Parallels Remote Application Server - 15.0 Administrator’s Guide

Parallels Remote Application Server
Administrator's Guide
Copyright © 1999-2016 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Introduction to Parallels Remote Application Server...............................................9
What is Parallels Remote Application Server?.................................................................... 9
About This Document .....................................................................................................10
Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 10
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server ......................................................13
System Requirements ..................................................................................................... 13
Software Requirements ......................................................................................................... 13
Hardware Requirements........................................................................................................ 14
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server.................................................................. 15
Signing In to Parallels Business Account ......................................................................... 21
Activating Parallels Remote Application Server ................................................................ 23
Managing Your Licenses ................................................................................................. 23
Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever .....................................24
Parallels Remote Application Server Console ..................................................................24
Setting Up a Simple RAS Environment ............................................................................26
Add a Terminal Server ........................................................................................................... 27
Publish an Application ........................................................................................................... 28
Invite Users............................................................................................................................ 28
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 32
Sites and Administrators.........................................................................................33
Sites and Management ................................................................................................... 33
Adding a New Site to the Farm.............................................................................................. 34
Managing Sites...................................................................................................................... 36
Administrators: Adding, Managing and Configuring ......................................................... 37
Adding an Administrator Account .......................................................................................... 37
Configuring Administrator Accounts Permissions .................................................................. 38
Managing Administrator Accounts......................................................................................... 39
Using Instant Messaging for Administrators........................................................................... 39
Joining Customer Experience Program ...........................................................................40
Terminal Servers...................................................................................................... 41
Viewing the Available Terminal Servers ............................................................................ 41
Adding a Terminal Server ................................................................................................ 42
Installing RAS Terminal Server Agent Manually ...................................................................... 44
Configuring a Terminal Server .........................................................................................45
Check RAS Terminal Server Agent Status ............................................................................. 45
Change a Terminal Server Site Assignment ........................................................................... 46
View and Modify Terminal Server Properties.......................................................................... 46
Grouping Terminal Servers.............................................................................................. 50
Using a Terminal Server Scheduler.................................................................................. 51
Managing Logons From Client Sessions.......................................................................... 53
Publishing from a Terminal Server ...................................................................................54
Publishing a Desktop from a Terminal Server ........................................................................ 54
Publishing an Application from a Terminal Server .................................................................. 57
Publishing a Web Application from a Terminal Server ............................................................ 60
Publishing a Network Folder from a Terminal Server.............................................................. 61
Publishing a Document from a Terminal Server ..................................................................... 63
VDI Hosts .................................................................................................................64
Adding a VDI Host .......................................................................................................... 64
Checking the RAS VDI Agent Status ..................................................................................... 66
Installing RAS VDI Agent Manually......................................................................................... 66
Installing an Appliance and Configuring a VDI Host.......................................................... 67
Managing RAS Templates...............................................................................................71
Creating a RAS Template ...................................................................................................... 72
How Virtual Guests Are Created From a Template ................................................................ 72
Configuring a RAS Template ................................................................................................. 73
RAS Template Maintenance .................................................................................................. 74
VDI Host Pool Management ............................................................................................ 75
Adding and Deleting Pools .................................................................................................... 76
Adding and Deleting Pool Members ...................................................................................... 76
Configuring Virtual Guests in a Pool....................................................................................... 77
Using the Wildcard Function.................................................................................................. 79
Persistent Guests............................................................................................................ 79
Publishing from a Guest .................................................................................................. 79
Publishing a Virtual Desktop from a Guest............................................................................. 79
Publishing an Application from a Guest ................................................................................. 80
Publishing a Web Application from a Guest........................................................................... 81
Publishing a Network Folder from a Guest............................................................................. 82
Publishing a Document from a Guest .................................................................................... 82
VDI Agent Technology..................................................................................................... 83
Citrix XenServer..................................................................................................................... 84
Microsoft Hyper-V ................................................................................................................. 92
VMWare vSphere .................................................................................................................. 95
Remote PC’s.......................................................................................................... 111
Adding a Remote PC .................................................................................................... 111
Installing RAS PC Agent Manually .................................................................................112
Configuring a Remote PC ............................................................................................. 113
Publishing from a Remote PC .......................................................................................114
Publishing a Desktop from a Remote PC............................................................................. 114
Publishing an Application from a Remote PC ...................................................................... 115
