Parallels Virtuozzo
Containers 4.6 for
Upgrade Guide
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About This Document 4
Upgrade Scenarios 5
Upgrading From SWsoft Virtuozzo 3.5.1 Service Pack 1 6
Preparing for Upgrade .................................................................................................................................. 7
Upgrading Li censes Manually ..................................................................................................................... 8
Upgrading Virtuozzo Software .................................................................................................................... 9
Verifying the Upgrade ................................................................................................................................ 11
Known Issues and Restr i ctions .................................................................................................................. 12
Upgrading From Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.0 and 4.5 14
Upgrading Standalone Nodes ..................................................................................................................... 14
Upgrading C luster Nod es ........................................................................................................................... 16
Rolling Back to a Previous Version 18
Getting Technical Support 19
About This Document
This document describes how to upgrade the following products to Parallels Virtuozzo
Containers 4.6:
Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 Release Candidate
Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.5
Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.0
SWsoft Virtuozzo 3.5.1 Service Pack 1
Note: Upgrading Virtuozzo versions earlier than 3.5.1 Service Pack 1 to Parallels Virtuozzo
Containers 4.6 is not supported. So, if you are running an earlier version of Virtuozzo (e.g.,
Virtuozzo 3.5), first upgrade your software to SWsoft Virtuozzo 3.5.1 Service Pack 1, and then
proceed with upgrading to Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6.
Upgrade Scenarios
Before beginning the upgrade process, it is important to choose the proper upgrade scenario.
Doing so will allow you to avoid many difficulties you may otherwise encounter and will also
ensure you are able to successfully solve any problems that may still occur. You can use one of
the following scenarios to upgrade your system:
First Scenario
Typically, you shall perform a straightforward upgrade of an existing system. Detailed
information on how to upgrade your system using this scenario is provided in the following
sections of this document. However, if you have a spare server at your disposal, you might as
well consider a second scenario outlined below.
Second Scenario
You have a spare server to perform a new Parallels Containers installation. In this case, follow
the steps below:
1 Install Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 on the spare server. If the license that you own is
in the old license format, refer to the Upgrading License Manually section (p. 8) below for a
way to upgrade the license to the Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 format, then use it
during a fresh installation.
2 Migrate all Containers from the Hardware Node you want to upgrade to the spare server.
3 If you store the Container (called Virtual Environment in SWsoft Virtuozzo 3.5.1 Service
Pack 1) backups on the same Hardware Node, copy the backup folder to the spare server.
4 Check that all the Containers on the spare server can be started and stopped. To do this, use
Parallels Virtual Automation, Parallels Management Console, and Parallels Virtuozzo
Containers command-line utilities.
5 Reinstall the operating system on the Hardware Node.
6 Install Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 on the Hardware Node.
7 Migrate the Containers back from the spare server to the Hardware Node, if necessary.
8 Repeat Steps 1 - 7 for each of your Hardware Nodes.
Please consult the Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 for Windows User's Guide and Parallels
Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 for Windows Installation Guide for detailed information on how to
migrate Containers between Hardware Nodes and to perform a clean installation of Parallels
Virtuozzo Containers 4.6, respectively.
Upgrade Specifics
When upgrading the Hardware Nodes included in a Virtuozzo Group (called the Virtuozzo
cluster in SWsoft Virtuozzo 3.5.1 Service Pack 1), do the following:
1 First upgrade the Parallels Containers Virtuozzo software on all Slave Nodes in the Group.
2 Then proceed with the Master Node upgrade.
Upgrading From SWsoft Virtuozzo 3.5.1
Service Pack 1
Upgrading to Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 is supported on Hardware Nodes running
update VZU35164 or later of SWsoft Virtuozzo 3.5.1 Service Pack 1. You can check the
number of the latest Virtuozzo update installed on the Node by doing the following:
1 Open Control Panel.
2 Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
3 In the Add or Remove Programs window, navigate to the latest Virtuozzo update in the
Currently installed programs table, and view its version. For example, if you have update
VZU35164 installed, it will be shown as Virtuozzo for Windows 3.5.1 update
Although you can upgrade a Node having update VZU35164 or some later Virtuozzo update
installed, we recommend that you install the latest available update on the Hardware Node prior
to starting the upgrade procedure.
To check for the latest Virtuozzo updates, use the Virtuozzo for Windows Update wizard. To
invoke the wizard, select Programs > SWsoft > Virtuozzo > Virtuozzo Update Wizard on the
Windows Start menu. For more information on using the Virtuozzo for Windows Update wizard,
see the Virtuozzo for Windows User's Guide.