Parallels Plesk SiteBuilder - 4.5 - Unix Administrator’s Guide

Parallels® Plesk Sitebuilder
Copyright Notice
ISBN: N/A Parallels 660 SW 39th Street Suite 205 Renton, Washington 98057 USA Phone: +1 (425) 282 6400 Fax: +1 (425) 282 6444
© Copyright 1999-2009, Parallels, Inc. All rights reserved
Distribution of this work or derivative of this work in any form is prohibited unless prior written
permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Product and service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Preface 5
About This Guide ........................................................................................................................... 5
Who Should Read This Guide ....................................................................................................... 5
Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................... 5
Feedback ....................................................................................................................................... 6
About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 7
Plesk Sitebuilder User Roles ......................................................................................................... 8
Overview of Plesk Sitebuilder Business Logic .............................................................................. 9
What's New in This Version ......................................................................................................... 10
Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder 11
Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder .................................................................................................... 12
Recovering Forgotten Password ....................................................................................... 14
Learning Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator Panel Interface ........................................................... 15
Navigating in Plesk Sitebuilder .......................................................................................... 15
Working with Lists ............................................................................................................. 20
Using Context Help ........................................................................................................... 23
Getting Help ................................................................................................................................. 24
Configuring Settings Related to Your Account 25
Changing Your Password and Updating Personal Information ................................................... 26
Choosing Language, Skin and Number of List Items Shown per Page ...................................... 27
Setting Up Global Account .......................................................................................................... 28
Creating Global Account ................................................................................................... 29
Connecting Local Accounts to Your Global Account ........................................................ 30
Switching between Accounts ............................................................................................ 31
Editing Global Account Properties .................................................................................... 32
Disconnecting Local Accounts from Global Account ........................................................ 32
Upgrading Your License .............................................................................................................. 33
Viewing System Information .............................................................................................. 34
Setting Up and Maintaining Plesk Sitebuilder 35
Rebranding Your Plesk Sitebuilder ............................................................................................. 35
Setting Up Logo and Title Bar Text ................................................................................... 36
Customizing Help and Support Links ................................................................................ 37
Managing Language Packs ......................................................................................................... 38
Viewing and Configuring Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard ..................................................................... 39
Managing Site Design Templates ..................................................................................... 40
Managing Site Structure Templates (Page Sets) .............................................................. 41
Managing Site Templates (Site Families) ......................................................................... 48
Managing Modules ............................................................................................................ 53
Customizing Wizard Behavior upon Logo and Banner Upload ......................................... 69
Updating Plesk Sitebuilder .......................................................................................................... 70
Specifying Hosts Used for Publishing Sites ................................................................................ 71
Requirements to Host ....................................................................................................... 73
Preface 4
Adding Host ....................................................................................................................... 75
Specifying Hosts Available to Certain Users ..................................................................... 76
Modifying Host Settings .................................................................................................... 76
Removing Host from List of Available Hosts ..................................................................... 77
Setting Up Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard for Anonymous Visits......................................................... 77
Setting Up Service Plan for Anonymous Users ................................................................ 78
Setting Language and Skin for Anonymous User Sessions ............................................. 79
Setting Up Advertising Banner Shown on Trial Sites ........................................................ 80
Setting Up Message Displayed at Publish Step of Wizard ............................................... 81
Setting Up Notification Sent at Trial Site Publishing Attempt ............................................ 83
Inserting Macros, Links, and HTML Code into Notification Messages ............................. 84
Configuring Plesk Sitebuilder Logs ............................................................................................. 87
Specifying Actions to Be Logged ...................................................................................... 88
Viewing and Clearing Logs ............................................................................................... 89
Serving Your Customers 91
Setting Up Service Plans ............................................................................................................. 91
Adding Plan ....................................................................................................................... 93
Assigning Plan to User ...................................................................................................... 97
Modifying Plan ................................................................................................................... 97
Changing Plan Status ....................................................................................................... 98
Removing Plan .................................................................................................................. 98
Signing Up Customers ................................................................................................................ 99
Creating User Account .................................................................................................... 100
Viewing List of Sites Belonging to User .......................................................................... 101
Suspending and Unsuspending User Accounts.............................................................. 101
Changing User Account Password and Contact Information .......................................... 102
Logging In On Behalf Of Your Customers ...................................................................... 102
Removing User Account ................................................................................................. 102
Managing Sites .......................................................................................................................... 103
Registering Site in System .............................................................................................. 104
Assigning Trial Site to Your Account ............................................................................... 108
Renaming Site ................................................................................................................. 109
Changing Site Owner ...................................................................................................... 109
Editing Site Publishing Settings ...................................................................................... 109
Publishing Site................................................................................................................. 110
Creating Your Own Site in Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard ...................................................... 110
Previewing and Editing Site ............................................................................................ 111
Promoting Site and Tracking Site Popularity .................................................................. 111
Removing Site from Plesk Sitebuilder ............................................................................. 114
Backing Up and Restoring Plesk Sitebuilder Data 115
Backing Up from Your Administrator Panel ............................................................................... 116
Backing Up from Command Line .............................................................................................. 117
Restoring Plesk Sitebuilder Data ............................................................................................... 120
Appendix. Troubleshooting Plesk Sitebuilder 125
Viewing Error Information .......................................................................................................... 126
Typical Site Publishing Errors ................................................................................................... 126
General Publishing Issues .............................................................................................. 127
Known Issues with Third Party Components .................................................................. 129
Compiling PHP to Work with Plesk Sitebuilder ......................................................................... 130
Preface 5
In this section:
About This Guide ............................................................................................... 5
Who Should Read This Guide ........................................................................... 5
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................... 5
Feedback .......................................................................................................... 6
Formatting convention
Type of information
Special Bold
Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.
Go to the Hosts tab. Titles of chapters, sections, and subsections.
Read the Getting Started chapter.


