Super-Flex I-Beam
Top Grid
Instruction Sheet
Side Grid
Included Equipment Part Number
Super-Flex I-Beam ME-8987
The model ME-8987 Super-Flex I-Beam illustrates beam stiffness and deflection. Because it flexes more than a
metal or wooden beam, students can easily observe that its vertical stiffness is greater than its horizontal stiffness. Use the Super-Flex I-Beam to qualitatively demonstrate how a beam bends under various load and support
Grids on the top and one side of the I-beam show the amount of deflection in a qualitative way. The grid on top is
approximately 25.4 cm (10 in) long and 3.8 cm (1.5 in) wide with 1.2 cm by 1.2 cm (0.5 in by 0.5 in) squares.
The grid on the side is approximately 12 cm long and 2 cm wide with 1 cm by 1 cm squares.

Super-Flex I-Beam ME-8987
Hold the I-beam in your hands and bend it in the “upright” and “side” directions as
illustrated. Hold the I-beam with the top grid facing the students and demonstrate the
distortion as the beam is bent (see Figure 2a). In which direction is it easier to bend?
For the same effort, in which direction does it bend more?
Bend the I-beam in the upright position and continue to bend it until the beam buckles
(see Figure 2b). Another way to show this mode of failure is to stand the I-beam on its
end and press down on the top end until the column buckles.
Torsi on
Twist the I-beam to demonstrate its lack of strength under torsion (see Figure 2c). .
(2b) Buckle
Figure 1: Illustration of
I-beam bent in upright
and side directions
(2a) Bending
Figure 2
Technical Support
(2c) Torsion
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Limited Warranty
For a description of the product warranty, see the PASCO catalog.
The PASCO scientific 012-10603A Super-Flex I-Beam Instruction Sheet is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Permission is granted
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