Parallels Plesk SiteBuilder - 4.5 - Unix Owner's Guide

Parallels® Plesk Sitebuilder
Copyright Notice
ISBN: N/A Parallels 660 SW 39th Street Suite 205 Renton, Washington 98057 USA Phone: +1 (425) 282 6400 Fax: +1 (425) 282 6444
© Copyright 1999-2008, Parallels, Inc. All rights reserved
Distribution of this work or derivative of this work in any form is prohibited unless prior written
permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Product and service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Preface 3
Preface 4
About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder ................................................................................................... 4
What's New in This Version ................................................................................................. 5
About This Guide ............................................................................................................................ 6
Who Should Read This Guide ........................................................................................................ 6
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................................................ 6
Feedback ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Getting Started 8
Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder ....................................................................................................... 9
Recovering Forgotten Password........................................................................................11
Learning Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator Panel Interface ............................................................12
Navigating in Plesk Sitebuilder ..........................................................................................13
Working with Lists ..............................................................................................................17
Using Context Help ............................................................................................................19
Getting Help .................................................................................................................................20
Configuring Settings Related to Your Account 21
Changing Your Password and Updating Personal Information ...................................................22
Choosing Language, Skin, and Number of Items to Be Shown per Page ...................................23
Setting Up Global Account ...........................................................................................................24
Creating Global Account ....................................................................................................26
Connecting Local Accounts to Your Global Account .........................................................26
Switching between Accounts .............................................................................................27
Editing Global Account Properties .....................................................................................28
Disconnecting Local Accounts from Global Account .........................................................29
Viewing Information about Your Copy of Plesk Sitebuilder and Service Plan Limitations ...........29
Managing Sites 30
Registering Site in System ...........................................................................................................32
Assigning Trial Site to Your Account ............................................................................................36
Creating or Editing Site Content in Wizard ..................................................................................36
Previewing Site .............................................................................................................................37
Renaming Site ..............................................................................................................................37
Publishing Site ..............................................................................................................................38
Requirements to Publishing Location ................................................................................39
Editing Site Publishing Settings ...................................................................................................39
Promoting Site and Tracking Site Popularity ...............................................................................40
Submitting Site to Search Engines ....................................................................................41
Tracking Visits to Site ........................................................................................................42
Removing Site from Plesk Sitebuilder ..........................................................................................43
Appendix. Troubleshooting Plesk Sitebuilder 44
Typical Site Publishing Errors ......................................................................................................44
General Publishing Issues .................................................................................................45
Known Issues with Third Party Components .....................................................................46
4 Preface
In this section:
About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder ....................................................................... 4
About This Guide ............................................................................................... 6
Who Should Read This Guide ........................................................................... 6
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................... 6
Feedback .......................................................................................................... 7
In this section:
What's New in This Version ............................................................................... 5
About Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder
Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder consists of two parts: the Wizard and the Administrator Panel. Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard is a web application enabling its users to create web sites and
publish them on the Internet. The Administrator Panel is a tool for managing Plesk Sitebuilder system-wide preferences
and maintaining web sites created in the Wizard.
Preface 5
What's New in This Version
Plesk Sitebuilder 4.5 offers the following new features: Site Map module. Allows you to display a clickable hierarchical model of your site structure
to visitors
Removing design template from pages. You can now remove design template's layout and
graphics from the desired pages.
External Page module. Allows you to link site menu items to external web sites.  Save button. A handy way to save changes you make while working on your site.  Counter settings are moved to the Wizard. You can now enable a counter on your site at the
Pages step of the Wizard, which previously required going to the Administrator Panel.
Site visitor management is moved to the Wizard. You can now manage your registered visitors
through the Registration module editor at the Edit step of the Wizard, which previously required going to the Administrator Panel.
Updated WYSIWYG editor to fix a series of issues.
6 Preface
About This Guide
Type of Information
Special Bold
Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.
Go to the Interface tab. Titles of chapters, sections, and subsections.
Read the Getting Started chapter.
Used to emphasize the importance of a point, to introduce a term or to designate a command line placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real name or value.
Trial sites - sites created by anonymous users.
URLs, names of commands, files, and directories.
For example: http://[Sitebuilder_host]/Login
Names of keys on the keyboard.
Key combinations for which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another.
This guide instructs you how to manage and maintain your web sites created in Plesk Sitebuilder.
