Virtual Automation
Powerful & comprehensive web based management
and automation for Parallels Virtuozzo Containers
and Parallels Server 4 Bare Metal
Parallels Virtual Automation is a comprehensive web based management
and automation solution to organize virtual infrastructures, delegate roles
& responsibilities, rapidly provision configured virtual environments and
enable ongoing management and maintenance. By using Parallels Virtual
Automation administrators are able to quickly respond to the needs of
their business while reducing maintenance costs and streamlining virtual
environment administration.
Parallels Virtual Automation enables IT to rapidly adopt a cloud computing
business model to satisfy the ongoing needs of their internal and external
customers while maximizing hardware and personnel resources.
Through Parallels Virtual Automation organizations can:
Organize physical & virtual infrastructures
Organize physical and virtual environments into hierarchies as well as logical
views to allow for easy identification and simplified mass management.
Delegate roles & responsibilities
Determine the level of authority and the scope of authorization for
administrative users to provision & manage virtual environments.
Enable user requested provisioning
Provide end users with the ability to request virtual environment provisioning
through a web based interface. Corresponding IT administrators will
be alerted to the request and workflow the approval and immediate
provisioning of the environment.
Delegate roles & responsibilities to manage
small, medium and large virtual environments
from a single unified management and
automation console.
Manage the virtual environment with built in
provisioning, OS and application templating,
user self-service, backups, migration and
utilization reporting making it easy for
Integrate virtual environment provisioning and
application configuration into easy to use web
applications to reduce the burden on IT and
simplify end user driven processes.
Extend self service beyond the IT team
Distribute self service capabilities for individual virtual environments through
the web based Parallels Power Panel reducing the need for IT interaction
on frequently needed administrative tasks. Empower developers with the
ability to start, stop, repair, backup, restore, manage files, review resource
utilization and more, reducing the burden on the IT support team.
Instantly provision configured containers or virtual machines
Provision fully configured virtual environments in just seconds including
the operating system and applications as well as the assignment of IP
addresses and virtual networks. Define custom system & application
templates as your gold masters or use pre-configured environments
provided by Parallels.
Parallels – 660 SW 39th St., Suite 205, Renton, WA 98057 – 425-282-6400 – enterprise@parallels.com

Proactively react to the needs of the virtual environment
Review alerts, infrastructure & virtual environment dashboards to monitor
& perform necessary pro-active actions to maintain desired service levels.
Quickly change resource assignments, modify quotas and move virtual
environments between physical servers.
Manage & maintain the virtual environments
Schedule & perform ongoing backups of virtual environments to protect
data and speed recovery time in event of a failure. Centrally manage file
shares, IP pools and virtual networks to simplify the process of provisioning.
Perform actions across groups of physical servers or virtual environments
to reduce the ongoing maintenance burden and increase the productivity
of administrators.
Simplify the migration of environments
Quickly move virtual machines and Parallels Containers between physical
nodes to optimize hardware and maximize application response times.
Parallels also provides tools to migrate servers and competitors virtual
machines into your Parallels virtual environment.
System Requirements
Browser requirements for accessing web
• Internet Explorer 6.x or above on Windows
• Mozilla Firefox 2.x and 3.x on Windows,
Linux or Mac OS X
• Safari 3.x on Mac OS X
Hardware Requirements for Management
• Intel Celeron, Pentium III, Pentium 4, Xeon,
or AMD Athlon CPU
• At least 1 GB of RAM
• Hard drive with at least 15 GB of free disk
• Network card
Monitor resources & audit trails
View & report on real time and historical resource usage for hosts,
containers and virtual machines to enable departmental chargeback and
accounting opportunities. Maintain audit logs of all activities performed
through the Parallels Virtual Automation environment by individual container/
virtual machine or by user.
Integrate with business workflow & applications
Take advantage of the Parallels web services APIs to integrate virtual
environment provisioning & management into custom web applications.
Empower non-technical users to directly request & provision computer
resources and configured applications without IT team intervention.
Operating System Requirements for
Management Server
• Parallels Virtual Automation can be installed
on Linux running a 32 or 64 bit version
of RHEL4, RHEL5, SLES10, CentOS4
or CentOS5.
• Parallels Virtual Automation can be installed
on a Windows host running a 32 or 64 bit
version of Windows 2003 Server or Windows
2008 Server.
• As a best practice, it is suggested that the
Parallels Virtual Automation management
environment is installed to a Parallels
container or virtual machine.
• Additional details on supported operating
system editions can be found at
www.parallels.com in the Parallels
Virtual Automation 4.5 readme document.
Contact Information
For more information on Parallels Virtual
Automation and the Parallels server
virtualization products please call
(425) 282-6400 or visit www.parallels.com
Copyright© 2009 Parallels Software International, Inc. All rights reserved. Parallels is a registered trademark of Parallels Software International, Inc. in the US and other countries. Windows and Microsoft Office
are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. All others are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners in the US and/or other
Parallels – 660 SW 39th St., Suite 205, Renton, WA 98057 – 425-282-6400 – enterprise@parallels.com