2X Remote Application Server provides vendor independent virtual desktop and application delivery from
a single platform. Accessible from anywhere with native clients and web enabled solutions like the 2X RAS
Portal, 2X Remote Application Server allows you to publish full desktops, applications and documents within a
virtual environment, improving desktop manageability, security and performance.
2X Remote Application Server extends Windows Terminal Services by using a customized shell and virtual
channel extensions over the Microsoft RDP protocol. It supports all major Hypervisors from Microsoft,
VMware and more enabling the publishing of virtual desktops and applications to the 2X Client.
The product includes powerful universal printing and scanning functionality, high capacity resource based
load balancing and management features.
With the 2X Client Manager Module for 2X Remote Application Server you can also centrally manage user
connections and PCs converted into thin clients using the free 2X RDP client.
How does it work?
When a user requests a virtual desktop or application, the system finds a guest on one of the least loaded
hosts and starts or restores the guest connection. Using Microsoft RDP protocol, the virtual desktop or
publish application is presented to the user.
Users can connect to the 2X Remote Application Server using the free the 2X RDP Client which can run
on Windows, Linux, MAC, Android, Chrome and iOS. Users can also connect via an HTML 5 browser or
Windows XP is already at the end of its life, Vista is following shortly and later on Windows 7 and 8 will also
follow. How can you defend the migration cost to your business? 2X RAS can help: the desktop replacement
allows you to extend the lifespan of your hardware and delay migration to the latest OSs to a time that suits
you best. The 2X solution allows you to be very flexible: you can lock machine configuration on the user side,
placing your corporate data in an extremely secure position, or you might decide to allow users to run some
local and remote applications. 2X Client Desktop Replacement is able to reduce the operability of the local
machine by disabling the most common local configuration options, while guaranteeing the same level of
service and security afforded by thin clients directly from your existing PCs.
About This Document
This product manual assumes that the reader is familiar with Microsoft Terminal Server and has an
intermediate networking knowledge.
All Titles, labels and names (such as product features, buttons and links) will be displayed in bold.
A category consists of a number of settings related to a specific task or operation. In the 2X Remote
Application Server Console the following categories are available:
●Load Balancing
●Universal Printing
●Universal Scanning
●Client Manager
A farm consists of a 2X Remote Application Server installation on a site or multiple sites.
Licensing Server Site
The site where the main configuration database is stored and manages all other sites in the 2X Farm. Other
servers in a site can be upgraded to Licensing Server if the main licensing server is not available. Note:
Upgrades of the 2X Remote Application Server MUST be applied to the licensing server site first.
The act of making items installed on a Remote Desktop Server, VDI Host or Remote PC available to the
users via the 2X Remote Application Server.
Publishing Agent
The Publishing Agent provides load balancing of published applications and desktops.
Remote Desktop Services is a server role in Windows Server that provides technologies to enable users
to connect to virtual desktops and session-based desktops. RDS replaced Terminal Services beginning in
Windows 2008 R2.
A site consists of a publishing agent, a SecureClient GW or multiple gateways and the agents installed on the
Terminal Servers, VDIs and PCs.
What is new in Version 14
The new 2X Remote Application Server version 14 focuses on reporting, continuous availability and
enhanced technology to support mobile workforces. Highlights of the new features are:
2X Reporting
The new 2X Reporting engine is capable of providing information that helps administrators adjust systems
for better performance and efficiency. Support users in a pre-emptive manner, by detecting and preventing
bottlenecks before they escalate into issues, rather than dealing with outages as they arise. The intuitive
reporting interface boasts 14 new reports in total, separated into 5 groups for easy access. Below are the
groups available:
1. User Reports group provides insight into how end users are interacting with 2X RAS.
2. Group Reports indicate how groups of users are interacting with the system.
3. Devices Reports yields information about the devices that are connecting to 2X RAS.
4. Server Reports generate 2X RAS server component usage statistics including server health,
showing CPU and RAM usage in a graph.