Publishing a Web Application from a Remote PC ................................................................ 115
Publishing a Network Folder from a Remote PC.................................................................. 116
Publishing a Document from a Remote PC ......................................................................... 116
Publishing and Filtering.........................................................................................118
Managing Published Applications.................................................................................. 118
Managing Published Desktops ...................................................................................... 123
Managing Published Documents................................................................................... 124
Managing Published Folders ......................................................................................... 126
Filtering Rules by User, Client, IP, MAC, and Gateway................................................... 127
RAS Secure Client Gateways................................................................................130
RAS Secure Client Gateway Overview........................................................................... 130
Adding a RAS Secure Client Gateway ........................................................................... 132
Manually Adding a RAS Secure Client Gateway ............................................................132
Checking the RAS Secure Client Gateway Status ......................................................... 133
Managing RAS Secure Client Gateway.......................................................................... 134
Enabling and Disabling a RAS Secure Client Gateway......................................................... 134
Configuring the IP Address for Incoming Connections......................................................... 135
Configuring RAS Secure Client Gateway Network Options.................................................. 136
Enabling SSL Encryption on a RAS Secure Client Gateway................................................. 137
Enabling HTML5 Support on the Gateway .......................................................................... 139
Changing the Gateway Mode and Forwarding Settings....................................................... 142
Support for Wyse Thin Client OS ......................................................................................... 142
Filtering Access to RAS Secure Client Gateway................................................................... 143
Gateway Tunneling Policies...........................................................................................143
Configuring Tunneling Policies............................................................................................. 143
RAS Web Portal.....................................................................................................144
RAS Web Portal: Prerequisites and Installation .............................................................. 144
Logging Into the Administrative Page ............................................................................146
Farm Settings................................................................................................................ 147
General Settings ........................................................................................................... 150
Backup Publishing Agents....................................................................................156
Adding a Backup Publishing Agent ...............................................................................156
Managing Backup Publishing Agents ............................................................................ 157
Load Balancing...................................................................................................... 158
Resource Based & Round Robin Load Balancing.......................................................... 158
Load Balancing Advanced Settings............................................................................... 160
High Availability Load Balancing .................................................................................... 161
Configuring HALB Appliances in the RAS Console .............................................................. 162
Changing HALB Appliance Password.................................................................................. 164
Universal Printing ..................................................................................................166
Managing Universal Printing Servers.............................................................................. 166
Universal Printing Filtering ............................................................................................. 168
Font Management.........................................................................................................169
Universal Scanning................................................................................................170
Managing Universal Scanning .......................................................................................170
Managing Scanning Applications................................................................................... 172
Managing Devices
Inviting Users to Connect Devices ................................................................................. 173
Monitoring Devices........................................................................................................ 175
Managing Windows Devices .........................................................................................176
Windows Desktop Replacement.......................................................................................... 179
Windows Device Groups............................................................................................... 182
Scheduling Windows Devices & Groups Power Cycles.................................................. 183
Managing Parallels Client Settings................................................................................. 184
Reporting ...............................................................................................................189
Deploy and Configure RAS Reports ..............................................................................189
Advanced Settings .............................................................................................................. 190
RAS Reports................................................................................................................. 191
Connection and Authentication Settings.............................................................. 194
RAS Publishing Agent Connection Settings................................................................... 194
Restricting Access by Parallels Client Type and Build Number ...................................... 196
Second Level Authentication ......................................................................................... 196
Configuring Parallels Remote Application Server ................................................................. 197
Working with Safenet........................................................................................................... 200
Working with Deepnet ......................................................................................................... 203
Managing Parallels Remote Application Se
Parallels Remote Application Server Status ................................................................... 217
Licensing ...................................................................................................................... 218
Managing Sessions....................................................................................................... 220
Configuring Monitoring Counters and Email Alerts ......................................................... 221
Configuring Monitoring Counters ......................................................................................... 221
Configuring SMTP Server Connection for System Notifications via Email............................. 221
Viewing Parallels Remote Application Server Configuration Changes............................. 222
Configuring Auditing Logging ........................................................................................ 222
Parallels Remote Application Server Logging Per Server ..................................................... 223
Parallels Remote Application Server Logging Per Site ......................................................... 223
Maintenance and Backup .............................................................................................224
Exporting and Importing Farm Settings .........................................................................224
Problem Reporting and Troubleshooting ....................................................................... 225
Port Reference
Index ......................................................................................................................232

Introduction to Parallels Remote Application Server

In This Chapter
What is Parallels Remote Application Server? ........................................................... 9
About This Document............................................................................................... 10
Terms and Abbreviations.......................................................................................... 10

What is Parallels Remote Application Server?

