Parallels Remote Application Server - 17 Administrator’s Guide

Parallels Remote Application Server
Administrator's Guide
Parallels International GmbH Vordergasse 59 8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland Tel: + 41 52 672 20 30
Copyright © 1999-2019 Parallels International GmbH. All rights reserved.
This product is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product’s underlying technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Apple, Mac, the Mac logo, OS X, macOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 13
About Parallels RAS ...................................................................................................... 13
About This Guide .......................................................................................................... 14
Terms and Abbreviations Used in This Guide ................................................................. 14
Installing Parallels RAS ........................................................................................... 17
System Requirements ................................................................................................... 17
Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................................ 17
Software Requirements ......................................................................................................... 18
Changes in Parallels RAS v17 ................................................................................................ 20
Install Parallels RAS ....................................................................................................... 21
Log In and Activate Parallels RAS .................................................................................. 21
Getting Started with Parallels RAS ......................................................................... 25
The Parallels RAS Console ............................................................................................ 25
Set Up a Basic Parallels RAS Farm ................................................................................ 27
Add an RD Session Host ....................................................................................................... 28
Publish Applications .............................................................................................................. 30
Invite Users ............................................................................................................................ 31
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 35
Parallels RAS Farm and Sites ................................................................................. 36
Connecting to a Parallels RAS Farm .............................................................................. 36
About Sites ................................................................................................................... 38
Sites in the RAS Console ............................................................................................... 39
Adding a Site to the Farm .............................................................................................. 41
Replicating Site Settings ................................................................................................ 42
Managing the Licensing Site .......................................................................................... 43
Managing Administrator Accounts ................................................................................. 44
Adding an Administrator Account .......................................................................................... 44
Administrator Account Permissions ....................................................................................... 45
Managing Administrator Accounts ......................................................................................... 47
Configure RAS Console Idle Sessions ................................................................................... 49
Using Instant Messaging for Administrators ........................................................................... 49
Joining Customer Experience Program ................................................................................. 50
RAS Publishing Agent ............................................................................................. 51
Configuring RAS Publishing Agents ............................................................................... 51
Secondary Publishing Agents ........................................................................................ 53
Managing Secondary Publishing Agents ........................................................................ 55
Using Computer Management Tools .............................................................................. 57
RAS Secure Client Gateway .................................................................................... 58
RAS Secure Client Gateway Overview ........................................................................... 58
Adding a RAS Secure Client Gateway ............................................................................ 60
Manually Adding a RAS Secure Client Gateway ............................................................. 60
Checking the RAS Secure Client Gateway Status .......................................................... 61
Configuring RAS Secure Client Gateway ........................................................................ 61
Enable or Disable a Gateway ................................................................................................. 61
Gateway Mode, Forwarding Settings, HSTS.......................................................................... 61
Set IP Address for Incoming Connections ............................................................................. 63
Configure RAS Secure Client Gateway Network Options ....................................................... 63
Configure SSL Encryption on a Gateway ............................................................................... 64
Assessing SSL Server Configuration...................................................................................... 67
Configure HTML5 Connectivity .............................................................................................. 67
Enable Support for Wyse Thin Client OS ............................................................................... 69
Filter Access to a RAS Secure Client Gateway ...................................................................... 70
Specifying a URL for Web Requests ...................................................................................... 70
Configure Logging ................................................................................................................. 71
Gateway Tunneling Policies ........................................................................................... 71
Viewing Gateway Summary and Metrics ........................................................................ 72
Using Computer Management Tools .............................................................................. 72
RD Session Hosts .................................................................................................... 73
RD Session Host Types ................................................................................................. 73
Adding an RD Session Host .......................................................................................... 74
Installing the Agent Manually ................................................................................................. 75
Planning for High Availability .......................................................................................... 77
Viewing RD Session Hosts ............................................................................................ 77
Configuring an RD Session Host .................................................................................... 78
Check RAS RD Session Host Agent Status ........................................................................... 78
Change RD Session Host Site Assignment ............................................................................ 79
View and Modify RD Session Host Properties ....................................................................... 79
Configure Logging ................................................................................................................. 84
Grouping and Cloning RD Session Hosts ....................................................................... 84
Using Scheduler ............................................................................................................ 88
Managing RDSH Sessions ............................................................................................. 90
Managing Logons ......................................................................................................... 93
Using Computer Management Tools .............................................................................. 94
Publishing from an RD Session Host .............................................................................. 94
Publishing a Desktop from an RD Session Host .................................................................... 94
Publishing an Application from an RD Session Host .............................................................. 95
Publishing a Web Application from an RD Session Host ........................................................ 97
Publishing a Network Folder from an RD Session Host ......................................................... 97
Publishing a Document from an RD Session Host ................................................................. 98
Publishing Containerized Applications ............................................................................ 99
Publishing App-V Applications ............................................................................................... 99
Publishing Applications ........................................................................................ 100
Viewing Published Resources Hosted by RD Session Hosts ......................................... 103
VDI and Virtual Desktops ...................................................................................... 105
Supported Hypervisors ................................................................................................ 105
RAS VDI Agent Information .......................................................................................... 106
RAS VDI Agent Installation Options .............................................................................. 106
Add a VDI Host ........................................................................................................... 108
Installing RAS VDI Agent Manually ....................................................................................... 110
Checking the RAS VDI Agent Status ................................................................................... 111
Modifying VDI Host Configuration ................................................................................ 111