5. Application Reports to learn which applications are being used.
High Availability Load Balancing
HALB is a software solution that sits between the user and the 2X RAS gateways. Many HALB services
can run simultaneously, one acting as the master and the others as slaves. The higher the number of
HALB services available, the lower the probability that users will experience downtime. The master and
slave appliances share a common or virtual IP, also known as VIP. Should the master HALB service
fail, a slave is promoted to master and takes its place seamlessly.
Invitation Email
2X Remote Application Server supports multiple platforms, and the product has always been designed
to help administrators by facilitating the installation and client rollout process. The invitation email allows
the administrator to send the installation and auto-configuration instructions to end users from the
central management console.
Universal Scanning WIA and Scanner Rename Pattern
It is now possible to redirect Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) enabled devices. Further customize how
the scanner name is presented to the user with the new scanner renaming pattern.
IPV6 Ready
Version 14 of 2X RAS introduces IPv6 to the system. The Increasing number of Devices connected
over internet has created the need to have a better addressing system. The product will still need IPv4
in order to work as IPv6 is introduced at the Secure Proxy Gateway and Connectivity Level. This means
that IPv6 is for end user usage to address this need.
Other Major Improvements in 2X Remote Application Server V14
●Enhanced Windows device Features in the Client Manager
●Added more encryption algorithms 2X Gateways
●SSO for window 8 , 8.1 and 2012
●Improved reliability for RDP connection on Windows clients using UDP protocol tunneling for
better performance, even with a slow connection or high latency.
●Enhanced processing of multiple print jobs
●Printing redirection enhanced for mobile devices (Android, iOS, HTML5 Gateway, Chrome App)
●Firewall friendly desktop shadowing. Further simplification in desktop management: automatic
firewall client setting and updated graphical user interface.
System Requirements
Software Requirements
The 2X Remote Application Server core components (2X Publishing Agent and 2X SecureClientGateway)
should be installed on Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2012 and Windows 2012
R2 Server operating system.
Recommendation: The 2X Remote Application Server should not be installed on a domain controller or any
other server where a DHCP server is running.
2X Terminal Server Agents should be installed on Windows 2003 SP1, Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2,
Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2012 R2 Server operating system with Terminal Services / Remote Desktop
Services enabled.
2X RDP Client is approved for the following operating systems:
●Windows XP SP3
●Windows Vista
●Windows 2003 SP1
●Windows 7
●Windows 8. 8.1
●Windows CE
●Windows Embedded
●Mac 10.5.x and above
●iOS (iPhone and iPad)
●Android 1.5 and above
●Ubuntu 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10
●OpenSuse 11.1
●Fedora Core 9, 11
●CentOs 5.2
●VectorLinux 6.0
●Chrome OS
Minimum Hardware Requirements
2X Remote Application Server is extensively tested on both physical and virtual platforms. The minimum
hardware requirements approved to run 2X RAS are outlined below:
●Physical Machines – Dual Core Processor with a minimum of 4GB of physical memory.
●Virtual Machines – 2 Virtual Processors with a minimum of 4GB of virtual hardware memory.
General guidelines for scaling 2X Remote Application Server can be found here: http://www.2x.com/2x-
Port requirements for each of the separate functions can be found here: http://www.2x.com/firewall-
Installing and Configuring 2X Remote Application Server
Installing 2X Remote Application Server
Note: You should be logged in with an account that has administrative privileges to install 2X Remote
Application Server. Close all other Windows programs before running the installation.
1. Login to the machine and download the latest version of the 2X Remote Application Server from the
2X website.
2. Double click the 2xAppServer.msi to launch the 2X Remote Application Server installation wizard.
Click Next when prompted.
3. Review and approve the end-user license agreement and click Next.
4. Specify the folder location where 2X Remote Application Server will be installed and click Next.
5. Select the option 2X Remote Application Server for a default installation of the 2X Remote
Application Server and click Next.
6. Click Install to start the installation. The setup will now copy all files and install the 2X Application
Server services.