Parallels Remote Application Server provides vendor independent virtual desktop and application delivery from a single platform. Accessible from anywhere with native clients and web enabled solutions, like the Parallels RAS HTML5 Gateway, Parallels Remote Application Server allows you to publish full desktops, applications and documents within a virtual environment, improving desktop manageability, security and performance.
Parallels Remote Application Server extends Windows Terminal Services by using a customized shell and virtual channel extensions over the Microsoft RDP protocol. It supports all major Hypervisors from Microsoft, VMware, and others enabling the publishing of virtual desktops and applications to the Parallels Client.
The product includes powerful universal printing and scanning functionality, high capacity resource based load balancing and management features.
With the Parallels Client Manager Module for Parallels Remote Application Server you can also centrally manage user connections and PCs converted into thin clients using the free Parallels Client.
How does it work?
When a user requests a virtual desktop or application, the system finds a virtual guest on one of the least loaded VDI hosts, or it finds a least loaded terminal server, and starts or restores an RDP connection with it. Using Microsoft RDP protocol, the virtual desktop or published application is presented to the user.
Introduction to Parallels Remote Application Server
Users can connect to the Parallels Remote Application Server using Parallels Client (available at no charge), which can run on Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, Chrome, and iOS. Users can also connect via an HTML5 browser or Chromebook.
As newer versions of Windows keep on being developed as time goes by, how can you defend the migration cost to your business? Parallels Remote Application Server can help. Desktop replacement allows you to extend the lifespan of your hardware and delay migration to the latest OSs to a time that suits you best. The Parallels Remote Application Server solution allows you to be very flexible: you can lock machine configurations on the user side, placing your corporate data in an extremely secure position; or you can opt to allow users to run some local and remote applications. Parallels Client Desktop Replacement is able to reduce the operability of the local machine by disabling the most common local configuration options, while guaranteeing the same level of service and security afforded by thin clients, directly from your existing PCs.

About This Document

This guide is intended for system administrators responsible for installing and configuring Parallels Remote Application Server. This guide assumes that the reader is familiar with Microsoft Terminal Server and has an intermediate networking knowledge.

Terms and Abbreviations

The following terms and abbreviations are used in this guide.
Term/Abbreviation Description
Parallels Remote Application Server Console.
RAS Console
The RAS Console is the primary interface you use to configure, manage, and run Parallels Remote Application Server. As an administrator, you use the RAS Console to manage farms, sites, terminal servers, published resources, client connections, etc.
In the RAS Console, categories are displayed in the left pane of the main interface. Each category consists of a number of settings related to a specific task or operation.
The categories are:
• Start
• Farm
• Load Balancing
• Publishing
• Universal Printing
Universal Scanning
Introduction to Parallels Remote Application Server
• Connection
• Client Manager
• Policies
• Administration
• Information
• Reporting
• Licensing
Licensing Server Site
RAS Secure Client Gateway
HTML5 Gateway
A farm consists of a Parallels Remote Application Server installation on a site or multiple sites.
A site consists of at least one RAS Publishing Agent, RAS Secure Client Gateway (or multiple gateways), and RAS agents installed on Terminal Servers, VDI hosts, and PCs.
Note that a given Terminal Server, VDI host, or PC can be a member of only one site at any given time.
The site where the main configuration database is stored and manages all other sites in the RAS farm. Other servers in a site can be upgraded to Licensing Server if the main licensing server is not available.
Note: Upgrades of the Parallels Remote Application Server MUST be applied to the licensing server site first.
RAS Secure Client Gateway tunnels all traffic needed by applications on a single port and provides secure connections
HTML5 Gateway provides clientless access to published resources via web browser. HTML5 is a part of the RAS Secure Client Gateway.
The act of making items installed on a Remote Desktop Server, VDI host or Remote PC available to the users via the Parallels Remote Application Server.
RAS Publishing Agent
RAS Terminal Server Agent
RAS PC Agent
RAS Guest Agent
RAS Publishing Agent provides load balancing of published applications and desktops.
RAS Terminal Server Agent collects information from the MS RDS hosts required by the Publishing Agent and transmits to it when required.
RAS PC Agent collects information from Remote PC hosts required by the Publishing Agent and transmits to it when required.
RAS Guest Agent collects information from the VDI desktop required by the Publishing Agent and transmits to it when required.
RAS VDI Agent collects information from the Parallels
Introduction to Parallels Remote Application Server
Remote Application Server Infrastructure and is responsible for controlling VDI through its native API. It also acts as a gateway between the Secure Client Gateway or the client in direct mode and the RDP server from the guest or VDI depending on VDI implementation.
RAS Web Portal is a web page with auto client
RAS Web Portal
detection and a client distribution point. It provides access to published resources via web browser and allows white labeling.
Remote Desktop Services is a server role in Windows Server that provides technologies to enable users to connect to virtual desktops and session-based desktops and applications. RDS replaced Terminal Services beginning in Windows 2008 R2.
Terminal Services
See RDS above.
HALB (High Availability Load Balancing) is a software solution that sits between users and Parallels Secure Client Gateways. Many HALB appliances can run simultaneously, one acting as the master and the others as slaves. The higher the number of HALB appliances available, the lower the probability that users will experience downtime. Master and slave appliances share a common or virtual IP, also known as VIP. Should the master HALB appliance fail, a slave is promoted to master and takes its place seamlessly without affecting the end user's connection.