Change VDI Host Site Assignment ............................................................................... 114
Site Defaults ................................................................................................................ 115
Viewing Guest VMs on a VDI Host ............................................................................... 116
RAS Templates ........................................................................................................... 117
Template Types and Guest OS Requirements ..................................................................... 118
Creating a RAS Template .................................................................................................... 119
How Guest VMs Are Created From a Template ................................................................... 126
Manually Adding a Guest VM............................................................................................... 126
RAS Template Maintenance ................................................................................................ 127
VDI Host Pool Management ........................................................................................ 130
Adding and Deleting Pools .................................................................................................. 130
Adding and Deleting Pool Members .................................................................................... 130
Using a Wildcard to Filter VMs ............................................................................................. 131
Managing Guest VMs .................................................................................................. 131
Persistent Guest VMs .................................................................................................. 134
Using Computer Management Tools ............................................................................ 135
Publishing from a Guest VM ........................................................................................ 135
Publishing a Desktop from a Guest VM ............................................................................... 135
Publishing an Application from a Guest VM ......................................................................... 136
Publishing a Web Application from a Guest VM ................................................................... 137
Publishing a Network Folder from a Guest VM .................................................................... 137
Publishing a Document from a Guest VM ............................................................................ 138
Viewing VDI Host Summary ......................................................................................... 139
Managing VDI Sessions ............................................................................................... 139
Remote PC Pools........................................................................................................ 142
Adding a VDI Host ............................................................................................................... 142
Configuring the VDI Host ..................................................................................................... 143
Adding Remote PCs to a Pool ............................................................................................. 144
Managing Remote PCs in a Pool ......................................................................................... 145
Persistent Remote PCs ....................................................................................................... 146
RAS Guest Agent Installation Options.................................................................................. 146
Publishing From a Pool-Based Remote PC ......................................................................... 147
Remote PCs ........................................................................................................... 148
Adding a Remote PC .................................................................................................. 148
Installing Remote PC Agent Manually ........................................................................... 149
Configuring a Remote PC ............................................................................................ 150
Viewing Remote PC Summary ..................................................................................... 152
Using Computer Management Tools ............................................................................ 152
Publishing from a Remote PC ...................................................................................... 152
Publishing a Desktop from a Remote PC ............................................................................. 153
Publishing an Application from a Remote PC ...................................................................... 153
Publishing a Web Application from a Remote PC ................................................................ 154
Publishing a Network Folder from a Remote PC .................................................................. 154
Publishing a Document from a Remote PC ......................................................................... 155
Managing Published Resources ........................................................................... 156
General Management Tasks ........................................................................................ 156
Manage Published Applications ................................................................................... 158
Manage Published Desktops ....................................................................................... 161
Manage Published Documents .................................................................................... 162
Manage Folders .......................................................................................................... 165
Using Filtering Rules .................................................................................................... 166
Checking Effective Access........................................................................................... 169
Specifying Client Settings ............................................................................................ 171
Quick Keypad ............................................................................................................. 172
Connection and Authentication Settings .............................................................. 174
RAS Publishing Agent Connection Settings .................................................................. 174
Remote Session Settings ............................................................................................ 176
Restricting Access by Parallels Client Type and Build Number ...................................... 177
Second Level Authentication ....................................................................................... 177
Using RADIUS ..................................................................................................................... 178
Using Deepnet ..................................................................................................................... 181
Using SafeNet ..................................................................................................................... 195
Using Google Authenticator ................................................................................................. 196
Configuring Exclusion Rules ................................................................................................ 197
Parallels HTML5 Client .......................................................................................... 199
Configure HTML5 Connectivity .................................................................................... 199
Configure Themes ....................................................................................................... 200
Common Theme Settings .................................................................................................... 200
HTML5 Client Theme Settings ............................................................................................. 201
Parallels Client for Windows Theme Settings ....................................................................... 203
General Theme Tasks .......................................................................................................... 204
Create Branded Windows Client for Mass Distribution ......................................................... 204
Delegating Session Management Permissions .................................................................... 205
Open Parallels HTML5 Client ....................................................................................... 206
Main Menu Options ..................................................................................................... 208
Launching Remote Applications and Desktops ............................................................ 209
Using the Toolbar ........................................................................................................ 211
Using the Toolbar on Desktop Computers........................................................................... 211
Using the Toolbar on Mobile Devices................................................................................... 213
Using the Remote Clipboard ............................................................................................... 214
Hiding Toolbar Items ........................................................................................................... 215
HTML5 Gateway API ................................................................................................... 216
Load Balancing ...................................................................................................... 218
Resource Based & Round Robin Load Balancing ......................................................... 218
Load Balancing Advanced Settings ............................................................................. 219
High Availability Load Balancing ................................................................................... 220
Deploying a Parallels HALB Appliance ................................................................................. 220
Configuring HALB in the RAS Console ................................................................................ 222
Changing HALB Appliance Password.................................................................................. 223
Universal Printing .................................................................................................. 225
Managing Universal Printing Settings ........................................................................... 225
Universal Printing Drivers ............................................................................................. 226
Font Management ....................................................................................................... 227