7. Click Finish when ready.
Configuring a 2X Remote Application Server Administrator Account
The first time you launch the 2X Remote Application Server Console you have to specify a username and
password in FQDN format example administrator@domain.local, as seen in the below screenshot. The user
specified will be automatically configured as the 2X Remote Application Server administrator. Use any user
from the active directory or machine to login where the 2X Remote Application Server is installed.
2X Remote Application Server Console First Time Login Prompt
2X Remote Application Server Console
One of the fundamental features of 2X Remote Application Server is the ability to publish seamless
applications individually to your users. This means users will only see the applications you give them
access to and not a full terminal service desktop
The 2X Remote Application Server Console is from where you can manage 2X Remote Application
Server. Use the console to publish an application or desktop, add a terminal server of VDI host to the
farm, backup the 2X Remote Application Server configuration and all other configuration changes.
2X Remote Application Server Console Layout
2X Remote Application Server Console
Section 1: This section contains all the categories.
Section 2: This information bar displays the site you are currently logged in on the left and the user
currently logged in on the right.
Section 3: Toolbar from where you can launch the publishing wizards.
Section 4: Available only in the Farm and Publishing category, the navigation tree allows you to browse
through the objects related to that category.
Section 5: This section displays the selected object or category properties, such as servers in a farm or
published application properties.
Section 6: In this section the latest console notification are displayed.
Setting Up an SMB Environment
This getting started guide explains how to add the server where the 2X Remote Application Server
is installed as terminal server to a site in the farm and publish an application (2X Application Server
Console) from it.
Add a Terminal Server
1. Launch the 2X Remote Application Server Console, select the Farm category and click on
Terminal Servers from the navigation tree.
2. Select Add from the Tasks drop down menu to launch the setup wizard and once prompted
enter the server FQDN or IP. In this case enter the IP address of the 2X Remote Application
Server server and click Next.
First Step of the Terminal Server Wizard
3. In the next step the 2X Remote Application Server checks if the 2X Agent is installed on the
server. Once confirmed click Add to add the server to the farm.
2X Terminal Server Agent Check
Publish an Application
The below procedure explains how to publish the 2X Remote Application Server Console as an
application, but you can publish any other application you like.
1. Click the Publishing category and click the Application icon from the console top menu to
launch the wizard.
First Step of the Application Publishing Wizard
2. In the first step of the wizard select Terminal Server and click Next as seen in the screenshot
3. In the second step select Installed Application to select the application from a list of installed
applications on the server and click Next.
4. Expand the 2X > Application Server node and tick 2X Remote Application Server Console
to publish the 2X Remote Application Server console as seen in the screenshot below.
Highlighting the 2X Remote Application Server Console to publish it
5. Click Finish when ready.
Publish a Desktop
The below procedure explains how to publish the desktop of the server where the 2X Remote
Application Server is installed.
1. Click Publishing from the system menu and click the Desktop icon from the console top menu
to launch the wizard.
2. In the first step of the wizard select Terminal Server Desktop and click Next
3. Next, select individual or multiple servers that the desktop will be published from.
4. In the third step of the wizard you have to specify a Name and Description for the shared
desktop and (optional) change the Icon. Enable the option Connect to console so users
connect to console rather than a virtual session.
Second Step of the Desktop Publishing Wizard
5. As seen from the above screenshot, in the third step of the wizard you can also configure
the size and resolution of the desktop from the Size drop down menu. Once configured, click
Finish to publish the desktop.
Sites and Management
A 2X Remote Application Server farm can contain multiple sites which can be administered by different
A 2X Remote Application Server farm can have multiple sites. Each site consists of a publishing agent, a
SecureClient GW or multiple gateways, and the agents installed on the Terminal Servers, VDIs and PCs.
At least one server has to be dedicated for a site where the master publishing agent and gateway will be
The first default site added to the 2X Remote Application Server farm is the Licensing Server, where the
main 2X Remote Application Server configuration database is stored. Every other additional site on the farm
will have a synched copy of the configuration database and once changes are applied to a particular site, the
Licensing Server database is updated.