Installing Parallels Remote Application Server

In This Chapter
System Requirements .............................................................................................. 13
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server ........................................................... 15
Signing In to Parallels Business Account .................................................................. 21
Activating Parallels Remote Application Server ......................................................... 23
Managing Your Licenses .......................................................................................... 23

System Requirements

Software Requirements

Core Parallels Remote Application Server Components
RAS Publishing Agent and RAS Secure Client Gateway (the core components of Parallels Remote Application Server) must be installed on one of the following versions of Windows Server:
Windows Server 2003 SP1 and newer
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Note: Parallels Remote Application Server should not be installed on a domain controller or any other server where a DHCP server is running.
RAS Terminal Server Agent
RAS Terminal Server Agent must be installed on one of the following versions of Windows Server:
Windows Server 2003 SP1 and newer
Windows Server 2008
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Note: Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services in Windows Server 2008 and earlier versions) must be enabled.
Parallels Client
Parallels Client is approved for the following operating systems (both 32 bit and 64 bit systems are supported, where applicable):
Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8.x, 10
Windows Server 2003 SP1 and newer
Windows Embedded
Windows CE
OS X 10.8 and newer
iOS 7.0 and newer (iPhone and iPad)
Android 2.2 and newer
Chrome OS
Windows Phone
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Open Suse 12.3
OpenSuse 13.2
Fedora 20
Xubuntu 15.10
Raspbian OS Wheezy
Raspbian OS Jessie

Hardware Requirements

Parallels Remote Application Server is extensively tested on both physical and virtual platforms. The minimum hardware requirements approved to run Parallels Remote Application Server are outlined below.
Physical Machines – Dual Core Processor and a minimum of 4GB RAM.
Virtual Machines – Two Virtual Processors and a minimum of 4GB of virtual hardware memory.

Installing Parallels Remote Application Server

The server hardware requirements to install and configure Parallels Remote Application Server can vary according to end-user requirements.
Typically for an installation of 30 users or under, Parallels Remote Application Server can be installed on one high specification server and the resources published directly from it. For more than 30 users, multiple servers may be required.
The below should be considered during the planning stage of a Parallels Remote Application Server deployment:
High specification servers should be used, consisting of multiple CPU cores, a high specification disk transfer rate and plenty of RAM.
Virtual machine hypervisors can be used as long as the resources required by the end-users are calculated accordingly.
Terminal servers should not exceed 50 users per terminal server in usage.
The Secure Client Gateway should not exceed 200 users per server for incoming connections.
When planning VDI Hypervisor resource requirements, extra requirements such as RAM usage
per virtual machine and disk space should be taken into account.
For port requirements, please see the Port Reference section (p. 229).
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
To install Parallels Remote Application Server:
1 Before proceeding, make sure that you are logged into the computer where you'll be
performing the installation with an account that has administrative privileges.
2 Download the latest version of Parallels Remote Application Server from the Parallels website.
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
3 Double click the RASInstaller.msi file to launch the Parallels Remote Application Server
installation wizard.
4 Click Next.
5 Review and approve the end-user license agreement and click Next.
6 Specify the folder location where Parallels Remote Application Server will be installed and click
7 Select the installation type:
Select Parallels Remote Application Server to run the default installation.
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
Select Custom and then (after clicking the Next button) specify the components to install.
8 Click Next.
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
9 If there's a port conflict on your computer, review the notice on the Important Notice wizard
page. You can resolve the conflict later.
10 Click Next.
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
11 On the Firewall Settings page, select Automatically add firewall rules to automatically
configure the firewall on this computer for Parallels Remote Application Server to work properly.
12 Click Next and then click Install.
13 Wait for the installation to finish and click Finish.
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
Logging Into RAS Console for the First Time
The first time the Parallels Remote Application Server Console is launched, you need to specify credentials of a user with administrative privileges (usually a domain or local administrator). The user name must be specified using the UPN format (e.g. administrator@domain.local). The specified user will be automatically configured as the Parallels Remote Application Server administrator.
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server

