Instruction Sheet
for the PASCO
Model ME-8750
Driving Arm
String holder
The PASCO ME-8750 Harmonic Oscillator/Driver is designed to drive apparatus requiring a low frequency (0.3
to 3 Hz), high torque, sinusoidal oscillation. It consists of
a DC motor with an offset driving arm and a mounting
bracket. A string can be attached between the driving
arm and the apparatus which is to be driven. The Oscillator/Driver will provide a sinusoidal pull on the string. If
one desires to both push and pull on an apparatus, the
PASCO Push/Pull Accessory (ME-8751) may be added
to the Oscillator/Driver.
DC Motor
Mounting Bracket
String Guide
Operation of the Oscillator/Driver
➀ Mounting: The Oscillator/Driver can be mounted to a
dynamics track to drive dynamics carts or it can be
mounted on a rod stand for driving other apparatus.
See Figures 1 and 2. Tie one end of a string to the
white plastic piece on the driving arm and thread the
other end of the string through the hole in the guide.
The level of the guide can be adjusted by about 5.5 cm
to match the height of the object to be driven.
Power Source
Figure 1: Oscillator/Driver Mounted on a Rod Stand
Rod Stand
Power Source
• 12 VDC motor (frequency: 0.3-3 Hz, current: 0-
0.3 A)
• Adjustable Amplitude: adjustable up to 12 cm.
• Photogate Attachment: A photogate can be attached to measure the frequency of the oscillator.
• Driver mounts on Dynamics Track or Rod Stand
• Rubber washers on mounting bracket provide quieter operation on the dynamics track.
• Optional Push/Pull Accessory (ME-8751):
Mounts to oscillator, replacing the string and allowing the apparatus to be pushed as well as
10101 Foothills Blvd. • P.O. Box 619011 • Roseville, CA 95678-9011 USA
Phone (916) 786-3800 • FAX (916) 786-8905 • email: techsupp@PASCO.com
Figure 2: Oscillator/Driver Mounted on Dynamics Track
© 1996 PASCO scientific
This instruction sheet written/edited by: Ann & Jon Hanks
ways to
teach science

Harmonic Oscillator/Driver 012-05931A
➁ Amplitude Adjustment: To vary the amplitude,
loosen the thumb screw that holds the arm to the motor shaft and slide the arm to a new position. Retighten the thumb screw to hold the arm in place. The
amplitude is zero when the arm is positioned such that
the screw which holds the string holder is aligned over
the motor shaft.
➂ Power Supply: Plug the leads from the Oscillator/
Driver into a 12 V (0-0.3 A) variable DC power supply.
➤ NOTE: Do not exceed 12 V.
➃ Frequency Adjustment: To adjust the frequency,
change the voltage of the power supply. An increase
in the voltage corresponds to an increase in the frequency.
➄ Measuring the Frequency: Mount a photogate onto
the Oscillator/Driver using the slot located below the
motor. Each period, the arm will block the photogate.
See Figure 1.
Suggested Uses for the Oscillator/Driver
➀ Attach a spring to each end of a dynamics cart. Con-
nect the free end of one spring to the adjustable end
stop at one end of the dynamics track. Connect the
free end of the second spring to a string tied to the
Oscillator/Driver and threaded through the string
guide. Drive the spring and cart system at various frequencies to find the resonant frequency of the system.
➤ NOTE: It generally takes the system a little
time to respond to a change in frequency of the
driving force so some patience is needed to see the
resulting change in amplitude.
➁ Use two carts and three springs to find the resonant
frequencies of the two different modes of oscillation.
See Figure 3.
Other Suggested Uses Requiring Additional
Push/Pull Accessory
➂ Mount the Oscillator/Driver on a rod stand and hang a
Longitudinal Wave Spring (WA-9401) from the hook
on the Push/Pull accessory. Create a transverse wave
in the spring to demonstrate that the wavelength varies
down the length of the hanging spring.
➃ Drive a set of hanging balls (see Figure 4) at various
frequencies to show different modes of oscillation and
chaotic motion.
Dynamics Carts
Dynamics Track
Figure 3: Resonant Modes of Oscillation of Carts and Springs
End Stop