About This Guide

This guide instructs you how to set up Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder system preferences, and manage and maintain web sites created in Plesk Sitebuilder.

Who Should Read This Guide

This guide is intended for users who manage Plesk Sitebuilder and all its components using an administrator account.

Typographical Conventions

Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
6 Preface
Used to emphasize the importance of a point, to introduce a term or to designate a command line placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real name or value.
These types of users are called Plesk Sitebuilder user roles.
URLs, names of commands, files, and directories.
For example: http://sitebuilder/login
Names of keys on the keyboard.
Key combinations for which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another.


If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the guide's title,
chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder consists of two parts: the Wizard and the Administrator
In this chapter:
Plesk Sitebuilder User Roles ............................................................................. 8
Overview of Plesk Sitebuilder Business Logic ................................................... 9
What's New in This Version ............................................................................... 10
C H A P T E R 1

About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder

Panel. Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard is a web application enabling its users to create web sites and
publish them on the Internet. The Administrator Panel is a tool for managing Plesk Sitebuilder system-wide
preferences and maintaining web sites created in the Wizard.
8 About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder

Plesk Sitebuilder User Roles

In Plesk Sitebuilder, different types of users have different levels of administration privileges. These types of users are called user roles. Each user role has its own Administrator Panel, in which users can manage Plesk Sitebuilder objects they own within the privileges provided by their service plans.
There are three user roles in Plesk Sitebuilder: 1 Administrator manages all Plesk Sitebuilder elements.
Administrators can perform the following main operations:
Add and manage hosts, that is, servers used for sites publication. Create and manage plans, that is, tariffs regulating the distribution of Plesk
Sitebuilder resources.
Create and manage reseller and site owner accounts. Add and manage sites. Manage components and settings of Plesk Sitebuilder. View system and security logs.
2 Reseller is a distributor of the Plesk Sitebuilder services.
Resellers may perform the following main operations:
Add and manage hosts. Create and manage plans. Create and manage reseller and site owner accounts. Add and manage sites. Configure system settings.
3 Site owner is a user who has purchased a hosting service bundled with Plesk
Sitebuilder. Site owners are registered in Plesk Sitebuilder after they purchase a hosting service and receive their credentials (login and password) upon this purchase. Their main tool is Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard, which is described in Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix Wizard User's Guide. Site owners can manage their own sites only.
Besides, you, as administrator, can make Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard available for anonymous visitors, who are, in fact, potential site owners. They can create trial sites in Plesk Sitebuilder but cannot publish them on the Internet. After an anonymous user creates a trial site, he or she is offered to purchase a hosting service to publish the site on the Internet. Anonymous users can use Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard only.
About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder 9