Signing In to Parallels Business Account

o begin using Parallels Remote Application Server and working with the RAS console, you need a Parallels Business Account. When you run the RAS console for the first time, you'll see the Sign In to Parallels Business Account dialog.
If you already have an account, provide the email address and password you used to register the account and click Sign In.
To create a new Parallels Business Account:
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
1 Click Register. The Register Parallels Business Account dialog opens.
2 If you have an existing 2X Remote Application Server license and are upgrading to the new
Parallels Remote Application Server, the Register Parallels Business Account dialog will be prefilled with the information from your existing license. If you don't have an existing license (or if you've installed Parallels Remote Application Server on a new server), you'll need to fill in the registration information.
3 Click Register to create an account.
If you are upgrading an existing 2X license, the Migrating license key window will open and your license will be migrated to the new Parallels Remote Application Server format. When the migration is completed, your upgraded license key will be registered with your Parallels Business Account and your Parallels Remote Application Server will be activated.
Installing Parallels Remote Application Server
If you don't have an existing 2X license, you should see the confirmation message saying that "Your Parallels Business Account was registered successfully". Click OK to close the message box. In the Sign In to Parallels Business Account dialog, provide the email address and password you used to register your Parallels Business Account and click Sign In. You'll see the Activate Product dialog. Read on to learn how to activate Parallels Remote Application Server.

Activating Parallels Remote Application Server

If you already have a Parallels Remote Application Server license key, select the Activate using license key option and enter the key in the field provided. You can click the button next to the field
to see the list of subscriptions and/or permanent license keys you have registered with your business account. If the list is empty, it means that you don't have any subscriptions or license keys yet and need to purchase one first.
To purchase a subscription online, click the Purchase a license link.
You can also activate a trial version of Parallels Remote Application Server by selecting the
Activate trial version option.
After entering a license key (or selecting to activate a trial version), click Activate. You should see the confirmation message that your Parallels Remote Application Server was activated successfully.

Managing Your Licenses

If later you need to view the Parallels Remote Application Server license information or if you decide to switch to a different Parallels Business Account or activate Parallels Remote Application Server using a different license key, you can do that from the Licensing category in the Parallels Remote Application Server console. For more information, please see the Licensing section (p. 218).

Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever

In This Chapter
Parallels Remote Application Server Console............................................................ 24
Setting Up a Simple RAS Environment ..................................................................... 26

Parallels Remote Application Server Console

One of the fundamental features of Parallels Remote Application Server is the ability to publish seamless applications individually to your users. This means users will only see the applications you give them access to and not a full terminal service desktop.
The Parallels Remote Application Server Console is where you manage Parallels Remote Application Server. Use the console to publish an application or a desktop, add a terminal server of a VDI host to the farm, backup the Parallels Remote Application Server configuration and other configuration changes.
Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever
Parallels Remote Application Server Console Layout
The RAS Console consists of the following sections:
This section lists categories. Selecting a category will populate the right pane with elements relevant to this category.
This section becomes available only for the Farm and the Publishing categories. The navigation tree allows you to browse through the objects related to that category.
This section displays the selected object or category properties, such as servers in a farm or published application properties.
This information bar displays the site you are currently logged into and the user account being used for the connection. Please also note the "Press Apply to commit the new settings" message in the middle (in red). The message is displayed when you made changes to one or more objects/items, but did not commit them to Parallels Remote Application Server. Click the Apply button (at the bottom of the screen) to commit the changes. If there are no currently pending changes, the message is not displayed.
Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever
The information bar at the bottom of the screen is used to display the most recent console notification (if one is available).