Universal Scanning ................................................................................................ 229
Managing Universal Scanning ...................................................................................... 229
Managing Scanning Applications ................................................................................. 230
User Device Management ..................................................................................... 231
Inviting Users to Connect to Parallels RAS ................................................................... 231
Mass Configuring User Devices ................................................................................... 231
Enabling Help Desk Support ........................................................................................ 233
Monitoring Devices ...................................................................................................... 233
Windows Device Groups ............................................................................................. 235
Managing Windows Devices ........................................................................................ 236
Windows Desktop Replacement.......................................................................................... 240
Scheduling Windows Devices & Groups Power Cycles ................................................. 243
Client Policies .............................................................................................................. 244
Add a New Client Policy ...................................................................................................... 245
Configure Session Settings .................................................................................................. 246
Configure Client Policy Options ........................................................................................... 257
Configure Control Settings .................................................................................................. 260
Configure Gateway Redirection ........................................................................................... 261
Client Policy Backward Compatibility ................................................................................... 262
Enabling or Disabling Remote File Transfer ................................................................... 262
Server Level ......................................................................................................................... 263
HTML5 Gateway Level ........................................................................................................ 263
Client Policy Level ................................................................................................................ 264
Parallels RAS Reporting ........................................................................................ 265
Installing Parallels RAS Reporting ................................................................................. 265
Advanced Settings .............................................................................................................. 268
Viewing Reports .......................................................................................................... 268
GDPR Compliance ...................................................................................................... 270
Parallels RAS Performance Monitor ..................................................................... 272
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 272
Installing Parallels RAS Performance Monitor ............................................................... 273
Using Parallels RAS Performance Monitor .................................................................... 273
Configuring Performance Monitor Security ................................................................... 277
Common Management Tasks ............................................................................... 279
Recovery - Add a Root Administrator ........................................................................... 279
Computer Management Tools ..................................................................................... 280
Site Information ........................................................................................................... 282
Site Settings ................................................................................................................ 282
Settings Audit ............................................................................................................. 284
Upgrading RAS Agents ............................................................................................... 286
Licensing .................................................................................................................... 287
Configure HTTP Proxy Settings ................................................................................... 288
Configuring Notifications .............................................................................................. 288
Configuring Notification Handlers......................................................................................... 289
Configuring Notification Scripts............................................................................................ 291
Configuring SMTP Server Connection for Event Notifications .............................................. 293
RAS Session Variables ................................................................................................ 294
Maintenance and Backup ............................................................................................ 295
Exporting and Importing Farm Settings via Command Line ................................................. 296
Problem Reporting and Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 297
Logging ...................................................................................................................... 299
Suggest a Feature ....................................................................................................... 300
RAS Web Admin Console...................................................................................... 301
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 301
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................... 302
Installation ................................................................................................................... 303
Permissions ................................................................................................................ 303
Opening the Web Console........................................................................................... 304
The User Menu ........................................................................................................... 304
The Site Page ............................................................................................................. 305
Managing RD Session Hosts ....................................................................................... 306
Server Info ........................................................................................................................... 308
Active Sessions ................................................................................................................... 309
Running Processes ............................................................................................................. 310
Managing VDI Hosts .................................................................................................... 311
VDI Host Info and Actions .................................................................................................... 312
Virtual Desktops .................................................................................................................. 313
Managing Sessions ..................................................................................................... 315
Configuring RAS Web Service ..................................................................................... 316
Give Us a Feedback .................................................................................................... 317
Parallels RAS APIs ................................................................................................. 318
RAS PowerShell API .................................................................................................... 318
RAS REST API ............................................................................................................ 320
Installation ........................................................................................................................... 320
Permissions ......................................................................................................................... 320
Getting Started .................................................................................................................... 320
Logging in and Sending Requests ....................................................................................... 321
Configuring RAS Web Service ............................................................................................. 323
Where to Get More Information ........................................................................................... 324
RAS HTML5 Gateway API and Parallels Client URL Scheme ........................................ 325
Appendix ................................................................................................................ 326
Port Reference ............................................................................................................ 326
Parallels Client ..................................................................................................................... 326
Web Browsers ..................................................................................................................... 327
RAS Secure Client Gateway ................................................................................................ 327
RAS Publishing Agent ......................................................................................................... 328
RAS Console ....................................................................................................................... 329
RAS Agents: RD Session Host, VDI, Guest, Remote PC ..................................................... 330
HALB .................................................................................................................................. 330
Common Communication Ports .......................................................................................... 331
Active Directory and Domain Services Ports ........................................................................ 331
RAS Performance Counters......................................................................................... 331
Index ...................................................................................................................... 334


