The first quadricopter that can be controlled
by a smartphone or tablet!
The easiest way
to control a flying quadricopter Piloting assistance Play inside or outside
Thanks to its on-board Wi-Fi system, you
can control the Parrot AR.Drone using an
Apple® or Android™ device. The cockpit
of the AR.Drone includes an inertial
measurement unit, ultrasound sensors
and a vertical camera. The combination
of these elements which are controlled
by a piloting assistance program allows
you to control the quadricopter with
extreme accuracy. The AR.Drone detects
the movements of your control device (to
go up, down, turn, reverse, go forwards
etc.). Anyone can pilot the AR.Drone, it is
extremely simple to use.
The AR.Drone system allows easy
take-off and landing. After take-off, the
Autopilot stabilizes the quadricopter
at 80 centimeters high. When the pilot
removes his fingers from the controller
device, the Autopilot puts the AR.Drone
in hover mode. The Autopilot will also take
command when the Wi-Fi connection
is lost. It stabilizes the AR.Drone before
landing softly. If you receive a call while
flying the quadricopter, the AR.Drone
stabilizes and lands after few seconds.
Experience Augmented Reality
Every game is unique, whether played inside or outside. The AR.Drone software includes AR.Drone
tags and position marker detections. Depending on the applications downloaded, your AR.Drone will
display virtual objects on your screen that are not visible in reality, and gives you the opportunity to
interact with them. Use both cameras and the system of the AR.Drone to discover a new way of playing!
Players can create a game party where others players can join and play against each other thanks to
the AR.Drone Wifi Network.
The Parrot AR.Drone has been designed
for both inside and outside use. You can
adapt it to any game situation using the
two hulls provided. The full indoor hull
protects the AR.Drone from impacts that
occur during wild battles against enemies
hidden in the rooms of the house. The
streamlined hull is aerodynamic, allowing
greater control outside.
Take part in wild races, engage in nervous AR.Drone dogfights or struggle against aliens in your living
room. Enjoy the thin line of playing virtual and real life adventures with your AR.Drone! Check out on
the Appstore for AR.Race, AR.FlyingAce, AR.Pursuit and AR.Hunter. More games will be available in
the coming weeks.

Wireless technology
Wi-Fi is a wireless computer network
technology that lets you operate an
indoor broadband network. It can be
used to connect communicating devices
together and exchange data. Thanks
to Wi-Fi, it is possible to create local
networks and to connect so any type of
peripheral with a high-speed connection
at a distance of several tens of meters.
Wi-Fi quadricopter controlled via iPhone®/iPod®
touch/iPad™ and Android™ devices.
- Safety system (automatic locking of propellers in
the event of contact)
- Max. running speed: 5 m/s;
18 km/h – 11.2 m/H
- Weight: 380 g – 13.4 oz without hull,
420 g – 14.8 oz with hull
- Flying time: 12 minutes
- Dimensions:
With indoor hull: 52.5 x 51.5 cm
20.7 x 20.3 in.
With outdoor hull: 45 x 29 cm
17.7 x 11.4 in.
- Embedded Wi-Fi module located in the cockpit.
Wi-Fi b/g configured in ad-hoc mode.
• Front camera:
- 93° (diagonal) wide-angle lens camera, CMOS
- Encoding and live streaming
- Video frequency: 15 fps
- Camera resolution: 640 x 480 pixels (VGA)
- Other AR.Drone detection
Validation of shots fired at enemy drones
Estimate of distance
Detection distance: 5 meters – 16.4 feet
• Vertical camera: high-speed camera
- 64° diagonal lens, CMOS sensor
- Video stream frequency: 60 fps
- Allows stabilization even with a light wind
- Resolution: 176 x 144 pixels (QCIF)
• Live video feedback on your device’s
• Autopilot
- Automatic take-off and landing
- Immobilization 80 cm – 2.6 feet above ground
after take-off
- Automatic immobilization on release of controls
• Mems sensors: 3-axis accelerometer
- Estimate of pitching and rolling angle
- Estimate of speed
• 2 Mems sensors: 2-axis (XY) gyroscope
and 1 precision axis (Z) gyroscope
- Estimate of angular speed
- Estimate of pitching, rolling and yaw angle
- +/- 500° per second
• Ultrasound altimeter
- Emission frequency: 40 kHz
- Range: 6 meters – 19.7 feet
- Measures frequency: 25 Hz
- Vertical stabilization
• Embedded computer system
- Parrot P6 CPU with ARM926 core,
32 bits, 468 MHz
- Embedded Linux
- 128 MB DDR memory
- 128 MB Flash memory
- Update via Wi-Fi
• Aeronautics and structure
- High-efficiency propellers (specially designed for
the Parrot AR.Drone)
- Carbon tube structure
- Fiber-reinforced PA66 plastic
- Customizable EPP hull
- Patented anti-vibration system
• Motors and energy
- 4 brushless motors (3500 rpm, power: 15W)
- Lithium polymer battery
(3 cells, 11.1 V, 1000 mAh)
- Discharge capacity: 10 C
- Temps de charge : 1h30
- Battery charging time: 90 minutes
• Control of the AR.Drone
- Accelerometer mode or joystick mode
- Intuitive piloting using the accelerometer on the
- Compatible with iPod® touch/iPhone®/iPad™
and now available on Android™ 2.2 or higher
- Touch screen (up, down, yaw)
174 quai de Jemmapes 75010 Paris
T +33 (0)1 48 03 60 60
F +33 (0)1 48 03 06 66
iPhone and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of
Apple Inc. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
Visuals and technical specifications subject to change without notice. All Rights reserved. The Parrot Trademarks appearing on this document are the sole and
exclusive property of Parrot S.A. All the others Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11/11 Parrot SA - RCS PARIS 394 149 496.