Parallels® Plesk Sitebuilder

Copyright Notice
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© Copyright 1999-2008,
Parallels, Inc.
All rights reserved
Distribution of this work or derivative of this work in any form is prohibited unless prior written
permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Product and service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Preface 4
Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................... 4
About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder .................................................................................................. 5
About this Guide ............................................................................................................................ 6
Getting Help ................................................................................................................................... 6
Feedback ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Installing Plesk Sitebuilder 7
Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder 8
Preparing Servers to Be Used for Publishing Users' Sites 9
Creating Service Plans 11
Creating User Accounts 13
Managing Users' Sites 14
Glossary of Terms 16

In this section:
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................... 4
About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder ....................................................................... 5
About this Guide ................................................................................................ 6
Getting Help ...................................................................................................... 6
Feedback .......................................................................................................... 6
Items you must select, such as
menu options, command
buttons, or items in a list.
Go to the Hosts tab.
Titles of chapters, sections, and
Read the Getting Started chapter.
Used to emphasize the
importance of a point, to
introduce a term or to designate
a command line placeholder,
which is to be replaced with a
real name or value.
These types of users are called
Plesk Sitebuilder user roles.
URLs, names of commands,
files, and directories.
For example:
Names of keys on the keyboard.
Key combinations for which the
user must press and hold down
one key and then press another.
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation
conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.

About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder
Plesk Sitebuilder interface consists of two parts: Wizard and Administrator Panel.
Wizard is a web application enabling its users to create sites by simply choosing a design
preset, adding text and images, and setting up various add-ons (picture galleries, blogs,
online stores, and more).
Administrator Panel is a web interface for managing application system settings, user
accounts, web sites, and other Plesk Sitebuilder objects.

About this Guide
This guide is intended to give Plesk Sitebuilder administrators a practical introduction to the
product by explaining how to perform basic administrative tasks. It covers a straightforward
Plesk Sitebuilder scenario and is intended to help you start working with Sitebuilder
immediately after installation.
For more information about Plesk Sitebuilder functionality, refer to Plesk Sitebuilder for
Linux/Unix Administrator's Guide (http://www.parallels.com/en/products/sitebuilder/docs).
Getting Help
The Plesk Sitebuilder help system has been created to assist you in solving problems you
might encounter when creating your site. To find the information you need, you can do the
Use on-screen context-sensitive help.
At the bottom of the navigation pane, you can find short instructions on the operations
that are available on the current page.
Refer to our knowledge base (http://kb.parallels.com/en/products/sitebuilderlinux).
The knowledge base provides solutions to the most common problems with Plesk
Go to our forum
Here all users can post questions, exchange ideas, and troubleshoot issues not
described in the knowledge base. Note that Parallels does not provide official support
through this forum.
Contact technical support.
If you have any problems or questions that are not covered in the user documentation or
knowledge base, you can click Support located on the navigation pane and submit your
problem to our Technical Support team.
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to
improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at
http://www.parallels.com/en/support/usersdoc/. Please include in your report the guide's title,
chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.