Paxar 9401, 9402 User Manual

Monarch Marking Systems
Monarch 9401®/9402
Memory Card
Operator’s Handbook
Each product and program carries a respective w r i tten warranty, the only warranty on which the c ustomer can rely. Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the product and the programs and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide complete and accurate information in this manual, Monarch shall not be liable for any omi ssions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a later edition of this manual.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim its for a Class A di gi tal device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC R ul es. These limits are des ig ned t o provide reasonabl e pr otection against harmful interfere nce w hen the equipment is op er ated in a commercial environment . This equi pm ent generates, use s, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not instal l ed and used in accordan ce with the instructi on m anual, may cause harm ful interference to r adi o communicat i ons. O peration of this equipm ent in a residential ar ea i s likely to cause harmf ul interfe ren c e in whic h case the user will be required to cor rect the interfe re nce at his own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for r adio noise emissi ons f rom digital apparat us set out in the Radio Int erference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appa reil numérique n’ém et pas de bruits radioéle ct riques dépassant les lim i tes applicables aux appareils numérique s de l a classe A prescrites da ns le Réglement sur l e brouillage radi oél ectrique édicte par le mi nistère des Communi cations du Canada.
The power cord is intended to serve as the disconnect devi ce. The socket-outl et shall be near the equipment and shall be easi l y accessible
Der Stromver sorgungskabel dient al s abschaltvorrichtung. Die Steckdose soll i n der Nahe der Einheit und liecht zunganglich lieg en.
Monarch, 9401, and 9402 are registered trademarks of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc.
Table of Contents
Using the Memory Card..........................................................1
Write-protect Swit ch......................................................1
Inserting a Memory Card................................................3
Copying a Memory Card...............................................4
Deleting from a Memory Card.......................................6
Deleting All the Formats on a Memory Card..... 6
Deleting One Format at a T ime.........................7
Removing the Insulatin g Tab.............................9
Changing the Battery.......................................11
9401/9402 Memory Card Operator’s Handbook
Using the Memory Card
A memory card is a device used to store formats, check digit algorithms, and MPCL packets. Y ou can copy information from a computer to a memory card. For information about
check digit algorithms
MPCL packets
copying a format from a computer to a memory card
refer to your System Administrator’s Guide. To use a format from a memory card, inse rt th e card in the
printer. Y ou can insert the card before you turn on the printer, or when you want to use a format. You’ll see a message as the printer loads the formats stored on the card.
Write-protect Switch
The write-protect switch prevents the printer from
copy i n g i n f o r m ation fro m t h e m e m or y card
writing information to the memory card
deleting information from the memory card.
The printer can still read information from a memory card when the write-protect switch is on.
9401/9402 Memory Card Operator’s Handbook
The switch is located on the edge of the card next to the battery cove r.
The write-protect switch should be On for storing the
memory card or printing with it.
The write-protect switch must be Off to copy or delete
information on the me m ory card.
Figure 1
Using the Memory Card
Inserting a Memory Card
1. Be sure the write-protect switch is in the correct position.
2. Position the card with the Monarch® logo facing up, and
the arrows pointing away from you.
Figure 2
3. Insert the card i nto the memory card slot in the front of the
printer , below the key pad.
4. Push the card forward until it won’t go any farther.
9401/9402 Memory Card Operator’s Handbook
Copying a Memory Card
You can copy formats from one memory card to another. To copy a memory card, you need
the source card (the memory card with the formats you
want to copy), and
the target card (a memory card you want to copy the
formats to).
The Card Copy function erases any formats on the target card.
To copy a memory card, perform the following procedure:
1. Turn the write-protect switch Off on both cards.
2. Select Memory Card from the Main menu. You’ll see
Enter password: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Type the password and press
(refer to your System
Administrator’s Guide for information about passwords).
You’ll see
< Card Delete
4. Press 1 until you see
Card Copy >
Using the Memory Card
5. Press
. You’ll see
Load Source Card Press ENTER._
6. If you have not already done so, insert the source card in the printer.
7. Press
. You’ll see
Reading Card Please Wait ..._
When the printer finishes reading formats, it displays
Load Target Card Press ENTER._
8. Remove the so urce card from the printer.
9. Insert the target card.
10. Press
. You’ll see
Writing Card Please Wait ..._
A memory card can hold more data than the printer can process at one tim e. If the memory card you are copying holds a large volume of data, the printer prompts you to repeat steps 6-10 again. When the Card Copy function is complete, you’ll see
Copy Complete Press ENTER._
9401/9402 Memory Card Operator’s Handbook
11. Remove the target card and press
Card Copy >
. You’ll see
12. Turn the write-prot ect switch on both cards On to protect the formats.
13. Press
to exit to the Main menu.
Deleting from a Memory Card
You can delete forma ts from a m emory card one at a time or all at once.
NOTE: Be sure you are using the correct memory card
before deleting any formats.
Deleting All th e Format s on a Memor y Ca rd
1. Turn the write-protect switch Off and insert the memory
card in the printer.
2. Select Memory Card from the Main menu. You’ll see
Enter password: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Type the password and press
(refer to your System
Administrator’s Guide for information about passwords).
You’ll see
< Card Delete
Using the Memory Card
4. Press
5. Press
. You’ll see
. You’ll see
All >
Are you sure?
< Yes
Do one of the following:
To exit without deleting any formats, press
To delete all the formats on the ca rd, press
6. When the printer finishes deleting formats, it displays
< Card Delete
NOTE: If the printer does not display this messa ge, the
formats were not deleted. Be sure the write-protect switch is Off.
7. Remove the memory card.
8. To exit to the Main menu, pr ess
Deleting One Format at a Time
1. Turn the write-protect switch Off and insert the memory
card in the printer.
2. Select Memory Card from the Main menu. You’ll see
Enter password: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9401/9402 Memory Card Operator’s Handbook
3. Type the password and press
(refer to your System
Administrator’s Guide for information about passwords).
You’ll see
< Card Delete
4. Press
. You’ll see
All >
5. Press 2 until you see the name of the format you want to delete. Then press
< Yes
. Y ou ’ll see
Are you sure?
You can
to exit without deleting any formats
to delete th e form a t.
6. When the printer finishes deleting the format, it displays
< Card Delete
NOTE: If the printer does not display this messa ge, the
format was not deleted. Be sure the write-protec t switch is Off.
7. Remove the memory card.
8. Push the write-protect switch to On to protect any formats
still on the card.
9. Press
to exit to the Main menu.
Using the Memory Card
The memory card uses a 3-volt lithium battery, type BR2325. Battery shelf life is approximately five years, with an active life of six months. The battery cover is located on the edge of the card.
If you remove the battery cover from a memory card the formats will be erased.
NOTE: To avoid losing form ats, it is a good idea to keep
copies of your memory cards. Refer to "Copying a Memory Card."
Removing the Insulatin g Tab
New memory cards have an insulating tab to prevent drain on the battery before you use the card. You must remove this tab before using the card.
Figure 3
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