Welcome to Parallels Remote Application Server (Parallels RAS), an integrated solution to virtualize your applications, desktops and data. Parallels RAS publishes applications and delivers remote and virtual desktops to any device on your network, anywhere.
In This Chapter
About Parallels RAS ............................................................................................... 13
About This Guide ................................................................................................... 14
Terms and Abbreviations Used in This Guide .......................................................... 14

About Parallels RAS

Parallels RAS provides vendor independent virtual desktop and application delivery from a single platform. Accessible from anywhere with platform-specific clients and web enabled solutions, like the Parallels RAS HTML5 Gateway, Parallels RAS allows you to publish remote desktops, applications and documents, improving desktop manageability, security and performance.
Parallels RAS extends Windows Remote Desktop Services by using a customized shell and virtual channel extensions over the Microsoft RDP protocol. It supports all major hypervisors from Microsoft, VMware, and other vendors enabling the publishing of virtual desktops and applications to Parallels Client.
The product includes powerful universal printing and scanning functionality, as well as resource­based load balancing and management features.
With Parallels Client Manager Module for Parallels RAS you can also centrally manage user connections and PCs converted into thin clients using the free Parallels Client.
How does it work?
When a user requests an application or a desktop, Parallels RAS finds a least loaded RD Session Host or a guest VM on one of the least loaded VDI hosts and establishes an RDP connection with it. Using Microsoft RDP protocol, the requested application or desktop is presented to the user.
Users can connect to Parallels RAS using Parallels Client (available at no charge), which can run on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, Chrome, and iOS. Users can also connect via an HTML5 browser or Chromebook.
As newer versions of Windows keep on being developed as time goes by, you need to defend the migration cost to your business. Parallels RAS can help. Desktop replacement allows you to extend the lifespan of your hardware and delay migration to the latest OSs to a time that suits you best. The Parallels RAS solution allows you to be very flexible: you can lock machine configurations on the user side, placing your corporate data in an extremely secure position; or you can opt to allow users to run some local and remote applications. Parallels Client Desktop Replacement is able to reduce the operability of the local machine by disabling the most common local configuration options, while guaranteeing the same level of service and security afforded by thin clients, directly from your existing PCs.

About This Guide

This guide is intended for system administrators responsible for installing, configuring, and administering Parallels RAS. This guide assumes that the reader is familiar with Microsoft Remote Desktop Services and has an intermediate networking knowledge.

Terms and Abbreviations Used in This Guide

Term/Abbreviation Description
Parallels RAS Console.
RAS Console
The RAS console is the primary interface you use to configure, manage, and run Parallels RAS. As an administrator, you use the RAS console to manage farms, sites, RD Session Hosts, published resources, client connections, etc.
In the RAS console, categories are displayed in the left pane of the main window. Each category consists of a number of settings related to a specific task or operation.
The categories include Start, Farm, Load Balancing, Publishing, Universal Printing, Universal Scanning, Connection, Client Manager, and others.
A Parallels RAS farm is a logical grouping of objects for the purpose of centralized management. A farm configuration is stored in a single database which contains information about all objects comprising the farm.
A farm consists of at least one site, but may have as many sites as necessary.
A site consists of at least one RAS Publishing Agent, RAS Secure Client Gateway (or multiple gateways), and RAS agents installed on RD Session Hosts, VDI hosts, and Windows PCs. Note that a given RD Session Host, VDI host, or PC can be a member of only one site at any given time.
Licensing Site
RAS Secure Client Gateway
HTML5 Client
The site that manages Parallels RAS licenses in a Parallels RAS farm. By default, the server on which you install Parallels RAS becomes the Licensing Site. If you create additional sites later, you can designate any one of them as the Licensing Site.
There can be only one Licensing Site in a given farm. All other sites are called secondary sites.
Note: Parallels RAS updates or upgrades must be applied to the Licensing Site first.
RAS Secure Client Gateway tunnels all traffic needed by applications on a single port and provides secure connections.
HTML5 client allows users to view and launch remote applications and desktops in a web browser. The HTML5 client functionality is a part of RAS Secure Client Gateway.
The act of making items installed on a Remote Desktop Server, VDI host or Remote PC available to the users via Parallels RAS.
RAS Publishing Agent
RAS RD Session Host Agent
Remote PC Agent
RAS Guest Agent
RAS Publishing Agent provides load balancing of published applications and desktops.
RAS RD Session Host Agent collects information from the MS RDS hosts required by the Publishing Agent and transmits to it when required.
Remote PC Agent collects information from Remote PC hosts required by the Publishing Agent and transmits to it when required.
RAS Guest Agent collects information from the VDI desktop required by RAS Publishing Agent and transmits to it when required.
RAS VDI Agent collects information from the Parallels RAS Infrastructure and is responsible for controlling VDI through its native API. It also acts as a gateway between a RAS Secure Client Gateway, or the client in direct mode, and an RDP server from the guest VM or VDI depending on a VDI implementation.
RAS VDI Agent is a part of RAS Publishing Agent, so it is installed when you install the Publishing Agent. This built-in RAS VDI Agent can be used to control multiple VDI hosts in a Parallels RAS farm.
You can also install a dedicated RAS VDI Agent on a particular VDI host and use it to control that host only. See RAS VDI Agent dedicated below.
RAS VDI Agent dedicated
This RAS VDI Agent appears as an installation option in the Parallels RAS installer. It serves the same purpose as the built-in RAS VDI Agent described above. The difference is, you can only use a dedicated agent to control the VDI host on which it is installed.
RAS PowerShell
Remote Desktop Services is a Microsoft Windows component that makes applications and the entire desktop of a server running RDS accessible to a remote client device that supports Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). RDS replaced Terminal Services beginning with Windows 2008 R2.
High Availability Load Balancing (HALB) is an appliance that provides load balancing for RAS Secure Client Gateways. Parallels HALB virtual appliance is available for the following hypervisors: Hyper-V, VMware, Citrix Hypervisor. HALB deployment is per site, which means that the same HALB deployment cannot be shared between sites. Multiple HALB deployments can run simultaneously, one acting as the master and others as slaves. The more HALB deployments a site has, the lower the probability that end users will experience downtime. Master and slave HALB deployments share a common or virtual IP address (VIP). Should the master HALB deployment fail, a slave is promoted to master and takes its place.
Parallels RAS PowerShell allows you to perform Parallels RAS administrative tasks using PowerShell cmdlets. You can execute cmdlets in the Windows PowerShell console or you can write scripts to perform common Parallels RAS administrative tasks. A complete guide to Parallels RAS PowerShell is available on the Parallels website together with other Parallels RAS documentation.
RAS Web Admin Console
RAS Web Administration Service
Parallels RAS comes with various APIs to help you develop custom applications that integrate with it. The RAS REST API is one of them.
RAS Web Admin Console is an HTML5 browser­based application that lets you manage Parallels RAS.
A Web service that provides the user interface for RAS Web Admin Console and implements RESTful Web services for the RAS REST API (see above).