Overview of Plesk Sitebuilder Business Logic

Read this section to understand the logic of Plesk Sitebuilder application, learn information about its major features and functionalities, and work out the most reasonable and time-saving order of operations.
The tasks you can perform in Plesk Sitebuilder can be logically divided into the following categories:
Configuring the settings of your Administrator Panel and account At this stage you customize the basic settings of your Plesk Sitebuilder:
Upgrade your Plesk Sitebuilder license. Configure your account information. Choose the language and skin for your interface.
Preparing Plesk Sitebuilder for serving your customers
This stage implies several preparatory steps:
Rebranding Plesk Sitebuilder:
Uploading the logo and specifying your custom title bar text for the Plesk
Sitebuilder window.
Specifying your custom links for Help and Support buttons.
Viewing and configuring Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard presets and functional modules:
Site design templates (obtaining additional templates). Site structure templates, or page sets (creating your custom page sets). General site templates, or site families (creating your custom site families). Functional modules (Area Map, SitePal, and eShop).
Preparing publishing host(s) for working with Plesk Sitebuilder and specifying them
in Plesk Sitebuilder system settings.
Configuring Plesk Sitebuilder settings for anonymous user sessions:
Creating a special trial service plan for anonymous users. Setting up the message displayed on the Publish step of the Wizard, the
advertising banner to be shown on trial sites, and configuring the automatic e­mail notification sent to users after the creation of a trial site.
Serving your customers At this stage, you integrate Plesk Sitebuilder into your business processes and start
working in it.
10 About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder
Creating service plans to configure Plesk Sitebuilder limits and permissions for
certain users. In service plans, you also specify the hosts, modules, site families, page sets, and site design templates available to users.
Creating user accounts in the system and assigning service plans to them. If necessary, registering sites for users. If necessary, providing basic site promotion services and monitoring site
Register users' sites on Google and MSN search engines. Enable and view site attendance statistics.
Backing up Plesk Sitebuilder data
At this stage, you ensure the safety and integrity of your own and your customers' data. We recommend creating backups on a regular basis.
The current Administrator's Guide is structured according to this logical order of operations.

What's New in This Version

Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 offers the following new features: Order New Key button. One click access to a page on the Parallels Web site for
purchasing the desired Plesk Sitebuilder license and support option.
Customizing RSS channels list. Customize a default list of channels in the RSS Reader
module which enables site owners to add RSS feeds to their sites.
Impersonating user accounts. Log in to Plesk Sitebuilder on behalf of your customers
without logging out from your own account by clicking on the icon beside the desired user account.
Migration from Parallels SiteStudio. Migrate web sites created in Parallels SiteStudio
(integrated with Parallels H-Sphere starting from version 3.2) to Plesk Sitebuilder. Major Features for End-Users Site Map module. Allows site owners to display a clickable hierarchical model of their
site structure to visitors aiding in ease of navigation within the site.
External Page module. Allows site owners to link menu items to external web sites.  Removing design template from pages. Site owners can now remove design template's
layout and graphics from selected pages increasing the amount of customization
available. Save button. Site owners now have an easy access button to save their in-progress
changes while building their web site. Counter and site visitor management settings are moved to the Wizard. Site owners can
save time by enabling a counter on their sites or managing their registered visitors
directly from the Wizard rather than going to the Administrator Panel. Updated WYSIWYG editor. Improved WYSIWYG editor allows site owners to quickly
and easily change site content.
This chapter guides you through the initial steps that should be taken to start using
In this chapter:
Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder .......................................................................... 12
Learning Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator Panel Interface .................................. 15
Getting Help ...................................................................................................... 24
C H A P T E R 2

Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder

Plesk Sitebuilder.
12 Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder

Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder

Prior to logging in to Plesk Sitebuilder for the first time, there are some preparatory steps you should take to be able to access the Administrator Panel and Wizard interface. For full instructions on configuring Plesk Sitebuilder, see Plesk Sitebuilder Installation Guide (
To log in to Plesk Sitebuilder: 1 In your browser's address bar, enter the URL to your Plesk Sitebuilder
Administrator Panel.
For example, http://sitebuilder/login
where 'sitebuilder' is the domain name of the server where your Plesk
Sitebuilder is installed.
2 Press ENTER.
3 In the User name field, enter your user name. 4 In the Password field, enter your password. 5 From the Interface language list, select the language of Plesk Sitebuilder
interface. 6 Click Log in.
Your first login is performed with the default Plesk Sitebuilder credentials:
Figure 1: Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder
Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder 13
User name: admin
In this section:
Recovering Forgotten Password ....................................................................... 14
Password: admin After the first login, be sure to change the default user name and password for the
Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator Panel ( My Profile > Personal Info tab). For more details on how to change the default credentials, see Changing Your Password and
Updating Personal Information (on page 26).
14 Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder

Recovering Forgotten Password

To recover your forgotten password:
1 In your browser's address bar, enter the URL to your Plesk Sitebuilder
Administrator Panel.
For example, http://sitebuilder/login
where 'sitebuilder' is the domain name of the server where your Plesk
Sitebuilder is installed.
2 Press ENTER. 3 Click Forgot Your Password?
Figure 2: Recovering Forgotten Password
4 On the Reset Password screen, enter your user name and e-mail
address registered in the system. 5 Click Send.
After your e-mail address is received, the system checks if it is stored in the
database and sends the password recovery link and instructions to your e-mail
6 Click the password recovery link in the automatic message you
receive from Plesk Sitebuilder.
7 On the Change Password screen, enter and confirm your new password. 8 Click Change.
Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder 15
Learning Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator
In this section:
Navigating in Plesk Sitebuilder .......................................................................... 15
Working with Lists ............................................................................................. 20
Using Context Help ........................................................................................... 23
Panel Interface
Read the following section to learn the basic principles of working with Plesk Sitebuilder interface.

Navigating in Plesk Sitebuilder

The Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator Panel interface enables you to use two ways of navigation through the application: desktop view and standard view.
The standard view (see page 17) is a customary view of the control panel divided into two main areas: the navigation pane on the left and the work area, where operations are performed, on the right.
Figure 3: Plesk Sitebuilder Standard View
16 Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder
The desktop view (see page 18) displays system statistics and shortcuts to the main
In this section:
Using Navigation Pane ...................................................................................... 17
Using Desktop Interface .................................................................................... 18
Using Path Bar .................................................................................................. 20
functionalities of the Administrator Panel.
Figure 4: Plesk Sitebuilder Desktop View
On second- and deeper-level screens, there is a path bar (see page 20) to help you navigate back to the main screen.
Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder 17
Using Navigation Pane
The navigation pane is located in the left part of the Plesk Sitebuilder screen.
Figure 5: Plesk Sitebuilder Navigation Pane
The navigation pane gives you access to the following administrative functions: Users. Enables you to manage your dependent users and all data related to their
accounts (including service plans).
Sites. Enables you to add and manage sites.  My Profile. Enables you to configure your account parameters.  Server. Enables you to view and manage various system parameters, such as
trial site settings, branding settings, Sitebuilder Wizard presets and modules, and
so on. Logs. Enables you to view and manage logs of operations performed in Plesk
Log out. Finishes your current user session with Plesk Sitebuilder.  Support. Enables you to submit a request to the Parallels Technical Support.  Help button opens the context-sensitive online help on the corresponding page.
18 Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder
Using Desktop Interface
Plesk Sitebuilder desktop is the first screen you see after you log in to Plesk Sitebuilder using your administrator account. When working in Plesk Sitebuilder, you can access
the desktop by clicking Desktop at the top of the navigation pane. Plesk Sitebuilder Desktop looks as follows:
Figure 6: Plesk Sitebuilder Desktop Interface Structure
The Desktop screen is logically divided into the following parts:
Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder 19
1 If you have not signed up your Plesk Sitebuilder server to the Google Maps API
service yet, a warning message is displayed at the top of the Desktop screen. You
do not have to sign up for the service immediately - you can do it at any time later
on. For details, read section Setting Up Area Map Module (on page 55). 2 Short tips describing basic management options of the Plesk Sitebuilder
Administrator Panel and shortcuts to these options. 3 Shortcut to Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard. If you have not registered any sites yet,
clicking this link will automatically register a site and will open it in the Wizard. If you
have already registered a site or a number of sites, following this link will open the
Wizard on the Overview page, where you can select which site you want to edit.
Information about working with the Wizard is provided in the Plesk Sitebuilder for
Linux/Unix Wizard User's Guide
If you do not want these options to be displayed ever again, click Close in the
bottom right corner of the section. When you log in to Plesk Sitebuilder next time,
this section is not displayed. 4 Tasks section, which contains shortcuts to the main functionalities of the
Administrator Panel. 5 Statistics section, which displays the following statistical data:
Users. The number of created user accounts and the maximum number of user
accounts allowed by your license.
Sites. The number of sites in the system and the maximum number of sites
allowed by your license.
Hosts. The number of registered publishing servers and the maximum number of
publishing servers allowed by your license.
20 Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder
Using Path Bar
To work with the second- and deeper-level screens of the application, use a path bar: a chain of links that appears in the upper-left part of the work area, above the screen title. Use a corresponding path bar link to return to the main screen, or to one of the intermediate screens.
Figure 7: Navigating in Plesk Sitebuilder Using Path Bar and "Up Level" Button
You can also use the Up level button in the upper-right corner of the screen to return to the previous screen.