Who Should Read This Guide
This guide is intended for users who manage and maintain web sites created in Plesk Sitebuilder using a site owner account.
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
Preface 7
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the guide's title,
chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
This chapter guides you through the initial steps that should be taken to start using
In this chapter:
Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder .......................................................................... 9
Learning Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator Panel Interface .................................. 12
Getting Help ...................................................................................................... 20
C H A P T E R 1
Getting Started
Plesk Sitebuilder.
Getting Started 9
Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder
To log in to Plesk Sitebuilder:
1 Open your Internet browser. 2 Enter the URL you have received from your Plesk Sitebuilder provider
into the address bar of your browser.
For example, http://sitebuilder/login where 'sitebuilder' is the domain name of the server where Plesk Sitebuilder is
Figure 1: Logging In to Plesk Sitebuilder
3 Press ENTER. 4 In the User name field, enter your user name. 5 In the Password field, enter your password.
You can change your password at any time (see section Changing Your Password and Updating Personal Information (on page 22)).
6 From the Interface language list, select the language of Plesk Sitebuilder
7 Click Log in.
10 Getting Started
If prior to gaining a Plesk Sitebuilder account you have created a trial site in the Plesk
In this section:
Recovering Forgotten Password ....................................................................... 11
Sitebuilder Wizard (on the same computer that you are logging in from), you will be prompted to assign the site to your account and thus upgrade it to a regular one. You may skip this step and appropriate the site (see page 36) at a later stage, but note that it may be deleted by your Plesk Sitebuilder provider or automatically destroyed after the expiration date.
If you have not worked in the Plesk Sitebuilder Wizard before (or worked on another computer), you proceed directly to the Wizard where you can create your site. For instructions on working with the Wizard, refer to Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix Wizard User's Guide (
To proceed to your Administrator Panel, click the Go to Admin Panel shortcut in the upper part of the Wizard screen.
Getting Started 11
Recovering Forgotten Password
To recover your forgotten password:
1 In your browser's address bar, enter the URL to your Plesk Sitebuilder
Administrator Panel.
For example, http://sitebuilder/login where 'sitebuilder' is the domain name of the server where Plesk Sitebuilder is
Figure 2: Recovering Forgotten Password
2 Press ENTER. 3 Click Forgot Your Password? 4 On the Reset Password screen, enter your user name and e-mail
address registered in the system.
5 Click Send.
After your e-mail address is received, the system checks if it is stored in the database and sends the password recovery link and instructions to your e-mail address.
6 Click the password recovery link in the automatic message you
receive from Plesk Sitebuilder.
7 On the Change Password screen, enter and confirm your new password. 8 Click Change.
12 Getting Started
Learning Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator
In this section:
Navigating in Plesk Sitebuilder .......................................................................... 13
Working with Lists ............................................................................................. 17
Using Context Help ........................................................................................... 19
Panel Interface
Read the following section to learn the basic principles of working with Plesk Sitebuilder interface.
Getting Started 13
Navigating in Plesk Sitebuilder
The Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator Panel interface enables you to use two ways of navigation through the application: desktop view and standard view.
The standard view (see page 15) is a customary view of the control panel divided into two main areas: the navigation pane on the left and the work area, where operations are performed, on the right.
Figure 3: Plesk Sitebuilder Standard View
The desktop view (see page 16) displays system statistics and shortcuts to the main functionalities of the Administrator Panel.
14 Getting Started
Figure 4: Plesk Sitebuilder Desktop View
In this section:
Using Navigation Pane ...................................................................................... 15
Using Desktop Interface .................................................................................... 16
Using Path Bar .................................................................................................. 17
On second- and deeper-level screens, there is a path bar (see page 17) to help you navigate back to the main screen.
Getting Started 15
Using Navigation Pane
The navigation pane is located in the left part of the Plesk Sitebuilder screen.
Figure 5: Plesk Sitebuilder Navigation Pane
The navigation pane gives you access to the following functions:
Sites. Enables you to add and manage sites.  My Profile. Enables you to configure your account parameters.  System Info. Enables you to view information about the Plesk Sitebuilder program
and the limits and permissions of your service plan.
Log out. Finishes the current session with the Plesk Sitebuilder Administrator
Support. Enables you to submit a request to your technical support
Help button opens the context-sensitive online help on the corresponding page.
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