Installing Parallels RAS

This chapter describes how to install and activate Parallels RAS.
In This Chapter
System Requirements ............................................................................................ 17
Install Parallels RAS ................................................................................................ 21
Log In and Activate Parallels RAS ........................................................................... 21

System Requirements

Before installing Parallels RAS, please verify that your hardware and software meet or exceed hardware and software requirements described below. Please note that although Parallels RAS can be used in Workgroup environment, Parallels recommends using Active Directory to manage users, groups, and machine accounts via group polices.

Hardware Requirements

Parallels RAS is extensively tested on both physical and virtual platforms. The minimum hardware requirements approved to run Parallels RAS are outlined below.
Physical Machines – Dual Core Processor and a minimum of 4GB RAM.
Virtual Machines – Two Virtual Processors and a minimum of 4GB of RAM.
The server hardware requirements to install and configure Parallels RAS can vary according to end­user requirements.
Typically for an installation of 30 users or under, Parallels RAS can be installed on one high specification server and the resources published directly from it. For more than 30 users, multiple servers may be required.
The below should be considered during the planning stage of a Parallels RAS deployment:
High specification servers should be used, consisting of multiple CPU cores, a high
specification disk transfer rate and plenty of RAM.
A hypervisor-based virtual machine can be used as long as the resources needed to serve end-
users are calculated accordingly.
Installing Parallels RAS
It is recommended that RD Session Hosts do not exceed 50 users per RD Session Host in
It is recommended that RAS Secure Client Gateway does not exceed 1000 users per server for
incoming connections using the Gateway SSL mode.
When planning VDI Hypervisor resource requirements, extra requirements such as RAM usage
per virtual machine and disk space should be taken into account.
For port requirements, please see the Port Reference section (p. 326).

