Instruction Sheet
for the PASCO
Model ME-9457
Variable Friction Cart Accessory Kit
The PASCO Model ME-9457 Variable Friction Cart
Accessory allows the user to modify their existing
PASCO Model ME-9430 Dynamics Cart by attaching
a variable friction mechanism. When the accessory is
incorporated into the cart, greater flexibility in experiments can be obtained.
Equipment Included
• One Friction Cart End Cap
• One 1/4-20 X 5cm inch black nylon thumbscrew.
• One spring steel strip. On one end of the spring steel
strip is a Velcro loop pad; on the other end a piece of
adhesive foam tape.
• Two 6-32 X 9.5mm thread forming screws.
Additional Equipment Required:
• #1 Phillips point screw driver
© 1992 PASCO scientific
This instruction sheet written/edited by: D. Griffith
Setup Procedure:
➀ Remove the end cap (that does not have a plunger)
from your Dynamics Cart. See Figure 1.
Standard End
Screws (2)
Figure 1 End Cap Removal
➤ NOTE: The screws that secure the end cap to
the end of the Dynamics Cart are thread forming
screws and may require substantial force to remove and reinstall. A #1 Phillips point screw
driver is required.

➁ Replace the standard end cap with a Friction Cart
End Cap (included with this kit) using the same
screws. If screws are damaged or lost, use the replacement 6-32 X 9.5mm thread forming screws
included with this kit.
➂ Remove the protective cover from the adhesive
foam on the spring steel strip (also included with
this kit). Locate and firmly apply the spring steel
strip to the bottom of the Dynamics Cart as shown
in Figure 2.
Friction Cart
End Cap
Figure 2 Spring Steel Strip Location
Spring Steel Strip
(Velcro End)
Spring Steel Strip
(Adhesive End)
➤ NOTE: The area on the bottom plate (to
which the spring steel strip is applied) must be
clean. Note the orientation of Dynamics Cart.
Use the hole in the bottom plate as a reference.
➃ Install the 1/4-20 X 5cm thumbscrew into the Fric-
tion Cart End Cap as shown in Figure 3.
➄ Adjust the thumbscrew to vary the friction applied
to the Dynamics Cart.
The PASCO variable friction cart accessory was
adapted from a design by:
Stan Micklavzina
Physics Department
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Limited Warranty
PASCO scientific warrants this product to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of
one year from the date of shipment to the customer.
PASCO will repair or replace, at its option, any part of
the product which is deemed to be defective in material or workmanship. This warranty does not cover
damage to the product caused by abuse or improper
use. Determination of whether a product failure is the
result of a manufacturing defect or improper use by the
customer shall be made solely by PASCO scientific.
Responsibility for the return of equipment for warranty
repair belongs to the customer. Equipment must be
properly packed to prevent damage and shipped
postage or freight prepaid. (Damage caused by
improper packing of the equipment for return shipment
will not be covered by the warranty.) Shipping costs
for returning the equipment, after repair, will be paid
by PASCO scientific.
Friction Cart
End Cap
Figure 3 Thumbscrew Assembly