Instruction Sheet
for the PASCO
Model SF-9069
Charge sampler
The SF-9069 Electroscope is used for detecting and demonstrating static charge. When the electroscope is
charged, the lightweight conductive rod rotates to indicate
the magnitude of the charge. The apparatus includes a
Charge Sampler for transferring charge to the electroscope, two Capacitor Plates (5.6 cm dia) for testing
charges without depositing them on the electroscope and
an insulating handle for carrying the capacitor plate. The
electroscope shield ring is 15 cm in diameter.
Setup and Operation
Charge sampler touches the electroscope:
• Remove the charge sampler from the front of the electroscope and plug it in the top of the apparatus.
No charge
• Use a banana plug connector to ground the electroscope.
• Attach the insulating handle to a capacitor plate.
• Load a charge onto the capacitor plate from a charged
item such as a PVC rod rubbed vigorously with a
wool cloth.
Load charge on
capacitor plate
Negatively charged
Additional Equipment Recommended
• Banana plug connectors to ground the electroscope.
• Classic electrostatic materials kit (SF-9068) for transferring charge to the capacitor plates.
The electroscope can also be charged using a kilovolt
power supply.
© 1996 PASCO scientific
This instruction sheet edited by: Robert Morrison
Electroscope 012-06070A
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➤ NOTE: The electroscope can be discharged at
any time by using the capacitor plate and handle to
make contact between the shield ring and the
charge sampler.
• Transfer the charge to the electroscope by touching
the charged capacitor plate to the charge sampler.
Negatively charged
• Observe that the electroscope does not remain
charged when the charged plate is removed.
• Observe that the electroscope remains charged even
after the plate is removed.
Charge sampler does not touch the electroscope:
• Replace the charge sampler with the second capaci-
tor plate and ground the electroscope completely.
• Induce a charge by holding the charged capacitor
plate near the second capacitor plate.
Limited Warranty
PASCO scientific warrants this product to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one
year from the date of shipment to the customer. PASCO
will repair or replace, at its option, any part of the product
which is deemed to be defective in material or workmanship. This warranty does not cover damage to the product
caused by abuse or improper use. Determination of
whether a product failure is the result of a manufacturing
defect or improper use by the customer shall be made
solely by PASCO scientific. Responsibility for the return
of equipment for warranty repair belongs to the customer.
Equipment must be properly packed to prevent damage
and shipped postage or freight prepaid. (Damage caused
by improper packing of the equipment for return shipment will not be covered by the warranty.) Shipping
costs for returning the equipment, after repair, will be
paid by PASCO scientific.