Software Requirements

RAS Publishing Agent and RAS Secure Client Gateway (64-bit versions only)
RAS Publishing Agent and RAS Secure Client Gateway are supported on the following operating systems:
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016. Both Server Core and Desktop Experience installations are supported.
Windows Server 2019. Both Server Core and Desktop Experience installations are supported.
Note: RAS Publishing Agent and RAS Secure Client Gateway should NOT be installed on a domain controller or any other machine where a DHCP server is running. This in general applies to any of the RAS components.
RAS Web Administration Service
Must be installed on the server where RAS Publishing Agent is running.
Before installing RAS Web Admin Service, make sure that your Windows server has the following updates installed:
Windows Server 2008 R2: — KB2999226 and KB2533623
Windows Server 2012 R2 — KB2999226
Newer versions of Windows Server do not require any specific updates.
RAS RD Session Host Agent
RAS RD Session Host Agent is supported on the following operating systems:
Windows Server 2008
Installing Parallels RAS
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2. Note that Server Core installation option is NOT supported.
Windows Server 2016 and newer must be installed using the "Desktop Experience" installation
RAS VDI Agent is supported on the following operating systems:
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
VMware, Nutanix, and Citrix Hypervisor can use Windows-based RAS VDI agent either integrated into RAS Publishing Agent or installed separately on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server
RAS VDI Agent can also be installed as a virtual appliance (OVA or VMDK), which can be downloaded from the Parallels website. For installation instructions and requirements, please see the corresponding hypervisor documentation. For the list of supported hypervisors, see RAS VDI
Agent Installation Options (p. 106).
RAS Guest Agent
Windows 7 and newer
Windows Server 2008 R2 and newer
Remote PC Agent
Windows 7 and newer
Windows Server 2008 R2 and newer
Parallels RAS PowerShell
Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 and newer. Windows Management Framework 3.0 and .NET Framework 4.5.2 must also be installed.
Installing Parallels RAS
Parallels RAS Console
Windows Server 2008 R2 and newer
Windows 7 and newer
RAS HTML5 Gateway
Windows Server 2008 R2 and newer. Note that RAS HTML5 Gateway will NOT work with
Windows Server 2008 (plain, not R2).
Parallels Client
Parallels Client is approved for the following operating systems (both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported, where applicable):
Windows 7, 8.x, 10
Windows Server 2008 R2 and newer
Windows Embedded
macOS 10.11 and newer
iOS 9.0 and newer
Android 4.4 and newer
Chrome OS
Parallels Client for Linux supports the following Linux distributions (x64 versions only):
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 18.04
Linux Mint 19
Debian 9.5.0
Fedora 28
CentOS 7.5

Changes in Parallels RAS v17

Please note that beginning with Parallels RAS v17, some of the versions of Parallels RAS components and some operating system versions are no longer officially supported.
The following is a quick summary of the deprecated components and operating systems:
32-bit RAS Secure Client Gateway
32-bit RAS Publishing Agent
Installing Parallels RAS
32-bit Parallels Client for Linux
Parallels RAS Web Portal
Windows Server 2003 as a platform for publishing from RD Session Hosts
Parallels RAS Console is no longer supported on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
Parallels Client for Linux is no longer supported on ARM and Raspberry Pi
Parallels Client for Windows is no longer supported on Windows Server 2003

Install Parallels RAS

To install Parallels RAS:
1 Make sure you have administrative privileges on the computer where you are installing Parallels
2 Double click the RASInstaller.msi file to launch the Parallels RAS installation wizard.
Note: If you see a message that begins with "This version of Parallels RAS is only for testing purposes.", it means that it's not an official build and should NOT be used in a production environment.
3 Follow the instructions and proceed to the Select Installation Type page. Select from the
Parallels Remote Application Server. The default installation that will install all necessary
components for a fully functional Parallels RAS farm on the same machine.
Custom. Select and install only the components that you require. You can select individual
components after you click Next. Note that if a component cannot be installed on the current server, it will not be available for installation. See Software Requirements.
4 Click Next. 5 Review the notice on the Important Notice wizard page. If there's a port conflict on your
computer, the information will be displayed here. You can resolve the conflict later.
6 Click Next. 7 On the Firewall Settings page, select Automatically add firewall rules to configure the
firewall on this computer for Parallels RAS to work properly. See Port Reference (p. 326) for details.
8 Click Next and then click Install. Wait for the installation to finish and click Finish.
When you need to install a particular Parallels RAS component on a different server, run the installation wizard again, select Custom and choose the component(s) you wish to install.

