Back-electret condenser
PPiicckkuupp ppaatttteerrnn::
(or cardioid in half space)
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee::
50 Hz to 20 kHz
-35 dBV/Pa
RRaatteedd iimmppeeddaannccee::
50 Ohms
MMiinniimmuumm llooaadd iimmppeeddaannccee::
1k Ohms
MMaaxxiimmuumm SSPPLL::
130 dB
SS//NN rraattiioo::
68 dB
DDyynnaammiicc rraannggee::
106 dB
PPoowweerr ssuuppppllyy::
9~52 VDC
CCuurrrreenntt ccoonnssuummppttiioonn::
5 mA
length 4.33" (110mm) x
width 3.07" (78mm) x
height 0.94" (24mm)
NNeett wweeiigghhtt::
6.35 oz. (180 g)
• Back-electret condenser
• Unidirectional (half-cardioid
above boundary)
• Compact, low profile design
• Rugged construction
• Shock-absorbing mounting
pad, quiet operation
• Black non-reflecting finish
• Detachable cable
• Operational from 9 to 52 VDC
phantom power source
Specifically designed for a low
profile, surface-mounted
configuration, the PSM 3 is ideally
suited for stage performances as
well as video conferencing and
other boundary applications. The
PSM 3 contains a wide range of
unidirectional condenser capsules
mounted in its rugged housing,
allowing it to become part of the
acoustical boundary when placed
on a flat, reflective surface.
When a conventional microphone is
used near a large, reflecting
surface, the sound reflected from
the surface reaches the capsule at
a slightly different time than that of
the direct source.
Depending on the distance and the
frequency, the reflected sound may
either add to or subtract from the
direct source, resulting in a number
of peaks and dips in the output
response. This is also referred to as
Comb Filter Effect and can seriously
degrade the reproduced sound.
When the PSM 3 is placed on the
reflecting surface, it becomes part
of the reflecting boundary and the
interior reflections are eliminated.
The results are a cleaner, smoother,
more natural sound.
Another advantage to using the
PSM 3 in surface mounted (or
boundary layer) operation is that
the sound pressure at the surface
is approximately twice the value as
it would be in free space (no
reflective surfaces). This results in a
6 dB increase in output level and
an added 6 dB of signal-to-noise
With a unidirectiona,l surfacemounted microphone such as the
PSM 3, there is also a 3 dB
improvement in directivity, which
helps both feedback rejection and a
control of unwanted sound.
The low profile, rugged construction
and excellent performance of the PSM
3 make it ideally suited for any sound
reinforcement, recording or
video/teleconferencing in which a
unidirectional surface microphone
would be an advantage: in footlight
areas or news desks, on church altars
or conference tables, placed inside
grand pianos or in front of instrument
For optimum sound reproduction with
the PSM 3 (or any similar
microphone), several important
factors must be recognized:
1) The low frequency performance is
directly related to the size and shape
of the reflecting surface (i.e., the
larger the surface, the better the low
frequency reproduction). For full music
reproduction, the sides of the surface
should be at least 10'. For good
speech performance, the surface
could be as short as 3'.
2) For best results, the surface must
be acoustically reflective. Adequate
results cannot be achieved with
carpeted or padded surfaces.
3) The optimum working angle
between the source and the mounting
surface is from approximately 10° to
60°. Under no circumstances should
the source be below the reflective or
mounting surface.
The microphone shall be a back-electret
condenser type so constructed that is
becomes part of the acoustic boundary
when placed on a reflecting surface.
The frequency response shall be 50 Hz
to 20 kHz when used on an infinite
boundary. The pickup pattern shall be
half-cardioid (or cardioid in half space)
with rear response typically down 20 dB
or greater. The microphone shall have
an output level of -35 dBV and nominal
impedance is 500 Ohms. This
microphone shall have a non-reflecting,
low gloss black finish. The microphone
shall include an interfacing cable 10'
(3.12 m) in length with a Q-G (TA3F) on
one end and XLR microphone connector
on the other.
The microphone shall be 4.33" (110
mm) in length, 3.07" (78 mm) wide and
0.94" (24 mm) in height, and shall
weigh 6.35 oz. (180 g). The microphone
shall operate properly with any 9-52
volt phantom power supply. The
microphone shall be a Peavey PSM 3.
For details. refer to the
warranty statement. For copies of this
statement, contact Peavey Electronics
Corporation, at P.O Box 2898,
Meridian, Mississippi 39301-2898, or
go online to www.peavey.com.