Setting Up a Simple RAS Environment

In this section, we'll set up a simple Parallels Remote Application Server environment where all required components run on a single server. Once you are familiar with the basic principles of setting up a Parallels RAS environment, you can use the instructions provided here as a basis for setting up a more advanced multi-server environment according to your needs.
To set up a Parallels RAS environment:
1 Log into the Parallels Remote Application Server console.
2 In the console, select the Start category. This category gives you access to three wizards that
you can use to easily perform essential tasks, such as adding terminal servers, publishing applications, and inviting users to use those applications.
Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever

Add a Terminal Server

First, we need to add a Terminal Server to the site. In this tutorial, we'll add the local server on which Parallels Remote Application Server is installed.
To add a Terminal Server:
1 Click the Add Terminal Servers item. The Add Terminal Servers wizard opens.
2 On the first page, select the local server in the list or type the host name in the edit box at the
bottom of the page and then click the plus-sign icon.
3 Click Next.
4 On the next page, you can specify whether the firewall should be configured on the server and
the RDS role should be installed (and some others). Keep the default values and click Next.
5 Review the settings and click Next.
6 The Install Terminal Server Agent dialog opens. When the Terminal Server Agent is installed
on the server, click Done to close the dialog.
Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever
7 Click Finish to close the wizard.
If you would like to verify that the Terminal Server has been added to the site, click the Farm category (below the Start category) and then click Terminal Servers in the navigation tree (the middle pane). The server should now be included in the Terminal Servers list. The Agent State column may display a warning message. If it does, reboot the server. The Agent State column should now say, "Agent OK", which means that your Terminal Server is fully operational.

Publish an Application

Now that you have a Terminal Server, you need to publish an application that it will serve to the users. In this example, we'll publish the RAS Console application (you can publish any other application that's available on the server if you like).
To publish an application:
1 Click the Publish Applications item.
Note: If you see a message box saying that there are no servers available, make sure that you added the server as a Terminal Server to the site and then restarted it.
2 The Publish Applications wizard opens.
3 The first page of the wizard will not be displayed if you have just one Terminal Server. If you
have more than one Terminal Server, the page will be displayed and you can select the Terminal Server(s) from which the application should be published. For instance, you can select the Individual Servers option and then select the local server in the list.
4 On the next page, navigate to Parallels / Parallels Remote Application Server and select the
Parallels Remote Application Server Console application (or any other application that you
want to publish).
If you have more than one Terminal Server and select more than one server on the previous screen, the Show applications not available on all target servers option becomes enabled. If the option is cleared (default), the directory tree will contain applications that are available on each and every server that you selected. If the option is selected, the tree will contain applications that may be available on some server(s), but not on the others.
5 Click Next. Review the summary information and click Next again.
6 Click Finish when ready.
7 To verify that the application has been published, select the Publishing category and see that
the Parallels Remote Application Server Console application is present in the Published Resources list (the middle pane).

Invite Users

Your Parallels RAS environment is now fully operational. You have a Terminal Server and a published application. All you need to do now is invite your users to install the Parallels Client software on their devices, which will enable them to use the published application.
Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever
To invite users:
1 Click the Invite Users item. The Invite Users wizard opens.
2 If you haven't configured anything yet in your Parallels RAS installation, the first wizard page will
prompt you to configure a mailbox for sending notifications to your users.
3 Enter your outgoing mail server name and sender address (e.g. your email address). Choose
whether to use the TLS/SSL protocol and whether your SMTP server requires authentication (provide the username and password if it does). You can also send a test email to test your outgoing mail server settings.
4 Click Next.
5 On the next page of the wizard, specify target devices and connection options:
In the target devices list, select the types of devices to send an invitation to. Each target
device of a particular type will receive an email with instructions on how to download, install, and configure the Parallels Client software on that device type.
In the Public Gateway IP field, specify the RAS Secure Client Gateway domain name or IP
address. Please note that this can be a public IP address in order to reach the system from a remote user. You can click the [...] button to select a gateway from the list.
Getting Started with Parallels Remote Application Sever
In the Connection Mode drop-down list, select the RAS Secure Client Gateway connection
mode. Please note that SSL modes require the gateway to have SSL configured.
6 Click Next.
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