Log In and Activate Parallels RAS

After you've installed Parallels RAS, run the RAS Console and activate your new Parallels RAS farm.
Installing Parallels RAS
Start the Parallels RAS Console
By default, the Parallels RAS Console is launched automatically after you click Finish on the last page of the installation wizard. To launch the console manually, navigate to Start > Apps > Parallels and click on Parallels Remote Application Server Console.
When the Parallels RAS Console is launched for the first time, you are presented with the login dialog. In the dialog, specify the following:
Farm: A Parallels RAS farm to connect to. Enter the FQDN or IP address of the server where
you have RAS Publishing Agent installed.
If you've installed the Parallels Single Sign-On component when installing the RAS Console, you
will see the Authentication type field from which you can select whether to log on using your credentials or SSO. If you reboot after the installation and select SSO, select Single Sign-On and then click Connect. Your Windows credentials will be used to log in to the RAS farm. If you select Credentials, enter your credentials as described below.
Username: A user account with administrative privileges on the server where Parallels RAS is
installed (usually a domain or local administrator). The account name must be specified using the UPN format (e.g. administrator@domain.local). The specified user will be automatically configured as the Parallels RAS administrator with full access rights.
Password: The specified user account password.
If you select the Remember credentials option, this dialog will not be shown the next time you
launch the Parallels RAS Console.
The Edit Connections button opens a dialog where you can manage your RAS connection. This dialog becomes useful if this is not the first time you are connecting to one or more of your RAS farms. The left pane of the dialog displays RAS farms to which previously connected (you can remove a farm from the list by clicking the [-] icon if you no longer need it). The right pane displays at least the master Publishing Agent for the selected farm. If you've added a secondary Publishing Agents to a farm, you can add it to this list by clicking the [+] icon and typing its hostname or IP address (click the "recycle" icon to verify the agent status). This way the RAS Console will try to connect to the master Publishing Agent first and if it fails (e.g. the agent is offline or cannot be reached), it will try to connect to the secondary Publishing Agent. For more information about secondary Publishing Agents, please see Parallels RAS Publishing Agents chapter (p. 51).
When you are done entering the connection information, click the Connect button to connect to the Parallels RAS farm.
Sign in to Parallels My Account
To activate Parallels RAS, you must register for a Parallels business account. After you logged in to Parallels RAS, you'll see the Sign In to Parallels My Account dialog. If you already have an account, type the email address and password you used to register the account and click Sign In.
Installing Parallels RAS
Note: If you use an HTTP proxy server on your network, you will see a dialog asking you to configure the proxy server connection settings. Click the Configure Proxy button. In the dialog that opens, select one of the following: Use system proxy settings (the default proxy settings from the Internet Explorer will be used) or Manual HTTP proxy configuration (specify the settings manually). If your proxy configuration changes, you can re-configure it later by navigating to Administration > Settings and clicking the Configure Proxy button.
If you don't have a Parallels business account, you can register for one as follows:
1 In the Sign In to Parallels My Account dialog, click Register. The Register Parallels My
Account dialog opens.
If you have an existing 2X Remote Application Server license and are upgrading to the new Parallels RAS, the Register Parallels My Account dialog will be prefilled with the information from your existing license. If you don't have an existing license (or if you've installed Parallels RAS on a new server), you need to fill in the registration information as described in the next step.
2 Enter your name and email address, choose and type a password, and enter your company
info (all fields are required).
3 Click Register to register an account. This will create a personal account for yourself and a
business account for your organization to which you will be assigned as administrator.
Activate Parallels RAS
After you sign in to Parallels My Account, the Activate Product dialog opens asking you to activate the Parallels RAS farm.
If you already have a Parallels RAS license key, select the Activate using license key option and enter the key in the field provided. You can click the button next to the field to see the list of subscriptions and/or permanent license keys you have registered in Parallels My Account. If the list is empty, it means that you don't have any subscriptions or license keys and need to purchase one first.
Note: You can manage your Parallels RAS license using the Licensing category in the Parallels RAS console. The management tasks include viewing the license information, switching to a different Parallels My Account, and activating the Parallels RAS farm using a different license key. For more information, please see the Licensing section (p. 287).
If you don't have a Parallels RAS license key, you have the following options:
Purchase a subscription online by clicking the Purchase a license link.
Activate Parallels RAS as a trial by selecting the Activate trial version option.
After entering a license key (or selecting to activate a trial version), click Activate. You should see a message that the Parallels RAS farm was activated successfully. Click OK to close the message box.
Installing Parallels RAS
The first dialog that you see informs you that you have no servers configured that can be used to host published resources. This means that to begin using Parallels RAS, you need at least one RD Session Host, VDI host, or a Remote PC configured. We'll talk about configuring a Parallels RAS farm in the next chapter. For now, click OK to close the message box. You will then see the
Applying Settings dialog. Wait for the initial configuration of Parallels RAS to complete and click OK. You will now see the main Parallels RAS Console window where you can begin configuring the
Parallels RAS farm.
Read on to learn how to quickly add an RD Session Host, publish resources, and invite your users to Parallels RAS.

Getting Started with Parallels RAS

This chapter will help you get started with Parallels RAS. Read it to learn how to use the Parallels RAS Console and how to set up a simple RAS environment.
In This Chapter
The Parallels RAS Console ..................................................................................... 25
Set Up a Basic Parallels RAS Farm ......................................................................... 27

