoommiinnaall ccoovveerraaggee ppaatttteerrnn::
60˚ x 40˚
EElleeccttrroo--aaccoouussttiicc ccrroossssoovveerr ffrreeqquueennccyy::
2.8 kHz
NNoommiinnaall iimmppeeddaannccee::
8 Ohms
IInnppuutt ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss::
Two 1/4" phone jacks in parallel
EEnncclloossuurree mmaatteerriiaallss && ffiinniisshh::
Trapezoidal, black carpet-covered enclosure with dado-joined 1/2" MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and a full-length, black powder­coated steel grille
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
31.75" x 18.38" x 14.25"
80.06 cm x 46.7 cm x 36.2 cm
31.75" x 11.25" x 14.25"
80.06 cm x 28.6 cm x 36.2 cm
53 lbs. (24.1 kg)
MMoouunnttiinngg oorr ssuussppeennssiioonn::
1-3/8" pole-mount cup for stand mounting
33 ++ 22 YYEEAARR LLIIMMIITTEEDD WWAARRRRAANNTTYY NNOOTTEE:: For details, refer to the warranty statement. Copies of this statement may be obtained by contacting Peavey Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian, MS 39301-2898.
Features and specifications subject to change without notice.
Peavey Electronics Corporation • 711 A Street • Meridian • MS • 39301 • (601) 483-5365 • FAX (601) 486-1278 •
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