Sites can be managed from the Farm node in the navigation tree available in the Farm category.
Configuring Sites in 2X Remote Application Server
Note: The Farm node is only available to administrators which have full permissions on the farm. For more
information about administrators and permissions refer to the Administrators section on page .
Adding a New Site to the Farm
To add a site to the 2X Remote Application Server farm follow the below procedure:
1. Click the Farm node in the navigation tree and click the Green Plus button to launch the Add Site
wizard. Alternatively you can also select the Add option from the Tasks drop down menu.
2. In the first step of the wizard, specify a site name in the Site input filed and specify the server IP or
FQDN where the master publishing agent and gateway will be installed in the Server input field.
First Step of the Add a New Site Wizard
3. In the second step of the wizard the 2X Remote Application Server checks if the 2X Publishing Agent
is installed on the site server. If not, click Install to proceed with the remote installation.
Second Step of the Add a New Site Wizard – Check for Publishing Agent
4. In the Installing 2X Publishing Agent dialog, highlight the server name on which the 2X Publishing
Agent is to be installed as seen in the below screenshot.
5. (Optional) Tick the option “Override system credentials” to specify and use different credentials to
connect to the server and install the 2X Agent.
Installing 2X Publishing Agent Dialog Box
6. Click Install to install the publishing agent and gateway, and click Done once it has been successfully
7. In the last step of the Add Site wizard, click OK.
Accessing Site Configuration
Once a new site is created you can access its configuration by running the 2X Remote Application Server
Console on the site server or by switching to its configuration from the 2X Remote Application Server Console
as explained in the following section Switching Between Sites Configurations.
Note: When running the 2X Remote Application Server Console you will always be connected to the licensing
server database, even if running it from a site server. Once changes are applied, configuration changes are
replicated from the licensing server to the site servers.
Switching Between Sites Configurations
From the 2X Remote Application Server Console you can only view the configuration of one site at a time.
If you login as a farm administrator, the configuration of the Licensing Server site will be loaded. If you login
with an administrator that has access to a specific site, the configuration of that site will be loaded.
To switch between the configuration of different sites from the 2X Remote Application Server Console follow
the below procedure:
1. Open the Farm category and click on the Farm node from the navigation tree to access the list of
sites in the farm.
2. Highlight the site you would like to configure and from the Tasks drop down menu select Switch to this Site. Alternatively you can use the top bar and select the site you want to switch to from the Site
drop down menu.
Managing Multiple Sites from the Farm Node
Managing Sites
Sites can be managed from the Farm node in the navigation tree available in the Farm category. From this
section you can change the farm name and also add or delete sites.
Replicating Site Settings to all Sites
Any setting which is site dependant can be replicated to all other sites. Refer to the below table for more
specific information about which settings can be replicated to other sites.
To replicate a specific setting to all other sites, tick the option Replicate settings highlighted in the below
Enabling Replication of Configuration Changes to all other Sites
Overriding Site Replicated Settings
If an administrator has permissions to enable or disable the replication settings makes a change to a specific
setting, such setting is replicated to all other sites.
If an administrator has access to a particular site only, upon modifying site settings which have been
replicated, the replicated settings are overridden and the option Replicate Settings is automatically switched
off, therefore such settings will no longer be replicated to other sites.
Setting a Site as a Licensing Server
If the licensing server fails, or if you would like to set a different site as a Licensing Server, click on the site’s
name from the Farm node in the navigation tree, and from the Tasks drop down menu select Set Site as Licensing Server.
Administrators: Adding, Managing and Configuring
It is possible to have multiple 2X Remote Application Server administrators that can manage and configure
the farm and sites within the farm. Permissions can also be configured to limit access to specific categories
and Sites.
If the 2X Remote Application Server is installed in an Active Directory environment, any user that has
elevated privileges and write access to the installation directory can be configured as a 2X Remote
Application Server administrator.