The Parallels RAS Console

The Parallels RAS Console is a Windows application used to configure and administer a Parallels RAS farm.
To open the Parallels RAS Console, navigate to Apps > Parallels and click Parallels Remote Application Server Console. Note that you can open multiple instances of the Parallels RAS Console on the same computer if you want to manage more than one farm or site simultaneously without switching between them inside the console. This works with a locally installed Parallels RAS Console and when you run it as a remote application from Parallels Client.
Information: In addition to Parallels RAS Console, Parallels RAS v17 introduces an all new Parallels RAS Web Admin Console, an HTML5 browser-based application that lets you manage Parallels RAS. In the initial RAS v17 release, the Parallels RAS Web Admin console functionality is limited to helpdesk related tasks. More Parallels RAS management features will be added in the upcoming releases. Note that the new Web Console does not replace the Parallels RAS Console described below, so at least for now, you will still use the existing console to perform the standard Parallels RAS management tasks. For more information, see RAS Web Admin Console (p. 301).
Getting Started with Parallels RAS
categories. The navigation tree allows you to browse through objects related to that
The following screenshot and the description below it give you an overview of the Parallels RAS Console:
The Parallels RAS Console consists of the following sections:
This section lists categories. Selecting a category will populate the right pane with elements relevant to that category.
This section (the middle pane) is available only for the Farm and the Publishing
This section displays the selected object or category properties, such as servers in a farm or published application properties, etc.
Getting Started with Parallels RAS
running instances of the Parallels RAS processes, so they have no effect
The information bar at the top of the RAS Console displays the name of the site you are currently logged in to on the left side (the Location field). If you have more than one site, you can switch between them by clicking the drop-down menu (the site name) and choosing a desired site. If you used the RAS Console to connect to more than one farm, the drop-down menu will also display the other farm name(s), clicking on which will connect the console to that farm.
Your administrator account name is displayed on the right side. Clicking on the name opens a drop-down menu from which you can initiate a chat with other administrators, show current sessions, and log off from the RAS Console.
The Press 'Apply' to commit the new settings message in the middle (in red) appears after you make any changes to any of the components or objects. It reminds you that you need to apply these changes to Parallels RAS for them to become effective. The following describes how it works.
When you make changes in the RAS Console, they are saved in the database as soon as you click OK in a dialog. If you close the console at this point, the changes will remain in the database and will not be lost. The changes, however, are not yet applied to in the running RAS farm. When you click the Apply button (at the bottom of the screen) the changes are applied to the runtime and become effective immediately.
When modifying anything in the RAS Console, follow these rules. When you make a small change, you can click Apply as soon as you are done with it. If you are working on something that requires many modifications in many places, you can wait until you are done with all changes and only then press Apply to apply all of them at the same time.
The information bar at the bottom of the screen is used to display the most recent console notification (if one is available).

Set Up a Basic Parallels RAS Farm

In this section, we'll set up a basic Parallels RAS farm where all required components run on a single server.
To set up a Parallels RAS farm:
1 Log in to the Parallels RAS Console.
Getting Started with Parallels RAS
2 In the console, select the Start category. This category gives you access to three wizards that
you can use to easily perform essential tasks, such as adding RD Session Hosts, publishing applications, and inviting users to Parallels RAS.

Add an RD Session Host

First, you need to add an RD Session Host to the farm. In this tutorial, we'll add the local server on which Parallels RAS is installed.
To add an RD Session Host to the farm:
1 Click Add RD Session Hosts. The Add RD Session Hosts wizard opens.
Getting Started with Parallels RAS
2 Select one or more servers. You can also type a server name in the edit box at the bottom of
the page and then click the plus-sign icon. In this tutorial, we install all Parallels RAS components on a single server, so you can type "localhost".
3 Click Next. 4 On the next page, specify the following options:
Add firewall rules. Add firewall rules required by Parallels RAS in Windows running on the
server. See Port Reference for details (p. 326).
Install RDS role. Install the RDS role on the server if it's not installed. You should always
select this option.
Enable Desktop Experience. Enable the Desktop Experience feature in Windows running
on the server. This option is enabled only if the Install RDS role option (above) is selected. The option applies to Windows Server 2008 R1/R2 and Windows 2012 R1/R2 on which the Desktop Experience feature is not enabled by default.
Restart server if required. Automatically restart the server if necessary. You can restart the
server manually if you wish.
Getting Started with Parallels RAS
Add server(s) to group. Add the server (or servers) to a group. Select the desired group in
the list box located below this option. Groups are described in detail in the Grouping RD Session Hosts (p. 84) section. If you are just learning how to use this wizard, you can skip this option.
5 Click Next. 6 The next page allows you to add users and groups to the Remote Desktop Users group in
Windows running on the server. This is necessary for your Parallels RAS users to be able to access published resources hosted by an RD Session Host. To specify users and/or groups, select the option provided and then click the [+] icon. In the Select Users or Groups dialog, specify a user or a group and click OK. The selected user/group will be added to the list on the wizard page.
Note: If you skip this step and your users are not members of the Remote Desktop Users group on the RD Session Host, they will not be able to access resources published from this server. If you wish, you can add users to the group using the standard Windows tools. For more information, please consult the Microsoft Windows documentation.
7 Click Next. 8 On the next page, review the settings and click Next. 9 The Install RAS RD Session Host Agent dialog opens. Follow the instructions and install the
agent. When the installation is finished, click Done to close the dialog.
10 Back in the wizard, click Finish to close it.
If you would like to verify that the RD Session Host has been added to the farm, click the Farm category (below the Start category in the left pane of the Parallels RAS Console window) and then click RD Session Hosts in the navigation tree (the middle pane). The server should be included in the RD Session Hosts list. The Status column may display a warning message. If it does, reboot the server. The Status column should now say, "OK", which means that your RD Session Host is functioning properly.
Read on to learn how to publish an application from an RD Session Host (p. 30)

Publish Applications

Now that you have an RD Session Host added to the RAS farm, you can publish applications from it.
To publish an application:
1 In the Parallels RAS Console, select the Start category and click the Publish Applications item
in the right pane.
2 The Publish Applications wizard opens. 3 On the first page of the wizard, select one or more servers from which the application should be
published. You can select all servers, server groups, or individual servers.
4 Click Next.
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