Working with Lists

On the management pages of various system objects (sites, users, etc.), information is presented in the form of object lists.
In such a list, each object record is a table row displaying the object name, status, and relevant parameters of the object (for example, for each site, the owner and creation date is shown). Above and below each list, the total number of items contained in the list is displayed. Below the list, you can adjust the number of items to be displayed per page (5, 10, 25 or 100). In multi-page lists, you can navigate between the pages by clicking the page number shortcuts above and below the list. To go to the first/last page of the list, click First Page or Last Page, accordingly.
To configure the number of items to be displayed per page in all Plesk Sitebuilder lists, see section Choosing Language, Skin and Number of Items to Be Shown per Page (on page
27). In lengthy lists, you can find items using the search function, or sort items by one of
available parameters. To find an item, type a search criterion into the input box above the list, and click Search. The list will show the items matching the search criterion. To return back to viewing all items, click Show All.
To sort list items by a certain parameter in ascending or descending order, click the parameter's title in the column heading. The order of sorting will be indicated by a small triangle displayed next to the parameter's title.
Figure 8: Searching for Objects
Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder 21
Figure 9: Sorting Objects
In some lists, you can filter items by a number of additional parameters by selecting one of such parameters from the View box (for example, on the Sites screen, you can
choose to view All sites, My sites, All trial sites, or My trial sites).
Figure 10: Filtering Objects
To choose an object for further operation, select the check box to the left of the object's name.
Figure 11: Selecting Particular Objects in a List
To choose all objects in the list, select the check box at the head of the column.
Figure 12: Selecting All List Objects at Once
To perform operations with certain objects in a list, select the required objects and click an operation shortcut above the list (for example, Delete, Activate, Add to plan, etc.).
22 Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder
Figure 13: Performing Operations on List Objects
To proceed to editing a list item, click its name in the list. Non-editable items (for example, built-in Plesk Sitebuilder page sets) are not clickable.
In all major Plesk Sitebuilder lists, the status of an item is indicated by an icon in the Status (S) column ( or ). For sites, their status (published or not published), is indicated by or icons.
In some lists, individual operation shortcuts are displayed for each item. For example, for each site on the Sites screen, there is a Preview icon, a Publish icon, and an
Edit icon.
Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder 23

Using Context Help

Below the Help icon, there is a context help tip area. It provides a brief description of the current screen and the operations available from it. When you place the mouse cursor over a system element or status icon, additional information about this element is displayed.
Figure 14: Using Context Help
24 Getting Started with Plesk Sitebuilder

Getting Help

If you encounter a problem while using Plesk Sitebuilder, there are several resources available to help you troubleshoot the problem:
Use on-screen context-sensitive help.
At the bottom of the navigation pane, you can find short instructions on the
operations that are available on the current page. Refer to our knowledge base (
The knowledge base provides solutions to the most common problems with Plesk
Sitebuilder. Go to our forum
Here all users can post questions, exchange ideas, and troubleshoot issues not
described in the knowledge base. Note that Parallels does not provide official
support through this forum. Contact technical support.
If you have any problems or questions that are not covered in the user
documentation or knowledge base, you can click Support located on the
navigation pane and submit your problem to our Technical Support team.
This chapter describes how to configure your Plesk Sitebuilder account and manage
In this chapter:
Changing Your Password and Updating Personal Information .......................... 26
Choosing Language, Skin and Number of List Items Shown per Page .............. 27
Setting Up Global Account ................................................................................ 28
Upgrading Your License .................................................................................... 33
C H A P T E R 3