If the 2X Remote Application Server is installed on a standalone machine, any user that has elevated
privileges and write access to the installation directory can be configured as a 2X Remote Application Server
Managing Administrators from the Administration Category
Default 2X Remote Application Server Administrator
The user you specified the first time to login to the 2X Remote Application Server Console will automatically
have full permissions and can perform any task in the farm. There should always be at least one enabled
administrator with full permissions in the farm.
Adding an Administrator Account
To add an administrator account to the 2X Remote Application Server follow the below procedure:
1. Access the Administration category and click the Administration tab.
2. From the Tasks drop down menu select Add.
3. Specify a username in the Username field or click the browse (...) button to select a user from the
active directory or local machine in the Administrator Properties dialog box.
Configuring a New 2X Remote Application Server Administrator
4. Specify an email address in the Email input field and contact mobile number in the Mobile field.
5. By default the new Administrator account will be assigned full permissions. Click the Change Permissions button to modify the permissions. For more information on administrators permissions,
refer to the section Configuring Administrator Accounts Permissions below.
6. From the Receive system notifications via drop down menu select Email so any system
notifications are sent to the specified email address. Select None to disable email system notifications
for this account.
7. Click OK to add the new administrator account.
Configuring Administrator Accounts Permissions
Administrator permissions can be configured when creating a new administrator account or from the
Properties of an existing account.
Permissions can be assigned per category (e.g. Farm, Publishing, Universal Printing etc) and also per site as
seen in the below screenshot.
Configuring 2X Remote Application Server Administrator Permissions
An account with Full Permissions can modify all categories, sites and global settings in the farm.
Permissions Example
To allow an administrator to manage and configure publishing and published objects on TS1, disable all
permissions except the Allow Publishing changes option and tick TS1 as seen in the above screenshot.
Managing Administrator Accounts
From the Administration tab in the Administration category you can add new administrator accounts and
modify or delete existing ones.
Sending Console Messages between Administrator Accounts
If multiple administrators are logged in to the 2X Remote Application Server console, they can send
messages to each other. To send message to another logged in administrator click the arrow next to your
account name (top right corner) in the 2X Remote Application Server Console and select Send Message
from the drop down menu.
Note: the same administrator may be logged in more than one session.
From the Sessions dialog box highlight the account and click Send Message.
Sessions Dialog Box Lists all Currently Logged in Administrators
Note: Messages between administrators are not archived or recorded.
Logging off Other Administrators
When an administrator is accessing a category, for example Universal Printing, it will be locked for all other
administrators. Therefore upon trying to access a category locked by another administrator, the administrator
will be alerted with an error that the object is locked.
Alert Generated when a Category is Locked by another Administrator
To log off an administrator from locking a category, navigate to the Administration category, and from the
Administration tab click the Tasks drop down menu and select Show Sessions. From the sessions dialog
box you can send messages to other administrators or log them off from their 2X Remote Application Server
Console session.
Adding a Terminal Server
To be able to publish Applications and Desktops for your users through 2X Remote Application Server first
you need to add a server to the farm. This chapter explains how to add and manage a Terminal Server in the
Requirement: To add a terminal server to the farm it must have the Remote Desktop Services installed.
Follow the below procedure to add a Terminal Server to the farm:
1. Launch the 2X Remote Application Server Console, select the Farm category and click on
Terminal Servers from the navigational tree.
2. Click Add from the Tasks drop down menu to launch the setup wizard and once prompted
specify the server IP address or FQDN and click Next.
3. In this step the 2X Remote Application Server checks if the 2X agent is installed on the
Terminal Server. If it is installed, proceed to step 7 of this procedure. If it is not installed, click
Install to remotely install the 2X Agent.
4. In the Installing 2X Terminal Server Agent dialog highlight the server name on which the 2X
Agent is to be installed.
5. (Optional) Tick the option “Override system credentials” to specify and use different credentials
to connect to the server and install the 2X Agent as seen in the below screenshot.
Specifying Different Credentials to Install 2X Terminal Server Agent
6. Click Install to install the agent and click Done once it has been successfully installed. If the
automatic installation of the 2X Agent fails refer to the following section Installing the 2X Terminal Server Agent Manually.
7. Click Add to add the Terminal Server to the 2X Remote Application Server farm.
Tip: Use the Find option from the Tasks drop down menu to find existing terminal servers in your active
directory domain.
Installing the 2X Terminal Server Agent Manually
2X Terminal Server Agent System Requirements
●Windows 2003 SP1 Server or 2008 Server or Advanced Server with Remote Desktop Services
●The same hardware requirements as specified by Microsoft when deploying a Remote Desktop
Services environment will apply.
Installing the 2X Terminal Server Agent Manually
1. Login to the server where the 2X Terminal Server Agent is to be installed using an administrator
account and close all other applications.
2. Copy the 2X Remote Application Server installation file (2XAppServer.msi) to the server and double
click it to launch the installation.
3. Once prompted click Next and accept the End-User license agreement.
4. Specify the path where the 2X Agent should be installed and click Next.
5. Select Custom and click Next.
6. Click on the 2X Terminal Server Agent and select Entire Feature will be installed on local hard drive from the drop down menu as seen from the below screenshot.
Manually installing a Terminal Server Agent
7. Ensure that all other components are deselected and click Next.
8. Click Install to start the installation and Finish once the installation is finished.
Note: The 2X Agent does not require any configuration. Once the 2X Agent is installed, highlight the server
name in the 2X Remote Application Server Console and click Check Agent. If the agent is installed properly,
the status should change to Agent Installed as seen in the below screenshot.
Configuring a Terminal Server
To access the properties of a Terminal Server highlight the server from the navigation tree in the 2X Remote
Application Server Console and select Properties from the Tasks drop down menu. All of the below
configuration options can be configured from the Server Properties.
Enabling or Disabling a Terminal Servers
By default a server is enabled in the farm. When it is disabled, published applications and virtual desktops
cannot be served from it.
To disable a server from the farm untick the option Enable Server in farm from the Properties tab in the
Server Properties. Tick back (enable) any of the tick boxes to enable the server back in the farm.
Properties Tab in Server Properties
Configuring Server Name and Maximum Sessions
From the Properties tab shown in the above screenshot you can also configure the server name, maximum
number of sessions allowed to connect to the server simultaneously and the server description.
Configuring the 2X Terminal Server Agent on the Server
Each Terminal Server in the farm has a 2X Agent installed to provide a connection between the 2X Remote
Application Server and the Terminal Server. The agent can be configured from the Agent Settings tab in the
server properties.
Configuring Terminal Server Agent from the Agent Settings Tab in Server Properties
Configuring the Remote Desktop Connection Port
Specify a different remote desktop connection port number in the Port input field if a non default port is
configured on the server.
Changing the Direct Address
This address is only used in Direct Connection mode and it could be an internal or external IP address. To
change the Direct Address of a server tick the option Change Direct Address and specify the new address in
the Direct Address input field.
Changing the Session Timeout
To change the amount of time each session remains connected in the background after the user has closed
the published application specify a new value in the Publishing Session Timeout input field. This option is
used to avoid unnecessary reconnections with the server.
Configuring URL and Mail Redirect / Restricting Access
To allow http and mailto links to be opened using a local application on the client computer rather than the
server’s resources, enable the option Allow Client URL/Mail Redirection. To configure a list of URLs which
should not be redirected navigate to the URL Redirection tab in the Settings node of a site.
Allow 2XRemoteExec to send commands to client
To allow a process which is running on the server to instruct the client to deploy an application on the client
side, enable this option. For more information about 2XRemoteExec refer to the following article: http://
Use RemoteApps if available
Enable this option to allow use of remote apps for shell related issues when an app is not displayed
correctly. This feature is supported on the 2X RDP client for Windows only.
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