Configuring Settings Related to Your Account

your Plesk Sitebuilder license.
26 Configuring Settings Related to Your Account

Changing Your Password and Updating Personal Information

To change your password:
1 On the navigation pane, click My Profile.
Figure 15: Changing Your Password and Personal Information
2 On the Personal Info tab, click Change Password. 3 Type your old and new passwords in the respective fields.
The password cannot be empty and cannot contain more than 255 characters.
4 Click OK. To update your personal information:
1 On the navigation pane, click My Profile. 2 On the Personal Info tab, you can change your first name, last name,
and e-mail address in the corresponding fields.
3 Click OK.
Configuring Settings Related to Your Account 27

Choosing Language, Skin and Number of List Items Shown per Page

To view available interface languages, go to Server -> Languages. If the language you require is not in the list, read information how you can get and
install it in section Managing Language Packs (on page 38). To view the list of available skins, go to Server -> Skins.
To customize your Administrator Panel interface:
1 On the navigation pane, click My profile. 2 Go to the Interface tab.
Figure 16: Choosing Language, Skin, and Number of List Items Shown per Page
3 From the Language list, select the desired language. 4 From the Skin list, select the desired skin. 5 In the Items per page field, enter a number of items (sites, users, and so
on) to be displayed per one page.
28 Configuring Settings Related to Your Account

Setting Up Global Account

Global Account is a Single Sign-On technology feature that allows you to log in to different Parallels products using a single global login and password. If you have several accounts in Plesk Sitebuilder, you can connect them all to a global account and switch between these accounts without entering a password every time. You can also connect all your accounts in other Parallels products to your global account and switch between them without providing credentials.
After you create a global account and connect local accounts to it, you will be able to choose from any account connected to your global account when logging in under your global account.
Single Sign-On technology and the ability to use global accounts can be activated only through Plesk Sitebuilder API or from Parallels Plesk Control Panel (if Plesk Sitebuilder is run behind Plesk Control Panel). For instructions on activating SSO via Plesk Sitebuilder API, refer to Plesk Sitebuilder API Reference (
If the SSO feature is enabled in your Plesk Sitebuilder, you can proceed to managing your SSO settings by clicking the Global Account shortcut in the navigation panel.
Figure 17: Proceeding to Managing Your Global Account
Configuring Settings Related to Your Account 29
The URL of the SSO server is displayed on the Server > Integration screen.
In this section:
Creating Global Account ................................................................................... 29
Connecting Local Accounts to Your Global Account .......................................... 30
Switching between Accounts ............................................................................. 31
Editing Global Account Properties ..................................................................... 32
Disconnecting Local Accounts from Global Account .......................................... 32

Creating Global Account

To create a global account:
1 On the navigation pane, click Global Account. 2 Click Connect to Global Account.
3 Select Create new global account.
Figure 18: Creating a New Global Account
4 Provide the login and password for your global account. 5 Provide an e-mail address to be used for password recovery. 6 Click OK.
Your global account is active now, so you can proceed with connecting other accounts to it. Refer to Connecting Local Accounts to Your Global Account (on page 30).
30 Configuring Settings Related to Your Account

Connecting Local Accounts to Your Global Account

To connect a local Plesk Sitebuilder account to your global account:
1 Log in to Plesk Sitebuilder under the local account you want to
2 On the navigation pane, click Global Account. 3 Click Connect to Global Account.
4 Make sure that Use existing global account option is selected and provide
the login and password for the global account you want to connect to.
Figure 19: Connecting an Existing Local Account to Your Global Account
5 Click OK.
Repeat the procedure for other local accounts as necessary.
To connect an account in another product with SSO support to your global account: 1 Log in to software product with SSO support under the account you
want to connect. 2 Follow the instructions on connecting to a global account in respective
software product documentation. Make sure that you provide the
credentials for the existing global account when you are asked to.
Repeat steps 1-2 for other accounts or products as necessary.
Note. Different software products may use different names for the Global Account feature, such as Federated Identity or Global Login. Refer to respective software product documentation for more information.
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